Ah, Lord, Thy dear sweet angels send. From the Saint John Passion, no. 68. For four-part chorus of mixed voices. By Johann Sebastian Bach, words by Michael Schalling, English version by Robert Shaw, note by Robert Shaw

Central never busy & 1 other title; musical compositions

Document number:
Date of Recordation:
March 28, 1991
Entire Copyright Document:
V2632P133 (Single page document)
Date of Execution:
January 30, 1991
Central never busy & 1 other title; musical compositions.
By Lillie S. Holloway. Copyright assignment.
Inc. Subob Music
Robert Shaw (246 documents)
example document: Angels we have heard on high; traditional French. For SSATB, a cappella. Arr. Alice Parker & Robert Shaw

Copyrights records by Shaw, Robert

Robert Shaw d.b.a. Leiba Music.
Leiba Music.


Document number:
Date of Recordation:
August 5, 2002
Entire Copyright Document:
V3487 D438 P1-23
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1969
Endgame; motion picture.
Security agreement.
Party 1 personal name:
Katherine Celli & Deborah Shaw
Katherine Celli & Deborah Shaw.
Katherine Celli
Deborah Shaw
Screen Actors Guild, Inc. (10291 documents)
example document: Safe in fiction

Copyrights records by Screen Actors Guild, Inc.

The man in the glass booth; a play. By Robert Shaw

Type of Work:
Dramatic work and accompanying music
DP0000007029 / 1969-01-20 (notice: 1968)
RE0000742380 / 1996-12-26
The man in the glass booth; a play. By Robert Shaw.
Variant title:
The man in the glass booth
Copyright Claimant:
Deborah Shaw & Colin Shaw (E)

Du, du liegst mir im Herzen. For four-part chorus of men's voices, a cappella. Arr. of traditional German folk song: Robert Shaw & Alice Parker

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000478137 / 1990-01-08
EP0000165292 / 1962-06-25
Du, du liegst mir im Herzen. For four-part chorus of men's voices, a cappella. Arr. of traditional German folk song: Robert Shaw & Alice Parker.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: arr.
Variant title:
Du, du liegst mir im Herzen
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Shaw, Alice Parker (A)
Robert Shaw (246 documents)
example document: Home, sweet home. By Henry R. Bishop, arr. Ralph Hunter & Robert Shaw for four-part chorus of men's voices, a cappella
Alice Parker

Copyrights records by Parker, Alice

L'Amour de moy. For four-part chorus of men's voices with tenor solo, a cappella. Arr. of fifteenth century French song: Robert Shaw & Alice Parker

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000478138 / 1990-01-08
EP0000165293 / 1962-06-25
L'Amour de moy. For four-part chorus of men's voices with tenor solo, a cappella. Arr. of fifteenth century French song: Robert Shaw & Alice Parker.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: arr.
Variant title:
L'Amour de moy
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Shaw, Alice Parker (A)

Die Lorelei. For four-part chorus of men's voices with tenor solo, a cappella. m Friedrich Silcher, arr. Robert Shaw & Alice Parker

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000478139 / 1990-01-08
EP0000165294 / 1962-06-26
Die Lorelei. For four-part chorus of men's voices with tenor solo, a cappella. m Friedrich Silcher, arr. Robert Shaw & Alice Parker.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: arr.
Variant title:
Die Lorelei
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Shaw, Alice Parker (A)

Stodole pumpa. For four-part chorus of men's voices with baritone solo, a cappella. Arr. of traditional Czech folk song: Robert Shaw & Alice Parker

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000478140 / 1990-01-08
EP0000165295 / 1962-07-02
Stodole pumpa. For four-part chorus of men's voices with baritone solo, a cappella. Arr. of traditional Czech folk song: Robert Shaw & Alice Parker.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: arr.
Variant title:
Walking at night.
Stodole pumpa
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Shaw, Alice Parker (A)
Robert Shaw (246 documents)
example document: La Tarara; traditional Spanish song. For 4-part chorus of men's voices, a cappella. Arr. Robert Shaw & Alice Parker
Alice Parker (353 documents)
example document: Harmonious Herbst

Treue Liebe; German folk song. For four-part chorus of male voices. Arr. Alice Parker & Robert Shaw

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000286025 / 1986-02-18
EP0000119834 / 1958-05-07
Treue Liebe; German folk song. For four-part chorus of male voices. Arr. Alice Parker & Robert Shaw.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: arr.
Variant title:
Treue Liebe
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Shaw & Alice Parker (A)

Flow gently, sweet Afton. Arr. Robert Shaw & Alice Parker

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000286032 / 1986-02-18
EP0000120824 / 1958-05-27
Flow gently, sweet Afton. Arr. Robert Shaw & Alice Parker.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: arr.
Variant title:
Flow gently, sweet Afton
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Shaw & Alice Parker (A)

Come where my love lies dreaming. By Stephen Foster, arr. for full chorus of mixed voices with soprano solo, a cappella: Robert Shaw & Alice Parker

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000335168 / 1987-03-10
EP0000135396 / 1959-11-05
Come where my love lies dreaming. By Stephen Foster, arr. for full chorus of mixed voices with soprano solo, a cappella: Robert Shaw & Alice Parker.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: musical arr.
Variant title:
Come where my love lies dreaming
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Shaw & Alice Parker (A)

How do I feel?

Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000494320 / 1983-03-29
Date of Creation:
How do I feel? / Robert Shaw & Gary Watson.
1 sound cassette.
Number of similar titles:
Similar Title:
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Shaw
Music & lyrics.
Robert Shaw 1953-
Gary Watson 1953-

Comin' thro' the rye; Scotch folk tune. For TTBB with soprano solo, a cappella. w Robert Burns, musical arr.: Alice Parker & Robert Shaw

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000229753 / 1985-01-10
EP0000110727 / 1957-06-26
Comin' thro' the rye; Scotch folk tune. For TTBB with soprano solo, a cappella. w Robert Burns, musical arr.: Alice Parker & Robert Shaw.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: musical ed.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
Comin' thro' the rye
Copyright Claimant:
Alice Parker & Robert Shaw (A)

Adios, Catedral de Burgos; Spanish folk song. For TTBB with contralto solo, a cappella. Musical arr.: Alice Parker & Robert Shaw

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000229754 / 1985-01-10
EP0000110728 / 1957-06-26
Adios, Catedral de Burgos; Spanish folk song. For TTBB with contralto solo, a cappella. Musical arr.: Alice Parker & Robert Shaw.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: musical ed.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
Adios, Catedral de Burgos
Copyright Claimant:
Alice Parker & Robert Shaw (A)

I know my love; Irish folk song. For SATB, a cappella. Musical arr.: Alice Parker & Robert Shaw

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000229755 / 1985-01-10
EP0000110729 / 1957-06-26
I know my love; Irish folk song. For SATB, a cappella. Musical arr.: Alice Parker & Robert Shaw.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: musical ed.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
I know my love
Copyright Claimant:
Alice Parker & Robert Shaw (A)

Black, black, black; American folk song. For SATB with optional tenor solo, a cappella. Musical arr.: Alice Parker & Robert Shaw

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000229756 / 1985-01-10
EP0000110730 / 1957-06-26
Black, black, black; American folk song. For SATB with optional tenor solo, a cappella. Musical arr.: Alice Parker & Robert Shaw.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: musical ed.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
Black, black, black
Copyright Claimant:
Alice Parker & Robert Shaw (A)

A Red, red rose; Scotch folk tune. For full chorus of mixed voices with tenor solo, a cappella. w Robert Burns, musical arr.: Alice Parker & Robert Shaw

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000229758 / 1985-01-10
EP0000110732 / 1957-06-26
A Red, red rose; Scotch folk tune. For full chorus of mixed voices with tenor solo, a cappella. w Robert Burns, musical arr.: Alice Parker & Robert Shaw.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: musical ed.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
A Red, red rose
Copyright Claimant:
Alice Parker & Robert Shaw (A)

Gently, Johnny, my jingalo; English folk song. For full chorus of mixed voices with baritone solo, a cappella. Musical arr.: Alice Parker & Robert Shaw

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000229759 / 1985-01-10
EP0000110733 / 1957-07-01
Gently, Johnny, my jingalo; English folk song. For full chorus of mixed voices with baritone solo, a cappella. Musical arr.: Alice Parker & Robert Shaw.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: musical ed.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
Gently, Johnny, my jingalo
Copyright Claimant:
Alice Parker & Robert Shaw (A)

Aupres de ma blonde; French folk song. For full chorus of mixed voices, a cappella. Musical arr.: Alice Parker & Robert Shaw

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000229762 / 1985-01-10
EP0000111934 / 1957-07-08
Aupres de ma blonde; French folk song. For full chorus of mixed voices, a cappella. Musical arr.: Alice Parker & Robert Shaw.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: musical ed.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
Aupres de ma blonde
Copyright Claimant:
Alice Parker & Robert Shaw (A)

Da unten im Tale; German folk song. For four-part chorus of mixed voices a cappella. Arr. Johannes Brahms, musical ed.: Alice Parker & Robert Shaw

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000229788 / 1985-01-10
EP0000115175 / 1957-12-24
Da unten im Tale; German folk song. For four-part chorus of mixed voices a cappella. Arr. Johannes Brahms, musical ed.: Alice Parker & Robert Shaw.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: musical ed.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
Down low in the valley.
Da unten im Tale
Copyright Claimant:
Alice Parker & Robert Shaw (A)

Al olivo. For TTBB a cappella. Arr. Alice Parker & Robert Shaw

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000229789 / 1985-01-10
EP0000115176 / 1957-12-20
Al olivo. For TTBB a cappella. Arr. Alice Parker & Robert Shaw.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: musical ed.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
Down low in the valley.
Al olivo.
Copyright Claimant:
Alice Parker & Robert Shaw (A)

O God, beneath Thy guiding hand. For full chorus of mixed voices with organ acc. Arr. Robert Shaw

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000066567 / 1980-09-23
EP0000064367 / 1952-07-09
O God, beneath Thy guiding hand. For full chorus of mixed voices with organ acc. Arr. Robert Shaw.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: arr.
Variant title:
O God, beneath Thy guiding hand
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Shaw (A)

Bright Canaan; traditional hymn and hymn tune. For Four-part chorus of mixed voices, a cappella. New musical arr. Robert Shaw & Alice Parker

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000420182 / 1989-01-09
EP0000150942 / 1961-04-11
Bright Canaan; traditional hymn and hymn tune. For Four-part chorus of mixed voices, a cappella. New musical arr. Robert Shaw & Alice Parker.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: new musical arr.
Variant title:
Bright Canaan
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Shaw & Alice Parker (A)

O Thou in whose presence; traditional hymn and hymn tune. For four-part chorus of mixed voices, a cappella. New musical arr. Robert Shaw & Alice Parker

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000420184 / 1989-01-09
EP0000150944 / 1961-04-11
O Thou in whose presence; traditional hymn and hymn tune. For four-part chorus of mixed voices, a cappella. New musical arr. Robert Shaw & Alice Parker.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: arr.
Variant title:
O Thou in whose presence
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Shaw & Alice Parker (A)

Morning trumpet; traditional hymn tune. For full chorus of mixed voices with baritone solo, a cappella. m arr. Robert Shaw & Alice Parker

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000420186 / 1989-01-09
EP0000150979 / 1961-04-07
Morning trumpet; traditional hymn tune. For full chorus of mixed voices with baritone solo, a cappella. m arr. Robert Shaw & Alice Parker.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: musical arr.
Variant title:
Morning trumpet
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Shaw & Alice Parker (A)

Saints bound for Heaven; traditional hymn and hymn tune. For four-part chorus of mixed voices, a cappella. m arr. Robert Shaw & Alice Parker

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000420191 / 1989-01-09
EP0000150985 / 1961-04-07
Saints bound for Heaven; traditional hymn and hymn tune. For four-part chorus of mixed voices, a cappella. m arr. Robert Shaw & Alice Parker.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: musical arr.
Variant title:
Saints bound for Heaven
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Shaw & Alice Parker (A)

Zion's soldier; traditional hymn and hymn tune. For full chorus of mixed voices, a cappella. m arr. Robert Shaw & Alice Parker

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000420193 / 1989-01-09
EP0000150987 / 1961-04-06
Zion's soldier; traditional hymn and hymn tune. For full chorus of mixed voices, a cappella. m arr. Robert Shaw & Alice Parker.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: musical arr.
Variant title:
Zion's soldier
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Shaw & Alice Parker (A)

His voice as the sound; traditional hymn and hymn tune, Samanthra. For four-part chorus of mixed voices, a cappella. m arr. Robert Shaw & Alice Parker

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000420201 / 1989-01-09
EP0000153111 / 1961-06-09
His voice as the sound; traditional hymn and hymn tune, Samanthra. For four-part chorus of mixed voices, a cappella. m arr. Robert Shaw & Alice Parker.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: musical arr.
Variant title:
His voice as the sound
Other Title:
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Shaw & Alice Parker (A)

How far is it to Bethlehem? For four-part chorus of mixed voices, a cappella. New musical arr. Robert Shaw, Alice Parker

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000421028 / 1989-01-09
EP0000158406 / 1961-12-04
How far is it to Bethlehem? For four-part chorus of mixed voices, a cappella. New musical arr. Robert Shaw, Alice Parker.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: arr.
Variant title:
How far is it to Bethlehem?
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Shaw, Alice Parker (A)

Seeing Nellie home. For four-part chorus of men's voices, a cappella. By J. Fletcher, words by Frances Kyle, arr. Alice Parker & Robert Shaw

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000122418 / 1982-01-28
EP0000086259 / 1954-12-23
Seeing Nellie home. For four-part chorus of men's voices, a cappella. By J. Fletcher, words by Frances Kyle, arr. Alice Parker & Robert Shaw.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "musical arr."
Variant title:
Seeing Nellie home.
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Shaw & Alice Parker (A)
Frances Kyle (1 documents)
example document: Seeing Nellie home
Alice Parker (353 documents)
example document: Away in a manger. For SATB a cappella. Attributed to Martin Luther, arr. Alice Parker & Robert Shaw
Robert Shaw (246 documents)
example document: Fum, fum, fum. For four-part chorus of mixed voices, a cappella. Arr. & translated by Alice Parker & Robert Shaw
J. Fletcher (2 documents)
example document: Hoe am I

Good night, ladies. Four-part chorus men's chorus, with baritone solo, a cappella. Arr. Robert Shaw & Ralph Hunter

Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000122419 / 1982-01-28
EP0000086258 / 1954-12-24
Good night, ladies. Four-part chorus men's chorus, with baritone solo, a cappella. Arr. Robert Shaw & Ralph Hunter.
Variant title:
Good night, ladies.
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Shaw & Ralph Hunter (A)
Robert Shaw (246 documents)
example document: Chorales from The Passion according to St. John. By Johann Sebastian Bach, English translation: Robert Shaw
Ralph Hunter (78 documents)
example document: The free lunch cadets

Copyrights records by Hunter, Ralph

This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.