Bring on the night & 3 other titles, The portrait of a lady, Ruturn to paradise
Bring on the night
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
November 14, 1990
Entire Copyright Document:
Bring on the night / Co-writers: Keith Stegall & Charlie Craig.
Title appears in Document:
Blue blooded woman, redneck man & 41 other titles; musical compositions.
Bring on the night
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
November 4, 1991
Entire Copyright Document:
Bring on the night / Co-writer: Mike Pont.
Title appears in Document:
Nothin's changed & 9 other titles; musical compositions.
Bring on the night
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
July 1, 1992
Entire Copyright Document:
V2901 P786-999 & V2902 P1-37
Bring on the night.
Title appears in Document:
Butley & 10,253 other titles; theatrical motion pictures. (Part 002 of 045)
Bring on the night
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
January 17, 1990
Entire Copyright Document:
V2472 P12-26
Bring on the night.
Title appears in Document:
Assault on Precinct 13 & 595 other titles. (Part 001 of 003)
Bring on the night
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
January 26, 1981
Entire Copyright Document:
Bring on the night / By Joe Droukas.
Title appears in Document:
A Doctor in a girl's school & 137 other titles; musical compositions.
Bring on the night
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
December 31, 1987
Entire Copyright Document:
V2332 P387-483
Bring on the night / By Charlie Craig & Keith Stegall.
Title appears in Document:
Las Parrandas & 3,814 other titles; musical compositions. (Part 012 of 019)
Bring on the night
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
June 26, 1989
Entire Copyright Document:
Bring on the night.
Title appears in Document:
It's only love & 23 other titles; musical compositions.
Bring on the night
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
September 28, 1979
Entire Copyright Document:
V1748P317 (Single page document)
Date of Execution:
September 24, 1979
Registration Number Not Verified:
PAu 9-196 (1978)
Bring on the night; musical composition / Writer: Joe Droukas. PAu 9-196 (1978)
Assignment of copyright.
Infinity Music International.
Marvy Songs International.
Marvy Songs International.
Bring on the night
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
December 22, 1978
Entire Copyright Document:
Bring on the night / By Joe Droukas.
Title appears in Document:
Junkman & 26 other titles; musical compositions.
Bring on the night & 3 other titles; musical compositions
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
May 29, 1979
Entire Copyright Document:
V1726P036 (Single page document)
Date of Execution:
March 7, 1979
Bring on the night & 3 other titles; musical compositions.
Music Equities Corporation.
Infinity Music International, a division of Infinity Records. (10 documents)
example document: I'd be tellin' a lie
Infinity Records. Infinity Music International (6 documents)
example document: Christy
Infinity Music International, a division of Infinity Records. (10 documents)
example document: I'd be tellin' a lie
Infinity Records. Infinity Music International (6 documents)
example document: Christy
Bring on the night
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
May 29, 1979
Entire Copyright Document:
V1726P036 (Single page document)
Registration Number Not Verified:
PAu 9-196 (1978)
Bring on the night / Writer: Joe Droukas. PAu 9-196 (1978)
Title appears in Document:
Bring on the night & 3 other titles; musical compositions.
Bring on the night
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
August 11, 1997
Entire Copyright Document:
V3412 D678 P1
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1969
Bring on the night / By A&M Films, Inc.
Notice of exercise of right to re-acquire rights.
Polygram Filmed Entertainment. (1 documents)
example document: The portrait of a lady
Samuel Goldwyn Company. (63 documents)
example document: Palookaville
example document: The portrait of a lady
Samuel Goldwyn Company. (63 documents)
example document: Palookaville
Bring on the night Wayland Holyfield
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
August 14, 1997
Entire Copyright Document:
V3402D379 (Single page document)
Bring on the night Wayland Holyfield / Co-writer: Andy Childs.
Title appears in Document:
Absent hearted me & 309 other titles; musical compositions.
Bring on the night
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
August 4, 1995
Entire Copyright Document:
Bring on the night / Co-writers, Wayland Holyfield & Andy Childs.
Title appears in Document:
All my days & 16 other titles.
Bring on the night
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
March 27, 2002
Entire Copyright Document:
V3479 D725-733 P1-211
Bring on the night / By Maria Christensen, Richie Jones, Eric Kupper & Keith Greene.
Title appears in Document:
1,000 kisses & 3,419 other titles; songs. (Part 001 of 009)
Bring on the night
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
March 24, 2004
Entire Copyright Document:
V3510 D109-211 P1-419
Bring on the night / By Alan Jackson & Keith Stegall.
Title appears in Document:
Meteora & 27,009 other titles. (Part 058 of 102)
The portrait of a lady
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
January 24, 1997
Entire Copyright Document:
V3335P122 (Single page document)
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1969
The portrait of a lady; motion picture / Screenplay by Laura Jones & novel by Henry James. Motion picture based on screenplay adapted for novel, Portrait of a Lady.
Polygram Filmed Entertainment Distribution, Inc., as successor in interest to Polygram Filmed Entertainment Productions, Inc. (1 documents)
example document: Dead man walking
Polygram Film Productions, BV. (8 documents)
example document: Dead man walking
Polygram Filmed Entertainment Distribution, Inc. (23 documents)
example document: The portrait of a lady
Polygram Filmed Entertainment Productions, Inc. (2 documents)
example document: Dead man walking
example document: Dead man walking
Polygram Film Productions, BV. (8 documents)
example document: Dead man walking
Polygram Filmed Entertainment Distribution, Inc. (23 documents)
example document: The portrait of a lady
Polygram Filmed Entertainment Productions, Inc. (2 documents)
example document: Dead man walking
Bring on the night
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
August 8, 1997
Entire Copyright Document:
V3402D847 (Single page document)
Bring on the night / Picture no 3311.
Title appears in Document:
Abby & 2,223 other titles.
Bring on the night
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
July 18, 2001
Entire Copyright Document:
V3471 D999 P1-14
Bring on the night.
Title appears in Document:
A canary in a coalmine & 71 other titles; musical compositions.
Bring on the night
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
October 1, 1996
Entire Copyright Document:
Bring on the night.
Title appears in Document:
After ours & 59 other titles; musical compositions.
Bring on the night
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
October 11, 1996
Entire Copyright Document:
V3297 P182-286
Bring on the night.
Title appears in Document:
Boris and Natasha & 3,171 other titles. (Part 005 of 017)
Bring on the night
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
May 30, 1995
Entire Copyright Document:
V3106 P33-56
Bring on the night.
Title appears in Document:
21 days & 827 other titles. (Part 001 of 004)
Ruturn to paradise
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
January 25, 2000
Entire Copyright Document:
V3447 D248 P1-7
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1969
Ruturn to paradise; motion picture / Directed by Joseph Ruben, which is a remake of a French motion picture Force majeure, directed by Pierre Jolivet, screenplay by Pierre Jolivet and Oliver Schatzky. Which motion picture is based on screenplay by Wesley Strick entitled "Return to Pardise" f.k.a. "Force majeure. Which screenplay is based on a screenplay by Bruce Robinson, revisions by Josh Friedman, entitled "Force Majeure, and an unpublished screenplay by Lava Films, Inc., entitled "Force Majeure".
Variant title:
Force majeure
Bill of sale and assignment agreement.
Sumitomo Bank of New York Trust Company. (3 documents)
example document: The borrowers
Polygram Filmed Entertainment, Inc., formerly Polygram Filmed Entertainment distribution, Inc.
Polygram Filmed Entertainment, Inc. (16 documents)
example document: The matchmaker
Polygram Filmed Entertainment distribution, Inc.
example document: The borrowers
Polygram Filmed Entertainment, Inc., formerly Polygram Filmed Entertainment distribution, Inc.
Polygram Filmed Entertainment, Inc. (16 documents)
example document: The matchmaker
Polygram Filmed Entertainment distribution, Inc.
The land girls
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
May 29, 1998
Entire Copyright Document:
V3416 D583 P1-5
Date of Execution:
March 27, 1998
The land girls; motion picture / Directed by David Leland, screenplay by David Leland based on novel by Angela Huth.
Copyright mortgage and assignment.
Polygram Filmed Entertainment, Inc. (formerly known as Polygram Filmed Entertainment Distribution, Inc.)
Sumitomo Bank of New York Trust Company, as owner trustee. (4 documents)
example document: Loch Ness
Polygram Filmed Entertainment, Inc. (16 documents)
example document: No looking back
Sumitomo Bank of New York Trust Company (43 documents)
example document: The matchmaker
Polygram Filmed Entertainment Distribution, Inc. (23 documents)
example document: French kiss
Sumitomo Bank of New York Trust Company, as owner trustee. (4 documents)
example document: Loch Ness
Polygram Filmed Entertainment, Inc. (16 documents)
example document: No looking back
Sumitomo Bank of New York Trust Company (43 documents)
example document: The matchmaker
Polygram Filmed Entertainment Distribution, Inc. (23 documents)
example document: French kiss
The land girls
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
May 29, 1998
Entire Copyright Document:
V3416 D584 P1
Date of Execution:
March 27, 1998
The land girls; motion picture / Directed by David Leland, screenplay by David Leland based on novel by Angela Huth.
Memorandum of lease and purchase option.
as owner trustee. Sumitomo Bank of New York Trust Company (15 documents)
example document: The proposition
Polygram Filmed Entertainment, Inc., (formerly known as Polygram Filmed Entertainment Distribution, Inc.
Sumitomo Bank of New York Trust Company (43 documents)
example document: Dead man walking
Polygram Filmed Entertainment, Inc. (16 documents)
example document: The big Lebowski
Polygram Filmed Entertainment Distribution, Inc. (23 documents)
example document: The portrait of a lady
example document: The proposition
Polygram Filmed Entertainment, Inc., (formerly known as Polygram Filmed Entertainment Distribution, Inc.
Sumitomo Bank of New York Trust Company (43 documents)
example document: Dead man walking
Polygram Filmed Entertainment, Inc. (16 documents)
example document: The big Lebowski
Polygram Filmed Entertainment Distribution, Inc. (23 documents)
example document: The portrait of a lady
The land girls
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
May 29, 1998
Entire Copyright Document:
V3416 D585 P1
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1969
The land girls; motion picture / Directed by David Leland, screenplay by David Leland based on novel by Angela Huth.
Polygram Filmed Entertainment, Inc., (formerly known as Polygram Filmed Entertainment Distribution, Inc.)
Sumito Bank of New York Trust Company, as owner trustee.
Polygram Filmed Entertainment, Inc. (16 documents)
example document: The matchmaker
Polygram Filmed Entertainment Distribution, Inc. (23 documents)
example document: Dead man walking
Sumito Bank of New York Trust Company
Sumito Bank of New York Trust Company, as owner trustee.
Polygram Filmed Entertainment, Inc. (16 documents)
example document: The matchmaker
Polygram Filmed Entertainment Distribution, Inc. (23 documents)
example document: Dead man walking
Sumito Bank of New York Trust Company
This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.