Christ and Adam, man and humanity in Romans 5. By Karl Barth, translator: Thomas Allan Smail, editors: Thomas Forsyth Torrance & John Kelman Sutherland Reid
Church dogmatics by Karl Barth
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000236040 / 1978-04-10
Date of Publication:
January 9, 1978
Date of Creation:
Church dogmatics by Karl Barth : index volume with aids for the preacher / editors [i.e. joint editors and translators], G. W. Bromiley, T. F. Torrance.
Original German edition Die Kirchliche Dogmatik.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: selection & presentation of index & translated passages.
Edinburgh : T.&T. Clark, [19--]
552 p.
Other Title:
Die Kirchliche Dogmatik
Copyright Claimant:
Geoffrey W. Bromiley & Thomas F. Torrance
Geoffrey W. Bromiley (23 documents)
example document: Anarchy and Christianity
Thomas F. Torrance (1 documents)
example document: The Apocalypse today. By Thomas F. Torrance
G. W. Bromiley
T. F. Torrance (1 documents)
example document: The Apocalypse today. By Thomas F. Torrance
example document: Anarchy and Christianity
Thomas F. Torrance (1 documents)
example document: The Apocalypse today. By Thomas F. Torrance
G. W. Bromiley
T. F. Torrance (1 documents)
example document: The Apocalypse today. By Thomas F. Torrance
Historical theology, an introduction
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000293910 / 1978-09-27
Date of Publication:
September 8, 1978
Date of Creation:
Historical theology, an introduction / by Geoffrey W. Bromiley [i.e. Geoffrey William Bromiley].
Grand Rapids : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., c1978.
464 p.
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Geoffrey William Bromiley 1915-
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Contemporary literary theory
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Contemporary literary theory
The International standard Bible encyclopedia
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000339011 / 1979-10-01
Date of Publication:
July 13, 1979
Date of Creation:
The International standard Bible encyclopedia : v. one / general editor, Geoffrey W. Bromiley [i.e. Geoffrey William Bromiley] ; associate editors, Everett F. Harrison, Roland K. Harrison ... [et al.].
Fully rev., illustrated.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: revision, editing, updating, pref., introd. & additions.
Previous Registration:
Prev. reg. 1929, no. 15491 & 1956, R179540.
Grand Rapids : The Company, 1979.
1006 p.
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
revision, pref., introd., & new matter: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, employer for hire.
Everett F. Harrison
Roland K. Harrison
Geoffrey William Bromiley
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Divine commitment and human obligation
Roland K. Harrison
Geoffrey William Bromiley
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Divine commitment and human obligation
Children of promise
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000372479 / 1979-12-03
Date of Publication:
November 15, 1979
Date of Creation:
Children of promise : the case for baptizing infants / by Geoffrey W. Bromiley [i.e. Geoffrey William Bromiley].
Grand Rapids : W.B. Eerdmanns Pub. Co., c1979.
116 p.
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Geoffrey William Bromiley 1915-
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: The Technological bluff
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: The Technological bluff
An Introduction to the theology of Karl Barth
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000384337 / 1979-12-26
Date of Publication:
December 5, 1979
Date of Creation:
An Introduction to the theology of Karl Barth / by Geoffrey W. Bromiley [i.e. Geoffrey William Bromiley].
Grand Rapids : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., c1979.
253 p.
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Geoffrey William Bromiley 1915-
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: The disciplined heart
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: The disciplined heart
Commentary on Romans
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000494076 / 1980-06-16
Date of Publication:
May 16, 1980
Date of Creation:
Commentary on Romans / by Ernst Kaesemann ; translated and edited by Geoffrey W. Bromiley [i.e. Geoffrey William Bromiley].
Translated from the 4th German ed. of An die Roemer.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "the English translation."
Grand Rapids : The Company, c1980.
428 p.
Other Title:
An die Roemer
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
English text: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, employer for hire.
Ernst Kaesemann (1 documents)
example document: The Wandering people of God
Geoffrey William Bromiley
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Just say the word!
example document: The Wandering people of God
Geoffrey William Bromiley
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Just say the word!
God and marriage
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000661938 / 1981-01-14
Date of Publication:
December 4, 1980
Date of Creation:
God and marriage / by Geoffrey W. Bromiley [i.e. Geoffrey William Bromiley].
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Grand Rapids : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., c1980.
88 p.
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Geoffrey William Bromiley 1915-
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: God's people in God's land
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: God's people in God's land
The Christian life
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000685281 / 1981-05-08
Date of Publication:
April 24, 1981
Date of Creation:
The Christian life / by Karl Barth ; translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: translation & translator's pref.
Previous Registration:
Prev. pub. in Zurich as Kirchliche Dogmatik--IV/4, Das Christliche Leben.
Church dogmatics ; [v.] 4, [pt.] 4
Grand Rapids : The Company, c1981.
310 p.
Other Title:
Church dogmatics ; [v.] 4, [pt.] 4
Kirchliche Dogmatik
Das Christliche Leben
Kirchliche Dogmatik
Das Christliche Leben
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Lecture fragments from the uncompleted series.
Authorship on Application:
translation: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, employer for hire.
Geoffrey W. Bromiley (23 documents)
example document: Systematic theology
Karl Barth 1886-1968
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: The missions of Jesus and the disciples according to the Fourth Gospel
example document: Systematic theology
Karl Barth 1886-1968
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: The missions of Jesus and the disciples according to the Fourth Gospel
Karl Barth letters, 1961-1968
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000685282 / 1981-05-08
Date of Publication:
April 24, 1981
Date of Creation:
Karl Barth letters, 1961-1968 / edited by Juergen Fangmeier and Hinrich Stoevesandt ; translated and edited by Geoffrey W. Bromiley [i.e. Geoffrey William Bromiley].
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: translation & translator's pref.
Previous Registration:
Prev. pub. in Zurich as Karl Barth--Briefe, 1961-1968, V, v. 6 of Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe.
Grand Rapids : The Company, c1981.
382 p.
Other Title:
Letters, 1961-1968
Briefe, 1961-1968
Karl Barth--Briefe, 1961-1968
Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe
Briefe, 1961-1968
Karl Barth--Briefe, 1961-1968
Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
translation: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, employer for hire.
Juergen Fangmeier
Hinrich Stoevesandt
Geoffrey William Bromiley
Karl Barth 1886-1968
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Pink lemonade
Hinrich Stoevesandt
Geoffrey William Bromiley
Karl Barth 1886-1968
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Pink lemonade
The Evangelical faith
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000864335 / 1982-03-04
Date of Publication:
February 19, 1982
Date of Creation:
The Evangelical faith : [v. 3] / by Helmut Thielicke ; translated and edited by Geoffrey W. Bromiley.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "the English translation of the work."
Previous Registration:
Preexisting material: German ed. entitled, Der Evangelische Glaube.
Grand Rapids : W.B. Eerdmans, c1982.
484 p.
Variant title:
The Evangelical faith : [v. 3]
Other Title:
Der Evangelische Glaube
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
English translation: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, employer for hire.
Geoffrey W. Bromiley
Helmut Thielicke 1908-
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: A Mind for what matters
Helmut Thielicke 1908-
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: A Mind for what matters
The International standard Bible encyclopedia
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000872429 / 1982-03-17
Date of Publication:
March 5, 1982
Date of Creation:
The International standard Bible encyclopedia : v. two / general editor, Geoffrey W. Bromiley [i.e. Geoffrey William Bromiley], associate editors, Everett F. Harrison, Roland K. Harrison ... [et al.].
Fully rev., illustrated.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: additions, editing, revisions & updating.
Previous Registration:
Prev. reg. 1929, no. 15491 & 1956, R179540.
Grand Rapids : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., c1982.
1175 p.
Variant title:
The International standard Bible encyclopedia : v. two
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
editorial revision & new matter: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, employer for hire.
Geoffrey William Bromiley
Everett F. Harrison
Roland K. Harrison
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Jesus of Nazareth in word and deed
Everett F. Harrison
Roland K. Harrison
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Jesus of Nazareth in word and deed
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000891502 / 1982-04-19
Date of Publication:
June 22, 1981
Date of Creation:
Ethics / Karl Barth ; edited by Dietrich Braun ; translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: English translation.
534 p.
Other Title:
Ethik I, 1928
Ethik II, 1928/1929
Ethik II, 1928/1929
Copyright Claimant:
The Seabury Press
Originally pub. in a 2 v. ed. as Ethik I, 1928 & Ethik II, 1928/1929.
Authorship on Application:
translation: The Seabury Press, employer for hire.
Geoffrey W. Bromiley (23 documents)
example document: The Lord's prayer
Karl Barth 1886-1968
Dietrich Braun 1928-
Seabury Press (58 documents)
example document: Use guide for The Bible for today's church
example document: The Lord's prayer
Karl Barth 1886-1968
Dietrich Braun 1928-
Seabury Press (58 documents)
example document: Use guide for The Bible for today's church
Karl Barth-Rudolf Bultmann letters, 1922-1966
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000927055 / 1982-06-21
Date of Publication:
May 18, 1982
Date of Creation:
Date in Notice:
notice: 1981
Karl Barth-Rudolf Bultmann letters, 1922-1966 / [Karl Barth and Rudolf Karl Bultmann] ; edited by Bernd Jaspert ; translated and edited by Geoffrey W. Bromiley [i.e. Geoffrey William Bromiley]
192 p.
Other Title:
Karl Barth-Rudolf Bultmann: Briefwechsel, 1922-1966
Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe
Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
"Translated from the Karl Barth-Rudolf Bultmann: Briefwechsel, 1922-1966, V, v. 1, of the Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe."
Authorship on Application:
English translation: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, employer for hire.
Bernd Jaspert
Geoffrey William Bromiley
Karl Barth 1886-1968
Rudolf Karl Bultmann 1884-1976
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Outlines of romantic theology
Geoffrey William Bromiley
Karl Barth 1886-1968
Rudolf Karl Bultmann 1884-1976
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Outlines of romantic theology
The Theology of Schleiermacher
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001004400 / 1982-11-01
Date of Publication:
October 21, 1982
Date of Creation:
The Theology of Schleiermacher : lectures at Goettingen, winter semester of 1923/24 / Karl Barth ; edited by Dietrich Ritschl ; translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: translation.
Grand Rapids : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., c1982.
287 p.
Other Title:
Die Theologie Schleiermachers
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Translation of Die Theologie Schleiermachers.
Authorship on Application:
English translation: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, employer for hire.
Dietrich Ritschl
Geoffrey W. Bromiley (23 documents)
example document: Systematic theology
Karl Barth 1886-1968
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Destined for glory
Geoffrey W. Bromiley (23 documents)
example document: Systematic theology
Karl Barth 1886-1968
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Destined for glory
Living with death
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001087087 / 1983-03-21
Date of Publication:
March 3, 1983
Date of Creation:
Living with death / by Helmut Thielicke ; translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "the English translation."
Grand Rapids : The Company, c1983.
208 p.
Other Title:
Leben mit dem Tod
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Translation of Leben mit dem Tod.
Authorship on Application:
English translation: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, employer for hire.
Geoffrey W. Bromiley (23 documents)
example document: Systematic theology
Helmut Thielicke 1908-
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: The End of Christendom
example document: Systematic theology
Helmut Thielicke 1908-
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: The End of Christendom
Being human, becoming human
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001258863 / 1984-01-20
Date of Publication:
January 13, 1984
Date of Creation:
Being human, becoming human : an essay in Christian anthropology / Helmut Thielicke ; translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley.
1st ed.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "English translation."
Garden City, N. Y. : Doubleday, 1984.
504 p.
Other Title:
Mensch Sein--Mensch Werden
Copyright Claimant:
Doubleday & Company, Inc. & William Collins Sons & Company, Ltd.
Translation of Mensch Sein--Mensch Werden.
Authorship on Application:
Doubleday & Company, Inc. & William Collins Sons & Company, Ltd., as co-employers in a work made for hire of Geoffrey W. Brom[i]ley.
Geoffrey W. Bromiley (23 documents)
example document: Systematic theology
Helmut Thielicke 1908-
Geoffrey W. Bromley (1 documents)
example document: The Subversion of Christianity
Doubleday & Company, Inc. (542 documents)
example document: The Norman Rockwell album. By Norman Rockwell
William Collins Sons & Company, Ltd. (106 documents)
example document: Fear is the key
example document: Systematic theology
Helmut Thielicke 1908-
Geoffrey W. Bromley (1 documents)
example document: The Subversion of Christianity
Doubleday & Company, Inc. (542 documents)
example document: The Norman Rockwell album. By Norman Rockwell
William Collins Sons & Company, Ltd. (106 documents)
example document: Fear is the key
Theological dictionary of the New Testament
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001663202 / 1985-09-11
Date of Publication:
July 10, 1985
Date of Creation:
Theological dictionary of the New Testament / edited by Gerhard Kittel and Gerhard Friedrich ; translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley ; abridged in one volume by Geoffrey W. Bromiley.
Grand Rapids : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1985.
1356 p.
Other Title:
Theologisches Woerterbuch zum Neuen Testament
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Translation of Theologisches Woerterbuch zum Neuen Testament.
Gerhard Kittel
Gerhard Friedrich
Geoffrey W. Bromiley 1915-
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: The book that James wrote
Gerhard Friedrich
Geoffrey W. Bromiley 1915-
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: The book that James wrote
The International standard Bible encyclopedia
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001734305 / 1986-01-16
Date of Publication:
January 8, 1986
Date of Creation:
The International standard Bible encyclopedia : vol. three, K-P / general editor, Geoffrey W. Bromiley [i.e. Geoffrey William Bromiley] ; associate editors, Everett F. Harrison, Roland K. Harrison, William Sanford LaSor.
[Rev. ed.].
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: additions, revisions & updating.
Previous Registration:
Prev. reg. 1956, R179540 & 1929, no. 15491.
Grand Rapids : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., c1986.
1060 p.
Variant title:
The International standard Bible encyclopedia : vol. three, K-P
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
editorial revision and new matter: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, employer for hire.
Geoffrey William Bromiley
Everett F. Harrison
Roland K. Harrison
William Sanford LaSor (6 documents)
example document: Old Testament survey
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: The book of Revelation
Everett F. Harrison
Roland K. Harrison
William Sanford LaSor (6 documents)
example document: Old Testament survey
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: The book of Revelation
Witness to the Word
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001815450 / 1986-05-05
Date of Publication:
April 18, 1986
Date of Creation:
Witness to the Word : a commentary on John 1 / by Karl Barth ; edited by Walther Fuerst ; and translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "the English translation."
Previous Registration:
Translation of Erklaerung des Johannes-Evangeliums.
Grand Rapids : Eerdmans Pub. Co., c1986.
163 p.
Other Title:
Erklaerung des Johannes-Evangeliums.
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Lectures at Muenster in 1925 and at Bonn in 1933.
Authorship on Application:
English translation: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, employer for hire.
Walther Fuerst
Geoffrey W. Bromiley (23 documents)
example document: Living by faith
Karl Barth 1886-1968
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Permanent things
Geoffrey W. Bromiley (23 documents)
example document: Living by faith
Karl Barth 1886-1968
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Permanent things
The International standard Bible encyclopedia
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0002366597 / 1988-05-19
Date of Publication:
April 13, 1988
Date of Creation:
The International standard Bible encyclopedia : vol. four, Q-Z / general editor, Geoffrey W. Bromiley ; associate editors, Everett F. Harrison, Roland K. Harrison, William Sanford LaSor.
Fully rev., illustrated.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "revisions and new text and some new maps and charts."
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Grand Rapids : W.B. Eerdmans, c1988.
1211 p.
Variant title:
The International standard Bible encyclopedia : vol. four, Q-Z
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, employer for hire.
Geoffrey William Bromiley
Everett F. Harrison
Roland K. Harrison
William Sanford LaSor
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: The Epistle to the Hebrews
Everett F. Harrison
Roland K. Harrison
William Sanford LaSor
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: The Epistle to the Hebrews
Modern faith and thought
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0002961985 / 1990-11-28
Date of Publication:
November 5, 1990
Date of Creation:
Modern faith and thought / by Helmut Thielicke ; translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: English translation.
Other Title:
Glauben und Denken in der Neuzeit
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Translation of Glauben und Denken in der Neuzeit.
Authorship on Application:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, employer for hire.
Helmut Thielicke (4 documents)
example document: Out of the depths. By Helmut Thielicke, translator: G. W. Bromiley
Geoffrey W. Bromiley
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Destined for glory
example document: Out of the depths. By Helmut Thielicke, translator: G. W. Bromiley
Geoffrey W. Bromiley
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Destined for glory
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003161545 / 1991-10-11
Date of Publication:
September 10, 1991
Date of Creation:
Homiletics / Karl Barth ; translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley and Donald E. Daniels.
1st ed.
Other Title:
Copyright Claimant:
Westminster/John Knox Press
Original ti.: Homiletik.
Authorship on Application:
Westminster/John Knox Press, employer for hire.
Donald E. Daniels
Karl Barth 1886-1968
Geoffrey W. Bromiley (23 documents)
example document: Anarchy and Christianity
Westminster/John Knox Press (149 documents)
example document: Essays on Old Testament hermeneutics. Editor: Claus Westermann, editor English translation: James Luther Mays
Karl Barth 1886-1968
Geoffrey W. Bromiley (23 documents)
example document: Anarchy and Christianity
Westminster/John Knox Press (149 documents)
example document: Essays on Old Testament hermeneutics. Editor: Claus Westermann, editor English translation: James Luther Mays
God with us
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003189531 / 1991-09-17
Date of Publication:
April 30, 1991
Date of Creation:
God with us : a theological introduction to the Old Testament / Christoph Barth ; edited by Geoffrey W. Bromiley.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: English translation of Indonesian ed., condensation & editing.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
1 v.
Variant title:
God with us : a theological introduction to the Old Testament
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
English ed. & condensation: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, employer for hire.
Christoph Barth 1917-1986
Geoffrey William Bromiley
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Liberty of conscience
Geoffrey William Bromiley
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Liberty of conscience
The Goettingen dogmatics
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003202707 / 1991-11-15
Date of Publication:
September 11, 1991
Date of Creation:
The Goettingen dogmatics : instruction in the Christian religion : vol. I / Karl Barth ; edited by Hannelotte Reiffen ; translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: translation.
1 v.
Variant title:
The Goettingen dogmatics : instruction in the Christian religion : vol. I
Other Title:
Unterricht in der christlichen Religion
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Translation of Unterricht in der christlichen Religion.
Hannelotte Reiffen
Geoffrey W. Bromiley (23 documents)
example document: Systematic theology
Karl Barth 1886-1968
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: A history of Christianity in the United States and Canada
Geoffrey W. Bromiley (23 documents)
example document: Systematic theology
Karl Barth 1886-1968
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: A history of Christianity in the United States and Canada
Letters from Lake Como
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003872685 / 1994-08-15
Date of Publication:
June 10, 1994
Date of Creation:
Letters from Lake Como / Romano Guardini ; with an introd. by Louis Dupre ; translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: Translation & additions.
115 p.
Other Title:
Die Technik und der Mensch: Briefe von Comer See
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (employer for hire)
Translation of Die Technik und der Mensch: Briefe von Comer See.
Romano Guardini (7 documents)
example document: The Last things; concerning death, purification after death, resurrection, judgement, and eternity. By Romano Guardini, translators: Charlotte E. Forsyth and Grace B. Branham
Louis Dupre
Geoffrey W. Bromiley (23 documents)
example document: Anarchy and Christianity
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Theology after the storm
example document: The Last things; concerning death, purification after death, resurrection, judgement, and eternity. By Romano Guardini, translators: Charlotte E. Forsyth and Grace B. Branham
Louis Dupre
Geoffrey W. Bromiley (23 documents)
example document: Anarchy and Christianity
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Theology after the storm
The theology of John Calvin
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004176092 / 1996-01-11
Date of Publication:
November 20, 1995
Date of Creation:
The theology of John Calvin / Karl Barth ; translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: English translation, translator's pref.
Grand Rapids : W.B. Eerdmans, c1995.
424 p.
Other Title:
Die theologie Calvins
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
First pub. 1922 under ti.: Die theologie Calvins.
Geoffrey W. Bromiley 1915-
Karl Barth 1886-1968
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Solzhenitsyn
Karl Barth 1886-1968
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Solzhenitsyn
Systematic theology
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004684677 / 1997-12-19
Date of Publication:
November 3, 1997
Date of Creation:
Systematic theology : vol. 3 / Wofhart Pannenberg ; translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: English translation.
Previous Registration:
Preexisting material: Systematische Theologie: bd. 3.
Grand Rapids : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1998.
713 p.
Variant title:
Systematic theology : vol. 3
Other Title:
Systematische Theologie: bd. 3
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (employer for hire)
Wolfhart Pannenberg 1928-
Geoffrey W. Bromiley (23 documents)
example document: Systematic theology
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Character in crisis
Geoffrey W. Bromiley (23 documents)
example document: Systematic theology
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Character in crisis
The encyclopedia of Christianity
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004927495 / 1999-02-04
Date of Publication:
November 25, 1998
Date of Creation:
The encyclopedia of Christianity : vol. 1, A-D / editors, Erwin Fahlbusch, Jan Milic Lochman, John Mbiti, Jaroslav Pelikan, Lukas Fisher ; translator and English-language editor, Geoffrey W. Bromiley ; foreword Jaroslav Pelikan.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: English translation, new articles & revisions.
Grand Rapids : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., c1999.
893 p.
Variant title:
The encyclopedia of Christianity : vol. 1, A-D
Other Title:
Evangelisches Kirchenlexikon
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company & Koninklijke Brill, NV (employers for hire)
Translation of Evangelisches Kirchenlexikon.
Erwin Fahlbusch
Jan Milic Lochman (7 documents)
example document: John Comenius
John Mbiti
Jaroslav Pelikan (47 documents)
example document: Luther's works, lectures on Genesis chapters 21-25. Vol. 4. Editor: Jaroslav Pelikan, associate editor: Walter A. Hansen, translator: George V. Schick
Lukas Fisher
Geoffrey W. Bromiley (23 documents)
example document: The Technological bluff
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Essays in theology of culture
Koninklijke Brill, NV
Jan Milic Lochman (7 documents)
example document: John Comenius
John Mbiti
Jaroslav Pelikan (47 documents)
example document: Luther's works, lectures on Genesis chapters 21-25. Vol. 4. Editor: Jaroslav Pelikan, associate editor: Walter A. Hansen, translator: George V. Schick
Lukas Fisher
Geoffrey W. Bromiley (23 documents)
example document: The Technological bluff
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: Essays in theology of culture
Koninklijke Brill, NV
The encyclopedia of Christianity
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0005301287 / 2001-05-15
Date of Publication:
December 8, 2000
Date of Creation:
The encyclopedia of Christianity : vol. 2 / Erwin Fahlbusch, Jan Milic Lochman, John Mbiti, Jaroslav Pelikan, Lukas Vischer ; translator and English-language editor, Geoffrey W. Bromiley ; statistical editor, David B. Barrett.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: English translation, new articles, revisions.
Grand Rapids : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2001.
787 p.
Variant title:
The encyclopedia of Christianity : vol. 2
Other Title:
Evangelisches Kirchenlexikon.
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company & Koninklijke Brill, MV (employers for hire)
Translation of Evangelisches Kirchenlexikon.
Erwin Fahlbusch
Jan Milic Lochman (7 documents)
example document: John Comenius
John Mbiti
Jaroslav Pelikan (47 documents)
example document: Interpreting the Bible and the constitution
Lukas Vischer
Geoffrey W. Bromiley (23 documents)
example document: Systematic theology
David B. Barrett (3 documents)
example document: World Christian encyclopedia
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: AIDS and the sleeping church
Koninklijke Brill, MV
Jan Milic Lochman (7 documents)
example document: John Comenius
John Mbiti
Jaroslav Pelikan (47 documents)
example document: Interpreting the Bible and the constitution
Lukas Vischer
Geoffrey W. Bromiley (23 documents)
example document: Systematic theology
David B. Barrett (3 documents)
example document: World Christian encyclopedia
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: AIDS and the sleeping church
Koninklijke Brill, MV
The encyclopedia of Christianity
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0005816750 / 2003-09-24
Date of Publication:
August 19, 2003
Date of Creation:
The encyclopedia of Christianity : vol. 3, J-O / editors, Erwin Fahlbusch, Jan Milic Lochman, John Mbiti, Jaroslav Pelikan, Lukas Vischer ; translator & English language editor, Geoffrey W. Bromiley ; statistical editor, David B. Barrett.
Originally pub. in German as Evangelisches Kirchenlexikon.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: English translation, new articles, revisions.
Grand Rapids : W.B. Eerdmans, 2003.
884 p.
Variant title:
The encyclopedia of Christianity : vol. 3, J-O
Other Title:
Evangelisches Kirchenlexikon
Copyright Claimant:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (employer for hire)
Erwin Fahlbusch
Jan Milic Lochman (7 documents)
example document: Signposts to freedom
John Mbiti
Jaroslav Pelikan (47 documents)
example document: Cambridge platonist spirituality
Lukas Vischer
Geoffrey W. Bromiley
David B. Barrett (3 documents)
example document: Religions of the world
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: The immerser
Jan Milic Lochman (7 documents)
example document: Signposts to freedom
John Mbiti
Jaroslav Pelikan (47 documents)
example document: Cambridge platonist spirituality
Lukas Vischer
Geoffrey W. Bromiley
David B. Barrett (3 documents)
example document: Religions of the world
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (748 documents)
example document: The immerser
This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.