Computer literacy and local government managers in the six states of region V of the United States
Computer literacy for business applications
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
September 25, 1989
Entire Copyright Document:
Computer literacy for business applications.
Title appears in Document:
WordPerfect 5.0 for business applications & 5 other titles; computer based training courses.
Computer literacy--introduction
Type of Work:
Machine-readable work or computer program
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000170351 / 1983-01-27
Date of Publication:
December 29, 1982
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy--introduction.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "revisions to preexisting text and interactive graphics, some new text added, addition of sounds."
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Minneapolis : Control Data Corp., c1982.
1 microcomputer program.
Other Title:
Computer literacy--introduction : history, uses, issues
Copyright Claimant:
Control Data Corporation
Title on housing: Computer literacy--introduction : history, uses, issues.
I videocassette & synopsis (2 p.) deposited in lieu of program.
I videocassette & synopsis (2 p.) deposited in lieu of program.
Authorship on Application:
rev. text, interactive graphics, some new text, addition of sounds: Evergreen State College, employer for hire of John Aikin and Greg Starling.
John Aikin (5 documents)
example document: Introduction to programming in Basic
Greg Starling (3 documents)
example document: Introduction to Pascal
Control Data Corporation (2034 documents)
example document: Inferring meaning
Evergreen State College, Olympia, Wash. (10 documents)
example document: LDEC Pascal
example document: Introduction to programming in Basic
Greg Starling (3 documents)
example document: Introduction to Pascal
Control Data Corporation (2034 documents)
example document: Inferring meaning
Evergreen State College, Olympia, Wash. (10 documents)
example document: LDEC Pascal
Computer literacy adventures of Lollipop Dragon
Type of Work:
Multimedia kit
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000233681 / 1984-10-15
Date of Publication:
July 29, 1983
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy adventures of Lollipop Dragon / produced & distributed by The Society for Visual Education, Inc.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "text, sounds/narration, some new artwork."
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Chicago : The Society, c1983.
2 filmstrips, 2 sound cassettes, in container.
Copyright Claimant:
Society for Visual Education, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
text, sounds/narration, artwork: Society for Visual Education, Inc., employer for hire.
Society for Visual Education, Inc. (418 documents)
example document: Homes & neighborhoods
example document: Homes & neighborhoods
Computer literacy adventures of Lollipop Dragon
Type of Work:
Multimedia kit
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000235246 / 1984-10-15
Date of Publication:
July 29, 1983
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy adventures of Lollipop Dragon / produced & distributed by The Society for Visual Education, Inc.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "text, sounds/narration, some new artwork."
Chicago : The Society, c1983.
2 filmstrips, 2 sound cassettes, in container.
Copyright Claimant:
Society for Visual Education, Inc.
"106 SWTC 2F 2C."
Authorship on Application:
text, sounds/narration, some new artwork: Society for Visual Education, Inc., employer for hire.
Society for Visual Education, Inc. (418 documents)
example document: Serendipity fairy tales; set of six filmstrips with accompanying teacher's guide. A162-SA. By Society for Visual Education, Inc
example document: Serendipity fairy tales; set of six filmstrips with accompanying teacher's guide. A162-SA. By Society for Visual Education, Inc
Computer literacy for beginners
Type of Work:
Multimedia kit
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000269272 / 1985-11-12
Date of Publication:
November 1, 1984
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy for beginners / produced by Fried Productions.
Application Title:
Computer library for beginners.
Chicago : Eye Gate Media, c1984.
2 sound cassettes, 2 filmstrips, 1 teacher's guide, activity sheets, in container.
Copyright Claimant:
Nystrom, division of Herff-Jones, Inc.
Copyright Notice:
notices on activity sheets & filmstrip: Eye Gate Media, a division of Carnation Company
Authorship on Application:
artwork, photography, printed & recorded text, sounds: Nystrom, division of Herff-Jones, Inc., employer for hire.
Presented by E G M.
Fried Productions (8 documents)
example document: Relationships and personal choices
Herff-Jones, Inc. Nystrom (4 documents)
example document: Neighborhood and communities
Carnation Company. Eye Gate Media, Inc. (2 documents)
example document: Proud to be Hispanic
example document: Relationships and personal choices
Herff-Jones, Inc. Nystrom (4 documents)
example document: Neighborhood and communities
Carnation Company. Eye Gate Media, Inc. (2 documents)
example document: Proud to be Hispanic
Computer literacy video training system
Type of Work:
Multimedia kit
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000558820 / 1992-03-09
Date of Publication:
September 1, 1989
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy video training system.
Previous Registration:
Computer programs preexisting.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
1 kit.
Copyright Claimant:
Learn PC, Inc., formerly known as Action Visual Productions, Inc.
Learn PC, Inc. (4 documents)
example document: WordPerfect 5.1 video training system
Action Visual Productions, Inc.
example document: WordPerfect 5.1 video training system
Action Visual Productions, Inc.
Computer literacy
Type of Work:
Multimedia kit
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000764104 / 1994-12-12
Date of Publication:
June 1, 1994
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy : a graphics animation approach.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: new & rev. text; audiovisual material.
Previous Registration:
Text prev. reg. as Computer applications, 1992, TXu 544-607.
2 booklets + 2 computer disks.
Variant title:
Computer literacy : a graphics animation approach
Other Title:
Computer applications
Copyright Claimant:
Mike Trusiewica, 1947-
Videocassette cassette also deposited.
Mike Trusiewica 1947-
Computer literacy show & tell kit
Type of Work:
Machine-readable work or computer program
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000641578 / 1981-03-04
Date of Publication:
November 15, 1980
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy show & tell kit.
Copyright Claimant:
Sterling Swift Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
James Poirot.
James Poirot 1944-
Sterling Swift Publishing Company (29 documents)
example document: Microcomputer workbook
Sterling Swift Publishing Company (29 documents)
example document: Microcomputer workbook
Computer literacy
Type of Work:
Machine-readable work or computer program
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000991994 / 1982-09-30
Date of Publication:
July 16, 1982
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy : a program / by Mr. Bob.
Copyright Claimant:
Robert G. VanNess
Authorship on Application:
author of entire computer program: Robert G. VanNess.
Computer literacy
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001010888 / 1982-11-10
Date of Publication:
October 25, 1982
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy : an introductory course / logo, cover, and page designs by Toby Buckley ; ill. by Debora Weber.
Application Title:
Computer literacy: an introductory course, student workbook.
39 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Authorship on Application:
Pennsylvania Department of Education, employer for hire.
Toby Buckley (3 documents)
example document: Computer literacy
Debora Weber (15 documents)
example document: Focus on problem solving
Pennsylvania. Department of Education (7 documents)
example document: Computer literacy
example document: Computer literacy
Debora Weber (15 documents)
example document: Focus on problem solving
Pennsylvania. Department of Education (7 documents)
example document: Computer literacy
Computer literacy
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001049591 / 1983-01-27
Date of Publication:
December 29, 1982
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy : introduction.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: compilation, revisions & additions.
Plato educational software
Variant title:
Computer literacy : introduction
Other Title:
Plato educational software
Introduction to computers
Introduction to computers
Copyright Claimant:
Control Data Corporation
Adapted from Introduction to computers, by John Aikin, Greg Starling.
Authorship on Application:
co-author of work: Control Data Corporation & Evergreen State College, employers for hire of John Aiken & Greg Starling.
John Aikin (5 documents)
example document: Introduction to computers
Greg Starling (3 documents)
example document: Introduction to Pascal
Control Data Corporation (2034 documents)
example document: Transactions on stock exchanges
Evergreen State College, Olympia, Wash. (10 documents)
example document: LDEC Pascal
example document: Introduction to computers
Greg Starling (3 documents)
example document: Introduction to Pascal
Control Data Corporation (2034 documents)
example document: Transactions on stock exchanges
Evergreen State College, Olympia, Wash. (10 documents)
example document: LDEC Pascal
Computer literacy
Type of Work:
Machine-readable work or computer program
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001050293 / 1983-01-24
Date of Publication:
October 25, 1982
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy : an introductory course Hi and Rescue computer programs.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Printout + 2 magnetic disks.
Variant title:
Computer literacy : an introductory course Hi and Rescue computer programs.
Copyright Claimant:
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Computer literacy curriculum guide
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001055008 / 1983-01-28
Date of Publication:
September 1, 1982
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy curriculum guide : grades K-9.
Variant title:
Computer literacy curriculum guide : grades K-9
Copyright Claimant:
Minnesota School Districts Data Processing Joint Board
At head of ti.: T I E S, Total Information Educational Systems.
Minnesota School Districts Data Processing Joint Board (29 documents)
example document: Logic gates for the Apple II microcomputer
TIES. (6 documents)
example document: ESV-FIN manual
Total Information Educational Systems.
Minnesota School District Data Processing Joint Board.
example document: Logic gates for the Apple II microcomputer
TIES. (6 documents)
example document: ESV-FIN manual
Total Information Educational Systems.
Minnesota School District Data Processing Joint Board.
Computer literacy
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001134401 / 1983-05-18
Date of Publication:
February 7, 1983
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy / written by Susanne Patunas ; illustrated by Lucille McKeon.
37 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Union City Board of Education
Authorship on Application:
text: Union City Board of Education, employer for hire of Susanne Patunas.
Lucille McKeon
Susanne Patunas
Union City, N. J. Board of Education
Susanne Patunas
Union City, N. J. Board of Education
Computer literacy for school administrators and supervisors
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001173642 / 1983-07-07
Date of Publication:
June 10, 1983
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy for school administrators and supervisors / Stephen Radin, Harold M. Greenberg.
Lexington, Mass. : Lexington Books, c1983.
260 p.
Copyright Claimant:
D. C. Heath and Company, a division of Raytheon Company
Stephen Radin
Harold M. Greenberg
Raytheon Company. D. C. Heath and Company (1053 documents)
example document: The Social welfare institution
Harold M. Greenberg
Raytheon Company. D. C. Heath and Company (1053 documents)
example document: The Social welfare institution
Computer literacy mini-course 1
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001241261 / 1983-08-09
Date of Publication:
January 4, 1983
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy mini-course 1.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Copyright Claimant:
Diocesan School Office
Cataloged from appl. only.
Authorship on Application:
Diocesan School Office, employer for hire of Sister Ellenore Mary Jordan.
Sister Ellenore Mary Jordan
Diocesan School Office
Diocesan School Office
Computer literacy teacher's guide
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001246375 / 1983-11-02
Date of Publication:
September 1, 1982
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy teacher's guide.
High school ed.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "additional text, ill. & computer programs."
Previous Registration:
Songs prev. pub.
Copyright Claimant:
County School Board of Fairfax County
Cataloged from appl. only.
Fairfax County, Va. School Board (4 documents)
example document: The Constitution and the early Republic
example document: The Constitution and the early Republic
Computer literacy
Type of Work:
Machine-readable work or computer program
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001257686 / 1983-12-12
Date of Publication:
October 4, 1983
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Copyright Claimant:
Audioactive, Inc.
Cataloged from appl. only.
Audioactive, Inc.
Computer literacy introduction
Type of Work:
Machine-readable work or computer program
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001268197 / 1983-12-23
Date of Publication:
September 2, 1983
Date of Creation:
Date in Notice:
notice: 1982
Computer literacy introduction : history, uses, issues : computer program.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: revisions.
Previous Registration:
Prev. reg. 1983, TX 1-053-784.
Variant title:
Computer literacy introduction : history, uses, issues
Copyright Claimant:
Control Data Corporation
Cataloged from appl. only.
Computer literacy
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001280965 / 1983-11-03
Date of Publication:
September 1, 1982
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy : teacher's guide.
Application Title:
Computer literacy, teacher's guide, intermediate level I and level II.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "additional text, ill. & computer programs."
Previous Registration:
Appl. identifies songs as preexisting material.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Fairfax, Va. : Dept. of Instructional Services, Office of Secondary Education, Fairfax County Public Schools, c1982.
1 v.
Other Title:
Computer literacy, teacher's guide, intermediate level I and level II
Copyright Claimant:
County School Board of Fairfax County
Fairfax County (Va.) School Board
County School Board of Fairfax County. (20 documents)
example document: Integrated language arts guide for kindergarten
County School Board of Fairfax County. (20 documents)
example document: Integrated language arts guide for kindergarten
Computer literacy
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001300348 / 1984-03-05
Date of Publication:
March 1, 1984
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy / Levi Reiss.
Boston : PWS Publishers, c1984.
543 p.
Copyright Claimant:
P W S Publishers
Levi Reiss (5 documents)
example document: Open computing guide to UnixWare
PWS Publishers (160 documents)
example document: Statistics for management and economics
example document: Open computing guide to UnixWare
PWS Publishers (160 documents)
example document: Statistics for management and economics
Computer literacy
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001382974 / 1984-07-09
Date of Publication:
May 15, 1984
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy : Computer science 1.
Copyright Claimant:
Brigham Young University
Cataloged from appl. only.
Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah (116 documents)
example document: Everybody needs a home
example document: Everybody needs a home
Computer literacy levels and attitudes towards computers of ...
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001391692 / 1984-07-24
Date of Publication:
April 16, 1984
Date of Creation:
Date in Notice:
notice: 1983
Computer literacy levels and attitudes towards computers of ... / Arthur Jack Serabian.
Ann Arbor : University Microfilms International, 1984.
Copyright Claimant:
Arthur Jack Serabian
Arthur Jack Serabian 1947-
Computer literacy for middle management
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001405632 / 1984-09-07
Date of Publication:
August 9, 1984
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy for middle management / Rudolph E. Hirsch.
Englewood Cliffs, N. J. : Prentice-Hall, c1984.
226 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Rudolph E. Hirsch 1928-
Prentice-Hall, Inc. (10137 documents)
example document: Quality control
Prentice-Hall, Inc. (10137 documents)
example document: Quality control
Computer literacy
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001416582 / 1984-08-27
Date of Publication:
October 3, 1983
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy : elementary grades, experimental.
333 p.
Variant title:
Computer literacy : elementary grades, experimental
Copyright Claimant:
Board of Education of the City of New York
New York (City) Board of Education (74 documents)
example document: Cosmetology level 3
Board of Education of the City of New York
example document: Cosmetology level 3
Board of Education of the City of New York
Computer literacy
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001421898 / 1984-09-06
Date of Publication:
February 28, 1984
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy : introductory flowcharts.
Variant title:
Computer literacy : introductory flowcharts
Copyright Claimant:
Midwest Publications Company, Inc.
Cataloged from appl.
Authorship on Application:
Marjorie A. Fitting & Darlene Atteberry.
Marjorie A. Fitting 1933-
Darlene Atteberry 1945-
Midwest Publications Company, Inc. (89 documents)
example document: Universal statements
Darlene Atteberry 1945-
Midwest Publications Company, Inc. (89 documents)
example document: Universal statements
Computer literacy for teachers
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001434505 / 1984-10-19
Date of Publication:
September 10, 1984
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy for teachers.
Copyright Claimant:
Sage Publications, Inc.
Cataloged from appl.
Authorship on Application:
Frank P. Besag & Leonard P. Levine.
Frank P. Besag (1 documents)
example document: The Foundations of education
Leonard P. Levine
Sage Publications, Inc. (1913 documents)
example document: Cultural Marxism and political sociology
example document: The Foundations of education
Leonard P. Levine
Sage Publications, Inc. (1913 documents)
example document: Cultural Marxism and political sociology
Computer literacy
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001437811 / 1984-10-26
Date of Publication:
July 16, 1984
Date of Creation:
Date in Notice:
notice: 1983
Computer literacy : a model plan for teacher education in ... / Robert Meier Hilgenfeld.
Ann Arbor : University Microfilms International, 1984.
Variant title:
Computer literacy : a model plan for teacher education in ...
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Meier Hilgenfeld
Robert Meier Hilgenfeld 1943-
Computer literacy adventures of the Lollipop Dragon
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001442290 / 1984-10-10
Date of Publication:
September 15, 1983
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy adventures of the Lollipop Dragon : teacher's manual : including skill boosters.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "text of teacher's manual, skill boosters."
Variant title:
Computer literacy adventures of the Lollipop Dragon : teacher's manual
Copyright Claimant:
Society for Visual Education, Inc.
Cataloged from appl. only.
Computer literacy
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001443666 / 1984-10-16
Date of Publication:
August 28, 1984
Date of Creation:
Computer literacy.
Copyright Claimant:
Gary E. Laskowsky
Cataloged from appl.
Authorship on Application:
text: Gary E. Laskowsky.
Gary E. Laskowsky 1947-
This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.