Consensus on operating practices for the control of feedwater and boiler water chemistry in modern industrial boilers part 2

Modeling, simulation, testing, and measurements for solar energy systems

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000123675 / 1978-10-19
Date of Publication:
September 27, 1978
Date of Creation:
Modeling, simulation, testing, and measurements for solar energy systems : presented at the winter annual meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, San Francisco, California, December 10-December 15, 1978 / sponsored by the Solar Energy Division, A S M E ; edited by J. M. Nash, J. T. Smok, W. C. Thomas, P. E. Jenkins.
New York : ASME, c1978.
101 p.
Copyright Claimant:
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Authorship on Application:
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, employer for hire.
J. M. Nash
J. T. Smok
W. C. Thomas
P. E. Jenkins
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: Current topics in piping and pipe support design

Copyrights records by American Society of Mechanical Engineers

American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Solar Energy Division

Copyrights records by American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Solar Energy Division

The Solar Energy Division, A S M E.

Sixth A S M E Wind Energy Symposium

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0002008320 / 1987-02-26
Date of Publication:
February 12, 1987
Date of Creation:
Sixth A S M E Wind Energy Symposium / sponsored by the Solar Energy Division, A S M E ; edited by Robert W. Thresher.
New York : American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1987.
216 p.
Other Title:
Energy-Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition, 10th, Dallas, 1987
Copyright Claimant:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
One of the symposia that make up the Tenth Annual Energy-Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition held in Dallas, Feb. 15-18, 1987.
Authorship on Application:
collective work: the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, employer for hire.
Robert W. Thresher
ASME Wind Energy Symposium, 6th
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Solar Energy Division (18 documents)
example document: Analysis and applications of heat pumps
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: Flow in primary, non-rotating passages in turbomachinery
Solar Energy Division, A S M E.

Copyrights records by Solar Energy Division, A S M E.

Solar energy technology

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0002217057 / 1988-01-04
Date of Publication:
December 7, 1987
Date of Creation:
Solar energy technology : presented at the winter annual meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Boston Mass., Dec. 13-18, 1987 / edited by L. M. Murphy, H. M. Guven, P. Lowrey ; sponsored by the Solar Energy Division, A S M E.
New York : ASME, c1987.
171 p.
Other Title:
S E D ; v.4
Copyright Claimant:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Authorship on Application:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, employer for hire.
L. M. Murphy
H. M. Guven
P. Lowrey
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: Nondestructive examination
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Solar Energy Division (18 documents)
example document: Computer aided design of pipe and pipe supports
Solar Energy Division, A S M E. (4 documents)
example document: Analysis and applications of heat pumps

Seventh A S M E Wind Energy Symposium

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0002220841 / 1988-01-14
Date of Publication:
January 8, 1987
Date of Creation:
Seventh A S M E Wind Energy Symposium : presented at the Eleventh Annual Energy-Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 10-13, 1988 / sponsored by the Solar Energy Division, A S M E ; edited by A. H. P. Swift, R. W. Thresher.
New York : ASME, c1988.
197 p.
Other Title:
S E D ; v.5
Copyright Claimant:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Authorship on Application:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, employer for hire.
A. H. P. Swift
R. W. Thresher
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: Component support snubbers--design, application, and testing
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Solar Energy Division (18 documents)
example document: Solar energy technology, 1989
ASME Wind Energy Symposium, New Orleans, 1988
Energy-Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition, 11th, New Orleans, 1988 (6 documents)
example document: Basic processes in internal combustion engines--1988

The Guide to high-tech consulting and contracting

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0002294509 / 1987-07-23
Date of Publication:
January 3, 1987
Date of Creation:
The Guide to high-tech consulting and contracting / by W. Courtney Thomas and Kathleen J. Thomas ; illustrated by Kathleen J. Thomas.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
North Las Vegas, NV : Madden Associates, c1987.
517 p.
Copyright Claimant:
W. Courtney Thomas and Kathleen J. Thomas
W. Courtney Thomas 1945-
Kathleen J. Thomas 1945-

Solar engineering, 1988

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0002341358 / 1988-06-24
Date of Publication:
April 4, 1988
Date of Creation:
Solar engineering, 1988 / sponsored by the Solar Energy Division, A S M E ; edited by L. M. Murphy, T. R. Mancini.
New York : The Society, c1988.
553 p.
Copyright Claimant:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Proceedings of the tenth annual A S M E Solar Energy Conference.
Authorship on Application:
entire collective work: the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, employer for hire.
L. M. Murphy
T. R. Mancini (3 documents)
example document: Proceedings of the 30th intersociety energy conversion engineering conference
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: Nonlinear system analysis and synthesis
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Solar Energy Division
ASME Solar Energy Conference, 10th
Solar Energy Division, A S M E. (4 documents)
example document: Analysis and applications of heat pumps
Solar Energy Conference, A S M E.

Eighth A S M E Wind Energy Symposium

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0002506292 / 1989-02-10
Date of Publication:
January 20, 1989
Date of Creation:
Date in Notice:
notice: 1988
Eighth A S M E Wind Energy Symposium : presented at the Twelfth Annual Energy-Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, January 22-25, 1989 / sponsored by the Solar Energy Division, A S M E ; edited by D. E. Berg [i.e. Dale E. Berg], P. C. Klimas [i.e. Paul C. Klimas].
New York : American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1988.
294 p.
Other Title:
S E D ; v.7
Copyright Claimant:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Authorship on Application:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, employer for hire.
Dale E. Berg
Paul C. Klimas
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: Cast metals for structural and pressure containment applications
ASME Wind Energy Symposium, 8th, Houston, 1989
Energy-Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition, 12th, Houston, 1989 (10 documents)
example document: Fossil Fuels Combustion Symposium, 1989
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Solar Energy Division (18 documents)
example document: Computer aided design of pipe and pipe supports
Wind Energy Symposium

Ninth ASME Wind Energy Symposium

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0002857633 / 1990-07-09
Date of Publication:
January 12, 1990
Date of Creation:
Ninth ASME Wind Energy Symposium : presented at the Thirteenth Annual Energy-Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 14-18, 1990 / sponsored by the Solar Energy Division, ASME ; edited by D. E. Berg.
SED ; v. 9
1 v.
Other Title:
SED ; v. 9
Copyright Claimant:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Authorship on Application:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, employer for hire.
Dale E. Berg
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, an American national standard
ASME Wind Energy Symposium, 9th, New Orleans, 1990
Energy-Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition, 13th, New Orleans, 1990 (3 documents)
example document: Fuels, combustion, and lubrication
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Solar Energy Division (18 documents)
example document: Solar energy technology, 1989
Wind Energy Symposium. (2 documents)
example document: International wind energy symposium

Tenth ASME Wind Energy Symposium

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003036220 / 1991-04-04
Date of Publication:
January 25, 1991
Date of Creation:
Tenth ASME Wind Energy Symposium : SED-v. 11 / edited by Dale E. Berg, Paul S. Veers ; sponsored by the Solar Energy Division, ASME.
1 v.
Variant title:
Tenth ASME Wind Energy Symposium : SED-v. 11
Copyright Claimant:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Authorship on Application:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, employer for hire.
Presented at the fourteenth annual Energy-Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Jan. 2-23, 1991.
Dale E. Berg
Paul S. Veers
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, an American national standard
Energy-Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition, 14th, Houston, 1991 (3 documents)
example document: Coal-fueled diesel engines--1991
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Solar Energy Division
Solar Energy Division, ASME.

Smart structures and materials

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003222383 / 1992-01-09
Date of Publication:
November 25, 1991
Date of Creation:
Smart structures and materials : presented at the winter annual meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Atlanta, Georgia, December 1-6, 1991 / sponsored by the Aerospace Division and the Applied Mechanics Division, ASME ; coordinating editor, George K. Haritos.
AD ; v. 24
AMD ; v. 123
Other Title:
AD ; v. 24
AMD ; v. 123
Copyright Claimant:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Authorship on Application:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, employer for hire.
Papers presented at the symposium, Structures and Materials for Emerging Systems.
George K. Haritos (3 documents)
example document: Creep-fatigue interaction at high temperature
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, an American national standard
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Aerospace Division (8 documents)
example document: Creep-fatigue interaction at high temperature

Copyrights records by American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Aerospace Division

American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Applied Mechanics Division (83 documents)
example document: Impact of New Computing Systems on Computational Mechanics

Copyrights records by American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Applied Mechanics Division

Structures and Materials for Emerging Systems, Atlanta, 1991
ASME, Applied Mechanics Division

Heat and Mass Transfer in Solidification Processing

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003222388 / 1992-01-09
Date of Publication:
November 25, 1991
Date of Creation:
Heat and Mass Transfer in Solidification Processing : presented at the winter annual meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Atlanta, Georgia, December 1-6, 1991 / sponsored by the Heat Transfer Division and the Materials Division, ASME ; edited by Suresh G. Advani, Christoph Beckermann.
HTD ; v. 175
MD ; v. 25
Other Title:
HTD ; v. 175
MD ; v. 25
Copyright Claimant:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Authorship on Application:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, employer for hire.
Papers presented at the symposium.
Suresh G. Advani
Christoph Beckermann
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, an American national standard
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Heat Transfer Division (148 documents)
example document: The Interrelationships between codes, standards, and customer specifications for process heat transfer equipment

Copyrights records by American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Heat Transfer Division

Heat and Mass Transfer in Solidification Processing, Atlanta, 1991
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Materials Division (28 documents)
example document: Damage and oxidation protection in high temperature composites

Copyrights records by American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Materials Division

ASME, Materials Division

Advances in biological heat and masss transfer--1991

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003222391 / 1992-01-09
Date of Publication:
November 25, 1991
Date of Creation:
Advances in biological heat and masss transfer--1991 : presented at the winter annual meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Atlanta, Georgia, December 1-6, 1991 / sponsored by the Heat Transfer Division and the Bioengineering Division, ASME ; edited by J. J. McGrath.
HTD ; v. 189
BED ; v. 18
Other Title:
HTD ; v. 189
BED ; v. 18
Copyright Claimant:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Authorship on Application:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, employer for hire.
Papers presented at the meeting.
J. J. McGrath (2 documents)
example document: Low temperature biotechnology
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: Solid contact and lubrication
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Bioengineering Division

Copyrights records by American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Bioengineering Division

American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Heat Transfer Division (148 documents)
example document: Nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics

Solid fuel conversion for the transportation sector

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003222399 / 1992-01-09
Date of Publication:
October 2, 1991
Date of Creation:
Solid fuel conversion for the transportation sector : presented at the 1991 International Joint Power Generation Conference, October 6-10, 1991, San Diego, California / sponsored by the Fuels Processing and Alternative Fuels Subcommittee and the Research Subcommittee for University-Industrial Exchange of the Fuels and Combustion Technologies Division, ASME ; edited by Alex E. S. Green.
FACT ; v. 12
Other Title:
FACT ; v.12
Copyright Claimant:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Authorship on Application:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, employer for hire.
Papers presented at the conference.
Alex E. S. Green
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: Effects of piping restraints on piping integrity
International Joint Power Generation Conference, San Diego, 1991 (2 documents)
example document: Fuel strategies for conventional and unconventional fuels
American Society of Mechanical Engineers .... Fuels Processing and Alternative Fuels Subcommittee
American Society of Mechanical Engineers .... Research Subcommittee for University-Industrial Exchange
ASME, Fuels and Combustion Technologies Division, Fuels Processing and Alternative Fuels Subcommittee
ASME, Fuels and Combustion Technologies Division, Research Subcommittee for University-Industrial Exchange

Cogeneration power plants--combined cycle design, operation, control, and unit auxiliaries

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003222402 / 1992-01-09
Date of Publication:
October 2, 1991
Date of Creation:
Cogeneration power plants--combined cycle design, operation, control, and unit auxiliaries : presented at the 1991 International Joint Power Generation Conference, October 6-10, 1991, San Diego, California / sponsored by Cogeneration and Small Power Producers Committee and the Industrial Operations Committee, the Power Division, ASME ; edited by J. W. Schroeter.
PWR ; v. 16
Other Title:
PWR ; v. 16
Copyright Claimant:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Authorship on Application:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, employer for hire.
Papers presented at the conference.
Jeffrey W. Schroeter
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: Interactive fluid-structural dynamic problems in power engineering
International Joint Power Generation Conference, San Diego, 1991
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Power Division. Cogeneration and Small Power Procedures Committee
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Power Division. Industrial Operations Committee
ASME, Power Division, Cogeneration and Small Power Producers Committee
ASME, Power Division, Industrial Operations Committee

Tribological aspects in manufacturing

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003222651 / 1992-01-09
Date of Publication:
November 25, 1991
Date of Creation:
Tribological aspects in manufacturing : presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Atlanta, Georgia, December 1-6, 1991 / sponsored by the Production Engineering Division, ASME, the Tribology Division, ASME ; edited by M. H. Attia, R. Komanduri.
TRIB ; v. 2
PED ; v. 54
Other Title:
PED ; v. 54
TRIB ; v.2
Copyright Claimant:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Authorship on Application:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, employer for hire.
M. H. Attia
R. Komanduri

Copyrights records by Komanduri, R.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Production Engineering Division

Copyrights records by American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Production Engineering Division

American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Tribology Division
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: Current topics in piping and pipe support design

SED-v. 12, Eleventh ASME Wind Energy Symposium

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003291928 / 1992-04-13
Date of Publication:
January 22, 1992
Date of Creation:
SED-v. 12, Eleventh ASME Wind Energy Symposium : presented at the Energy-Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas January 26-30, 1992 / sponsored by the the Solar Energy Division, ASME ; edited by Paul S. Veers, Susan M. Hock.
1 v.
Copyright Claimant:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Authorship on Application:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, employer for hire.
Paul S. Veers
Susan M. Hock
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: Surface texture
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Solar Energy Division (18 documents)
example document: Analysis and applications of heat pumps
ASME Wind Energy Symposium, 11th, Houston, 1992

Fluid transients and fluid-structure interaction, 1991

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003292761 / 1992-04-10
Date of Publication:
December 22, 1991
Date of Creation:
Fluid transients and fluid-structure interaction, 1991 : presented at the winter annual meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Atlanta, Georgia, Dec. 1-6, 1991 / sponsored by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division, ASME, Fluids Engineering Division, ASME ; edited by F. J. Moody, D. C. Wiggert.
PVP ; v. 224
FED ; v. 126
Other Title:
PVP ; v. 224
FED ; v. 126
Copyright Claimant:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Authorship on Application:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, employer for hire.
Papers presented at the meeting.
David C. Wiggert (6 documents)
example document: Forum on Unsteady Flows in Biological Systems

Copyrights records by Wiggert, David C.

Frederick J. Moody
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: Quality assurance and certification of safety and pollution prevention equipment used in offshore oil and gas operations
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (87 documents)
example document: Analysis of pressure vessel and heat exchanger components--1990

Copyrights records by American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Pressure Vessels and Piping Division

American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Fluids Engineering Division (62 documents)
example document: Particulate laden flows in turbomachinery

Copyrights records by American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Fluids Engineering Division

Second law analysis

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003292765 / 1992-04-10
Date of Publication:
December 22, 1991
Date of Creation:
Second law analysis : industrial and environmental applications : presented at the winter annual meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Atlanta, Georgia, Dec. 1-6, 1991 / sponsored by the Advanced Energy Systems Division, ASME, the Heat Transfer Division, ASME ; edited by Gordon M. Reistad, Michael J. Moran, William J. Wepper, Noam Lior.
AES ; v. 25
HTD ; v. 191
Other Title:
AES ; v. 25
HTD ; v. 191
Copyright Claimant:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Authorship on Application:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, employer for hire.
Papers presented at the symposium entitled Thermodynamics and the Design, Analysis and Improvement of Energy Systems.
Michael J. Moran (12 documents)
example document: Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics

Copyrights records by Moran, Michael J.

William J. Wepper
Gordon M. Reistad
Noam Lior
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: Recent advances in lifeline earthquake engineering in Japan
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Advanced Energy Systems Division

Copyrights records by American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Advanced Energy Systems Division

American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Heat Transfer Division (148 documents)
example document: Heat transfer in geophysical media
Thermodynamics and the Design, Analysis and Improvement of Energy Systems, Atlanta, 1991

Recent Advances in Structural Mechanics, 1991

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003292788 / 1992-04-10
Date of Publication:
December 22, 1991
Date of Creation:
Recent Advances in Structural Mechanics, 1991 : presented at the winter annual meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Atlanta, Georgia, December 1-6, 1991 / sponsored by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division, ASME, the Nuclear Engineering Division, ASME ; edited by Howard H. Chung, Young W. Kwon.
PVP ; vol. 225
NE ; vol. 7
Other Title:
PVP ; vol. 225
NE ; vol.7
Copyright Claimant:
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (employer for hire)
Papers presented at the symposium entitled "Recent Advances in Structural Mechanics."
Howard H. Chung

Copyrights records by Chung, Howard H.

Young W. Kwon

Copyrights records by Kwon, Young W.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: Finite element methods for convection dominated flows
Recent Advances in Structural Mechanics, Atlanta, 1991
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (87 documents)
example document: Reference fracture toughness procedures applied to pressure vessel materials
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Nuclear Engineering Division (15 documents)
example document: Residual-life assessment, nondestructive examination, and nuclear heat exchanger materials

Copyrights records by American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Nuclear Engineering Division

Proceedings of the Third International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003334215 / 1992-05-05
Date of Publication:
January 11, 1984
Date of Creation:
Proceedings of the Third International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium : v. 2 / edited by Jin S. Chung.
1 v.
Variant title:
Proceedings of the Third International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium : v. 2
Copyright Claimant:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (employer for hire)
Presented at Energy-Sources Technology Conference & Exhibition, New Orleans, February 12-17, 1984 / sponsored by OMAE Symposium Technical Program Committee, Offshore Mechanics Committee and Arctic Committee of American Society of Mechanical Engineers Petroleum Division, Ocean Engineering Division, et al.
Jin S. Chung (6 documents)
example document: Proceedings of the First Offshore Mechanics/Arctic Engineering/Deepsea Systems Symposium

Copyrights records by Chung, Jin S.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, an American national standard
International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium, 3rd, New Orleans, 1984
Energy-Sources Technology Conference & Exhibition, New Orleans, 1984
Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium. Technical Program Committee
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Petroleum Division. Offshore Mechanics Committee and Arctic Committee
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Ocean Engineering Division

Copyrights records by American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Ocean Engineering Division

Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium, International.

Proceedings of the Third International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003334216 / 1992-05-05
Date of Publication:
January 11, 1984
Date of Creation:
Proceedings of the Third International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium : v. 3 / edited by V. J. Lunardini.
1 v.
Variant title:
Proceedings of the Third International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium : v. 3
Copyright Claimant:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (employer for hire)
Presented at Energy-Sources Technology Conference & Exhibition, New Orleans, February 12-17, 1984 / sponsored by OMAE Symposium Technical Program Committee, Offshore Mechanics Committee and Arctic Committee of American Society of Mechanical Engineers Petroleum Division, Ocean Engineering Division, et al.
V. J. Lunardini (2 documents)
example document: Proceedings of the 1987 International Symposium on Cold Regions Heat Transfer

Copyrights records by Lunardini, V. J.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: Cast metals for structural and pressure containment applications
International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium, 3rd, New Orleans, 1984
Energy-Sources Technology Conference & Exhibition, New Orleans, 1984
Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium. Technical Program Committee
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Petroleum Division. Offshore Mechanics Committee and Arctic Committee
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Ocean Engineering Division

Proceedings of the Third International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003334217 / 1992-05-05
Date of Publication:
January 11, 1984
Date of Creation:
Proceedings of the Third International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium : v. 1 / edited by Jin S. Chung.
1 v.
Variant title:
Proceedings of the Third International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium : v. 1
Copyright Claimant:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (employer for hire)
Presented at Energy-Sources Technology Conference & Exhibition, New Orleans, February 12-17, 1984 / sponsored by OMAE Symposium Technical Program Committee, Offshore Mechanics Committee and Arctic Committee of American Society of Mechanical Engineers Petroleum Division, Ocean Engineering Division, et al.
Jin S. Chung
Energy-Sources Technology Conference & Exhibition, New Orleans, 1984
Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium. Technical Program Committee
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Petroleum Division. Offshore Mechanics Committee and Arctic Committee
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Ocean Engineering Division (9 documents)
example document: The Characterization of carbon dioxide absorbing agents for life support equipment
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: Pumps
International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium, 3rd, New Orleans, 1984

Recent advances in damage mechanics and plasticity

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003357618 / 1992-07-16
Date of Publication:
June 1, 1992
Date of Creation:
Recent advances in damage mechanics and plasticity / sponsored by the Applied Mechanics Division and the Materials Division, ASME ; edited by J. W. Ju.
AMD ; v. 132
MD ; v. 30
Other Title:
AMD ; v. 132
MD ; v. 30
Copyright Claimant:
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (employer for hire)
Presented at the ASME Summer Mechanics and Materials Conferences, Tempe, Ariz., Apr. 28-May 1, 1992.
J. W. Ju
Applied Mechanics Division (2 documents)
example document: Mechanics of plastics and plastic composites
Materials Division, ASME
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, an American national standard
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Applied Mechanics Division (83 documents)
example document: Creep-fatigue interaction at high temperature
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Materials Division (28 documents)
example document: Damage and oxidation protection in high temperature composites

Copyrights records by ASME

Plastic flow and creep

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003357620 / 1992-07-16
Date of Publication:
June 1, 1992
Date of Creation:
Plastic flow and creep / sponsored by the Applied Mechanics Division and the Materials Division, ASME ; edited by Hussein M. Zbib.
AMD ; v. 135
MD ; v. 31
Other Title:
AMD ; v. 135
MD ; v. 31
Copyright Claimant:
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (employer for hire)
Presented at the ASME Summer Mechanics and Materials Conferences, Tempe, Ariz., Apr. 28-May 1, 1992.
Hussein M. Zbib
Applied Mechanics Division (2 documents)
example document: Mechanics of plastics and plastic composites
Materials Division, ASME
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: Methods for Predicting Material Life in Fatigue
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Applied Mechanics Division (83 documents)
example document: Computational fracture mechanics--nonlinear and 3-D problems
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Materials Division (28 documents)
example document: Computer modeling and simulation of manufacturing processes

Computational methods in materials processing

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003464211 / 1993-01-06
Date of Publication:
November 5, 1992
Date of Creation:
Computational methods in materials processing : MD-vol. 39, PED-Vol. 61 / sponsored by the Materials Division and the Production Engineering Division, ASME ; edited by Jay S. Gunasekera, James C. Malas.
203 p.
Variant title:
Computational methods in materials processing : MD-vol. 39, PED-Vol. 61
Copyright Claimant:
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (employer for hire)
Presented at the winter annual meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Anaheim, Calif., November 8-13, 1992.
Jay S. Gunasekera
James C. Malas
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, an American national standard
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Production Engineering Division (18 documents)
example document: Machining composites
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Materials Division (28 documents)
example document: Mechanics of plastics and plastic composites

Thermodynamics and the design, analysis, and improvement of energy systems, 1992

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003464664 / 1993-01-06
Date of Publication:
November 5, 1992
Date of Creation:
Thermodynamics and the design, analysis, and improvement of energy systems, 1992 : presented at the winter annual meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Anaheim, California, Nov. 8-13, 1992 / sponsored by the Advanced Energy Systems Division and the Heat Transfer Division, ASME ; edited by R. F. Boehm.
AES ; vol. 228
HTD ; vol. 27
Other Title:
AES ; vol. 228
HTD ; vol.27
Copyright Claimant:
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (employer for hire)
Papers presented at the symposium, Thermodynamics and the Design, Analysis, and Improvement of Energy Systems.
R. F. Boehm (3 documents)
example document: Direct-contact heat transfer
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: Stress indices and stress intensification factors of pressure vessel and piping components
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Advanced Energy Systems Division (19 documents)
example document: Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) power generation, 1991
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Heat Transfer Division (148 documents)
example document: Symposium on Flow-Induced Vibrations
Thermodynamics and the Design, Analysis, and Improvement of Energy Systems, Anaheim, Calif., 1992

Wind energy, 1993

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003570277 / 1993-05-11
Date of Publication:
March 5, 1993
Date of Creation:
Wind energy, 1993 : presented at the 16th Annual Energy-Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, January 31-Februay 4, 1993 / sponsored by the Solar Energy Division, ASME ; edited by Susan M. Hock.
SED ; v. 14
New York, NY : American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1993.
213 p.
Other Title:
SED ; v. 14
Copyright Claimant:
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (employer for hire)
Susan M. Hock
Solar Energy Division, ASME
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, an American national standard
Energy-Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition, 16th, Houston, 1993
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Solar Energy Division

Nondestructive evaluation, 1993

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003573324 / 1993-05-11
Date of Publication:
March 5, 1993
Date of Creation:
Nondestructive evaluation, 1993 : presented at the 16th annual energy-sources technology conference and exhibition, Houston, Texas, January 31-February 4, 1993 / sponsored by the Petroleum Division and the NDE Engineering Division, ASME ; edited by D. E. Bray.
NDE ; v. 11
PD ; v. 54
New York : American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1993.
61 p.
Other Title:
Petroleum Division
NDE Engineering Division, ASME
PD ; v. 54
NDE ; v. 11
Copyright Claimant:
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (employer for hire)
D. E. Bray
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2878 documents)
example document: Criteria for nuclear safety related piping and component support snubbers
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Petroluem Division
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. NDE Engineering Division

The Last leopard

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TXu000415697 / 1990-04-27
Date of Creation:
The Last leopard / by W. Christopher Thomas.
1 v.
Copyright Claimant:
William C. Thomas
William Christopher Thomas 1939-
W. Christopher Thomas (1 documents)
example document: Once upon a time in Chicago

Marvin's little adventures

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TXu001226829 / 2005-03-17
Date of Creation:
Marvin's little adventures.
Rights and Permissions:
Rights & permissions info. on original appl. in C.O.
Copyright Claimant:
Pedro C. Jenkins (P. Clinton Jenkins) & Marvin L. Monroe
Cataloged from appl. only.
Pedro C. Jenkins
P. Clinton Jenkins
Marvin L. Monroe

This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.