Coronach and Dithyramb for two pianofortes and percussion instruments. m Thomas Ritter George
I'm the guy who found the
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
March 4, 1983
Entire Copyright Document:
V2001 P4-826
I'm the guy who found the.
Title appears in Document:
Love those men & 39,564 other titles. (Part 019 of 205)
I'm the guy who found the
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
November 7, 1986
Entire Copyright Document:
V2224 P1-883
I'm the guy who found the.
Title appears in Document:
Wish I had a girl & 42,922 other titles; musical compositions. (Part 091 of 213)
Business algebra and mathematics
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
April 23, 1990
Entire Copyright Document:
Date of Execution:
March 13, 1990
Registration Number Not Verified:
TX 2-049-486 (1987)
Business algebra and mathematics / By Thomas F. George. TX 2-049-486 (1987)
Assignment of copyright.
Prentice Hall, Inc., a division of Simon & Schuster. (11 documents)
example document: The Theory of environmental policy: externalities, public outlays and the quality of life
Thomas F. George 1939-
Thomas F. George.
Simon & Schuster. Prentice Hall, Inc. (501 documents)
example document: Stochastic modeling and the theory of queues
example document: The Theory of environmental policy: externalities, public outlays and the quality of life
Thomas F. George 1939-
Thomas F. George.
Simon & Schuster. Prentice Hall, Inc. (501 documents)
example document: Stochastic modeling and the theory of queues
I'm the guy that wrote sweet Adeline
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
October 21, 1983
Entire Copyright Document:
Registration Number Not Verified:
EU72174 (1933) Termination effective June 2, 1989.
I'm the guy that wrote sweet Adeline : a.k.a. I want to help balance the budget / EU72174 (1933) Termination effective June 2, 1989.
Variant title:
I want to help balance the budget
Title appears in Document:
Oh! you so 'n' so & 20 other titles.
I'm the guy who found the
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
October 14, 1983
Entire Copyright Document:
V1977 P1-703 & V1978 P1-333
I'm the guy who found the.
Title appears in Document:
.44 & 50,924 other titles; musical compositions. (Part 194 of 258)
I'm the guy
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
March 13, 1979
Entire Copyright Document:
V1711 P432-547
I'm the guy / By Wilson & Sears.
Title appears in Document:
.44 rifle blues & 7152 other titles; musical compositions. (Part 026 of 038)
I'm the guy
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
July 5, 1979
Entire Copyright Document:
V1733 P110-124
I'm the guy / By Jerry Foster & Bill Rice.
Title appears in Document:
Able and Betty Jane & 291 other titles. (Part 001 of 002)
I'm the guy
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
January 4, 1978
Entire Copyright Document:
Registration Number Not Verified:
E285477 (1912)
I'm the guy / By Rube Goldberg. E285477 (1912)
Notice of termination of grant under 17 U.S.C. sec. 304; date & manner of service of the notice of termination: January 3, 1978, certified mail, return receipt requested.
Termination effective January 3, 1980 (re Rube Goldberg, deceased)
Termination effective January 3, 1980 (re Rube Goldberg, deceased)
Party 1 personal name:
George W. George & Thomas R. George & Irma Goldberg
Thomas R. George & George W. George. American Guild of Authors and Composers as agent acting on behalf of Irma Goldberg
Rube Goldberg
George W. George (8 documents)
example document: The fourth wave
Thomas R. George
Irma Goldberg
Remick Music Corporation. (322 documents)
example document: I'll fly to Hawaii & 1 other title
American Guild of Authors and Composers (1257 documents)
example document: Poor people
Rube Goldberg
George W. George (8 documents)
example document: The fourth wave
Thomas R. George
Irma Goldberg
Remick Music Corporation. (322 documents)
example document: I'll fly to Hawaii & 1 other title
American Guild of Authors and Composers (1257 documents)
example document: Poor people
I'm the guy
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
July 17, 1978
Entire Copyright Document:
V1669 P307-319
I'm the guy / Co-writers: Jerry Foster & Bill Rice. DCR 1973.
Title appears in Document:
A Fool never learns & 283 other titles; musical compositions. (Part 001 of 002)
I'm the guy who kissed the girl, who kissed the blarney stone
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
September 22, 1978
Entire Copyright Document:
I'm the guy who kissed the girl, who kissed the blarney stone / Words by James Cavanaugh & Jack Kaufman, music by Neumam Fier.
Title appears in Document:
Mississippi mud & 9 other titles.
The James Dean story
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
January 27, 2004
Entire Copyright Document:
V3506 D235 P1-2
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1969
Registration Number Not Verified:
RE 271-219 (1985)
PA 841-435 (1995)
PA 841-435 (1995)
The James Dean story; motion picture / RE 271-219 (1985) & PA 841-435 (1995)
Inc. George Robert Documentaries
George W. George (8 documents)
example document: Quack!
Robert Altman (42 documents)
example document: The Presbyterian church wager
George W. George & Robert Altman.
George W. George (8 documents)
example document: Quack!
Robert Altman (42 documents)
example document: The Presbyterian church wager
George W. George & Robert Altman.
Have faith. w & m Rube Goldberg (Reuben L. Goldberg) & Dick Leibert
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000171615 / 1983-07-06
EU0000384790 / 1955-02-01
EU0000384790 / 1955-02-01
Have faith. w & m Rube Goldberg (Reuben L. Goldberg) & Dick Leibert.
Variant title:
Have faith.
Copyright Claimant:
Irma S. Goldberg (W), George W. George & Thomas R. George (C of Reuben L. Goldberg)
Reuben L. Goldberg
Dick Leibert (10 documents)
example document: Pray for me. Words & music by Dick Leibert (Richard Leibert)
Irma S. Goldberg
George W. George (8 documents)
example document: The fourth wave
Thomas R. George (4 documents)
example document: Willie, the whistling giraffe. Words and music: Ruth Cleary Patterson & Rube Goldberg
Rube Goldberg (17 documents)
example document: My papa. m Norman Monath, w Rube Goldberg
Dick Leibert (10 documents)
example document: Pray for me. Words & music by Dick Leibert (Richard Leibert)
Irma S. Goldberg
George W. George (8 documents)
example document: The fourth wave
Thomas R. George (4 documents)
example document: Willie, the whistling giraffe. Words and music: Ruth Cleary Patterson & Rube Goldberg
Rube Goldberg (17 documents)
example document: My papa. m Norman Monath, w Rube Goldberg
Rube Goldberg's Guide to Europe. Text: Sam Boal, drawings: Rube Goldberg
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000118391 / 1982-01-22
A00000134492 / 1954-04-15
A00000134492 / 1954-04-15
Rube Goldberg's Guide to Europe. Text: Sam Boal, drawings: Rube Goldberg.
Variant title:
Rube Goldberg's Guide to Europe.
Other Title:
Guide to Europe.
Copyright Claimant:
Irma Goldberg (W) & Sam Boal (A)
Have faith. Words and music by Rube Goldberg & Dick Leibert
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000172489 / 1983-06-29
EU0000384790 / 1955-02-01
EU0000384790 / 1955-02-01
Have faith. Words and music by Rube Goldberg & Dick Leibert.
Variant title:
Have faith
Copyright Claimant:
Irma Goldberg (W)
Rube Goldberg
Dick Leibert (10 documents)
example document: I feel like spaghetti tonight. w George Blake, m Dick Leibert (Richard William Leibert)
Irma Goldberg
Dick Leibert (10 documents)
example document: I feel like spaghetti tonight. w George Blake, m Dick Leibert (Richard William Leibert)
Irma Goldberg
I'm the guy
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000495789 / 1983-04-04
Date of Creation:
I'm the guy / music & lyrics by Dick Ferris.
1 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Richard D. Ferris
Richard D. Ferris 1932-
Dick Ferris
Dick Ferris
Coronach and Dithyramb for two pianofortes and percussion instruments. m Thomas Ritter George
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000454670 / 1989-12-21
EU0000663829 / 1961-03-27
EU0000663829 / 1961-03-27
Coronach and Dithyramb for two pianofortes and percussion instruments. m Thomas Ritter George.
Variant title:
Coronach and Dithyramb for two pianofortes and percussion instruments
Copyright Claimant:
Thom Ritter George (A)
I made my bed. By Rube Goldberg
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000378173 / 1988-02-26
A00000443390 / 1960-05-06
A00000443390 / 1960-05-06
I made my bed. By Rube Goldberg.
Variant title:
I made my bed
Copyright Claimant:
Mrs. Rube Goldberg (W)
Willie the whistling giraffe. w & m Ruth Cleary Patterson & Rube Goldberg
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000017069 / 1979-01-12
EP0000057244 / 1951-09-17
EP0000057244 / 1951-09-17
Willie the whistling giraffe. w & m Ruth Cleary Patterson & Rube Goldberg.
Variant title:
Willie the whistling giraffe.
Copyright Claimant:
Irma S. Goldberg (W), Thomas R. George, George Warren George (C of Rube Goldberg) & Ruth Cleary Patterson (A)
Ruth Cleary Patterson (8 documents)
example document: Willie, the whistling giraffe. Words and music: Ruth Cleary Patterson & Rube Goldberg
Rube Goldberg (17 documents)
example document: My papa. m Norman Monath, w Rube Goldberg
Irma S. Goldberg
Thomas R. George (4 documents)
example document: Willie, the whistling giraffe. Words and music: Ruth Cleary Patterson & Rube Goldberg
George Warren George (1 documents)
example document: Willie, the whistling giraffe. Words and music: Ruth Cleary Patterson & Rube Goldberg
example document: Willie, the whistling giraffe. Words and music: Ruth Cleary Patterson & Rube Goldberg
Rube Goldberg (17 documents)
example document: My papa. m Norman Monath, w Rube Goldberg
Irma S. Goldberg
Thomas R. George (4 documents)
example document: Willie, the whistling giraffe. Words and music: Ruth Cleary Patterson & Rube Goldberg
George Warren George (1 documents)
example document: Willie, the whistling giraffe. Words and music: Ruth Cleary Patterson & Rube Goldberg
I'm the guy who gets
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000662695 / 1994-03-14
A00000835898 / 1966-01-15
A00000835898 / 1966-01-15
I'm the guy who gets.
Copyright Claimant:
Adam Hill (A)
Adam Hill
I'm the guy who found the lost chord. Words & music by Jimmy Durante (James Durante)
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000053069 / 1980-01-04
EU0000260476 / 1952-01-07
EU0000260476 / 1952-01-07
I'm the guy who found the lost chord. Words & music by Jimmy Durante (James Durante)
Variant title:
I'm the guy who found the lost chord.
Copyright Claimant:
James Durante (A)
James Durante (72 documents)
example document: Worcestershire on the sauce. Words & music by Jimmy Durante (James Durante) & Jack Barnett
example document: Worcestershire on the sauce. Words & music by Jimmy Durante (James Durante) & Jack Barnett
Bitter herbs and honey cake
Type of Work:
Dramatic work and accompanying music
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000338529 / 1981-09-30
Date of Creation:
Bitter herbs and honey cake / Ruth Goldberg.
61 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Ruth Goldberg
A play in 2 acts.
Ruth Goldberg 1951-
Love feelin'
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000331156 / 1981-07-09
Date of Creation:
Love feelin' : Love feeling / words and music Thomas George (Tom George, Thomas W. George)
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
on 1 sound cassette : noise reduction + lyrics (1 p.)
Other Title:
Love feeling
Copyright Claimant:
Thomas W. George
(With Keep your heart alive et al.)
Authorship on Application:
Thomas William George.
Thomas William George 1942-
Love force
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000331157 / 1981-07-09
Date of Creation:
Love force / words and music Thomas George (Tom George, Thomas W. George)
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
on 1 sound cassette + lyrics (1 p.)
Copyright Claimant:
Thomas George
(With Keep your heart alive et al.)
Thomas W. George 1942-
I'm the guy they called deep throat & 1 other title
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
February 28, 2007
Entire Copyright Document:
V3549 D517 P1-2
Date of Execution:
November 6, 2006
I'm the guy they called deep throat & 1 other title.
Short form option.
Party 1 personal name:
John O'Connor
John O'Connor. (1 documents)
example document: P.C. write guide
John O'Connor (28 documents)
example document: Darlin' woman fifteen songs
Universal Pictures, a division of Universal City Studios, LLLP. (112 documents)
example document: Spyhunter
Universal Pictures (935 documents)
example document: Serpent and the eagle
Universal City Studios, LLLP. Universal Pictures (117 documents)
example document: No titles given
example document: P.C. write guide
John O'Connor (28 documents)
example document: Darlin' woman fifteen songs
Universal Pictures, a division of Universal City Studios, LLLP. (112 documents)
example document: Spyhunter
Universal Pictures (935 documents)
example document: Serpent and the eagle
Universal City Studios, LLLP. Universal Pictures (117 documents)
example document: No titles given
I'm the guy they called deep throat
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
February 28, 2007
Entire Copyright Document:
V3549 D517 P1-2
I'm the guy they called deep throat : article / written by John O'Connor. (In Vanity Fair, July 2006)
Title appears in Document:
I'm the guy they called deep throat & 1 other title.
The Noise song. w Rube Goldberg, m Ruth Cleary
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000003854 / 1978-04-25
EU0000211307 / 1950-08-02
EU0000211307 / 1950-08-02
The Noise song. w Rube Goldberg, m Ruth Cleary.
Variant title:
The Noise song.
Copyright Claimant:
Ruth Cleary (A)
Rube Goldberg (17 documents)
example document: Noise song. w & m Rube Goldberg & Ruth Cleary (Ruth Cleary Patterson)
Ruth Cleary (4 documents)
example document: Little Yip Yip. w Margaret Fishback, m Ruth Cleary (Ruth Cleary Patterson)
example document: Noise song. w & m Rube Goldberg & Ruth Cleary (Ruth Cleary Patterson)
Ruth Cleary (4 documents)
example document: Little Yip Yip. w Margaret Fishback, m Ruth Cleary (Ruth Cleary Patterson)
Willie, the whistling giraffe. w Rube Goldberg, m Ruth Cleary
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000003855 / 1978-04-25
EU0000218846 / 1950-10-19
EU0000218846 / 1950-10-19
Willie, the whistling giraffe. w Rube Goldberg, m Ruth Cleary.
Variant title:
Willie, the whistling giraffe.
Copyright Claimant:
Ruth Cleary (A)
Rube Goldberg (17 documents)
example document: The Best of Rube Goldberg
Ruth Cleary (4 documents)
example document: Little Yip Yip. w Margaret Fishback, m Ruth Cleary (Ruth Cleary Patterson)
example document: The Best of Rube Goldberg
Ruth Cleary (4 documents)
example document: Little Yip Yip. w Margaret Fishback, m Ruth Cleary (Ruth Cleary Patterson)
A river named Sam. w Rube Goldberg, m Norman Monath
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000774443 / 1998-01-05
EU0000202855 / 1970-08-28
EU0000202855 / 1970-08-28
A river named Sam. w Rube Goldberg, m Norman Monath.
Variant title:
A river named Sam
Copyright Claimant:
Norman Monath (A)
Rube Goldberg (17 documents)
example document: Have faith. w & m Rube Goldberg & Dick Leibert (Richard William Leibert)
Norman Monath (48 documents)
example document: Adopt-a-family
example document: Have faith. w & m Rube Goldberg & Dick Leibert (Richard William Leibert)
Norman Monath (48 documents)
example document: Adopt-a-family
How to remove the cotton from a bottle of aspirin. By Rube Goldberg (Reuben L. Goldberg)
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000350568 / 1987-10-06
A00000386373 / 1959-04-23
A00000386373 / 1959-04-23
How to remove the cotton from a bottle of aspirin. By Rube Goldberg (Reuben L. Goldberg)
Variant title:
How to remove the cotton from a bottle of aspirin.
Copyright Claimant:
Mrs. Rube Goldberg (W)
Reuben L. Goldberg
Mrs. Rube Goldberg
Rube Goldberg (17 documents)
example document: Noise song. w & m Rube Goldberg & Ruth Cleary (Ruth Cleary Patterson)
Mrs. Rube Goldberg
Rube Goldberg (17 documents)
example document: Noise song. w & m Rube Goldberg & Ruth Cleary (Ruth Cleary Patterson)
Noise song. w & m Rube Goldberg (Reuben L. Goldberg) & Ruth Patterson
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000368942 / 1988-01-05
EP0000144421 / 1960-09-13
EP0000144421 / 1960-09-13
Noise song. w & m Rube Goldberg (Reuben L. Goldberg) & Ruth Patterson.
Variant title:
Noise song
Copyright Claimant:
Irma S. Goldberg (W), George W. George, Thomas R. George (C of Reuben L. Goldberg)
Reuben L. Goldberg
Ruth Patterson
Irma S. Goldberg (3 documents)
example document: Willie, the whistling giraffe. Words and music: Ruth Cleary Patterson & Rube Goldberg
George W. George (8 documents)
example document: Mob ties
Thomas R. George (4 documents)
example document: Willie, the whistling giraffe. Words and music: Ruth Cleary Patterson & Rube Goldberg
Rube Goldberg (17 documents)
example document: Noise song. w & m Rube Goldberg & Ruth Cleary (Ruth Cleary Patterson)
Ruth Patterson
Irma S. Goldberg (3 documents)
example document: Willie, the whistling giraffe. Words and music: Ruth Cleary Patterson & Rube Goldberg
George W. George (8 documents)
example document: Mob ties
Thomas R. George (4 documents)
example document: Willie, the whistling giraffe. Words and music: Ruth Cleary Patterson & Rube Goldberg
Rube Goldberg (17 documents)
example document: Noise song. w & m Rube Goldberg & Ruth Cleary (Ruth Cleary Patterson)
This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.