Doctor Strange classics starring Doctor Strange, The Longhorns, Stone
Doctor Strange graphic novel
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
January 30, 1989
Entire Copyright Document:
V2435 P310-418
Doctor Strange graphic novel.
Title appears in Document:
The Achievement plan for use in Baptist Sunday church schools & 2,009 other titles. (Part 008 of 010)
Doctor Strange annual
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
January 20, 1987
Entire Copyright Document:
V2234 P309-408
Doctor Strange annual.
Title appears in Document:
The Achievement plan for use in Baptist Sunday church schools & 2129 other titles; books, periodicals & other publications. (Part 007 of 011)
Doctor Strange graphic novel
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
January 20, 1987
Entire Copyright Document:
V2234 P309-408
Doctor Strange graphic novel.
Title appears in Document:
The Achievement plan for use in Baptist Sunday church schools & 2129 other titles; books, periodicals & other publications. (Part 008 of 011)
Doctor Strangelove
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
March 9, 1981
Entire Copyright Document:
V1836 P81-119
Doctor Strangelove / Pt. 1 & 2. Artist: Arthur Ponder. CAP-45-8004.
Title appears in Document:
Sneakers fifty-four & 583 other titles; records. (Part 003 of 003)
Doctor Strange graphic novel
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
October 26, 1992
Entire Copyright Document:
V2823 P416-522
Doctor Strange graphic novel.
Title appears in Document:
The amazing Spider-Man & 2298 other titles. (Part 002 of 014)
Doctor Strange classics starring Doctor Strange
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
October 26, 1992
Entire Copyright Document:
V2823 P416-522
Doctor Strange classics starring Doctor Strange.
Title appears in Document:
The amazing Spider-Man & 2298 other titles. (Part 008 of 014)
Doctor Strange/silver dagger
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
October 26, 1992
Entire Copyright Document:
V2823 P416-522
Doctor Strange/silver dagger.
Title appears in Document:
The amazing Spider-Man & 2298 other titles. (Part 008 of 014)
Doctor Strange
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
January 30, 1989
Entire Copyright Document:
V2435 P419-526
Doctor Strange.
Title appears in Document:
The Achievement plan for use in Baptist Sunday church schools & 2,055 other titles. (Part 010 of 010)
Doctor Strange
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
January 25, 1989
Entire Copyright Document:
V2438P104 (Single page document)
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1969
Doctor Strange; comic book character.
Short form assignment of rights.
Inc. Marvel Entertainment Group (13 documents)
example document: The Punisher
New World Entertainment, Ltd. (114 documents)
example document: The Punisher
example document: The Punisher
New World Entertainment, Ltd. (114 documents)
example document: The Punisher
Doctor Strangesnork
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
March 1, 1989
Entire Copyright Document:
V2442 P57-437
Doctor Strangesnork / (The Snorks)
Variant title:
Title appears in Document:
A Man called Flintstone & 9,239 other titles. (Part 029 of 048)
Doctor Strange
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
October 26, 1992
Entire Copyright Document:
V2823 P309-415
Doctor Strange.
Title appears in Document:
The amazing Spider-Man & 2301 other titles. (Part 004 of 013)
Doctor Strange
Type of Work:
Dramatic work and accompanying music
Registration Number / Date:
PAu003015029 / 2006-01-18
Date of Creation:
Doctor Strange.
Copyright Note:
Cataloged from appl. only.
Copyright Claimant:
MLG Productions 4, Inc.
Doctor Strange
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000030804 / 1979-01-31
Date of Publication:
September 1, 1978
Date of Creation:
Doctor Strange / director, Philip DeGuere ; producer, Alex Beaton.
Director of photography: Enzo A. Martinelli; written by Philip DeGuere; music: Paul Chihara; film editor: Christopher Nelson.
[s.l. : s.n.], c1978.
2 film reels (120 min.) : sd., col. ; 16 mm.
Copyright Claimant:
Universal City Studios, Inc.
On synopsis: M C A Television.
Deposit includes synopsis (2 p.).
Based on a character of the Marvel Comics Group.
Pilot no. 83446.
Deposit includes synopsis (2 p.).
Based on a character of the Marvel Comics Group.
Pilot no. 83446.
Authorship on Application:
Universal City Studios, Inc., employer for hire.
Peter Hooten, Clyde Kusatsu, Jessica Walter et al.
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: J.J. Starbuck
Philip DeGuere
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: The Christmas story; motion picture. By Revue Productions, Inc
MCA Television (7 documents)
example document: Sirota's court
example document: J.J. Starbuck
Philip DeGuere
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: The Christmas story; motion picture. By Revue Productions, Inc
MCA Television (7 documents)
example document: Sirota's court
The Longhorns
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000038155 / 1979-06-14
Date of Publication:
November 29, 1978
Date of Creation:
The Longhorns / a John Wiler production, in association with Universal, an M C A company ; producer, Alex Beaton ; directed by Virgil W. Vogel.
Written for television by John Wilder; director of photography: Ronald W. Browne; music: John Addison.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: film dramatization for television.
Centennial ; episode no. 48406
[s.l. : s.n.], c1978.
2 film reels (ca. 120 min.) : sd., col. ; 16 mm.
Other Title:
Centennial ; episode no. 48406
Copyright Claimant:
Universal City Studios, Inc.
Based on James A. Michener's novel.
Deposit includes synopsis (2 p.).
On synopsis: M C A TV.
Deposit includes synopsis (2 p.).
On synopsis: M C A TV.
Authorship on Application:
Universal City Studios, Inc., employer for hire.
William Atherton, Raymond Burr, Barbara Carrera et al.
John Wiler (8 documents)
example document: The Winds of death
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: Wiseguy
Virgil W. Vogel (72 documents)
example document: The Young riders
James A. Michener (207 documents)
example document: The source
MCA TV. (179 documents)
example document: House calls
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: Encounter with aries
example document: The Winds of death
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: Wiseguy
Virgil W. Vogel (72 documents)
example document: The Young riders
James A. Michener (207 documents)
example document: The source
MCA TV. (179 documents)
example document: House calls
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: Encounter with aries
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000085568 / 1980-10-06
Date of Publication:
December 31, 1979
Date of Creation:
Stone : [no.] 52805, Deep sleeper / produced by J. Rickley Dumm, Don Carlos Dunaway ; directed by Winrich Kolbe.
A production of Stephen J. Cannell and Gerry Productions, Inc., in association with Universal, an M C A company; producers: Alex Beaton & Rick Dumm (on synopsis); written by Don Carlos Dunaway; music: Mike Post & Pete Carpenter; Stone theme: Dennis Weaver & Nancy Adams; director of photography: Arthur R. Botham; film editor: Neal Chastain.
[s.l. : s.n.], c1979.
1 film reel (ca. 52 min.) : sd., col. ; 16 mm.
Variant title:
Stone : [no.] 52805
Other Title:
Deep sleeper
Copyright Claimant:
Universal City Studios, Inc.
Deposit includes synopsis (1 p.).
On synopsis: M C A--TV International.
On synopsis: M C A--TV International.
Authorship on Application:
Universal City Studios, Inc., employer for hire.
Dennis Weaver, Pat Hingle, Robby Weaver et al.
J. Rickley Dumm (84 documents)
example document: Riptide
Don Carlos Dunaway (3 documents)
example document: Cover up
Winrich Kolbe (95 documents)
example document: Star Trek voyager
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: J.J. Starbuck
Rick Dumm
MCA--TV International. (3 documents)
example document: Nobody's perfect
Gerry Productions, Inc.
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: The Perfect marriage. By Revue Productions, Inc
example document: Riptide
Don Carlos Dunaway (3 documents)
example document: Cover up
Winrich Kolbe (95 documents)
example document: Star Trek voyager
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: J.J. Starbuck
Rick Dumm
MCA--TV International. (3 documents)
example document: Nobody's perfect
Gerry Productions, Inc.
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: The Perfect marriage. By Revue Productions, Inc
Greatest American hero
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000142285 / 1982-05-07
Date of Publication:
April 22, 1981
Date of Creation:
Greatest American hero : episode no. 9607, My heores have always been cowboys / producer, Alex Beaton ; directed by Arnold Laven.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
1 film reel (ca. 50 min.) : sd., col. ; 16 mm.
Variant title:
Greatest American hero : episode no. 9607
Other Title:
My heores have always been cowboys
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen J. Cannell Productions
Authorship on Application:
Stephen J. Cannell Productions, employer for hire.
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: The Greatest American hero
Arnold Laven (26 documents)
example document: CHiPS
Stephen J. Cannell Productions (293 documents)
example document: Hardcastle and McCormick
example document: The Greatest American hero
Arnold Laven (26 documents)
example document: CHiPS
Stephen J. Cannell Productions (293 documents)
example document: Hardcastle and McCormick
The Greatest American hero
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000142287 / 1982-05-07
Date of Publication:
April 16, 1981
Date of Creation:
The Greatest American hero : episode no. 9606, Reseda Rose / a Stephen J. Cannell production ; produced by Alex Beaton.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
1 film reel (ca. 50 min.) : sd., col. ; 16 mm.
Variant title:
The Greatest American hero : episode no. 9606
Other Title:
Reseda Rose
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen J. Cannell Productions
Authorship on Application:
Stephen J. Cannell Productions, employer for hire.
Stephen J. Cannell (54 documents)
example document: They don't make 'em like they use to
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: Wiseguy
Stephen J. Cannell Productions (293 documents)
example document: Hardcastle and McCormick
example document: They don't make 'em like they use to
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: Wiseguy
Stephen J. Cannell Productions (293 documents)
example document: Hardcastle and McCormick
The Greatest American hero
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000142291 / 1982-05-07
Date of Publication:
March 25, 1981
Date of Creation:
The Greatest American hero : episode no. 9601, The Hit car / a Stephen J. Cannell production ; producer, Alex Beaton ; directed by Rod Holcomb.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
1 film reel (ca. 50 min.) : sd., col. ; 16 mm.
Variant title:
The Greatest American hero : episode no. 9601
Other Title:
The Hit car
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen J. Cannell Productions
Authorship on Application:
Stephen J. Cannell Productions, employer for hire.
Stephen J. Cannell (54 documents)
example document: Return to justice
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: J.J. Starbuck
Rod Holcomb (53 documents)
example document: Chase
Stephen J. Cannell Productions (293 documents)
example document: Hardcastle and McCormick
example document: Return to justice
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: J.J. Starbuck
Rod Holcomb (53 documents)
example document: Chase
Stephen J. Cannell Productions (293 documents)
example document: Hardcastle and McCormick
Midnight offerings
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000142292 / 1982-05-07
Date of Publication:
February 27, 1981
Date of Creation:
Midnight offerings / a Stephen J. Cannell production ; produced by Alex Beaton ; directed by Rod Holcomb.
Application Title:
The Witching; The Burning.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
[s.l. : s.n.], c1981.
2 film reels (ca. 86 min.) : sd., col. ; 16 mm.
Other Title:
The Witching
The Burning.
The Burning.
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen J. Cannell Productions
Authorship on Application:
Stephen J. Cannell Productions, employer for hire.
Stephen J. Cannell (54 documents)
example document: The Prisoner of Rosemont Hall
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: J.J. Starbuck
Rod Holcomb (53 documents)
example document: Detective in the house
Stephen J. Cannell Productions (293 documents)
example document: Wiseguy
example document: The Prisoner of Rosemont Hall
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: J.J. Starbuck
Rod Holcomb (53 documents)
example document: Detective in the house
Stephen J. Cannell Productions (293 documents)
example document: Wiseguy
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000164926 / 1982-12-01
Date of Publication:
February 26, 1982
Date of Creation:
Moonlight / produced by Alex Beaton ; directed by Alan Smithee.
Directed by Rod Holcomb (on description); written by David Chase.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
[s.l.] : MCA TV International, c1982.
2 film reels (120 min.) : sd., col. ; 16 mm.
Similar Title:
Copyright Claimant:
Universal City Studios, Inc.
From Universal, an M C A company.
No. 83488.
Deposit includes description (1 p.)
No. 83488.
Deposit includes description (1 p.)
Authorship on Application:
Universal City Studios, Inc., employer for hire.
Robert Desiderio, Alexander Zale, William Prince et al.
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: J.J. Starbuck
Alan Smithee (26 documents)
example document: The disciples
Rod Holcomb (53 documents)
example document: Murder on the rising star
David Chase (43 documents)
example document: The Rockford files
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: The Last day of school; motion picture. By Revue Productions, Inc
example document: J.J. Starbuck
Alan Smithee (26 documents)
example document: The disciples
Rod Holcomb (53 documents)
example document: Murder on the rising star
David Chase (43 documents)
example document: The Rockford files
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: The Last day of school; motion picture. By Revue Productions, Inc
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000232740 / 1984-10-18
Date of Publication:
January 19, 1984
Date of Creation:
Legmen : [no. 83501], Take the credit and run / produced by Alex Beaton ; directed by Roger Young.
Written by Richard Chapman, Bill Dial.
Universal City, Calif. : MCA TV International, c1984.
1 film reel (60 min.) : sd., col. ; 16 mm.
Variant title:
Legmen : [no. 83501]
Other Title:
Take the credit and run
Copyright Claimant:
Universal City Studios, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
Universal City Studios, Inc., employer for hire.
Bruce Greenwood, John Terlesky, Don Calfa et al.
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: Wiseguy
Roger Young (37 documents)
example document: Solomon
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: The Outsider; motion picture. By Latimer Production Company
example document: Wiseguy
Roger Young (37 documents)
example document: Solomon
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: The Outsider; motion picture. By Latimer Production Company
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000255054 / 1985-06-12
Date of Publication:
February 7, 1985
Date of Creation:
Codename--Foxfire : episode no. 59901, Tell me that you love me / produced by Stefanie Staffin Kowal ; directed by Tom Wright.
Written by Richard Chapman & Bill Dial; produced by Alex Beaton, Stefanie Staffin Kowal (on description)
[Universal City, Calif.] : MCA TV International, c1985.
1 film reel : sd., col. ; 16 mm.
Variant title:
Codename--Foxfire : episode no. 59901
Other Title:
Tell me that you love me
Copyright Claimant:
Universal City Studios, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
Universal City Studios, Inc., employer for hire.
Joanna Cassidy, John McCook, Henry Jones et al.
Stefanie Staffin Kowal (12 documents)
example document: The Four seasons
Tom Wright (23 documents)
example document: If you ever. w Tom Wright, m Dale Warren
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: J.J. Starbuck
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: Encounter with aries
example document: The Four seasons
Tom Wright (23 documents)
example document: If you ever. w Tom Wright, m Dale Warren
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: J.J. Starbuck
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: Encounter with aries
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000255055 / 1985-06-12
Date of Publication:
March 14, 1985
Date of Creation:
Codename--Foxfire : episode no. 59903, Robin's egg blues / produced by Stefanie Staffin Kowal ; directed by Allen Reisner.
Written by George Geiger; produced by Alex Beaton, Stefanie Staffin Kowal (on description)
[Universal City, Calif.] : MCA TV International, c1985.
1 film reel : sd., col. ; 16 mm.
Variant title:
Codename--Foxfire : episode no. 59903
Other Title:
Robin's egg blues
Copyright Claimant:
Universal City Studios, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
Universal City Studios, Inc., employer for hire.
Joanna Cassidy, John McCook, Henry Jones et al.
Stefanie Staffin Kowal (12 documents)
example document: The Four seasons
Allen Reisner (55 documents)
example document: The Felony squad
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: Desperate
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: A Man called Horse; motion picture. By Revue Productions, Inc
example document: The Four seasons
Allen Reisner (55 documents)
example document: The Felony squad
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: Desperate
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: A Man called Horse; motion picture. By Revue Productions, Inc
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000255056 / 1985-06-20
Date of Publication:
March 26, 1985
Date of Creation:
Codename--Foxfire : episode no. 59907, Send me no orchids / produced by Stefanie Staffin Kowal ; directed by Allen Reisner.
Written by Steve Stoliar; produced by Alex Beaton, Stefanie Staffin Kowal (on description)
[Universal City, Calif.] : MCA TV International, c1985.
1 film reel : sd., col. ; 16 mm.
Variant title:
Codename--Foxfire : episode no. 59907
Other Title:
Send me no orchids
Copyright Claimant:
Universal City Studios, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
Universal City Studios, Inc., employer for hire.
Joanna Cassidy, John McCook, Henry Jones et al.
Stefanie Staffin Kowal (12 documents)
example document: The Four seasons
Allen Reisner (55 documents)
example document: Lancer
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: J.J. Starbuck
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: We're Back!
example document: The Four seasons
Allen Reisner (55 documents)
example document: Lancer
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: J.J. Starbuck
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: We're Back!
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000255057 / 1985-06-20
Date of Publication:
March 21, 1985
Date of Creation:
Codename--Foxfire : episode no. 59911, Goodbye, Mr. Microchips / produced by Stefanie Staffin Kowal ; directed by Roy Campanella, Jr.
Written by Tom Ropelewski; produced by Alex Beaton, Stefanie Staffin Kowal (on description)
[Universal City, Calif.] : MCA TV International, c1985.
1 film reel : sd., col. ; 16 mm.
Variant title:
Codename--Foxfire : episode no. 59911
Other Title:
Goodbye, Mr. Microchips
Goodbye, Mister Microchips
Goodbye, Mister Microchips
Copyright Claimant:
Universal City Studios, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
Universal City Studios, Inc., employer for hire.
Joanna Cassidy, John McCook, Henry Jones et al.
Stefanie Staffin Kowal (12 documents)
example document: The Four seasons
Campanella, Roy, Jr. (6 documents)
example document: Falcon Crest
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: J.J. Starbuck
Roy Campenella
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: Lady in the dark
example document: The Four seasons
Campanella, Roy, Jr. (6 documents)
example document: Falcon Crest
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: J.J. Starbuck
Roy Campenella
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: Lady in the dark
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000255387 / 1985-06-20
Date of Publication:
January 25, 1985
Date of Creation:
Codename--foxfire : episode no. 83513, Slay it again, Sam / produced by Stefanie Staffin Kowal ; directed by Corey Allen.
Produced by Alex Beaton & Stefanie Staffin Kowal (on description); story written by Joel Schumacher, Bill Dial & Richard Chapman; teleplay written by Richard Chapman & Bill Dial.
[Universal City, Calif.] : MCA-TV International, c1985.
1 film reel : sd., col. ; 16 mm.
Variant title:
Codename--foxfire : episode no. 83513
Other Title:
Slay it again, Sam
Copyright Claimant:
Universal City Studios, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
Universal City Studios, Inc., employer for hire.
Joanna Cassidy, John McCook, Henry Jones et al.
Stefanie Staffin Kowal
Corey Allen (33 documents)
example document: The Paper chase, the second year
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: Tenspeed and Brown Shoe
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: Any way the wind blows; motion picture. By Universal Television, a division of Universal City Studios, Inc
Corey Allen (33 documents)
example document: The Paper chase, the second year
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: Tenspeed and Brown Shoe
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: Any way the wind blows; motion picture. By Universal Television, a division of Universal City Studios, Inc
Pipes in the glen
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000331857 / 1987-06-08
Date of Publication:
January 1, 1986
Date of Creation:
Pipes in the glen.
Other Title:
The Scotsman.
Publisher Number:
Glenfinnan Records GRC-103
Appears in:
The Scotsman. : 1 sound cassette. ; side 2, selection no. 5
Copyright Claimant:
Alex Beaton
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Alex Beaton & Ron Eisenberg.
Performed by Alex Beaton.
Alex Beaton 1944-
Ron Eisenberg (1 documents)
example document: What to order when pocket guide to diagnostic imaging, 2/e
Ron Eisenberg (1 documents)
example document: What to order when pocket guide to diagnostic imaging, 2/e
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000333484 / 1987-06-25
Date of Publication:
April 4, 1986
Date of Creation:
Annihilator / supervising producer, Alex Beaton ; directed by Michael Chapman.
Teleplay by Roderick Taylor and Bruce A. Taylor.
Universal City, Calif. : MCA TV International, c1986.
2 videocassettes (120 min.) : sd., col. ; 3/4 in.
Copyright Claimant:
Universal City Studios, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
Universal City Studios, Inc., employer for hire.
Mark Lindsay Chapman, Susan Blakely, Catherine Mary Stewart, Lisa Blount.
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: J.J. Starbuck
Michael Chapman (46 documents)
example document: The 6-teens
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: The long way home; motion picture. By Universal Television, a division of Universal City Studios, Inc
example document: J.J. Starbuck
Michael Chapman (46 documents)
example document: The 6-teens
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: The long way home; motion picture. By Universal Television, a division of Universal City Studios, Inc
Just let me love you
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000334286 / 1987-07-20
Date of Publication:
June 1, 1987
Date of Creation:
Just let me love you.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Publisher Number:
Glenfinnan Music GRC 105
Appears in:
On the Beaton path. : 1 sound cassette. ; side 2, selection no. 4
Copyright Claimant:
Alex Beaton
Authorship on Application:
words: Ambrosia Sheperd.
Alex Beaton 1944-
Ambrosia Sheperd
Ambrosia Sheperd
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000377697 / 1988-05-03
Date of Publication:
December 3, 1987
Date of Creation:
Wiseguy : no. 20106, Independent operator / producer, Stephen Kronish, Alex Beaton ; directed by Aaron Lipstadt.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: portions of screenplay, some musical compositions, and other soundtrack and cinematographic material.
Previous Registration:
Some musical compositions prev. reg.
1 videocassette (VHS) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in.
Variant title:
Wiseguy : no. 20106
Other Title:
Independent operator
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen J. Cannell Productions
Authorship on Application:
Stephen J. Cannell Productions, employer for hire.
Stephen Kronish (14 documents)
example document: MacGyver
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: J.J. Starbuck
Aaron Lipstadt (14 documents)
example document: The division
Stephen J. Cannell Productions (293 documents)
example document: The Greatest American hero
example document: MacGyver
Alex Beaton (35 documents)
example document: J.J. Starbuck
Aaron Lipstadt (14 documents)
example document: The division
Stephen J. Cannell Productions (293 documents)
example document: The Greatest American hero
This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.