Family weekly magazine. Mar. 13, 1955
Family weekly magazine. May 15, 1955
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000156484 / 1983-01-07
B00000539365 / 1955-05-15
B00000539365 / 1955-05-15
Family weekly magazine. May 15, 1955.
Variant title:
Family weekly magazine
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division (227 documents)
example document: Poultry cook book. By John Roberson & Marie Roberson
example document: Poultry cook book. By John Roberson & Marie Roberson
Family weekly magazine. May 22, 1955
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000156485 / 1983-01-07
B00000539366 / 1955-05-22
B00000539366 / 1955-05-22
Family weekly magazine. May 22, 1955.
Variant title:
Family weekly magazine
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division (227 documents)
example document: Road & track. Vol. 7, no. 9, May 1956
example document: Road & track. Vol. 7, no. 9, May 1956
Family weekly magazine. May 29, 1955
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000156486 / 1983-01-07
B00000539367 / 1955-05-29
B00000539367 / 1955-05-29
Family weekly magazine. May 29, 1955.
Variant title:
Family weekly magazine
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division (227 documents)
example document: Woman's day. Vol. 19, no. 8, May 1956
example document: Woman's day. Vol. 19, no. 8, May 1956
Family weekly magazine. Apr. 17, 1955
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000156487 / 1983-01-07
B00000539368 / 1955-04-17
B00000539368 / 1955-04-17
Family weekly magazine. Apr. 17, 1955.
Variant title:
Family weekly magazine
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division (227 documents)
example document: Ranch romances. Vol. 190, no. 2, Feb. 25, 1955, 1st Mar. no
example document: Ranch romances. Vol. 190, no. 2, Feb. 25, 1955, 1st Mar. no
Family weekly magazine. Apr. 3, 1955
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000156488 / 1983-01-07
B00000539369 / 1955-04-03
B00000539369 / 1955-04-03
Family weekly magazine. Apr. 3, 1955.
Variant title:
Family weekly magazine
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division (227 documents)
example document: Motion picture. Vol. 44, no. 532, Apr. 1955
example document: Motion picture. Vol. 44, no. 532, Apr. 1955
Family weekly magazine. Apr. 10, 1955
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000156489 / 1983-01-07
B00000539370 / 1955-04-10
B00000539370 / 1955-04-10
Family weekly magazine. Apr. 10, 1955.
Variant title:
Family weekly magazine
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division (227 documents)
example document: Astrology, your daily horoscope. Vol. 72, no. 1, Feb. 1955
example document: Astrology, your daily horoscope. Vol. 72, no. 1, Feb. 1955
Family weekly magazine. Mar. 27, 1955
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000156490 / 1983-01-07
B00000539371 / 1955-03-27
B00000539371 / 1955-03-27
Family weekly magazine. Mar. 27, 1955.
Variant title:
Family weekly magazine
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division
Family weekly magazine. Mar. 20, 1955
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000156491 / 1983-01-07
B00000539372 / 1955-03-20
B00000539372 / 1955-03-20
Family weekly magazine. Mar. 20, 1955.
Variant title:
Family weekly magazine
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division (227 documents)
example document: New crossword puzzles. Vol. 6, no. 2, Aug. 1955
example document: New crossword puzzles. Vol. 6, no. 2, Aug. 1955
Family weekly magazine. Mar. 13, 1955
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000156492 / 1983-01-07
B00000539373 / 1955-03-13
B00000539373 / 1955-03-13
Family weekly magazine. Mar. 13, 1955.
Variant title:
Family weekly magazine
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division (227 documents)
example document: Ranch romances. Vol. 190, no. 2, Feb. 25, 1955, 1st Mar. no
example document: Ranch romances. Vol. 190, no. 2, Feb. 25, 1955, 1st Mar. no
Family weekly. Apr. 8, 1956
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
B00000592940 / 1956-04-08
RE0000192729 / 1984-01-04
RE0000192729 / 1984-01-04
Family weekly. Apr. 8, 1956.
Variant title:
Family weekly.
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division (227 documents)
example document: Astrology, your daily horoscope. Vol. 75, no. 2, Dec. 1955
example document: Astrology, your daily horoscope. Vol. 75, no. 2, Dec. 1955
Family weekly. Apr. 15, 1956
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000192730 / 1984-01-04
B00000592941 / 1956-04-15
B00000592941 / 1956-04-15
Family weekly. Apr. 15, 1956.
Variant title:
Family weekly.
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division (227 documents)
example document: Family weekly magazine. Feb. 27, 1955
example document: Family weekly magazine. Feb. 27, 1955
Family weekly. Apr. 22, 1956
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000192731 / 1984-01-04
B00000592942 / 1956-04-22
B00000592942 / 1956-04-22
Family weekly. Apr. 22, 1956.
Variant title:
Family weekly.
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division
Family weekly. Apr. 29, 1956
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000192732 / 1984-01-04
B00000592943 / 1956-04-29
B00000592943 / 1956-04-29
Family weekly. Apr. 29, 1956.
Variant title:
Family weekly.
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division (227 documents)
example document: Popular crossword puzzles. No. 88, Mar. 1955
example document: Popular crossword puzzles. No. 88, Mar. 1955
Family weekly. May 27, 1956
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000192738 / 1984-01-04
B00000596754 / 1956-05-27
B00000596754 / 1956-05-27
Family weekly. May 27, 1956.
Variant title:
Family weekly.
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division (227 documents)
example document: Startling detective. Vol. 47, no. 275, Mar. 1956
example document: Startling detective. Vol. 47, no. 275, Mar. 1956
Family weekly. May 20, 1956
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000192766 / 1984-01-04
B00000596755 / 1956-05-20
B00000596755 / 1956-05-20
Family weekly. May 20, 1956.
Variant title:
Family weekly.
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division. (172 documents)
example document: Family weekly. Sept. 9, 1956
example document: Family weekly. Sept. 9, 1956
Family weekly. May 13, 1956
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000192767 / 1984-01-04
B00000596756 / 1956-05-13
B00000596756 / 1956-05-13
Family weekly. May 13, 1956.
Variant title:
Family weekly.
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division. (172 documents)
example document: Astrology, your daily horoscope. Vol. 78, no. 3, Oct. 1956
example document: Astrology, your daily horoscope. Vol. 78, no. 3, Oct. 1956
Family weekly. May 6, 1956
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000192768 / 1984-01-04
B00000596757 / 1956-05-06
B00000596757 / 1956-05-06
Family weekly. May 6, 1956.
Variant title:
Family weekly.
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division. (172 documents)
example document: Family weekly magazine. Nov. 27, 1955
example document: Family weekly magazine. Nov. 27, 1955
Family weekly. June 3, 1956
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000192780 / 1984-01-04
B00000606198 / 1956-06-03
B00000606198 / 1956-06-03
Family weekly. June 3, 1956.
Variant title:
Family weekly.
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division. (172 documents)
example document: Woman's day. Vol. 17, no. 8, May 1954
example document: Woman's day. Vol. 17, no. 8, May 1954
Family weekly. June 10, 1956
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000192781 / 1984-01-04
B00000606199 / 1956-06-10
B00000606199 / 1956-06-10
Family weekly. June 10, 1956.
Variant title:
Family weekly.
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division. (172 documents)
example document: Road & track. Vol. 7, no. 3, Nov. 1955
example document: Road & track. Vol. 7, no. 3, Nov. 1955
Family weekly. June 17, 1956
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000192782 / 1984-01-04
B00000606200 / 1956-06-17
B00000606200 / 1956-06-17
Family weekly. June 17, 1956.
Variant title:
Family weekly.
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division. (172 documents)
example document: Woman's day. Vol. 18, no. 2, Nov. 1954
example document: Woman's day. Vol. 18, no. 2, Nov. 1954
Family weekly. June 24, 1956
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000192783 / 1984-01-04
B00000606201 / 1956-06-24
B00000606201 / 1956-06-24
Family weekly. June 24, 1956.
Variant title:
Family weekly.
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division. (172 documents)
example document: Family weekly magazine. Sept. 25, 1955
example document: Family weekly magazine. Sept. 25, 1955
Family weekly. July 1, 1956
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000192784 / 1984-01-04
B00000606202 / 1956-07-01
B00000606202 / 1956-07-01
Family weekly. July 1, 1956.
Variant title:
Family weekly.
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division. (172 documents)
example document: Popular crossword puzzles. No. 91, Sept. 1955
example document: Popular crossword puzzles. No. 91, Sept. 1955
Family weekly. July 8, 1956
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000192785 / 1984-01-04
B00000606203 / 1956-07-08
B00000606203 / 1956-07-08
Family weekly. July 8, 1956.
Variant title:
Family weekly.
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division. (172 documents)
example document: Ranch romances. Vol. 200, no. 2, Sept. 7, 1956 (2d Sept. 1956)
example document: Ranch romances. Vol. 200, no. 2, Sept. 7, 1956 (2d Sept. 1956)
Family weekly. July 15, 1956
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000192786 / 1984-01-04
B00000606204 / 1956-07-15
B00000606204 / 1956-07-15
Family weekly. July 15, 1956.
Variant title:
Family weekly.
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division. (172 documents)
example document: Family weekly magazine. Oct. 9, 1955
example document: Family weekly magazine. Oct. 9, 1955
Family weekly. July 22, 1956
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000192787 / 1984-01-04
B00000606205 / 1956-07-22
B00000606205 / 1956-07-22
Family weekly. July 22, 1956.
Variant title:
Family weekly.
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division. (172 documents)
example document: Ranch romances. Vol. 201, no. 1, Oct. 19, 1956 (2d Oct. 1956)
example document: Ranch romances. Vol. 201, no. 1, Oct. 19, 1956 (2d Oct. 1956)
Family weekly. July 29, 1956
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000192788 / 1984-01-04
B00000606206 / 1956-07-29
B00000606206 / 1956-07-29
Family weekly. July 29, 1956.
Variant title:
Family weekly.
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division. (172 documents)
example document: Astrology, your daily horoscope. Vol. 79, no. 2, Dec. 1956
example document: Astrology, your daily horoscope. Vol. 79, no. 2, Dec. 1956
Family weekly. Oct. 21, 1956
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000192810 / 1984-01-04
B00000621171 / 1956-10-21
B00000621171 / 1956-10-21
Family weekly. Oct. 21, 1956.
Variant title:
Family weekly.
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division. (172 documents)
example document: Family weekly magazine. Oct. 30, 1955
example document: Family weekly magazine. Oct. 30, 1955
Family weekly. Oct. 14, 1956
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000192811 / 1984-01-04
B00000621172 / 1956-10-14
B00000621172 / 1956-10-14
Family weekly. Oct. 14, 1956.
Variant title:
Family weekly.
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division. (172 documents)
example document: Family weekly magazine. Oct. 23, 1955
example document: Family weekly magazine. Oct. 23, 1955
Family weekly. Oct. 7, 1956
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000192812 / 1984-01-04
B00000621173 / 1956-10-07
B00000621173 / 1956-10-07
Family weekly. Oct. 7, 1956.
Variant title:
Family weekly.
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division. (172 documents)
example document: Ranch romances. Vol. 192, no. 4, July 15, 1955
example document: Ranch romances. Vol. 192, no. 4, July 15, 1955
Family weekly. Sept. 30, 1956
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000192813 / 1984-01-04
B00000621174 / 1956-09-30
B00000621174 / 1956-09-30
Family weekly. Sept. 30, 1956.
Variant title:
Family weekly.
Copyright Claimant:
C B S Publications, the Consumer Publishing Division of C B S, Inc. (PCW)
CBS, Inc. C B S Consumer Publishing Division. (172 documents)
example document: Field & stream. Vol. 61, no. 7, Nov. 1956
example document: Field & stream. Vol. 61, no. 7, Nov. 1956
This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.