Great things for God ; Don't it make ya wanna praise him? ; Samson's deeds ... [et al.]
Great things are happening
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
November 7, 1986
Entire Copyright Document:
V2223 P1-641
Great things are happening / By Laurence Weiss & Larry Kusik.
Title appears in Document:
A cambio & 32,793 other titles; musical compositions. (Part 046 of 154)
Great things
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
March 13, 1979
Entire Copyright Document:
V1711 P432-547
Great things / By E. Robinson.
Title appears in Document:
.44 rifle blues & 7152 other titles; musical compositions. (Part 006 of 038)
Great things
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
November 29, 1993
Entire Copyright Document:
Great things.
Title appears in Document:
I finally made it home & 20 other titles; musical compositions.
Great things
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
December 7, 1990
Entire Copyright Document:
V2601 P222-314
Great things / By Beverly Darnall.
Title appears in Document:
(You've got to) have him in your heart & 1048 other titles; musical compositions. (Part 002 of 005)
Great things
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
February 2, 1995
Entire Copyright Document:
V3076 P57-197
Great things / By Donna McElroy, Victor Caldwell & Cedric Caldwell.
Title appears in Document:
(I didn't know my heart was) in harm's way & 419 other titles; musical compositions. (Part 001 of 002)
Great things
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
August 7, 1990
Entire Copyright Document:
Date of Execution:
April 30, 1990
Great things; musical compositions / By Dallas Holm, Phil Johnson & Niles Borop. DCR 1990.
Notice of ownership and assignment of copyright.
Holm Made Music.
Promiseland Music, a division of Word, Inc. (18 documents)
example document: Are you committed
Word, Inc. Promiseland Music. (3 documents)
example document: Thank you, Lord
Promiseland Music, a division of Word, Inc. (18 documents)
example document: Are you committed
Word, Inc. Promiseland Music. (3 documents)
example document: Thank you, Lord
Great things
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001303455 / 1989-11-28
Date of Creation:
Great things : anthem for mixed voices / text, 1 Chronicles 16:8 ; music George M. Taylor.
Application Title:
Give thanks.
9 p.
Other Title:
Give thanks
Copyright Claimant:
George M. Taylor
Authorship on Application:
music & paraphrased text: George Mottel Taylor.
George Mottel Taylor 1935-
Great things
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001549988 / 1991-09-12
Date of Creation:
Great things.
Copyright Claimant:
James T. Thiel, 1956-
Words & music.
James T. Thiel 1956-
Great things
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001736269 / 1993-04-28
Date of Creation:
Great things.
Application Title:
He's done great things.
3 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Matthew Q. Haye
Words & music.
Matthew Q. Haye
Great things
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002138504 / 1996-11-01
Date of Creation:
Great things.
Copyright Claimant:
ND Valle' Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Cora L. Jackson, 1955-.
Cora L. Jackson 1955-
ND Valle' Music (25 documents)
example document: Lazarus rap
ND Valle' Music (25 documents)
example document: Lazarus rap
Great things
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002302908 / 1998-04-13
Date of Creation:
Great things.
Sound cassette + lyrics sheet.
Copyright Claimant:
Eddie Howard, Jr., 1960-
Words & music.
Howard, Eddie, Jr., 1960-
Great things
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002441395 / 1999-08-18
Date of Creation:
Great things.
Sound cassette + lyrics sheets.
Copyright Claimant:
on music; Vincent Griffin, 1972- (author of a work made for hire)
Words & music (collection)
Vincent Griffin 1972-
Great things
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002466630 / 2000-04-10
Date of Creation:
Great things.
1 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Ruby V. Shaffer, 1955-
Song lyrics.
Ruby V. Shaffer 1955-
Great things
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002672705 / 2001-10-25
Date of Creation:
Great things.
Sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant:
Raynard Mayfield, Sr., 1956-
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Raynard Mayfield, Sr.
Mayfield, Raynard, Sr., 1956-
Tanetta Ellzey 1974-
Tanetta Ellzey 1974-
Great things are about to happen
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002897341 / 2004-08-30
Date of Creation:
Great things are about to happen.
Compact disc + lyrics sheets.
Copyright Claimant:
Randall Steven Romine
Authorship on Application:
lyrics: Desiree Romine.
Randall Steven Romine 1964-
Desiree Romine
Desiree Romine
Great things in the air
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002995454 / 2005-07-18
Date of Creation:
Great things in the air.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Words & music.
Words & music.
Compact disc + lyrics.
Copyright Claimant:
David Solomon Godfree, 1987-
David Solomon Godfree 1987-
Great things are for me
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu003007125 / 2005-11-04
Date of Creation:
Great things are for me.
Copyright Note:
Words & music.
Compact disc + lyrics sheet.
Copyright Claimant:
David Solomon Godfree, 1987-
David Solomon Godfree 1987-
Great things
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000464625 / 1990-05-16
Date of Publication:
October 15, 1989
Date of Creation:
Great things.
Appears in:
Time is winding up. : 1 sound cassette. ; side 2, selection no. 6
Copyright Claimant:
Bloomfield Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Jerry Q. Parries.
Performed by Jerry Q. Parries & the Christian Family Choir.
Jerry Q. Parries (23 documents)
example document: My soul cries out hallelujah
Christian Family Choir (20 documents)
example document: The Spirit makes the difference
Bloomfield Music (109 documents)
example document: Get ready
example document: My soul cries out hallelujah
Christian Family Choir (20 documents)
example document: The Spirit makes the difference
Bloomfield Music (109 documents)
example document: Get ready
Great things
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000485413 / 1990-09-14
Date of Publication:
August 1, 1990
Date of Creation:
Great things.
Publisher Number:
Dayspring 7014188623
Appears in:
Through the flame. : 1 compact disc ; Dayspring 7014188623, c1990.
Copyright Claimant:
West Point Music, Erickson Music, Justin Time Music, NB Music, Heeling & Company, Holm Made Music, Promise Land
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Phil Johnson, Niles Borop, Dallas Holm.
Performed by Dallas Holm.
Phil Johnson (112 documents)
example document: Thanks for just being you
Niles Borop (303 documents)
example document: Both feet on the ground
Dallas Holm (83 documents)
example document: This is my song
West Point Music (18 documents)
example document: I will joy
Erickson Music (18 documents)
example document: Hymn medley
Justin Time Music (40 documents)
example document: His master's voice
NB Music (74 documents)
example document: Revival can happen
Heeling & Company
Holm Made Music (4 documents)
example document: All I know
Promise Land
example document: Thanks for just being you
Niles Borop (303 documents)
example document: Both feet on the ground
Dallas Holm (83 documents)
example document: This is my song
West Point Music (18 documents)
example document: I will joy
Erickson Music (18 documents)
example document: Hymn medley
Justin Time Music (40 documents)
example document: His master's voice
NB Music (74 documents)
example document: Revival can happen
Heeling & Company
Holm Made Music (4 documents)
example document: All I know
Promise Land
Great things
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000486034 / 1990-08-14
Date of Publication:
July 24, 1990
Date of Creation:
Great things.
Copyright Claimant:
Holm Made Music, Promiseland Music, Justin Time Music & N. B. Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Dallas Holm, Phil Johnson & Niles Borop.
Performed by Dallas Holm.
Dallas Holm (83 documents)
example document: Train up your children
Phil Johnson (112 documents)
example document: In honor of the Father
Niles Borop (303 documents)
example document: Season of the heart & 1 other title
Holm Made Music (4 documents)
example document: Child in his arms ; Soldiers again
Promiseland Music (26 documents)
example document: Child in his arms ; Soldiers again
Justin Time Music (40 documents)
example document: Heart rumors
N.B. Music (38 documents)
example document: After all
example document: Train up your children
Phil Johnson (112 documents)
example document: In honor of the Father
Niles Borop (303 documents)
example document: Season of the heart & 1 other title
Holm Made Music (4 documents)
example document: Child in his arms ; Soldiers again
Promiseland Music (26 documents)
example document: Child in his arms ; Soldiers again
Justin Time Music (40 documents)
example document: Heart rumors
N.B. Music (38 documents)
example document: After all
Great things
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000498348 / 1990-12-28
Date of Publication:
June 15, 1990
Date of Creation:
Great things / words and music by Dallas Holm, Niles Borop, and Phil Johnson.
Publisher Number:
Dayspring 7014188623
Appears in:
Through the flame. : 1 compact disc ; Dayspring 7014188623, c1990.
Copyright Claimant:
NB Music, Justin Time Music, West Point Music, Erickson Music, Promiseland Music
Performed by Dallas Holm.
Niles Borop 1956-
Dallas Holm (83 documents)
example document: My soapbox. Compiler, w & m Donald J. Wyrtzen (Kevin Blake), w John E. Walvoord, Jr., w & m Dallas Holm
Phil Johnson (112 documents)
example document: He can hear you & 1 other title
NB Music (74 documents)
example document: Oh, Jonah
Justin Time Music (40 documents)
example document: Give me this water
West Point Music (18 documents)
example document: Blessed be the name of the Lord
Erickson Music (18 documents)
example document: Hymn medley
Promiseland Music (26 documents)
example document: Big eraser
Dallas Holm (83 documents)
example document: My soapbox. Compiler, w & m Donald J. Wyrtzen (Kevin Blake), w John E. Walvoord, Jr., w & m Dallas Holm
Phil Johnson (112 documents)
example document: He can hear you & 1 other title
NB Music (74 documents)
example document: Oh, Jonah
Justin Time Music (40 documents)
example document: Give me this water
West Point Music (18 documents)
example document: Blessed be the name of the Lord
Erickson Music (18 documents)
example document: Hymn medley
Promiseland Music (26 documents)
example document: Big eraser
Great things for me
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000568911 / 1992-05-14
Date of Publication:
December 7, 1991
Date of Creation:
Great things for me.
Copyright Claimant:
Bridgeport Music, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
words, music & arr.: Jay T. Hairston.
Performed by Jay T. Hairston.
Jay T. Hairston (7 documents)
example document: Only a breath away
Bridgeport Music, Inc. (1453 documents)
example document: Lift up the son
example document: Only a breath away
Bridgeport Music, Inc. (1453 documents)
example document: Lift up the son
Great things for me reprise
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000568915 / 1992-05-14
Date of Publication:
December 7, 1991
Date of Creation:
Great things for me reprise.
Copyright Claimant:
Bridgeport Music, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
words, music & arr.: Jay T. Hairston.
Performed by Jay T. Hairston.
Jay T. Hairston (7 documents)
example document: Search me, Lord
Bridgeport Music, Inc. (1453 documents)
example document: Crucified with Christ
example document: Search me, Lord
Bridgeport Music, Inc. (1453 documents)
example document: Crucified with Christ
Great things
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000644111 / 1995-09-25
Date of Publication:
August 21, 1995
Date of Creation:
Great things.
Publisher Number:
Fauv 5CD 688059
Appears in:
Great things. : Compact disc ; Fauv 5CD 688059, c1995.
Copyright Claimant:
Songs of Polygram International, Inc., Fauve Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Glenn Johansson, Sonya Aurora Madan.
Performed by Echobelly.
Glenn Johansson (13 documents)
example document: I can't imagine the world without me & 19 other titles
Sonya Aurora Madan (13 documents)
example document: I can't imagine the world without me & 19 other titles
Echobelly (9 documents)
example document: We know better & 2 other titles
Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (2207 documents)
example document: Oklahoma dreamin'
Fauve Music (11 documents)
example document: Today, tomorrow, sometime, never
example document: I can't imagine the world without me & 19 other titles
Sonya Aurora Madan (13 documents)
example document: I can't imagine the world without me & 19 other titles
Echobelly (9 documents)
example document: We know better & 2 other titles
Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (2207 documents)
example document: Oklahoma dreamin'
Fauve Music (11 documents)
example document: Today, tomorrow, sometime, never
Great things
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000750116 / 1995-04-14
Date of Publication:
January 1, 1991
Date of Creation:
Great things.
Sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant:
Pecot Music Company
Words & music.
Authorship on Application:
John Springer & Carnel Anderson.
John Springer (13 documents)
example document: Concentrate on him
Carnel Anderson
Pecot Music Company (43 documents)
example document: Carry on
example document: Concentrate on him
Carnel Anderson
Pecot Music Company (43 documents)
example document: Carry on
Great things
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000813083 / 1996-10-11
Date of Publication:
October 17, 1995
Date of Creation:
Great things.
Publisher Number:
Fauve/550 Music/Rhythm King BK 67368
Appears in:
On. : Compact disc ; Fauve/550 Music/Rhythm King BK 67368, c1995.
Copyright Claimant:
Songs of Polygram International, Inc. & Fauve Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Glenn Johansson & Sonya Aurora Madan.
Performed by Echobelly.
Glenn Johansson (13 documents)
example document: I can't imagine the world without me & 19 other titles
Sonya Aurora Madan (13 documents)
example document: Four letter word
Echobelly (9 documents)
example document: We know better & 2 other titles
Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (2207 documents)
example document: Live it up. By Jeff Paris (p.k.a. Geoffrey Leib) & Spencer Cercombe
Fauve Music (11 documents)
example document: I can't imagine the world without me
example document: I can't imagine the world without me & 19 other titles
Sonya Aurora Madan (13 documents)
example document: Four letter word
Echobelly (9 documents)
example document: We know better & 2 other titles
Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (2207 documents)
example document: Live it up. By Jeff Paris (p.k.a. Geoffrey Leib) & Spencer Cercombe
Fauve Music (11 documents)
example document: I can't imagine the world without me
Great things
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000822464 / 1997-07-03
Date of Publication:
April 15, 1997
Date of Creation:
Great things.
Publisher Number:
Nine/Sound of Gospel Records SOG CD 224
Appears in:
Over and over. : Compact disc ; Nine/Sound of Gospel Records SOG CD 224, c1997.
Copyright Claimant:
Bridgeport Music, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
words, music: Derrick Milan.
Performed by Derrick Milan and Peter's Rock Mass Choir.
Derrick Milan (29 documents)
example document: When you want to talk to Jesus
Peter's Rock Mass Choir. (14 documents)
example document: A new song
Bridgeport Music, Inc. (1453 documents)
example document: America eats its young & 48 other titles
example document: When you want to talk to Jesus
Peter's Rock Mass Choir. (14 documents)
example document: A new song
Bridgeport Music, Inc. (1453 documents)
example document: America eats its young & 48 other titles
Great things!
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000856515 / 1997-06-02
Date of Publication:
April 22, 1997
Date of Creation:
Great things!
Publisher Number:
CGI Records 51416 1209 2
Copyright Claimant:
Christopher Gray & Justmike Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Christopher L. Gray.
Performed by Christopher L. Gray.
Christopher L. Gray (28 documents)
example document: Give Him a chance
Justmike Music (19 documents)
example document: The pressure (part 2)
example document: Give Him a chance
Justmike Music (19 documents)
example document: The pressure (part 2)
Great things for God ; Don't it make ya wanna praise him? ; Samson's deeds ... [et al.]
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000960032 / 1999-04-29
Date of Publication:
October 15, 1996
Date of Creation:
Great things for God ; Don't it make ya wanna praise him? ; Samson's deeds ... [et al.] / words & music by Eric Rainwater.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
Great things for God
Other Title:
Don't it make ya wanna praise him?
Samson's deeds
Samson, the day God brought down the house
Samson's deeds
Samson, the day God brought down the house
Copyright Claimant:
Eric Rainwater, 1955-
7 songs.
Incorporates some preexisting melodies.
Incorporates some preexisting melodies.
Eric Rainwater 1955-
Great things ; I sing ; Alright ; He will never stop loving you
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0001089016 / 2002-06-21
Date of Publication:
February 8, 2002
Date of Creation:
Great things ; I sing ; Alright ; He will never stop loving you.
Variant title:
Great things
Other Title:
I sing
He will never stop loving you
Is it any wonder?
He will never stop loving you
Is it any wonder?
Copyright Claimant:
Christian Taylor Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Gina Vera, 1964-.
Performed by Gina Vera.
Gina Vera 1964-
Christian Taylor Music (345 documents)
example document: Rags to riches
Christian Taylor Music (345 documents)
example document: Rags to riches
This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.