How to read the newspaper intelligently, The Arab world, The Newspaper as a teaching tool
The Arab world pt. 1-1
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
November 30, 1990
Entire Copyright Document:
V2554 P88-550
The Arab world pt. 1-1 / By John Leach.
Title appears in Document:
Our time has come & 14,627 other titles; musical compositions. (Part 064 of 069)
The Arab world pt. 1-2
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
November 30, 1990
Entire Copyright Document:
V2554 P88-550
The Arab world pt. 1-2 / By John Leach.
Title appears in Document:
Our time has come & 14,627 other titles; musical compositions. (Part 064 of 069)
The Arab world pt. 1-3
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
November 30, 1990
Entire Copyright Document:
V2554 P88-550
The Arab world pt. 1-3 / By John Leach.
Title appears in Document:
Our time has come & 14,627 other titles; musical compositions. (Part 064 of 069)
The Arab world pt. 2-1
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
November 30, 1990
Entire Copyright Document:
V2554 P88-550
The Arab world pt. 2-1 / By John Leach.
Title appears in Document:
Our time has come & 14,627 other titles; musical compositions. (Part 064 of 069)
The Arab world pt. 2-2
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
November 30, 1990
Entire Copyright Document:
V2554 P88-550
The Arab world pt. 2-2 / By John Leach.
Title appears in Document:
Our time has come & 14,627 other titles; musical compositions. (Part 064 of 069)
The Arab world : pt.1
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
August 10, 1993
Entire Copyright Document:
V2880 P88-496
The Arab world : pt.1 / By John Leach.
Title appears in Document:
1000 yellow bicycles & 17,432 other titles. (Part 025 of 080)
The Arab world : pt. 2
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
August 10, 1993
Entire Copyright Document:
V2880 P88-496
The Arab world : pt. 2 / By John Leach.
Title appears in Document:
1000 yellow bicycles & 17,432 other titles. (Part 025 of 080)
The Arab world
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
March 25, 1996
Entire Copyright Document:
The Arab world / By Butt.
Title appears in Document:
Media in politics & 99 other titles.
The Arab world and Islam
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
June 29, 1999
Entire Copyright Document:
V3437 D582-592 P1-268
Registration Number Not Verified:
A166449 (1970)
The Arab world and Islam / A166449 (1970)
Title appears in Document:
My first book of the internet & 4593 other titles. (Part 006 of 011)
The Arab world and Islam
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
May 3, 1996
Entire Copyright Document:
V3231 P383-442
Registration Number Not Verified:
A 166449 (1970)
The Arab world and Islam / A 166449 (1970)
Title appears in Document:
What's so funny about ninth grade & 1,916 other titles. (Part 009 of 011)
The Arab world. By Time Warner, Inc
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000616920 / 1993-01-04
A00000785929 / 1964-12-07
A00000785929 / 1964-12-07
The Arab world. By Time Warner, Inc.
2nd ed.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: all new, except illustrative and photographic material prev. pub. in Life magazine.
Life world library
Variant title:
The Arab world.
Copyright Claimant:
Time Life, Inc. (PWH)
Time Warner, Inc. (128 documents)
example document: Superman & 2,607 other titles; illustrated comic book stories. (Part 008 of 023)
Time Life, Inc. (366 documents)
example document: Till we have faces. By C. S. Lewis, author of renewable matter: Time Warner, Inc
example document: Superman & 2,607 other titles; illustrated comic book stories. (Part 008 of 023)
Time Life, Inc. (366 documents)
example document: Till we have faces. By C. S. Lewis, author of renewable matter: Time Warner, Inc
The Arab world. By Time, Inc
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000465211 / 1990-01-31
A00000599868 / 1962-08-22
A00000599868 / 1962-08-22
The Arab world. By Time, Inc.
Life world library
Variant title:
The Arab world.
Copyright Claimant:
Time-Life Books, Inc. (PWH)
Time, Inc. (1248 documents)
example document: California
Time-Life Books, Inc. (420 documents)
example document: The Late symphonies
example document: California
Time-Life Books, Inc. (420 documents)
example document: The Late symphonies
The Arab world. By Time, Inc
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000733090 / 1996-08-19
A00000030384 / 1968-09-27
A00000030384 / 1968-09-27
The Arab world. By Time, Inc.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: revision of original ed. including new text & illustrative material.
Life world library
Variant title:
The Arab world
Copyright Claimant:
Time Life, Inc. (PWH)
Time Life, Inc. (366 documents)
example document: Portrait of the artist as a young man. By James Joyce, editor's pref., Time reading program introd. & cover design: Time Warner, Inc
Time, Inc. (1248 documents)
example document: Sports illustrated running for women
example document: Portrait of the artist as a young man. By James Joyce, editor's pref., Time reading program introd. & cover design: Time Warner, Inc
Time, Inc. (1248 documents)
example document: Sports illustrated running for women
Floppy socks
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002023469 / 1995-07-03
Date of Creation:
Floppy socks.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant:
Lyle P. Cogen
Authorship on Application:
lyrics: Jeff Gottschalk, 1954-.
Lyle P. Cogen 1958-
Jeff Gottschalk 1954-
Jeff Gottschalk 1954-
I've got a limbo stick
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002228843 / 1997-08-25
Date of Creation:
I've got a limbo stick.
Sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant:
Lyle P. Cogen, 1958-
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Lyle P. Cogen & Jeff Gottschalk, 1954-.
Lyle P. Cogen 1958-
Jeff Gottschalk 1954-.
Jeff Gottschalk 1954-.
This little light, this little wheel
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002228860 / 1997-08-25
Date of Creation:
This little light, this little wheel.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: additional lyrics.
Previous Registration:
Appl. states 2 songs are preexisting.
Sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant:
Lyle P. Cogen, 1958-
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Lyle P. Cogen & Jeff Gottschalk, 1954-.
Lyle P. Cogen 1958-
Jeff Gottschalk 1954-.
Jeff Gottschalk 1954-.
Wake 'em up shake 'em up
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002229784 / 1996-08-25
Date of Creation:
Wake 'em up shake 'em up.
Sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant:
Lyle P. Cogen
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Lyle P. Cogen, 1958-, & Jeff Gottschalk, 1954-.
Lyle P. Cogen 1958-
Jeff Gottschalk 1954-
Jeff Gottschalk 1954-
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002229785 / 1996-08-25
Date of Creation:
Sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant:
Lyle P. Cogen
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Lyle P. Cogen, 1958-, & Jeff Gottschalk, 1954-.
Lyle P. Cogen 1958-
Jeff Gottschalk 1954-
Jeff Gottschalk 1954-
Old unfaithful
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002230276 / 1997-09-29
Date of Creation:
Old unfaithful.
Sound cassette + lyrics sheets.
Copyright Claimant:
Mad Cow Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Allen Morrison, 1954-, & Jeff Gottschalk, 1954-.
Allen Morrison 1954-
Jeff Gottschalk 1954-
Mad Cow Music
Jeff Gottschalk 1954-
Mad Cow Music
Be still my heart
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002259355 / 1997-11-10
Date of Creation:
Be still my heart.
Sound cassette + lyrics sheet.
Copyright Claimant:
Mad Cow Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Allen Morrison, 1954-, & Jeff Gottschalk, 1954-.
Allen Morrison 1954-
Jeff Gottschalk 1954-
Mad Cow Music (4 documents)
example document: What it takes to be in love
Jeff Gottschalk 1954-
Mad Cow Music (4 documents)
example document: What it takes to be in love
Works of the Bleak Thieves
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002294374 / 1998-03-06
Date of Creation:
Works of the Bleak Thieves.
Acoustic version.
Sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant:
Stan Kurtz & Jeff Gottschalk
Words & music.
Stan Kurtz (1 documents)
example document: The early works of Stan Kurtz
Jeff Gottschalk (5 documents)
example document: Say what's on your mind
example document: The early works of Stan Kurtz
Jeff Gottschalk (5 documents)
example document: Say what's on your mind
Be still my heart
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002297008 / 1998-05-15
Date of Creation:
Be still my heart.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: new lyrics.
Previous Registration:
Prev. reg. 1997, PAu 2-259-355.
Sound cassette + lyrics sheets.
Copyright Claimant:
Mad Cow Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Allen Morrison, 1954-, & Jeff Gottschalk, 1954-.
Allen Morrison 1954-
Jeff Gottschalk 1954-
Mad Cow Music (4 documents)
example document: What it takes to be in love
Jeff Gottschalk 1954-
Mad Cow Music (4 documents)
example document: What it takes to be in love
The Nuclear power debate
Type of Work:
Multimedia kit
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000097416 / 1980-10-20
Date of Publication:
June 6, 1979
Date of Creation:
The Nuclear power debate / produced, distributed, copyrighted by Visual Education Consultants, Inc., a division of Education Industries, Inc.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: some new photos. & ill., printed text.
Previous Registration:
Preexisting material: photos. & ill.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Madison, Wis. : VEC, c1979.
1 filmstrip, 1 teacher's guide.
Copyright Claimant:
Education Industries, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
Education Industries, Inc., employer for hire.
Education Industries, Inc.
Education Industries, Inc. Visual Education Consultants, Inc.
VEC, Inc. (3 documents)
example document: Black holes in space
Visual Education Consultants, Inc., a division of Education Industries, Inc.
Education Industries, Inc. Visual Education Consultants, Inc.
VEC, Inc. (3 documents)
example document: Black holes in space
Visual Education Consultants, Inc., a division of Education Industries, Inc.
The Newspaper as a teaching tool
Type of Work:
Multimedia kit
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000097818 / 1980-12-19
Date of Publication:
June 25, 1980
Date of Creation:
The Newspaper as a teaching tool / produced by Visual Education Consultants, Inc.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "photographs, charts, and text (printed)"
Previous Registration:
Preexisting material: some photos. and charts.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Madison, Wis. : VEC, [19--]
4 filmstrips, 4 teacher's guides.
Copyright Claimant:
Education Industries, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
Richard DiPrima (author of anon. contribution)
Richard DiPrima 1941-
Visual Education Consultants, Inc. (4 documents)
example document: Black holes in space
Education Industries, Inc. (4 documents)
example document: Perspective on inflation
Visual Education Consultants, Inc. (4 documents)
example document: Black holes in space
Education Industries, Inc. (4 documents)
example document: Perspective on inflation
The Arab world
Type of Work:
Multimedia kit
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000099593 / 1980-10-20
Date of Publication:
March 15, 1978
Date of Creation:
The Arab world / produced by Visual Education Consultants, Inc.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "some new photos. and ill., printed text."
Previous Registration:
Preexisting material: photos. and ill.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Madison, Wis. : Distributed by Visual Education Consultants, c1978.
1 filmstrip, 1 teacher's guide.
Copyright Claimant:
Education Industries, Inc.
Copyright Notice:
in notice on filmstrip: Visual Education Consultants, Inc.; in notice on teacher's guide: V E C, Inc.; on back of teacher's guide: Visual Education Consultants, Inc., a division of Education Industries, Inc.
On teacher's guide: Prepared by Richard DiPrima and Jan Gottschalk.
Authorship on Application:
Education Industries, Inc., employer for hire.
Jan Gottschalk
Richard DiPrima
Education Industries, Inc. Visual Education Consultants, Inc. (2 documents)
example document: Brazil
Education Industries, Inc.
Richard DiPrima
Education Industries, Inc. Visual Education Consultants, Inc. (2 documents)
example document: Brazil
Education Industries, Inc.
Can the elephants be saved?
Type of Work:
Multimedia kit
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000176943 / 1983-06-20
Date of Publication:
October 8, 1982
Date of Creation:
Can the elephants be saved? / Prepared by Jan Gottschalk and the staff of Visual Education Consultants, Inc.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "some new photos. and some new ill., written text, audio cassette."
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Madison, Wis. : The Consultants, c1982.
1 booklet, 1 filmstrip, 1 sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant:
Visual Education Consultants, Inc.
Copyright Notice:
notice: V E C, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
some photos., some artwork, printed text, audio cassette: Visual Education Consultants, Inc., employer for hire.
Jan Gottschalk
Visual Education Consultants, Inc. (4 documents)
example document: Understanding editorial cartoons
VEC, Inc. (3 documents)
example document: Understanding editorial cartoons
Visual Education Consultants, Inc. (4 documents)
example document: Understanding editorial cartoons
VEC, Inc. (3 documents)
example document: Understanding editorial cartoons
The Arab world
Type of Work:
Multimedia kit
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000197197 / 1983-11-21
Date of Publication:
March 15, 1983
Date of Creation:
The Arab world / prepared by Richard DiPrima & Jan Gottschalk.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "some new photos. & some new ill., written text, audio cassette."
Madison, Wis. : VEC, c1983.
1 kit.
Copyright Claimant:
Knowledge Unlimited
Copyright Notice:
notice: V E C, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
written text, some photos. & ill. & audio cassette: Visual Education Consultants, Inc., employer for hire.
Richard DiPrima (3 documents)
example document: Perspective on inflation
Jan Gottschalk
Knowledge Unlimited (3 documents)
example document: The stock market
Visual Education Consultants, Inc. (4 documents)
example document: Black holes in space
example document: Perspective on inflation
Jan Gottschalk
Knowledge Unlimited (3 documents)
example document: The stock market
Visual Education Consultants, Inc. (4 documents)
example document: Black holes in space
The Computer revolution
Type of Work:
Multimedia kit
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000205531 / 1984-02-09
Date of Publication:
May 31, 1983
Date of Creation:
The Computer revolution : pt. 2, The Age of the microchip.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "written text, some new photos. & some new ill., recorded text."
Previous Registration:
Preexisting material: some photos. & some ill.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Madison, Wis. : Distributed by Visual Education Consultants, c1983.
1 sound cassette, 1 filmstrip, 1 teacher's guide.
Variant title:
The Computer revolution : pt. 2
Other Title:
The Age of the microchip
Copyright Claimant:
Richard DiPrima
Authorship on Application:
some photos. & some ill. on filmstrip: Educations Industries, Inc., employer for hire.
Richard DiPrima 1941-
Educations Industries, Inc.
Educations Industries, Inc.
The Computer revolution
Type of Work:
Multimedia kit
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000205532 / 1984-02-09
Date of Publication:
May 16, 1983
Date of Creation:
The Computer revolution : pt. 1, From the abacus to the space age.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "some new photos. and ill., written text."
Previous Registration:
Preexisting material: some photos. & some ill.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Madison, Wis. : Distributed by Visual Education Consultants, c1983.
1 sound cassette, 1 filmstrip, 1 teacher's guide.
Variant title:
The Computer revolution : pt. 1
Other Title:
From the abacus to the space age
Copyright Claimant:
Richard DiPrima
Authorship on Application:
some photos. & some ill. on filmstrip: Educations Industries, Inc., employer for hire.
Richard DiPrima 1941-
Educations Industries, Inc.
Educations Industries, Inc.
The Arab world
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000834272 / 1997-02-21
Date of Publication:
November 1, 1995
Date of Creation:
The Arab world / produced by Knowledge Unlimited, Inc. ; directed and edited by Dan Hildebrand.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: compilation of preexisting footage and still photos and all new cinematographic and literary material.
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Copyright Claimant:
Knowledge Unlimited, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
video and guide: Knowledge Unlimited, Inc., employer for hire.
Dan Hildebrand
Knowledge Unlimited, Inc.
Knowledge Unlimited, Inc.
This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.