If I could bring back yesterday. By Ben Taylor & Merland "Bubba" Knight
If I could be
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
May 28, 1980
Entire Copyright Document:
V1791P090 (Single page document)
If I could be.
Title appears in Document:
Rainy day sunshine & 1 other title; musical compositions.
If I could buy a little time
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
March 4, 1998
Entire Copyright Document:
V3406 D475-477
If I could buy a little time / By Kerry Kurt Phillips & Andy Spooner.
Title appears in Document:
A dose of love & 725 other titles; musical compositions. (Part 001 of 003)
If I could borrow my heart back from you
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
May 1, 2003
Entire Copyright Document:
V3492 D553-557 P1-27
If I could borrow my heart back from you / By Reinking & Nelson.
Title appears in Document:
1492 & 1628 other titles; musical compositions. (Part 002 of 005)
If I could buy a little time
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
December 6, 1999
Entire Copyright Document:
V3445 D929-933 P1-115
If I could buy a little time / By Kerry Kurt Phillips & Andy Spooner.
Title appears in Document:
'Round the family tree & 1,156 other titles. (Part 002 of 005)
If I could bottle this up
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
October 16, 2000
Entire Copyright Document:
V3460 D212-221 P1-229
Registration Number Not Verified:
PA 384-886 (1988)
If I could bottle this up / By Dillon & Overstreet. PA 384-886 (1988)
Title appears in Document:
A lonely lovers plea & 5,115 other titles. (Part 004 of 010)
If I could bottle this up
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
October 4, 1999
Entire Copyright Document:
V3442 D953-971 P1-460
Registration Number Not Verified:
PA 384-886 (1988)
If I could bottle this up / By Dillon, Overstreet. PA 384-886 (1988)
Title appears in Document:
A lonely lovers plea & 5,231 other titles. (Part 013 of 019)
If I could bottle this up
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
September 30, 1999
Entire Copyright Document:
V3442 D494-502 P1-225
Registration Number Not Verified:
PA 384-886 (1988)
If I could bottle this up / By Dillon & Overstreet. PA 384-886 (1988)
Title appears in Document:
A lonely lovers plea & 5,231 other titles; musical compositions. (Part 004 of 009)
If I could bottle this up
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
October 28, 1998
Entire Copyright Document:
V3424 D915-921 P1-176
If I could bottle this up / By Dean Dillon & Paul Overstreet.
Title appears in Document:
As long as you follow & 2,490 other titles; musical compositions. (Part 004 of 007)
If I could bottle this up
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
October 4, 1999
Entire Copyright Document:
V3442 D953-971 P1-460
Registration Number Not Verified:
PA 384-886 (1988)
If I could bottle this up / By Dillon, Overstreet. PA 384-886 (1988)
Title appears in Document:
A lonely lovers plea & 5,231 other titles. (Part 005 of 019)
If I could buy a dream
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
March 18, 2002
Entire Copyright Document:
V3479 D462 P1-8
If I could buy a dream.
Title appears in Document:
A bunch of bananas & 271 other titles; musical compositions.
If I could bring her back
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
February 19, 2002
Entire Copyright Document:
V3478 D358-456 P1-2,391
Registration Number Not Verified:
PAu 2-340-466 (1998)
If I could bring her back / By Anthony Jerome Martin, Tom Curtis Shapiro & Jimmy Yeary. DCR 1998. PAu 2-340-466 (1998)
Title appears in Document:
'47 Martin & 10,815 other titles. (Part 023 of 099)
If I could bring her back
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
January 23, 2002
Entire Copyright Document:
V3475 D815-871 P1-1418
Registration Number Not Verified:
PAu 2-340-466 (1998)
If I could bring her back / By Anthony Jerome Martin, Tom Curtis Shapiro & Jimmy Yeary. DCR 1998. PAu 2-340-466 (1998)
Title appears in Document:
'47 Martin & 5,776 other titles; musical compositions. (Part 022 of 057)
If I could bring back yesterday. By Ben Taylor & Merland "Bubba" Knight
Type of Work:
Musical work
PAu000137132 / 1979-08-10
PAu000013196 / 1978
PAu000013196 / 1978
If I could bring back yesterday. By Ben Taylor & Merland "Bubba" Knight.
Supplement to Registration:
PAu 13-196, 1978
Variant title:
If I could bring back yesterday.
Copyright Claimant:
Rick's Music, Inc., Cafe Americana, Inc. & Competition Music (on original appl.: Rick's Music, Inc. & Competition Music)
Authorship on Application:
Merald "Bubba" Knight (on original appl.: Merland "Bubba" Knight)
Ben Taylor (6 documents)
example document: Time works on all the wild young men
Merald Knight (5 documents)
example document: I don't want to do wrong. w & m William Guest, John Bristol, Gladys Knight, Catherine Schaffner & Merald Knight
Merland Knight
Bubba Knight (3 documents)
example document: Family
Rick's Music, Inc. (372 documents)
example document: Meteora & 27,009 other titles. (Part 047 of 102)
Cafe Americana, Inc. (208 documents)
example document: Let's make it good. By Jim Andron & Mark Winkler
Competition Music (8 documents)
example document: Love is my friend again
example document: Time works on all the wild young men
Merald Knight (5 documents)
example document: I don't want to do wrong. w & m William Guest, John Bristol, Gladys Knight, Catherine Schaffner & Merald Knight
Merland Knight
Bubba Knight (3 documents)
example document: Family
Rick's Music, Inc. (372 documents)
example document: Meteora & 27,009 other titles. (Part 047 of 102)
Cafe Americana, Inc. (208 documents)
example document: Let's make it good. By Jim Andron & Mark Winkler
Competition Music (8 documents)
example document: Love is my friend again
If I could bring back yesterday
Type of Work:
Musical work
PAu000013196 / 1978-04-03
PAu000137132 / 1979-08-10
PAu000137132 / 1979-08-10
Date of Creation:
If I could bring back yesterday / words and music by Ben Taylor & Merald "Bubba" Knight [i.e. Merland Knight]
Copyright Note:
See also If I could bring back yesterday; Reg. 10Aug79; PAu 137-132
8 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Rick's Music, Inc. & Competition Music
Ben Taylor (6 documents)
example document: X country
Merland Knight
Merald Knight (5 documents)
example document: I don't want to do wrong. w & m William Guest, John Bristol, Gladys Knight, Catherine Schaffner & Merald Knight
Bubba Knight (3 documents)
example document: Family
Rick's Music, Inc. (372 documents)
example document: Meteora & 27,009 other titles. (Part 020 of 102)
Competition Music (8 documents)
example document: Only if you want to
example document: X country
Merland Knight
Merald Knight (5 documents)
example document: I don't want to do wrong. w & m William Guest, John Bristol, Gladys Knight, Catherine Schaffner & Merald Knight
Bubba Knight (3 documents)
example document: Family
Rick's Music, Inc. (372 documents)
example document: Meteora & 27,009 other titles. (Part 020 of 102)
Competition Music (8 documents)
example document: Only if you want to
If I could break your heart
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001027180 / 1987-09-22
Date of Creation:
If I could break your heart.
1 sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant:
Virginia D. Meitzer Osborne Lee Vinson d.b.a. Dina Meitzer
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Virginia D. Meitzer Osborne Lee Vinson (pseud.) d.b.a. Dinah Meitzer.
Dinah Meitzer
pseud. Virginia D. Meitzer Osborne Lee Vinson
pseud. Virginia D. Meitzer Osborne Lee Vinson
If I could build my whole world around you. Arr. John Lane
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000697452 / 1995-03-01
EP0000240383 / 1967-12-21
EP0000240383 / 1967-12-21
If I could build my whole world around you. Arr. John Lane.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: arr.
Variant title:
If I could build my whole world around you.
Copyright Claimant:
Jobete Music Company, Inc. (PWH)
John Lane (112 documents)
example document: Does your Mama know about me? Arr. Stein & Van Stock, Inc., employer for hire of John Lane
Jobete Music Company, Inc. (2402 documents)
example document: Takin' it to the streets & 2 other titles
example document: Does your Mama know about me? Arr. Stein & Van Stock, Inc., employer for hire of John Lane
Jobete Music Company, Inc. (2402 documents)
example document: Takin' it to the streets & 2 other titles
If I could bring you home
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000330168 / 1981-08-28
Date of Creation:
If I could bring you home / M. L. Bateman.
2 p.
Copyright Claimant:
M. L. Bateman
Words, melody & chord symbols.
M. L. Bateman 1915-
If I could buy you. Words & music: Biff Collie (Hiram Abiff Collie)
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000058021 / 1980-04-14
EP0000066720 / 1952-11-15
EP0000066720 / 1952-11-15
If I could buy you. Words & music: Biff Collie (Hiram Abiff Collie)
Variant title:
If I could buy you.
Copyright Claimant:
Hiram Abiff Collie (A)
Hiram Abiff Collie (1 documents)
example document: If I could buy you
Biff Collie (11 documents)
example document: Don't talk about love. Words and music: Biff Collie
example document: If I could buy you
Biff Collie (11 documents)
example document: Don't talk about love. Words and music: Biff Collie
If I could bring her back. Co-composers, Tony Martin & Jimmy Yeary
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
June 28, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3527 D21-23 P1-60
If I could bring her back. Co-composers, Tony Martin & Jimmy Yeary.
Title appears in Document:
Peace, love and hard liquor & 3 other titles (part 196 of 425)
If I could build a neighborhood
Type of Work:
Dramatic work and accompanying music
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000124681 / 1979-07-12
Date of Creation:
If I could build a neighborhood / by Mary Ellen McGarry.
15 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Mary Ellen McGarry
Children's drama.
Mary Ellen McGarry 1950-
If I could bring her back
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
April 13, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3525 D747-780 P1-1659
Registration Number Not Verified:
PAu 2-340-466 (1998)
If I could bring her back / by Anthony Jerome Martin, Tom Curtis Shapiro & Jimmy Yeary. DCR 1998. PAu 2-340-466 (1998)
Title appears in Document:
'47 Martin & 6459 other titles (part 013 of 034)
If I could build my whole world around you
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
April 12, 1995
Entire Copyright Document:
If I could build my whole world around you.
Title appears in Document:
Achilles & 155 other titles; musical compositions.
If I could break through
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000093959 / 1979-03-26
Date of Creation:
If I could break through / words & music by Scott Berry.
3 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Scott Berry
Scott Berry 1953-
If I could bring her back
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
November 17, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3530 D725-768 P1-2158
Registration Number Not Verified:
PAu 2-340-466 (1998)
If I could bring her back / by Anthony Jerome Martin, Tom Curtis Shapiro & Jimmy Yeary. DCR 1998. PAu 2-340-466 (1998)
Title appears in Document:
'47 Martin & 8607 other titles (part 010 of 044)
If I could build a dream
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000549505 / 1983-06-09
Date of Creation:
If I could build a dream / written by Rosetta L. Crymes.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
3 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Rosetta Lynn Crymes
Song lyrics.
Rosetta Lynn Crymes 1964-
If I could buy a dream. From Little world, hello! w & m Dick Manning
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000614487 / 1993-01-11
EU0000894292 / 1965-07-21
EU0000894292 / 1965-07-21
If I could buy a dream. From Little world, hello! w & m Dick Manning.
Variant title:
If I could buy a dream.
Other Title:
Little world, hello!
Copyright Claimant:
Mitchell Manning (E)
Dick Manning (597 documents)
example document: The Continental soldiers. Words & music: Dick Manning & Al Stillman
Mitchell Manning (46 documents)
example document: A bunch of bananas & 271 other titles
example document: The Continental soldiers. Words & music: Dick Manning & Al Stillman
Mitchell Manning (46 documents)
example document: A bunch of bananas & 271 other titles
If I could build my whole world around you
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000697373 / 1995-03-01
EP0000229884 / 1967-04-01
EP0000229884 / 1967-04-01
If I could build my whole world around you.
Copyright Claimant:
Johnny Bristol, Vernon Bullock & Harvey Fuqua (A)
Words & music.
Johnny Bristol (92 documents)
example document: I'll follow you
Vernon Bullock (23 documents)
example document: My fatherless son. w & m Pam Sawyer, Jack Goga, Johnny Bristol & Vernon Bullock
Harvey Fuqua (191 documents)
example document: Mental telepathy
example document: I'll follow you
Vernon Bullock (23 documents)
example document: My fatherless son. w & m Pam Sawyer, Jack Goga, Johnny Bristol & Vernon Bullock
Harvey Fuqua (191 documents)
example document: Mental telepathy
If I could bring you joy again
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000066622 / 1978-11-30
Date of Creation:
If I could bring you joy again / music and lyrics Wendy Sue Yergin.
4 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Moondance Music Associates
Wendy Sue Yergin (4 documents)
example document: Birthday song
Moondance Music Associates (3 documents)
example document: Colours
example document: Birthday song
Moondance Music Associates (3 documents)
example document: Colours
If I could bottle it, I'd call it love
Type of Work:
Dramatic work and accompanying music
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000479904 / 1983-02-09
Date of Creation:
If I could bottle it, I'd call it love / music by Stephanie P. Ledgin & Glenn Schnittke ; lyrics by Stephanie P. Ledgin.
2 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Stephanie P. Ledgin
Authorship on Application:
Stephanie Paula Ledgin & Glenn Schnittke.
Stephanie Paula Ledgin 1952-
Glenn Schnittke 1950-
Glenn Schnittke 1950-
If I could buy a little time
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
June 20, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3531 D656-710 P1-1607
If I could buy a little time / written by Kerry Kurt Phillips & Andy Spooner.
Title appears in Document:
2-4-2 fox trot & 10758 other titles (part 033 of 055)
This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.