I'll go home with Bonnie Jean. From Brigadoon. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe, arr. for TTBB & piano: Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire of Clay Warnick
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
August 5, 1988
Entire Copyright Document:
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1969
Camelot; musical play / Music by Frederick Loewe, book & lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner.
Party 1 personal name:
Frederick Loewe & Alan Jay Lerner
Alan Jay Lerner, Frederick Loewe, University of Redlands, Maimonides Hospital of Brooklyn, Desert Hospital, Inc., of Palm Springs, Calif. & Palm Springs Police-Frederick Lowe Foundation, Inc.
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: A toujours & 330 other titles; songs. (Part 001 of 002)
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: You did it. From musical production My fair lady. Words: Alan Jay Lerner, music: Frederick Loewe
Tams-Witmark Music Library, Inc. (22 documents)
example document: Barnum! & 14 other titles
University of Redlands (Calif.)
Palm Springs Police-Frederick Lowe Foundation, Inc.
Desert Hospital, Inc., of Palm Springs, Calif.
Maimonides Hospital of Brooklyn
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: A toujours & 330 other titles; songs. (Part 001 of 002)
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: You did it. From musical production My fair lady. Words: Alan Jay Lerner, music: Frederick Loewe
Tams-Witmark Music Library, Inc. (22 documents)
example document: Barnum! & 14 other titles
University of Redlands (Calif.)
Palm Springs Police-Frederick Lowe Foundation, Inc.
Desert Hospital, Inc., of Palm Springs, Calif.
Maimonides Hospital of Brooklyn
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
April 20, 1979
Entire Copyright Document:
Registration Number Not Verified:
Camelot; design / GP59399.
Title appears in Document:
Newest suburban branch of Dengerer's, Buffalo, installs & 69 other titles.
Another autumn & 8 other titles; musical compositions
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
January 3, 1979
Entire Copyright Document:
V1701P337 (Single page document)
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1978
Another autumn & 8 other titles; musical compositions.
Variant title:
Paint your wagon.
From Paint your wagon. Author of words: Alan Jay Lerner, author of music: Frederick Loewe.
Party 1 personal name:
Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Loewe
Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Loewe by David S. Wolfson (Atty)
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: I ain't never felt so good before. From Huckleberry Finn. Words: Alan Jay Lerner, music: Burton Lane
Frederick Loewe
Chappell & Company, Inc. (2388 documents)
example document: Cinerama holiday
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: I ain't never felt so good before. From Huckleberry Finn. Words: Alan Jay Lerner, music: Burton Lane
Frederick Loewe
Chappell & Company, Inc. (2388 documents)
example document: Cinerama holiday
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
November 3, 1987
Entire Copyright Document:
V2313 P24-33
Registration Number Not Verified:
EP160697 (1962)
Camelot; score / EP160697 (1962)
Title appears in Document:
Summertime & 290 other titles. (Part 001 of 002)
Aunt Alicia's march & 12 other titles
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
January 7, 1985
Entire Copyright Document:
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1984
Aunt Alicia's march & 12 other titles.
From the film, Gigi.
Party 1 personal name:
Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Loewe
by Marlies Dwyer (Atty) Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Loewe (1 documents)
example document: Ascot gavotte & 15 other titles
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: Nation. w & m Leonard Bernstein & Alan Jay Lerner
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: Hey, look me over & 9 other titles; notification (under 17 USC 508) of filing & of final order or judgement (docket no. CA78-L-5085-NE filed 27Apr78 in Northern District of Alabama, Northeastern Division) Order of dismissal attached
Chappell & Company, Inc. (2388 documents)
example document: Be my fortune teller
example document: Ascot gavotte & 15 other titles
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: Nation. w & m Leonard Bernstein & Alan Jay Lerner
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: Hey, look me over & 9 other titles; notification (under 17 USC 508) of filing & of final order or judgement (docket no. CA78-L-5085-NE filed 27Apr78 in Northern District of Alabama, Northeastern Division) Order of dismissal attached
Chappell & Company, Inc. (2388 documents)
example document: Be my fortune teller
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
May 21, 1980
Entire Copyright Document:
Registration Number Not Verified:
Camelot; design / GP59399.
Title appears in Document:
Newest suburban branch of Hengerer's, Buffalo, installs & 116 other titles.
Camelot & 5 other titles
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
July 12, 1979
Entire Copyright Document:
Date of Execution:
June 29, 1979
Camelot & 5 other titles.
Party 1 personal name:
Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Loewe
Inc. (Atty) Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Loewe by Warner Brothers
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: Ascot gavotte & 15 other titles
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: They call the wind Maria
Warner Brothers, Inc. (7643 documents)
example document: A happy song. From Inside Daisy Clover. w & m Remick Music Corporation, employer for hire of Andre G. Previn (music) & Dory Previn (words)
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: Ascot gavotte & 15 other titles
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: They call the wind Maria
Warner Brothers, Inc. (7643 documents)
example document: A happy song. From Inside Daisy Clover. w & m Remick Music Corporation, employer for hire of Andre G. Previn (music) & Dory Previn (words)
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
July 12, 1979
Entire Copyright Document:
Registration Number Not Verified:
AF16079, exclusive of the story entitled The Sword in the stone by Terence Hanbury White.
DP4548 (1961)
DP4548 (1961)
Camelot; musical play / Based upon or adapted from the novel entitled The Once and future king by Terence Hanbury White, copyright 1958, AF16079, exclusive of the story entitled The Sword in the stone by Terence Hanbury White. DP4548 (1961)
Variant title:
Once and future king
Sword in the stone
Sword in the stone
Title appears in Document:
Camelot & 5 other titles.
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
July 3, 1979
Entire Copyright Document:
Registration Number Not Verified:
Camelot; design / GP59399.
Title appears in Document:
Newest suburban branch of Hengerer's, Buffalo, installs & 69 other titles.
Hand me down that can o' beans & 4 other titles; musical compositions
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
May 21, 1979
Entire Copyright Document:
V1725P223 (Single page document)
Date of Execution:
February 9, 1979
Hand me down that can o' beans & 4 other titles; musical compositions.
Variant title:
Paint your wagon.
From Paint your wagon. Words: Alan Jay Lerner, music: Frederick Loewe.
Party 1 personal name:
Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Loewe
Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Loewe by David S. Wolfson (Atty)
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: How could you believe me when I said I love you when you know I've been a liar all my life? In M G M picture Royal wedding. Lyric by Alan Jay Lerner, music: Burton Lane
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: Almost like being in love & Come to me, bend to me. By Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Loewe, arr. for portable chord organs: F. Henri Klickmann
Chappell & Company, Inc. (2388 documents)
example document: The Cardinal's guard are we. From The Girl in pink tights. Words: Leo Robin, music: Sigmund Romberg, arr. Don Walker
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: How could you believe me when I said I love you when you know I've been a liar all my life? In M G M picture Royal wedding. Lyric by Alan Jay Lerner, music: Burton Lane
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: Almost like being in love & Come to me, bend to me. By Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Loewe, arr. for portable chord organs: F. Henri Klickmann
Chappell & Company, Inc. (2388 documents)
example document: The Cardinal's guard are we. From The Girl in pink tights. Words: Leo Robin, music: Sigmund Romberg, arr. Don Walker
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
January 17, 1989
Entire Copyright Document:
Camelot; selections & song / By Lerner & Loewe.
Title appears in Document:
Spellbound & 98 other titles; musical compositions.
All for him & 2 other titles; musical compositions
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
January 4, 1980
Entire Copyright Document:
V1768P256 (Single page document)
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1979
All for him & 2 other titles; musical compositions.
Variant title:
Paint your wagon.
From Paint your wagon. Words: Alan Jay Lerner, music: Frederick Loewe.
Party 1 personal name:
Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Loewe
Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Loewe by Frederic Silber (Atty)
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: Waitin' for my dearie. From Brigadoon. S.S.A. Words: Alan Jay Lerner, music: Frederick Loewe, arr. Victor Lamont, pseud. of Victor Maiorana
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: I'm glad I'm not young anymore. From M. G. M. film, Gigi. m Frederick Loewe, w Alan Jay Lerner
Chappell & Company, Inc. (2388 documents)
example document: A woman's prerogative
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: Waitin' for my dearie. From Brigadoon. S.S.A. Words: Alan Jay Lerner, music: Frederick Loewe, arr. Victor Lamont, pseud. of Victor Maiorana
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: I'm glad I'm not young anymore. From M. G. M. film, Gigi. m Frederick Loewe, w Alan Jay Lerner
Chappell & Company, Inc. (2388 documents)
example document: A woman's prerogative
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
January 18, 1982
Entire Copyright Document:
Date of Execution:
January 6, 1982
Camelot; television program.
Dome Productions. (2 documents)
example document: Henry Fonda as Clarence Darrow
Home Box Office, Inc. (2543 documents)
example document: The upside of anger
example document: Henry Fonda as Clarence Darrow
Home Box Office, Inc. (2543 documents)
example document: The upside of anger
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
April 28, 2003
Entire Copyright Document:
V3492 D216-298 P1-891
Registration Number Not Verified:
RE 419-861.
Camelot; play / By Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Loewe. RE 419-861.
Title appears in Document:
The abominable snow rabbit & 30,007 other titles. (Part 027 of 083)
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
April 28, 2003
Entire Copyright Document:
V3492 D216-298 P1-891
Registration Number Not Verified:
RE 431-046.
Camelot; play / By Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Loewe. RE 431-046.
Title appears in Document:
The abominable snow rabbit & 30,007 other titles. (Part 027 of 083)
Come to the ball
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000987347 / 1987-07-15
Date of Creation:
Come to the ball / lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner ; music by Frederick Loewe.
11 p.
Copyright Claimant:
David Grossberg, executor of Estate of Alan Jay Lerner
Alan Jay Lerner 1918-1986
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: The Fred Bock Lerner & Loewe piano book
David Grossberg (109 documents)
example document: Then you may take me to the fair. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe
Alan Jay Lerner Estate of (8 documents)
example document: Dancin' the blues away
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: The Fred Bock Lerner & Loewe piano book
David Grossberg (109 documents)
example document: Then you may take me to the fair. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe
Alan Jay Lerner Estate of (8 documents)
example document: Dancin' the blues away
It's a bore. From M. G. M. film, Gigi. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000258392 / 1985-01-07
EU0000493641 / 1957-09-16
EU0000493641 / 1957-09-16
It's a bore. From M. G. M. film, Gigi. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
It's a bore
Other Title:
Copyright Claimant:
Frederick Loewe & Alan Jay Lerner (A)
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: They call the wind Maria
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: When you grow up you'll know. From The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Words: Alan Jay Lerner, music: Burton Lane
example document: They call the wind Maria
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: When you grow up you'll know. From The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Words: Alan Jay Lerner, music: Burton Lane
Say a prayer for me tonight. From M. G. M. film, Gigi. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000258393 / 1985-01-07
EU0000493640 / 1957-09-16
EU0000493640 / 1957-09-16
Say a prayer for me tonight. From M. G. M. film, Gigi. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
Say a prayer for me tonight
Other Title:
Copyright Claimant:
Frederick Loewe & Alan Jay Lerner (A)
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: Ich haett' getanzt heut' Nacht. German w Robert Gilbert, m Frederick Loewe
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: The President Jefferson march. m Leonard Bernstein, w Alan Jay Lerner, arr.: Bill Oliver
example document: Ich haett' getanzt heut' Nacht. German w Robert Gilbert, m Frederick Loewe
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: The President Jefferson march. m Leonard Bernstein, w Alan Jay Lerner, arr.: Bill Oliver
Waltz at Maxim's. From film, Gigi. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000258395 / 1985-01-07
EU0000492310 / 1957-09-04
EU0000492310 / 1957-09-04
Waltz at Maxim's. From film, Gigi. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
Waltz at Maxim's
Other Title:
Copyright Claimant:
Frederick Loewe & Alan Jay Lerner (A)
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: How to handle a woman. From Camelot. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: I'll wait for you by the river. Words: Alan Jay Lerner, music: Burton Lane
example document: How to handle a woman. From Camelot. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: I'll wait for you by the river. Words: Alan Jay Lerner, music: Burton Lane
Gigi. From film, Gigi. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000258396 / 1985-01-07
EU0000492309 / 1957-09-04
EU0000492309 / 1957-09-04
Gigi. From film, Gigi. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
Copyright Claimant:
Frederick Loewe & Alan Jay Lerner (A)
Frederick Loewe
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: Show me. From the musical production, My fair lady. Words: Alan Jay Lerner, music: Frederick Loewe
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: Show me. From the musical production, My fair lady. Words: Alan Jay Lerner, music: Frederick Loewe
The Parisians. From film, Gigi. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000258397 / 1985-01-07
EU0000492308 / 1957-09-04
EU0000492308 / 1957-09-04
The Parisians. From film, Gigi. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
The Parisians
Other Title:
Copyright Claimant:
Frederick Loewe & Alan Jay Lerner (A)
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: They call the wind Maria & 5 other titles
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: All that he wants me to be
example document: They call the wind Maria & 5 other titles
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: All that he wants me to be
Gossip. From film, Gigi. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000258398 / 1985-01-07
EU0000492307 / 1957-09-04
EU0000492307 / 1957-09-04
Gossip. From film, Gigi. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
Other Title:
Copyright Claimant:
Frederick Loewe & Alan Jay Lerner (A)
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: Follow me. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: Gold fever. From the Paramount picture, Paint your wagon. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Paramount Pictures Corporation, employer for hire of Andre Previn
example document: Follow me. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: Gold fever. From the Paramount picture, Paint your wagon. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Paramount Pictures Corporation, employer for hire of Andre Previn
Camelot. Book & lyrics: Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe
Type of Work:
Dramatic work and accompanying music
RE0000419861 / 1989-01-03
DP0000004548 / 1961-09-01
DP0000004548 / 1961-09-01
Camelot. Book & lyrics: Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: text & pref.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
Other Title:
The Once and future king
Copyright Claimant:
Elizabeth Robertson Lerner (W)
Based on The Once and future king, by Terence Hanbury White.
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: With a little bit of luck & 5 other titles; notification (under 17 USC 508) of filing (docket no. H78-421 filed 10Aug78 in District of Connecticut, Hartford)
Elizabeth Robertson Lerner (42 documents)
example document: On a clear day you can see forever. Book by Alan Jay Lerner
Alan Jay Lerner 1918-1986
Terence Hanbury White 1906-1964
example document: With a little bit of luck & 5 other titles; notification (under 17 USC 508) of filing (docket no. H78-421 filed 10Aug78 in District of Connecticut, Hartford)
Elizabeth Robertson Lerner (42 documents)
example document: On a clear day you can see forever. Book by Alan Jay Lerner
Alan Jay Lerner 1918-1986
Terence Hanbury White 1906-1964
The Night they invented champagne. From the film, Gigi. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000257983 / 1985-01-07
EU0000499255 / 1957-10-28
EU0000499255 / 1957-10-28
The Night they invented champagne. From the film, Gigi. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
The Night they invented champagne
Other Title:
Copyright Claimant:
Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Loewe (A)
Alan Jay Lerner (225 documents)
example document: Wouldn't it be loverly? From musical production My fair lady. Words: Alan Jay Lerner, music: Frederick Loewe
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: Almost like being in love and The Heather on the hill. By Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Loewe, arr. for B-flat instruments & alto saxophone, trombone & accordion, with piano acc.: Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc
example document: Wouldn't it be loverly? From musical production My fair lady. Words: Alan Jay Lerner, music: Frederick Loewe
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: Almost like being in love and The Heather on the hill. By Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Loewe, arr. for B-flat instruments & alto saxophone, trombone & accordion, with piano acc.: Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc
The Lerner & Loewe song book. By Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Loewe, editing: Albert Sirmay, commentary: Scott Sullivan
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000497800 / 1990-11-20
A00000595740 / 1962-10-29
A00000595740 / 1962-10-29
The Lerner & Loewe song book. By Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Loewe, editing: Albert Sirmay, commentary: Scott Sullivan.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: compilation & running commentary.
Variant title:
The Lerner & Loewe song book.
Copyright Claimant:
Albert Sirmay & Scott Sullivan (A)
Albert Sirmay (14 documents)
example document: Ol' man river
Scott Sullivan (14 documents)
example document: Mr. Yuk
Alan Jay Lerner 1918-1986
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: I'm an ordinary man. From musical production My fair lady. Words: Alan Jay Lerner, music: Frederick Loewe
example document: Ol' man river
Scott Sullivan (14 documents)
example document: Mr. Yuk
Alan Jay Lerner 1918-1986
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: I'm an ordinary man. From musical production My fair lady. Words: Alan Jay Lerner, music: Frederick Loewe
Come to me, bend to me. From Brigadoon. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe, SATB arr. Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire of Clay Warnick
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000583774 / 1992-04-24
EP0000186034 / 1964-03-18
EP0000186034 / 1964-03-18
Come to me, bend to me. From Brigadoon. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe, SATB arr. Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire of Clay Warnick.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: arr.
Variant title:
Come to me, bend to me.
Other Title:
Copyright Claimant:
EMI Catalogue Partnership (PWH)
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: Without you. From musical production My fair lady. Words: Alan Jay Lerner, music: Frederick Loewe
Clay Warnick (303 documents)
example document: Paris smiles. For SAB. By Paramount Pictures Corporation, employer for hire of Jay Livingston, Ray Evans (words), Maurice Jarre (music) & Famous Music Corporation, employer for hire of Clay Warnick (arr.)
Alan J. Lerner 1918-1986
Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc. (166 documents)
example document: Sam Fox Variety series for television-radio-film and general performance. Vol. 8. By Joseph Cacciola, D. Adair, Jacques Belasco, & Maurice Dupre & W. Burwell, pseuds. of L. E. DeFrancesco
EMI Catalogue Partnership (1117 documents)
example document: Tick, tick, tick; background musical score of motion picture photoplay. m Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc., as employer for hire of Jerry Styner
example document: Without you. From musical production My fair lady. Words: Alan Jay Lerner, music: Frederick Loewe
Clay Warnick (303 documents)
example document: Paris smiles. For SAB. By Paramount Pictures Corporation, employer for hire of Jay Livingston, Ray Evans (words), Maurice Jarre (music) & Famous Music Corporation, employer for hire of Clay Warnick (arr.)
Alan J. Lerner 1918-1986
Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc. (166 documents)
example document: Sam Fox Variety series for television-radio-film and general performance. Vol. 8. By Joseph Cacciola, D. Adair, Jacques Belasco, & Maurice Dupre & W. Burwell, pseuds. of L. E. DeFrancesco
EMI Catalogue Partnership (1117 documents)
example document: Tick, tick, tick; background musical score of motion picture photoplay. m Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc., as employer for hire of Jerry Styner
The love of my life. From Brigadoon. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe, arr. for SSA & piano: Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire of Clay Warnick
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000583775 / 1992-04-24
EP0000187424 / 1964-03-31
EP0000187424 / 1964-03-31
The love of my life. From Brigadoon. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe, arr. for SSA & piano: Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire of Clay Warnick.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: arr.
Variant title:
The love of my life.
Other Title:
Copyright Claimant:
EMI Catalogue Partnership (PWH)
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: Ice skating sequence. From the film, Gigi. m Frederick Loewe
Clay Warnick (303 documents)
example document: Manhattan. For mixed voices S.A.T.B. By Richard Rodgers, w Lorenz Hart, arr. Clay Warnick
Alan Jay Lerner 1918-1986
Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc. (166 documents)
example document: He's got the whole world in His hand; traditional spiritual. Arr. for piano solo: Howard Kasschau
EMI Catalogue Partnership (1117 documents)
example document: Get out, woman. w & m United Artists Music Company, Inc., employer for hire of Billy Edd Wheeler
example document: Ice skating sequence. From the film, Gigi. m Frederick Loewe
Clay Warnick (303 documents)
example document: Manhattan. For mixed voices S.A.T.B. By Richard Rodgers, w Lorenz Hart, arr. Clay Warnick
Alan Jay Lerner 1918-1986
Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc. (166 documents)
example document: He's got the whole world in His hand; traditional spiritual. Arr. for piano solo: Howard Kasschau
EMI Catalogue Partnership (1117 documents)
example document: Get out, woman. w & m United Artists Music Company, Inc., employer for hire of Billy Edd Wheeler
I'll go home with Bonnie Jean. From Brigadoon. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe, arr. for TTBB & piano: Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire of Clay Warnick
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000583776 / 1992-04-24
EP0000187425 / 1964-03-31
EP0000187425 / 1964-03-31
I'll go home with Bonnie Jean. From Brigadoon. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe, arr. for TTBB & piano: Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire of Clay Warnick.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: arr.
Variant title:
I'll go home with Bonnie Jean.
Other Title:
Copyright Claimant:
EMI Catalogue Partnership (PWH)
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: Es grunt so grun. German w Robert Gilbert, m Frederick Loewe
Clay Warnick (303 documents)
example document: Walk with me. SSA. Arr. by Clay Warnick
Alan Jay Lerner 1918-1986
Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc. (166 documents)
example document: Reflections on the lake; tone poem. Symphonic band. m Victor Lamont, pseud. of Victor Maiorana
EMI Catalogue Partnership (1117 documents)
example document: Black beauty. m Greenway Productions, Inc., as employer for hire of Billy May
example document: Es grunt so grun. German w Robert Gilbert, m Frederick Loewe
Clay Warnick (303 documents)
example document: Walk with me. SSA. Arr. by Clay Warnick
Alan Jay Lerner 1918-1986
Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc. (166 documents)
example document: Reflections on the lake; tone poem. Symphonic band. m Victor Lamont, pseud. of Victor Maiorana
EMI Catalogue Partnership (1117 documents)
example document: Black beauty. m Greenway Productions, Inc., as employer for hire of Billy May
The Heather on the hill. From Brigadoon. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe, arr. for SATB: Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire of Clay Warnick
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000583778 / 1992-04-24
EP0000187609 / 1964-04-21
EP0000187609 / 1964-04-21
The Heather on the hill. From Brigadoon. w Alan Jay Lerner, m Frederick Loewe, arr. for SATB: Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire of Clay Warnick.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: arr.
Variant title:
The Heather on the hill.
Other Title:
Copyright Claimant:
EMI Catalogue Partnership (PWH)
Frederick Loewe (238 documents)
example document: If ever I would leave you & 40 other titles
Clay Warnick (303 documents)
example document: Brotherhood of man. From the Broadway production How to succeed in business without really trying. Arr. for S.A.T.B.: Frank Loesser, employer for hire of Clay Warnick
Alan Jay Lerner 1918-1986
Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc. (166 documents)
example document: No titles given
EMI Catalogue Partnership (1117 documents)
example document: Raggedy Andy
example document: If ever I would leave you & 40 other titles
Clay Warnick (303 documents)
example document: Brotherhood of man. From the Broadway production How to succeed in business without really trying. Arr. for S.A.T.B.: Frank Loesser, employer for hire of Clay Warnick
Alan Jay Lerner 1918-1986
Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc. (166 documents)
example document: No titles given
EMI Catalogue Partnership (1117 documents)
example document: Raggedy Andy
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
February 28, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3520 D875-975 P1-633
Registration Number Not Verified:
PA 881-144 (1998)
Camelot; animated children's story / PA 881-144 (1998)
Title appears in Document:
Viva! & 20708 other titles. (Part 006 of 095)
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