Implementing the Investigations in Number, Data, and Space curriculum, Landmarks in the thousands
Landmarks in the thousands
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003782170 / 1994-03-23
Date of Publication:
March 14, 1994
Date of Creation:
Landmarks in the thousands : grade 4, also appropriate for grade 5 / Susan Jo Russell, Andee Rubin.
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space
1 v.
Variant title:
Landmarks in the thousands : grade 4, also appropriate for grade 5
Other Title:
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space
Copyright Claimant:
Dale Seymour Publications (employer for hire)
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: Exploring geometry
Andee Rubin (18 documents)
example document: Sunken ships and grid patterns
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Understanding fractions
example document: Exploring geometry
Andee Rubin (18 documents)
example document: Sunken ships and grid patterns
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Understanding fractions
Does it walk, crawl, or swim?
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004341769 / 1996-07-23
Date of Publication:
May 28, 1996
Date of Creation:
Does it walk, crawl, or swim? : sorting and classifying data : grade 2 / Susan Jo Russell, Rebecca Corwin, Karen Econompoulos.
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space
156 p.
Other Title:
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space
Copyright Claimant:
Dale Seymour Publications
Authorship on Application:
text: TERC & ill.: Dale Seymour Publications, employers for hire.
Karen Econompoulos
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: Survey questions and secret rules
Rebecca Corwin
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Problem solving skill sheets
TERC (64 documents)
example document: How many pockets? How many teeth?
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: Survey questions and secret rules
Rebecca Corwin
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Problem solving skill sheets
TERC (64 documents)
example document: How many pockets? How many teeth?
Building number sense
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004549521 / 1997-05-12
Date of Publication:
February 21, 1997
Date of Creation:
Building number sense : the number system / Marlene Kliman, Susan Jo Russell.
Investigations in number, data, and space ; grade 1
236 p.
Variant title:
Building number sense : the number system
Other Title:
Investigations in number, data, and space ; grade 1
Copyright Claimant:
Dale Seymour Publications, an imprint of Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
ill.: Dale Seymour Publications, employer for hire.
Marlene Kliman (8 documents)
example document: Investigations in Number, Data, and Space
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: From paces to feet
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Three out of four like spaghetti
TERC (64 documents)
example document: Microcomputers in education, an introduction
example document: Investigations in Number, Data, and Space
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: From paces to feet
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Three out of four like spaghetti
TERC (64 documents)
example document: Microcomputers in education, an introduction
Mathematical thinking at grade 3
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004553182 / 1997-05-15
Date of Publication:
February 14, 1997
Date of Creation:
Mathematical thinking at grade 3 : introduction / Susan Jo Russell, Karen Economopoulos.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Investigations in number, data, and space
140 p.
Other Title:
Investigations in number, data, and space
Copyright Claimant:
Dale Seymour Publications (employer for hire)
Authorship on Application:
ill.: TERC, employee for hire.
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: Putting together and taking apart
Karen Economopoulos (42 documents)
example document: Money, miles and large numbers
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Mathematical thinking in kindergarten
TERC (64 documents)
example document: Investigations In Number, Data, And Space
example document: Putting together and taking apart
Karen Economopoulos (42 documents)
example document: Money, miles and large numbers
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Mathematical thinking in kindergarten
TERC (64 documents)
example document: Investigations In Number, Data, And Space
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004564552 / 1997-07-23
Date of Publication:
June 25, 1997
Date of Creation:
Data : kids, cats, and ads : statistics : grade level 5, 6 / Andee Rubin, Jan Mokros.
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space
Menlo Park, CA : Dale Seymour Publications, c1998.
2 v.
Variant title:
Data : kids, cats, and ads
Other Title:
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space
Copyright Claimant:
Dale Seymour Publications (employer for hire)
Includes student activity booklet & investigations at home booklet.
The Investigations curriculum was developed at TERC (formerly Technical Education Research Centers)
The Investigations curriculum was developed at TERC (formerly Technical Education Research Centers)
Authorship on Application:
ill.: Dale Seymour Publications, employer for hire.
Andee Rubin (18 documents)
example document: Three out of four like spaghetti
Jan Mokros (16 documents)
example document: Implementing the Investigations in Number, Data, and Space curriculum
Technical Education Research Centers (15 documents)
example document: Combining and comparing
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Developing skills in capitalization and punctuation
TERC (64 documents)
example document: Turtle paths
example document: Three out of four like spaghetti
Jan Mokros (16 documents)
example document: Implementing the Investigations in Number, Data, and Space curriculum
Technical Education Research Centers (15 documents)
example document: Combining and comparing
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Developing skills in capitalization and punctuation
TERC (64 documents)
example document: Turtle paths
Between never and always
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004564553 / 1997-07-23
Date of Publication:
June 25, 1997
Date of Creation:
Between never and always : probability : grade level 5, 6 : student activity booklet / Margie Singer, Cliff Konold, Andee Rubin.
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space
Menlo Park, CA : Dale Seymour Publications, c1998.
61 p.
Other Title:
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space
Copyright Claimant:
Dale Seymour Publications (employer for hire)
The Investigations curriculum was developed at TERC (formerly Technical Education Research Centers)
Authorship on Application:
ill.: Dale Seymour Publications, employer for hire.
Margie Singer
Cliff Konold
Andee Rubin (18 documents)
example document: Three out of four like spaghetti
Technical Education Research Centers (15 documents)
example document: Three out of four like spaghetti
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Problem-solving skill sheets
Cliff Konold
Andee Rubin (18 documents)
example document: Three out of four like spaghetti
Technical Education Research Centers (15 documents)
example document: Three out of four like spaghetti
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Problem-solving skill sheets
Landmarks in hundreds
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004571845 / 1997-08-11
Date of Publication:
May 12, 1997
Date of Creation:
Landmarks in hundreds / Susan Jo Russell, Andee Rubin ; developed at TERC, formerly Technical Education Research Centers in collaboration with Kent State University and the State University of New York at Buffalo ; ill. Jane McCreary, Carl Yoshihara.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: additions & revisions.
Previous Registration:
Prev. reg. 1994, TX 3-734-370.
Investigations in Number, Data and Space. The number system ; grade 3
Menlo Park, CA : D. Seymour Publications, c1998.
3 v.
Other Title:
The number system ; grade 3
Investigations at home
Investigations at home
Copyright Claimant:
Dale Seymour Publications
Textbook, student activity booklet & Investigations at home.
Authorship on Application:
TERC (additional & rev. text) & Dale Seymour Publications (ill.), employers for hire.
Carl Yoshihara (6 documents)
example document: Containers and cubes
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: Quilt squares and block towns
Andee Rubin (18 documents)
example document: Three out of four like spaghetti
Jane McCreary (31 documents)
example document: Sci-math applications in proportional problem solving
Technical Education Research Centers (15 documents)
example document: Does it walk, crawl or swim?
Kent State University (2 documents)
example document: How many pockets? How many teeth?
State University of New York at Buffalo (5 documents)
example document: Glyph 7
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Mathematical thinking in kindergarten
TERC (64 documents)
example document: Addition and subtraction
example document: Containers and cubes
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: Quilt squares and block towns
Andee Rubin (18 documents)
example document: Three out of four like spaghetti
Jane McCreary (31 documents)
example document: Sci-math applications in proportional problem solving
Technical Education Research Centers (15 documents)
example document: Does it walk, crawl or swim?
Kent State University (2 documents)
example document: How many pockets? How many teeth?
State University of New York at Buffalo (5 documents)
example document: Glyph 7
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Mathematical thinking in kindergarten
TERC (64 documents)
example document: Addition and subtraction
Between never and always
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004583211 / 1997-07-11
Date of Publication:
May 16, 1997
Date of Creation:
Between never and always : grade 5, also appropriate for grade 6 / Margie Singer, Cliff Konold, Andee Rubin ; developed at TERC [(formerly Technical Education Research Centers in collaboration with Kent State University and the State University of New York at Buffalo ; ill. D. J. Simison, Carl Yoshihara]
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space. Probability
Menlo Park, CA : Dale Seymour Publications, c1998.
2 v.
Variant title:
Between never and always : grade 5
Other Title:
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space
Investigations at home
Investigations at home
Copyright Claimant:
Dale Seymour Publications
Includes Investigations at home.
Authorship on Application:
TERC (text) & Dale Seymour Publications (ill.), employers for hire.
Margie Singer
Cliff Konold
Andee Rubin (18 documents)
example document: The shape of the data
D. J. Simison
Carl Yoshihara (6 documents)
example document: Data
Technical Education Research Centers
State University of New York at Buffalo (5 documents)
example document: How many pockets? How many teeth?
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Shapes, halves, and symmetry
TERC (64 documents)
example document: Sunken ships and grid patterns
Kent State University (OH) (3 documents)
example document: Collage
Cliff Konold
Andee Rubin (18 documents)
example document: The shape of the data
D. J. Simison
Carl Yoshihara (6 documents)
example document: Data
Technical Education Research Centers
State University of New York at Buffalo (5 documents)
example document: How many pockets? How many teeth?
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Shapes, halves, and symmetry
TERC (64 documents)
example document: Sunken ships and grid patterns
Kent State University (OH) (3 documents)
example document: Collage
Landmarks in the thousands
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004621125 / 1997-08-21
Date of Publication:
May 23, 1997
Date of Creation:
Landmarks in the thousands : the number system : grade 4 / Susan Jo Russell, Andee Rubin.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: revisions & additions in text; ill.
Previous Registration:
Prev. reg. 1994, TX 3-782-170.
Investigations in Number, Data and Space
3 v.
Variant title:
Landmarks in the thousands : the number system : grade 4
Other Title:
Investigations in Number, Data and Space
Copyright Claimant:
Dale Seymour Publications
Authorship on Application:
ill.: Dale Seymour Publications, employer for hire.
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: Money, miles and large numbers, addition and subtraction
Andee Rubin (18 documents)
example document: Sunken ships and grid patterns
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Developing skills in capitalization and punctuation
TERC (64 documents)
example document: Shapes, halves, and symmetry
example document: Money, miles and large numbers, addition and subtraction
Andee Rubin (18 documents)
example document: Sunken ships and grid patterns
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Developing skills in capitalization and punctuation
TERC (64 documents)
example document: Shapes, halves, and symmetry
Implementing the Investigations in Number, Data, and Space curriculum
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004621126 / 1997-08-21
Date of Publication:
May 23, 1997
Date of Creation:
Implementing the Investigations in Number, Data, and Space curriculum : grades 1-2 / Susan Jo Russell, Karen Economoupoulos, Megan Murray, Jan Mokros, Anne Goodrow.
Investigations in number, data and space
50 p.
Variant title:
Implementing the Investigations in Number, Data, and Space curriculum : grades 1-2
Other Title:
Investigations in number, data and space
Copyright Claimant:
Dale Seymour Publications
Authorship on Application:
text: TERC, employer for hire.
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: Mathematical thinking at grade 5
Karen Economoupoulos
Megan Murray (13 documents)
example document: Investigations in Number, Data, and Space
Jan Mokros (16 documents)
example document: Data
Anne Goodrow (9 documents)
example document: Implementing the Investigations in Number, Data, and Space curriculum
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Applying computational skills
TERC (64 documents)
example document: Shapes, halves, and symmetry
example document: Mathematical thinking at grade 5
Karen Economoupoulos
Megan Murray (13 documents)
example document: Investigations in Number, Data, and Space
Jan Mokros (16 documents)
example document: Data
Anne Goodrow (9 documents)
example document: Implementing the Investigations in Number, Data, and Space curriculum
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Applying computational skills
TERC (64 documents)
example document: Shapes, halves, and symmetry
The shape of the data
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004628073 / 1997-08-28
Date of Publication:
May 12, 1997
Date of Creation:
The shape of the data : grade 4, also appropriate for grade 5 / Susan Jo Russell, Rebecca B. Corwin, Andee Rubin, Joan Akers.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: ill. & revisions & additions in text.
Previous Registration:
Prev. reg. 1994, TX 3-734-374.
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space. Statistics
Menlo Park, CA : D. Seymour Publications, c1998.
3 v.
Variant title:
The shape of the data : grade 4
Other Title:
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space : Statistics
Investigations at at home
Investigations at at home
Copyright Claimant:
Dale Seymour Pubications
Includes curriculum unit, student activity book and Investigations at at home, take-home material.
Authorship on Application:
text revisions & additions: TERC & ill.: Dale Seymour Publications, employers for hire.
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: Three out of four like spaghetti
Rebecca B. Corwin (11 documents)
example document: Data
Andee Rubin (18 documents)
example document: Three out of four like spaghetti
Joan Akers (22 documents)
example document: Sunken ships and grid patterns
Dale Seymour Pubications
TERC (64 documents)
example document: How many in all?
example document: Three out of four like spaghetti
Rebecca B. Corwin (11 documents)
example document: Data
Andee Rubin (18 documents)
example document: Three out of four like spaghetti
Joan Akers (22 documents)
example document: Sunken ships and grid patterns
Dale Seymour Pubications
TERC (64 documents)
example document: How many in all?
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004641782 / 1997-09-17
Date of Publication:
June 13, 1997
Date of Creation:
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space : Number games and story problems : addition and subtraction : grade 1 / Marlene Kliman, Susan Jo Russell.
Menlo Park, CA : D. Seymour Publications, c1998.
3 v.
Other Title:
Number games and story problems : addition and subtraction : grade 1
Copyright Claimant:
Dale Seymour Publications
Includes investigations at home & student activity booklet.
Authorship on Application:
ill.: Dale Seymour Publications, employer for hire.
Marlene Kliman (8 documents)
example document: Mathematical thinking at grade 1
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: Arrays and shares
TERC (64 documents)
example document: Exploring solids and boxes
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Geometry and fractions
example document: Mathematical thinking at grade 1
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: Arrays and shares
TERC (64 documents)
example document: Exploring solids and boxes
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Geometry and fractions
Counting ourselves and others
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004791927 / 1998-05-20
Date of Publication:
April 8, 1998
Date of Creation:
Counting ourselves and others : exploring data : kindergarten also appropriate for grade 1 / Karen Economopoulos, Susan Jo Russell.
White Plains, NY : Dale Seymour Publications, c1998.
117 p.
Other Title:
Investigations in number, data and space
Copyright Claimant:
Dale Seymour Publications
At head of ti.: Investigations in number, data and space.
Authorship on Application:
ill.: Dale Seymour Publications, employer for hire.
Karen Economopoulos (42 documents)
example document: Packages and groups
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: Putting together and taking apart
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Patterns of change
TERC (64 documents)
example document: Collecting, counting, and measuring
example document: Packages and groups
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: Putting together and taking apart
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Patterns of change
TERC (64 documents)
example document: Collecting, counting, and measuring
Dimensions of power in the workplace
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004800202 / 1998-10-26
Date of Publication:
October 1, 1998
Date of Creation:
Dimensions of power in the workplace : an ethnographic study.
Variant title:
Dimensions of power in the workplace : an ethnographic study
Copyright Claimant:
Susan A. Russell
Susan A. Russell
Grains of Rice
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004864522 / 1998-09-29
Date of Publication:
September 2, 1998
Date of Creation:
Grains of Rice : with an occasional dash of salt : a Rice family chronicle from 1847 to 1947 / compiled by Peggy Rice Grosser ; edited by Susan G. Russell, Joella G. Schultz.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: additions, editing & compilation.
Baltimore : Gateway Press, 1998.
310 p.
Variant title:
Grains of Rice : with an occasional dash of salt : a Rice family chronicle from 1847 to 1947
Copyright Claimant:
Peggy Rice Grosser
Peggy Rice Grosser
Susan G. Russell
Joella G. Schultz
Susan G. Russell
Joella G. Schultz
Working in child care in region A
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004955265 / 1999-04-02
Date of Publication:
February 1, 1998
Date of Creation:
Working in child care in region A : a summary of early childhood workforce issues / Amy H. Staples, Susan D. Russell, Jeffrey Lyons.
Chapel Hill, NC : Day Care Services Assn., c1998.
65 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Day Care Services Association (employer for hire)
Amy H. Staples
Susan D. Russell (20 documents)
example document: Working in child care in Scotland County
Jeffrey Lyons
Day Care Services Association
Susan D. Russell (20 documents)
example document: Working in child care in Scotland County
Jeffrey Lyons
Day Care Services Association
The early childhood system in Wake County
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004955266 / 1999-04-02
Date of Publication:
January 1, 1998
Date of Creation:
The early childhood system in Wake County / Monica H. Rohacek, Amy H. Staples, Judy R. Singh, Susan D. Russell.
Day Care Services Assn., c1998.
1 v.
Copyright Claimant:
Day Care Services Association (employer for hire)
Monica H. Rohacek
Amy H. Staples
Judy R. Singh (4 documents)
example document: Working in child care in Pasquotank County
Susan D. Russell (20 documents)
example document: Working in child care in Henderson County
Day Care Services Association
Amy H. Staples
Judy R. Singh (4 documents)
example document: Working in child care in Pasquotank County
Susan D. Russell (20 documents)
example document: Working in child care in Henderson County
Day Care Services Association
Child care subsidy
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004955380 / 1999-04-02
Date of Publication:
September 1, 1998
Date of Creation:
Child care subsidy : the costs of waiting / Jeffrey D. Lyons, Susan D. Russell, Christina Gilgor, Amy H. Staples.
Chapel Hill, NC : Day Care Services Assn., c1998.
32 p.
Variant title:
Child care subsidy : the costs of waiting
Copyright Claimant:
Day Care Services Association (employer for hire)
Jeffrey D. Lyons (11 documents)
example document: Working in child care in Lee County
Susan D. Russell (20 documents)
example document: Working in child care in Henderson County
Christina Gilgor
Amy H. Staples
Day Care Services Association
example document: Working in child care in Lee County
Susan D. Russell (20 documents)
example document: Working in child care in Henderson County
Christina Gilgor
Amy H. Staples
Day Care Services Association
Child care subsidy
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004955381 / 1999-04-02
Date of Publication:
July 1, 1994
Date of Creation:
Child care subsidy : an analysis of spending in North Carolina / Monica H. Rohacek, Susan D. Russell, Teresa M. Derrick.
Chapel Hill, NC : Day Care Services Assn., c1994.
42 p.
Variant title:
Child care subsidy : an analysis of spending in North Carolina
Copyright Claimant:
Day Care Services Association (employer for hire)
Monica H. Rohacek
Susan D. Russell (20 documents)
example document: Working in child care in Chowan, Gates and Perquimans Counties
Teresa M. Derrick
Day Care Services Association
Susan D. Russell (20 documents)
example document: Working in child care in Chowan, Gates and Perquimans Counties
Teresa M. Derrick
Day Care Services Association
Working in school-age care in North Carolina
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004976607 / 1999-04-02
Date of Publication:
December 1, 1998
Date of Creation:
Working in school-age care in North Carolina / authors, Jeffrey D. Lyons, Susan D. Russell.
Chapel Hill, NC : Day Care Services Assoc., c1998.
32 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Day Care Services Association (employer for hire)
Susan D. Russell (20 documents)
example document: Working in child care in Madison County
Jeffrey D. Lyons (11 documents)
example document: Rural child care in North Carolina
Day Care Services Association
example document: Working in child care in Madison County
Jeffrey D. Lyons (11 documents)
example document: Rural child care in North Carolina
Day Care Services Association
Working in child care in Columbus County
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004982956 / 1999-04-29
Date of Publication:
December 1, 1998
Date of Creation:
Working in child care in Columbus County : a summary of early childhood workforce issues / authors, Judy R. Singh, Susan D. Russell.
1 v.
Copyright Claimant:
Day Care Services Association (employer for hire)
Judy R. Singh
Susan D. Russell (20 documents)
example document: Working in child care in Scotland County
Day Care Services Association
Susan D. Russell (20 documents)
example document: Working in child care in Scotland County
Day Care Services Association
McGraw-Hill Health
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0005145119 / 2000-02-23
Date of Publication:
January 5, 2000
Date of Creation:
McGraw-Hill Health / senior authors, Susan C. Giarratano-Russell, Donna Lloyd-Kolkin ; program authors, Danny J. Ballard, Alisa Evans Debnam, Anthony Sancho.
Teacher's ed.
New York : McGraw-Hill School Division, c2000.
103 p.
Copyright Claimant:
McGraw-Hill School Division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (employer for hire)
Grade 2.
Susan C. Giarrantano Russell
Susan C. Giarratano-Russell (6 documents)
example document: McGraw-Hill health
Donna Lloyd-Kolkin (8 documents)
example document: McGraw-Hill health
Danny J. Ballard (7 documents)
example document: McGraw-Hill health
Alisa Evans Debnam (7 documents)
example document: McGraw-Hill health
Anthony Sancho (7 documents)
example document: McGraw-Hill health
Donna Lloyd Kolkin (9 documents)
example document: Entering adulthood
McGraw-Hill School Division (795 documents)
example document: Summaries in Khmer
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. McGraw-Hill School Division (129 documents)
example document: Math in my world
Susan C. Giarratano-Russell (6 documents)
example document: McGraw-Hill health
Donna Lloyd-Kolkin (8 documents)
example document: McGraw-Hill health
Danny J. Ballard (7 documents)
example document: McGraw-Hill health
Alisa Evans Debnam (7 documents)
example document: McGraw-Hill health
Anthony Sancho (7 documents)
example document: McGraw-Hill health
Donna Lloyd Kolkin (9 documents)
example document: Entering adulthood
McGraw-Hill School Division (795 documents)
example document: Summaries in Khmer
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. McGraw-Hill School Division (129 documents)
example document: Math in my world
Implementing the Investigations in Number, Data, and Space curriculum
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0005259718 / 2000-08-01
Date of Publication:
June 11, 1999
Date of Creation:
Implementing the Investigations in Number, Data, and Space curriculum : grades K-2 / Susan Jo Russell, Karen Economopoulos, Megan Murray, ... [et al.]
Application Title:
TERC Implementing the Investigations in Number, Data & Space curriculum.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: text, art & compilation.
Albany, NY : Delmar, c1998.
64 p.
Variant title:
Implementing the Investigations in Number, Data, and Space curriculum : grades K-2
Other Title:
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space.
TERC Implementing the Investigations in Number, Data & Space curriculum.
TERC Implementing the Investigations in Number, Data & Space curriculum.
Copyright Claimant:
Dale Seymour Publications (employer for hire)
Add. ti.: Investigations in Number, Data, and Space.
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: Investigations in Number, Data, and Space
Karen Economopoulos (42 documents)
example document: How many in all?
Megan Murray (13 documents)
example document: How many in all?
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Problem of the week
example document: Investigations in Number, Data, and Space
Karen Economopoulos (42 documents)
example document: How many in all?
Megan Murray (13 documents)
example document: How many in all?
Dale Seymour Publications (396 documents)
example document: Problem of the week
Landmarks in the hundreds
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0005796422 / 2003-09-10
Date of Publication:
September 2, 2003
Date of Creation:
Landmarks in the hundreds : the number system / Susan Jo Russell, Andee Rubin.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: new textual material.
Previous Registration:
Prev. reg. 1997, TX 4-571-845.
Investigations in Number, Data and Space ; grade level 3
98 p.
Variant title:
Landmarks in the hundreds : the number system
Other Title:
Investigations in Number, Data and Space ; grade level 3
Copyright Claimant:
Pearson Education, Inc. (employer for hire)
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: Packages and groups
Andee Rubin (18 documents)
example document: Sunken ships and grid patterns
Pearson Education, Inc. (5673 documents)
example document: Timeless voices, timeless themes
example document: Packages and groups
Andee Rubin (18 documents)
example document: Sunken ships and grid patterns
Pearson Education, Inc. (5673 documents)
example document: Timeless voices, timeless themes
Landmarks in the thousands
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0005815646 / 2003-09-05
Date of Publication:
September 2, 2003
Date of Creation:
Landmarks in the thousands : the number system : grade 4, also appropriate for grade 5 / Susan Jo Russell, Andee Rubin.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: additions.
Previous Registration:
Prev. reg. 1997, TX 4-621-125.
Investigations in Number, Data and Space
Glenview, IL : Scott Foresman, c2004.
111 p.
Variant title:
Landmarks in the thousands : the number system : grade 4, also appropriate for grade 5
Other Title:
Investigations in Number, Data and Space
Copyright Claimant:
Pearson Education, Inc. (employer for hire)
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: Mathematical thinking at grade 5
Andee Rubin (18 documents)
example document: Data
Pearson Education, Inc. (5673 documents)
example document: Printed test bank and instructor's resource guide to accompany Intermediate algebra, eighth edition
example document: Mathematical thinking at grade 5
Andee Rubin (18 documents)
example document: Data
Pearson Education, Inc. (5673 documents)
example document: Printed test bank and instructor's resource guide to accompany Intermediate algebra, eighth edition
The shape of the data
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0005815650 / 2003-09-05
Date of Publication:
September 2, 2003
Date of Creation:
The shape of the data : statistics : grade 4, also appropriate for grade 5 / Susan Jo Russell, Rebecca B. Corwin, Andee Rubin, Joan Akers.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: additions.
Previous Registration:
Prev. reg. 1997, TX 4-628-073.
Investigations in Number, Data and Space
Glenview, IL : Scott Foresman, c2004.
105 p.
Variant title:
The shape of the data : statistics : grade 4, also appropriate for grade 5
Other Title:
Investigations in Number, Data and Space
Copyright Claimant:
Pearson Education, Inc. (employer for hire)
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: Arrays and shares
Rebecca B. Corwin (11 documents)
example document: Does it walk, crawl or swim?
Andee Rubin (18 documents)
example document: The shape of the data
Joan Akers (22 documents)
example document: Shapes, halves, and symmetry
Pearson Education, Inc. (5673 documents)
example document: Introduction to geography
example document: Arrays and shares
Rebecca B. Corwin (11 documents)
example document: Does it walk, crawl or swim?
Andee Rubin (18 documents)
example document: The shape of the data
Joan Akers (22 documents)
example document: Shapes, halves, and symmetry
Pearson Education, Inc. (5673 documents)
example document: Introduction to geography
Different shapes, equal pieces
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0005815651 / 2003-09-05
Date of Publication:
September 2, 2003
Date of Creation:
Different shapes, equal pieces : fractions and area : grade 4, also appropriate for grades 5 and 6 / Cornelia Tierney, Mark Ogonowski, Andee Rubin, Susan Jo Russell.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: additions.
Previous Registration:
Prev. reg. 1997, TX 4-621-122.
Investigations in Number, Data and Space
Glenview, IL : Scott Foresman, c2004.
98 p.
Variant title:
Different shapes, equal pieces : fractions and area : grade 4, also appropriate for grades 5 and 6
Other Title:
Investigations in Number, Data and Space
Copyright Claimant:
Pearson Education, Inc. (employer for hire)
Cornelia Tierney (18 documents)
example document: Up and down the number line
Mark Ogonowski
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: Arrays and shares
Andee Rubin
Pearson Education, Inc. (5673 documents)
example document: Classroom assessment
example document: Up and down the number line
Mark Ogonowski
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: Arrays and shares
Andee Rubin
Pearson Education, Inc. (5673 documents)
example document: Classroom assessment
Coins, coupons, and combinations
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0005816243 / 2003-09-10
Date of Publication:
September 2, 2003
Date of Creation:
Coins, coupons, and combinations : the number system : grade 2, also appropriate for grade 3 / Karen Economopoulos, Susan Jo Russell.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: additional text.
Previous Registration:
Prev. reg. 1997, TX 4-621-348.
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space
180 p.
Variant title:
Coins, coupons, and combinations : the number system : grade 2
Other Title:
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space
Copyright Claimant:
Pearson Education, Inc. (employer for hire)
Karen Economopoulos (42 documents)
example document: Exploring geometry
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: Combining and comparing
Pearson Education, Inc. (5673 documents)
example document: Problem solving and programming concepts
example document: Exploring geometry
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: Combining and comparing
Pearson Education, Inc. (5673 documents)
example document: Problem solving and programming concepts
Does it walk, crawl, or swim?
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0005816244 / 2003-09-10
Date of Publication:
September 2, 2003
Date of Creation:
Does it walk, crawl, or swim? : sorting and classifying data : grade 2, also appropriate for grade 3 / Susan Jo Russell, Rebecca B. Cirwin, Karen Economopoulos,
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: additional text.
Previous Registration:
Prev. reg. 1997, TX 4-631-088.
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space
156 p.
Variant title:
Does it walk, crawl, or swim? : sorting and classifying data : grade 2
Other Title:
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space
Copyright Claimant:
Pearson Education, Inc. (employer for hire)
Susan Jo Russell (57 documents)
example document: Arrays and shares
Rebecca B. Cirwin
Karen Economopoulos (42 documents)
example document: Pattern trains and hopscotch paths
Pearson Education, Inc. (5673 documents)
example document: Young children with special needs
example document: Arrays and shares
Rebecca B. Cirwin
Karen Economopoulos (42 documents)
example document: Pattern trains and hopscotch paths
Pearson Education, Inc. (5673 documents)
example document: Young children with special needs
Putting together and taking apart
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0005816247 / 2003-09-10
Date of Publication:
September 2, 2003
Date of Creation:
Putting together and taking apart : addition and subtraction : grade 2, also appropriate for grade 3 / Karen Economopoulos, Susan Jo Russell.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: additional text.
Previous Registration:
Prev. reg. 1997, TX 4-630-298.
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space
202 p.
Variant title:
Putting together and taking apart : addition and subtraction : grade 2
Other Title:
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space
Copyright Claimant:
Pearson Education, Inc. (employer for hire)
Karen Economopoulos (42 documents)
example document: Arrays and shares
Susan Jo Russell
Pearson Education, Inc. (5673 documents)
example document: Bits and pieces II
example document: Arrays and shares
Susan Jo Russell
Pearson Education, Inc. (5673 documents)
example document: Bits and pieces II
This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.