Man's western quest; the principles of civilization. By Denis DeRougemont, translator: Harold Montgomery Belgion, planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen
Ten faces of the universe
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
July 14, 1986
Entire Copyright Document:
V2192P398 (Single page document)
Date of Execution:
July 11, 1986
Registration Number Not Verified:
A836437 (1977)
Ten faces of the universe / By Fred Hoyle. A836437 (1977)
Release of copyright.
W. H. Freeman and Company. (60 documents)
example document: Structure and function in the nervous systems of invertebrates
Fred Hoyle
Fred Hoyle.
W.H. Freeman and Company. (68 documents)
example document: Geology of soils
example document: Structure and function in the nervous systems of invertebrates
Fred Hoyle
Fred Hoyle.
W.H. Freeman and Company. (68 documents)
example document: Geology of soils
A for Andromeda
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
May 31, 1983
Entire Copyright Document:
Date of Execution:
April 19, 1983
Registration Number Not Verified:
AF19373 (1962)
A for Andromeda; novel / By Fred Hoyle & John Elliot. AF19373 (1962)
Short form assignment.
Party 1 personal name:
Fred Hoyle
by Anthony B. J. S. Rubinstein (Atty) Fred Hoyle
Fred Hoyle
Paramount Pictures Corporation. (2488 documents)
example document: The Old neighborhood
Fred Hoyle
Paramount Pictures Corporation. (2488 documents)
example document: The Old neighborhood
The Historic reality of Christian culture; a way to the renewal of human life. By Christopher Henry Dawson, Ruth Nanda Anshen
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000388287 / 1988-06-30
A00000430220 / 1960-02-17
A00000430220 / 1960-02-17
The Historic reality of Christian culture; a way to the renewal of human life. By Christopher Henry Dawson, Ruth Nanda Anshen.
Variant title:
The Historic reality of Christian culture
Copyright Claimant:
Christina Mary Sophia Scott (C of Christopher Henry Dawson)
Christopher Henry Dawson
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: The Meeting of love and knowledge; perennial wisdom. By Martin Cyril D'Arcy, editor: Ruth Nanda Anshen
Christina Mary Sophia Scott (2 documents)
example document: The Movement of world revolution. By Christopher Dawson
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: The Meeting of love and knowledge; perennial wisdom. By Martin Cyril D'Arcy, editor: Ruth Nanda Anshen
Christina Mary Sophia Scott (2 documents)
example document: The Movement of world revolution. By Christopher Dawson
Encounter with the future. By Fred Hoyle, general editor: Ruth Nanda Anshen
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
A00000928150 / 1965-10-15
RE0000651012 / 1993-12-15
RE0000651012 / 1993-12-15
Encounter with the future. By Fred Hoyle, general editor: Ruth Nanda Anshen.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: all new except for The Credo series, its meaning and function.
Variant title:
Encounter with the future.
Other Title:
The Credo series, its meaning and function.
Copyright Claimant:
Fred Hoyle (A)
Fred Hoyle
Ruth Nanda Anshen
Ruth Nanda Anshen
Rich lands and poor; the road to world prosperity. By Gunnar Myrdal, planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000308206 / 1986-10-28
A00000321205 / 1958-01-22
A00000321205 / 1958-01-22
Rich lands and poor; the road to world prosperity. By Gunnar Myrdal, planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen.
World perspectives, v. 16
Variant title:
Rich lands and poor
Other Title:
Economic theory and under-developed regions
Copyright Claimant:
Gunnar Myrdal (A)
First pub. in England as Economic theory and under-developed regions, May 30, 2057, AI-5752.
Gunnar Myrdal (15 documents)
example document: The color curtain
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: Letters from the field, 1925-1975
example document: The color curtain
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: Letters from the field, 1925-1975
Physics and philosophy, the revolution in modern science. By Werner Heisenberg, planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000309667 / 1986-11-17
A00000338666 / 1958-05-14
A00000338666 / 1958-05-14
Physics and philosophy, the revolution in modern science. By Werner Heisenberg, planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen.
World perspective, v. 19
Variant title:
Physics and philosophy, the revolution in modern science.
Copyright Claimant:
Elizabeth Heisenberg (W)
Werner Heisenberg (1 documents)
example document: The Physicist's conception of nature. By Werner Heisenberg, translator: Arnold J. Pomerans
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: Humanism, the Greek ideal and its survival. By Moses Hadas & Ruth Nanda Anshen
Elizabeth Heisenberg
example document: The Physicist's conception of nature. By Werner Heisenberg, translator: Arnold J. Pomerans
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: Humanism, the Greek ideal and its survival. By Moses Hadas & Ruth Nanda Anshen
Elizabeth Heisenberg
Moral principles of action; man's ethical imperative. Planned & edited: Ruth Nanda Anshen
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000068502 / 1980-11-06
A00000071639 / 1952-10-15
A00000071639 / 1952-10-15
Moral principles of action; man's ethical imperative. Planned & edited: Ruth Nanda Anshen.
Variant title:
Moral principles of action
Copyright Claimant:
Ruth Nanda Anshen (A)
The Nature of the universe. By Fred Hoyle
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000022897 / 1979-02-26
A00000053593 / 1951-03-14
A00000053593 / 1951-03-14
The Nature of the universe. By Fred Hoyle.
Variant title:
The Nature of the universe.
Copyright Claimant:
Fred Hoyle (A)
Pub. abroad May 1, 2050, AIO-2939 & renewed as RE 6-188.
Fred Hoyle
The Nature of the universe. By Fred Hoyle
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000006188 / 1978-09-12
AI0000002939 / 1950-05-01
AI0000002939 / 1950-05-01
The Nature of the universe. By Fred Hoyle.
Variant title:
The Nature of the universe.
Copyright Claimant:
Fred Hoyle (A)
U.S. ed. pub. March 14, 2051, A53593.
Fred Hoyle
The Family, its function and destiny. Planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000338682 / 1987-05-22
A00000379378 / 1959-02-25
A00000379378 / 1959-02-25
The Family, its function and destiny. Planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen.
Rev. ed.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: Science of culture series foreword, pref. & 4 new selections (II, VII, IX, and XI)
Science of culture series, v. 5
Variant title:
The Family, its function and destiny.
Copyright Claimant:
Ruth Nanda Anshen (A)
Man & materialism. By Sir Fred Hoyle, editor: Ruth Nanda Anshen
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000217796 / 1984-09-17
A00000250163 / 1956-09-05
A00000250163 / 1956-09-05
Man & materialism. By Sir Fred Hoyle, editor: Ruth Nanda Anshen.
Variant title:
Man & materialism.
Copyright Claimant:
Sir Fred Hoyle (A)
Sir Fred Hoyle
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: The Meeting of love and knowledge; perennial wisdom. By Martin Cyril D'Arcy, editor: Ruth Nanda Anshen
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: The Meeting of love and knowledge; perennial wisdom. By Martin Cyril D'Arcy, editor: Ruth Nanda Anshen
Approaches to God. By Jacques Maritain, translated from the French by Peter O'Reilly
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000148377 / 1982-12-13
A00000155486 / 1954-10-06
A00000155486 / 1954-10-06
Approaches to God. By Jacques Maritain, translated from the French by Peter O'Reilly.
World perspectives, v. 1
Planned & edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen
Planned & edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen
Variant title:
Approaches to God
Copyright Claimant:
Evelyne Garnier (NK of Jacques Maritain)
Jacques Maritain (18 documents)
example document: The Responsibility of the artist. By Jacques Maritain
Peter O'Reilly
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: World indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. By Konrad Adenauer, introd. by Ernest Jackh, translation: Richard Winston and Clara Winston, planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen
Evelyne Garnier
example document: The Responsibility of the artist. By Jacques Maritain
Peter O'Reilly
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: World indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. By Konrad Adenauer, introd. by Ernest Jackh, translation: Richard Winston and Clara Winston, planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen
Evelyne Garnier
Mid-East, world-center, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. By Ruth Nanda Anshen, prepared with the collaboration of Ernest Jackh
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000218488 / 1984-09-24
A00000233564 / 1956-04-25
A00000233564 / 1956-04-25
Mid-East, world-center, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. By Ruth Nanda Anshen, prepared with the collaboration of Ernest Jackh.
Science of culture series, v. 7
Variant title:
Mid-East, world-center, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Copyright Claimant:
Ruth Nanda Anshen (A)
Ernest Jackh (1 documents)
example document: World indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. By Konrad Adenauer, introd. by Ernest Jackh, translation: Richard Winston and Clara Winston, planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen
Ruth Nanda Anshen
example document: World indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. By Konrad Adenauer, introd. by Ernest Jackh, translation: Richard Winston and Clara Winston, planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen
Ruth Nanda Anshen
A Decade of decision. By Fred Hoyle
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000104165 / 1981-10-26
AIO000003644 / 1953-09-28
AIO000003644 / 1953-09-28
A Decade of decision. By Fred Hoyle.
Variant title:
A Decade of decision.
Copyright Claimant:
Fred Hoyle (A)
Fred Hoyle
The Transformations of man. By Lewis Mumford & Ruth Nanda Anshen
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000196912 / 1984-02-27
A00000237287 / 1956-05-23
A00000237287 / 1956-05-23
The Transformations of man. By Lewis Mumford & Ruth Nanda Anshen.
Variant title:
The Transformations of man.
Copyright Claimant:
Lewis Mumford (A)
Lewis Mumford (66 documents)
example document: The American way of death. By Lewis Mumford
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: Humanism, the Greek ideal and its survival. By Moses Hadas & Ruth Nanda Anshen
example document: The American way of death. By Lewis Mumford
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: Humanism, the Greek ideal and its survival. By Moses Hadas & Ruth Nanda Anshen
Accent on form; an anticipation of the science of tomorrow. By Lancelot Law Whyte, editor: Ruth Nanda Anshen
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000141424 / 1982-09-07
A00000155487 / 1954-10-06
A00000155487 / 1954-10-06
Accent on form; an anticipation of the science of tomorrow. By Lancelot Law Whyte, editor: Ruth Nanda Anshen.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
Accent on form
Copyright Claimant:
E. Whyte (W)
Lancelot Law Whyte (1 documents)
example document: The universe of experience
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: Humanism, the Greek ideal and its survival. By Moses Hadas & Ruth Nanda Anshen
E. Whyte
example document: The universe of experience
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: Humanism, the Greek ideal and its survival. By Moses Hadas & Ruth Nanda Anshen
E. Whyte
The Black cloud. By Fred Hoyle
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000288889 / 1986-03-11
A00000327106 / 1958-03-05
A00000327106 / 1958-03-05
The Black cloud. By Fred Hoyle.
Variant title:
The Black cloud.
Copyright Claimant:
Fred Hoyle (A)
Pub. abroad September 16, 2057, AI-5709; renewed RE 242-675.
Fred Hoyle
Frontiers of astronomy. By Fred Hoyle
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000166956 / 1983-05-05
A00000203065 / 1955-09-21
A00000203065 / 1955-09-21
Frontiers of astronomy. By Fred Hoyle.
Variant title:
Frontiers of astronomy
Copyright Claimant:
Fred Hoyle (A) Appl. states copyright not claimed on plate ill.
Pub. abroad June 27, 2055, AI-4685.
Frontiers of astronomy. By Fred Hoyle
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000166959 / 1983-05-05
AI0000004685 / 1955-06-27
AI0000004685 / 1955-06-27
Frontiers of astronomy. By Fred Hoyle.
Variant title:
Frontiers of astronomy
Copyright Claimant:
Fred Hoyle (A)
U. S. ed. pub. September 21, 2055, A203065.
Fred Hoyle
Recovery of faith. By Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000188574 / 1983-12-19
A00000192020 / 1955-06-22
A00000192020 / 1955-06-22
Recovery of faith. By Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.
World perspectives, v. 4 Planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen
Variant title:
Recovery of faith.
Other Title:
World perspectives, v. 4
Copyright Claimant:
S. Gopal (C of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan)
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (2 documents)
example document: A Source book in Indian philosophy. By Charles A. Moore & Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: World indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. By Konrad Adenauer, introd. by Ernest Jackh, translation: Richard Winston and Clara Winston, planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen
S. Gopal (3 documents)
example document: A Source book in Indian philosophy. By Charles A. Moore & Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
example document: A Source book in Indian philosophy. By Charles A. Moore & Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: World indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. By Konrad Adenauer, introd. by Ernest Jackh, translation: Richard Winston and Clara Winston, planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen
S. Gopal (3 documents)
example document: A Source book in Indian philosophy. By Charles A. Moore & Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
Astronomy. By Fred Hoyle
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000486772 / 1990-07-16
AFO000037215 / 1962-09-05
AFO000037215 / 1962-09-05
Astronomy. By Fred Hoyle.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: compilation, editorial matter, revisions & additions.
Variant title:
Copyright Claimant:
J. G. Ferguson Publishing Company (PWH)
Fred Hoyle
J.G. Ferguson Publishing Company (57 documents)
example document: The Medical and health encyclopedia
J.G. Ferguson Publishing Company (57 documents)
example document: The Medical and health encyclopedia
The Black cloud. By Fred Hoyle
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000242675 / 1985-04-08
AI0000005709 / 1957-09-16
AI0000005709 / 1957-09-16
The Black cloud. By Fred Hoyle.
Variant title:
The Black cloud.
Copyright Claimant:
Fred Hoyle (A)
U. S. ed. pub. March 5, 2058, A327106.
Fred Hoyle
Life, its dimensions and its bounds. By Robert M. MacIver
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000491935 / 1988-12-29
A00000464293 / 1960-09-28
A00000464293 / 1960-09-28
Life, its dimensions and its bounds. By Robert M. MacIver.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
Life, its dimensions and its bounds
Copyright Claimant:
Ruth Nanda Anshen (E)
Robert M. MacIver (1 documents)
example document: Academic freedom in our time. By Robert M. MacIver
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: The Meeting of love and knowledge; perennial wisdom. By Martin Cyril D'Arcy, editor: Ruth Nanda Anshen
example document: Academic freedom in our time. By Robert M. MacIver
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: The Meeting of love and knowledge; perennial wisdom. By Martin Cyril D'Arcy, editor: Ruth Nanda Anshen
Can people learn to learn? By George Brock Chisholm, planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000310515 / 1986-11-19
A00000330445 / 1958-04-02
A00000330445 / 1958-04-02
Can people learn to learn? By George Brock Chisholm, planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen.
World perspectives, v. 18
Variant title:
Can people learn to learn?
Copyright Claimant:
Anne Mentha & Brock Chisholm (C of George Brock Chisholm)
George Brock Chisholm
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: The Meeting of love and knowledge; perennial wisdom. By Martin Cyril D'Arcy, editor: Ruth Nanda Anshen
Anne Mentha
Brock Chisholm
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: The Meeting of love and knowledge; perennial wisdom. By Martin Cyril D'Arcy, editor: Ruth Nanda Anshen
Anne Mentha
Brock Chisholm
Man's western quest. By Denis DeRougemont, translator: Harold Montgomery Belgion, planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000269348 / 1985-12-17
A00000281553 / 1957-04-17
A00000281553 / 1957-04-17
Man's western quest. By Denis DeRougemont, translator: Harold Montgomery Belgion, planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen.
World perspectives, v. 13
Variant title:
L'Aventure occidentale de l'homme.
Man's western quest.
Man's western quest.
Other Title:
The Third hour.
Copyright Claimant:
Denis DeRougemont (PWH of Harold Montgomery Belgion)
12 p. from ch. 7 pub. in 1956 in a religious booklet entitled: The Third hour.
Denis D Rougemont
Harold Montgomery Belgion
Ruth Nanda Anshen
Denis DeRougemont (5 documents)
example document: Dramatic personages. By Richard Howard
Harold Montgomery Belgion
Ruth Nanda Anshen
Denis DeRougemont (5 documents)
example document: Dramatic personages. By Richard Howard
Language: an enquiry into its meaning and function. By Ruth Nanda Anshen
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000237273 / 1985-01-22
A00000304163 / 1957-10-02
A00000304163 / 1957-10-02
Language: an enquiry into its meaning and function. By Ruth Nanda Anshen.
Science of culture series, v. 8
Variant title:
Language: an enquiry into its meaning and function.
Copyright Claimant:
Ruth Nanda Anshen (A)
Ruth Nanda Anshen
Matter, mind, and man; the biology of human nature. By Edmund Ware Sinnott
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000241565 / 1985-03-07
A00000271159 / 1957-02-06
A00000271159 / 1957-02-06
Matter, mind, and man; the biology of human nature. By Edmund Ware Sinnott.
World perspectives, v. 11
Planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen
Planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen
Variant title:
Matter, mind, and man
Copyright Claimant:
Edmund W. Sinnott, Jr. (C)
Edmund Ware Sinnott
Ruth Nanda Anshen
Sinnott, Edmund W., Jr. (3 documents)
example document: Principles of genetics. By Edmund W. Sinnott, L. C. Dunn & Theodosius Dobzhansky
Ruth Nanda Anshen
Sinnott, Edmund W., Jr. (3 documents)
example document: Principles of genetics. By Edmund W. Sinnott, L. C. Dunn & Theodosius Dobzhansky
Dynamics of faith. By Paul Johannes Tillich & Ruth Nanda Anshen
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000241725 / 1985-03-28
A00000266141 / 1957-01-09
A00000266141 / 1957-01-09
Dynamics of faith. By Paul Johannes Tillich & Ruth Nanda Anshen.
World perspectives, v. 10
Variant title:
Dynamics of faith.
Copyright Claimant:
Hanna Tillich (W)
Paul Johannes Tillich
Ruth Nanda Anshen
Hanna Tillich (1 documents)
example document: Love, power and justice. By Paul Tillich
Ruth Nanda Anshen
Hanna Tillich (1 documents)
example document: Love, power and justice. By Paul Tillich
Man's western quest; the principles of civilization. By Denis DeRougemont, translator: Harold Montgomery Belgion, planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000275083 / 1985-12-18
A00000281553 / 1957-04-17
A00000281553 / 1957-04-17
Man's western quest; the principles of civilization. By Denis DeRougemont, translator: Harold Montgomery Belgion, planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: additions.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
World perspectives, v. 13
Variant title:
Man's western quest
Other Title:
The Third hour
L'Aventure occidentale de l'homme.
L'Aventure occidentale de l'homme.
Copyright Claimant:
Nanik DeRougemont (PWH of Harold Montgomery Belgion)
12 p. from ch. 7 prev. pub. 1956 in The Third hour; pub. in France under the title L'Aventure occidentale de l'homme.
Denis D Rougemont
Harold Montgomery Belgion
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: The Meeting of love and knowledge; perennial wisdom. By Martin Cyril D'Arcy, editor: Ruth Nanda Anshen
Nanik D Rougemont
Denis DeRougemont (5 documents)
example document: Love declared; essays on the myths of love. By Denis DeRougemont, translator: Richard Howard
Nanik DeRougement
Harold Montgomery Belgion
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: The Meeting of love and knowledge; perennial wisdom. By Martin Cyril D'Arcy, editor: Ruth Nanda Anshen
Nanik D Rougemont
Denis DeRougemont (5 documents)
example document: Love declared; essays on the myths of love. By Denis DeRougemont, translator: Richard Howard
Nanik DeRougement
The Art of loving. By Erich Fromm, planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000212204 / 1984-07-02
A00000254254 / 1956-10-03
A00000254254 / 1956-10-03
The Art of loving. By Erich Fromm, planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen.
Variant title:
The Art of loving.
Copyright Claimant:
Annis Fromm (W)
Erich Fromm (24 documents)
example document: Summerhill. By A. S. Neill, foreword: Erich Fromm
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: World indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. By Konrad Adenauer, introd. by Ernest Jackh, translation: Richard Winston and Clara Winston, planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen
Annis Fromm
example document: Summerhill. By A. S. Neill, foreword: Erich Fromm
Ruth Nanda Anshen (26 documents)
example document: World indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. By Konrad Adenauer, introd. by Ernest Jackh, translation: Richard Winston and Clara Winston, planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen
Annis Fromm
This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.