Monkey shines. By Earl Schenck Miers, illustrator: Paul Galdone
Monkey shines
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
August 5, 1991
Entire Copyright Document:
V2694 P35-58
Monkey shines.
Title appears in Document:
Act of vengeance & 804 other titles. (Part 004 of 004)
Monkey shines
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
May 4, 2003
Entire Copyright Document:
V3498 D255-286 P1-193
Monkey shines.
Title appears in Document:
:03 from gold & 8871 other titles. (Part 021 of 032)
Monkey shine
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
November 7, 1997
Entire Copyright Document:
V3406 D866-869 P26-50
Registration Number Not Verified:
VA 44-599.
Monkey shine / VA 44-599.
Title appears in Document:
Jeremiah Giraffe & 70 other titles.
Monkey shines
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
June 3, 2004
Entire Copyright Document:
V3511 D391-398 P1-112
Monkey shines / Written by Maurice Bower & Peter Haas.
Title appears in Document:
"A" in love & 1419 other titles; musical compositions. (Part 004 of 008)
Monkey shines
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
October 31, 1996
Entire Copyright Document:
V3299 P451-549
Monkey shines.
Title appears in Document:
10 from your show of shows & 4,523 other titles. (Part 010 of 026)
Monkey shines
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
August 5, 1997
Entire Copyright Document:
V3406 D106-108
Registration Number Not Verified:
PA 383-803.
Monkey shines / PA 383-803.
Title appears in Document:
Boris & Natasha & 3,183 other titles. (Part 002 of 003)
Monkey shine
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
January 11, 1996
Entire Copyright Document:
Registration Number Not Verified:
VA 44-599.
Monkey shine / VA 44-599.
Title appears in Document:
Jeremiah Giraffe & 69 other titles.
Monkey shines
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
October 11, 1996
Entire Copyright Document:
V3297 P182-286
Registration Number Not Verified:
PA 383-803.
Monkey shines / PA 383-803.
Title appears in Document:
Boris and Natasha & 3,171 other titles. (Part 011 of 017)
Monkey shines
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
July 17, 1997
Entire Copyright Document:
V3401D195 (Single page document)
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1969
Monkey shines.
Exclusive license.
a division of Orion Pictures Corporation. Orion Television Corporation (32 documents)
example document: Everybody wins
Home Box Office, a division of Time Warner Entertainment Company, LP. (1519 documents)
example document: Final voyage
Orion Television Corporation (33 documents)
example document: Heart of Dixie
Orion Pictures Corporation. Orion Television Corporation. (32 documents)
example document: Eight men out
Home Box Office (3928 documents)
example document: Happily ever after: fairy tales for every child: the Bremen town musicians
Time Warner Entertainment Company, LP. Home Box Office. (627 documents)
example document: Danzon
example document: Everybody wins
Home Box Office, a division of Time Warner Entertainment Company, LP. (1519 documents)
example document: Final voyage
Orion Television Corporation (33 documents)
example document: Heart of Dixie
Orion Pictures Corporation. Orion Television Corporation. (32 documents)
example document: Eight men out
Home Box Office (3928 documents)
example document: Happily ever after: fairy tales for every child: the Bremen town musicians
Time Warner Entertainment Company, LP. Home Box Office. (627 documents)
example document: Danzon
Monkey shine
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
March 14, 1996
Entire Copyright Document:
V3214 P201-222
Registration Number Not Verified:
VA 44-599.
Monkey shine / VA 44-599.
Title appears in Document:
Endura cabinetized mobile tables and Endura 2/3 shelf mobile tables & 473 other titles. (Part 001 of 003)
Monkey shine
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
September 20, 1999
Entire Copyright Document:
V3442 D587-605 P1-476
Monkey shine / By Jackson.
Title appears in Document:
14 & 27,859 other titles; musical compositions. (Part 011 of 019)
Monkey shine votive holder
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
March 1, 1995
Entire Copyright Document:
V3094 P78-253
Registration Number Not Verified:
GP 117997 (1977)
Monkey shine votive holder / GP 117997 (1977)
Title appears in Document:
Porcelain twilight Santa mask & 7,662 other titles. (Part 017 of 037)
Monkey shine
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
May 23, 2000
Entire Copyright Document:
V3448 D468-470 P1-66
Registration Number Not Verified:
EU783940 (1963)
Monkey shine / Written by Carl McVoy. EU783940 (1963)
Title appears in Document:
Abra ka dabra & 1,185 other titles; musical compositions. (Part 002 of 003)
Monkey shines: an experiment in fear
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
July 28, 2000
Entire Copyright Document:
V3456 D272-276 P1-115
Monkey shines: an experiment in fear.
Title appears in Document:
10 to midnight & 4,774 other titles. (Part 003 of 005)
Monkey shines
Type of Work:
Dramatic work and accompanying music
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000994884 / 1987-06-18
Date of Creation:
Monkey shines / by Michael Stewart.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: adaptation to a screenplay.
135 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Charles Evans Productions, Inc.
From the novel by Michael Stewart.
From the novel by Michael Stewart.
Authorship on Application:
Charles Evans Productions, Inc., employer for hire.
Michael Stewart (93 documents)
example document: Share and share alike
Charles Evans Productions, Inc.
example document: Share and share alike
Charles Evans Productions, Inc.
Monkey shines. By Universal Pictures Company, Inc
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
RE0000163909 / 1983-04-07
MP0000006377 / 1955-08-04
MP0000006377 / 1955-08-04
Monkey shines. By Universal Pictures Company, Inc.
Variant title:
Monkey shines
Copyright Claimant:
Universal City Studios, Inc. (PWH)
Universal Pictures Company, Inc. (194 documents)
example document: Never say goodbye. By Universal Pictures Company, Inc
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: Everybody into the pool
example document: Never say goodbye. By Universal Pictures Company, Inc
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: Everybody into the pool
Monkey shines: an experiment in fear
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
March 28, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3522 D995-996 P1-8
Monkey shines: an experiment in fear.
Title appears in Document:
8 heads in a duffel bag & 277 other titles (part 001 of 002)
Monkey shine. w & m Dan Birney
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000890715 / 2003-12-31
EU0000671770 / 1976-04-23
EU0000671770 / 1976-04-23
Monkey shine. w & m Dan Birney.
Variant title:
Monkey shine.
Copyright Claimant:
Almo Music Corporation & Zuckschank Music, Inc. (PWH)
Dan Birney (1 documents)
example document: Nothing to lose
Almo Music Corporation (5219 documents)
example document: I got my baby & 12 other titles
Zuckschank Music, Inc. (8 documents)
example document: When I get ready. w & m Steven Huston
example document: Nothing to lose
Almo Music Corporation (5219 documents)
example document: I got my baby & 12 other titles
Zuckschank Music, Inc. (8 documents)
example document: When I get ready. w & m Steven Huston
Monkey shines. By Screen Gems, Inc
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
RE0000375826 / 1988-02-05
LP0000030231 / 1960-11-16
LP0000030231 / 1960-11-16
Monkey shines. By Screen Gems, Inc.
My sister Eileen, no. 8
Variant title:
Monkey shines
Copyright Claimant:
C P T Holdings, Inc. (PWH)
Screen Gems, Inc. (760 documents)
example document: Too many cooks. By Screen Gems, Inc
CPT Holdings, Inc. (1594 documents)
example document: The hospital stay
example document: Too many cooks. By Screen Gems, Inc
CPT Holdings, Inc. (1594 documents)
example document: The hospital stay
Monkey shines
Type of Work:
Dramatic work and accompanying music
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000976445 / 1987-06-17
Date of Creation:
Monkey shines : screenplay / by George A. Romero.
Final draft.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: additions & screenplay adaptation.
126 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Charles Evans Productions, Inc.
From a novel by Michael Stewart.
Authorship on Application:
Charles Evans Productions, Inc., employer for hire.
Michael Stewart (93 documents)
example document: Daddy, come out and play!
George A. Romero (29 documents)
example document: Knights
Charles Evans Productions, Inc. (5 documents)
example document: Showgirls
example document: Daddy, come out and play!
George A. Romero (29 documents)
example document: Knights
Charles Evans Productions, Inc. (5 documents)
example document: Showgirls
Monkey shines. By Earl Schenck Miers, illustrator: Paul Galdone
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000070935 / 1980-11-14
A00000070931 / 1952-08-11
A00000070931 / 1952-08-11
Monkey shines. By Earl Schenck Miers, illustrator: Paul Galdone.
Variant title:
Monkey shines.
Copyright Claimant:
Starling W. Miers (W)
Earl Schenck Miers (17 documents)
example document: Our fifty states. By Earl Schenck Miers, ill.: Eleanor Mill, map ill.: Leonard Darwin
Paul Galdone (209 documents)
example document: The Whales go by. By Fred Phleger, illustrator: Random House, Inc., as successor in interest to Beginner Books, Inc., as employer for hire of Paul Galdone
Starling W. Miers (5 documents)
example document: Ride to war; the history of the First New Jersey Calvalry. By Henry R. Pyne, new introd., annotations & new appendix material: Earl Schenck Miers
example document: Our fifty states. By Earl Schenck Miers, ill.: Eleanor Mill, map ill.: Leonard Darwin
Paul Galdone (209 documents)
example document: The Whales go by. By Fred Phleger, illustrator: Random House, Inc., as successor in interest to Beginner Books, Inc., as employer for hire of Paul Galdone
Starling W. Miers (5 documents)
example document: Ride to war; the history of the First New Jersey Calvalry. By Henry R. Pyne, new introd., annotations & new appendix material: Earl Schenck Miers
Monkey shines
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000408793 / 1982-06-08
Date of Creation:
Monkey shines / music by Ben Blake (with R. Garnett)
1 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Benson Blake, Jr.
Monkey shines
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000199198 / 1980-05-13
Date of Creation:
Monkey shines / music & lyrics by Lynn Carey.
3 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Lynn Carey
Lynn Carey 1946-
Monkey shines: an experiment in fear
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
April 15, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3524 D059-084 P1-117
Monkey shines: an experiment in fear.
Title appears in Document:
10 to midnight & 4934 other titles (part 014 of 026)
Monkey shines: an experiment in fear
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
June 10, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3526 D221-245 P1-105
Monkey shines: an experiment in fear.
Title appears in Document:
1,000 convicts and a woman & 5074 other titles (part 015 of 025)
Monkey shines
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
December 30, 2004
Entire Copyright Document:
V3518 D774-873 P1-489
Monkey shines.
Title appears in Document:
Batteries not included & 20,025 other titles. (Part 017 of 100)
Monkey shines
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000274398 / 1985-12-30
EP0000109533 / 1957-06-10
EP0000109533 / 1957-06-10
Monkey shines : orchestral instrumental. m Larry Fotine.
Copyright Claimant:
Larry Fotine (A)
Monkey shines
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000164672 / 1980-01-08
Date of Creation:
Monkey shines / by Glenn Walters, Joe Crane.
2 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Polo Grounds Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Joe Crane & Glenn Walters.
Joe Crane 1947-
Glenn Walters 1947-
Polo Grounds Music (55 documents)
example document: Too tough
Glenn Walters 1947-
Polo Grounds Music (55 documents)
example document: Too tough
Monkey shines: An experiment in fear
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
April 12, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3521 D822-847 P1-104
Monkey shines: An experiment in fear.
Title appears in Document:
1,000 convicts and a woman & 4993 other titles (part 016 of 026)
Monkey shine. w & m Betty Jackson
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000576159 / 1992-01-29
EP0000186177 / 1964-04-03
EP0000186177 / 1964-04-03
Monkey shine. w & m Betty Jackson.
Variant title:
Monkey shine
Copyright Claimant:
Betty Jackson (A)
This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.