On the first day of the week. Arr., additional music & narration: James R. Gillette
On the first day of the week
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
July 10, 1986
Entire Copyright Document:
V2192P313 (Single page document)
Registration Number Not Verified:
EP161703 (1962)
On the first day of the week / EP161703 (1962)
Title appears in Document:
Can you count the stars? & 10 other titles; musical works.
On the first day of the week. Arr., additional music & narration: James R. Gillette
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000484828 / 1990-07-06
EP0000161703 / 1962-01-01
EP0000161703 / 1962-01-01
On the first day of the week. Arr., additional music & narration: James R. Gillette.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: arr., added new music & narration.
Variant title:
On the first day of the week
Copyright Claimant:
James R. Gillette, Jr. (C)
James R. Gillette (5 documents)
example document: The Little shepherd. Narration, added new m & arr. James R. Gillette
Gillette, James R., Jr. (5 documents)
example document: Who bids us sing? For mixed voices. m James R. Gillette, Sr., w Rhys Carpenter
example document: The Little shepherd. Narration, added new m & arr. James R. Gillette
Gillette, James R., Jr. (5 documents)
example document: Who bids us sing? For mixed voices. m James R. Gillette, Sr., w Rhys Carpenter
On the first day of the week
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000026169 / 1979-03-01
Date of Publication:
February 8, 1979
Date of Creation:
On the first day of the week : duet for mezzo-soprano and tenor / [words Jean Tisserand, d. 1494 ; trans. by John M. Neale, 1818-66 ; and text from the Bible] ; [music] by Robert Elmore.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: music.
[Minneapolis] : AMSI, c1979.
12 p.
Copyright Claimant:
A. M. S. I., generally a.a.d. for Art Masters Studios, Inc.
With organ acc.
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Tisserand, Jean, d. 1494 (1 documents)
example document: O sons and daughters of the King
Robert Elmore 1913-
Art Masters Studios, Inc. (448 documents)
example document: Hymn to the night
Tisserand, Jean, d. 1494 (1 documents)
example document: O sons and daughters of the King
Robert Elmore 1913-
Art Masters Studios, Inc. (448 documents)
example document: Hymn to the night
Canticle of courage
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000079271 / 1980-08-11
Date of Publication:
June 3, 1980
Date of Creation:
Canticle of courage / words by Andrew of Crete ; [trans. by John M. Neale, 1818-1866] ; music by Edward H. Wetherill.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "music."
Delaware Water Gap, PA. : H. Flammer, c1980.
8 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Harold Flammer, Inc.
For S.A.T.B. voices with organ acc.
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Edward H. Wetherill 1927-
Harold Flammer, Inc. (1174 documents)
example document: Serve the Lord with gladness
Andrew of Crete, 660-732
Edward H. Wetherill 1927-
Harold Flammer, Inc. (1174 documents)
example document: Serve the Lord with gladness
Andrew of Crete, 660-732
All glory, praise & honor
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000083976 / 1979-02-16
Date of Publication:
December 27, 1977
Date of Creation:
All glory, praise & honor : composed with profound admiration of Franz Joseph Haydn's Sympho[n]y no. 53, II, andante / [words] Theodulph, Bp. of Orleans, d. 821, tr. by John M. Neale, 1859 ; [music] Yeh Huai-deh, 1939.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "additional music."
Previous Registration:
Prev. reg. 1973, EP319866.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
[Columbia, S. C. : Yeh Music Studio], c1977.
2 v.
Other Title:
Sympho[n]y no. 53, II, andante
Copyright Claimant:
Walter Huai-deh Yeh
2 versions.
John M. Neale (52 documents)
example document: Abnormal psychology
Walter Huai-deh Yeh 1911-
Joseph Haydn 1732-1809
Theodulph, Bishop of Orleans, d. 821 (11 documents)
example document: All glory, laud, and honor
example document: Abnormal psychology
Walter Huai-deh Yeh 1911-
Joseph Haydn 1732-1809
Theodulph, Bishop of Orleans, d. 821 (11 documents)
example document: All glory, laud, and honor
Ye sons and daughters (II)
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000151705 / 1982-04-29
Date of Publication:
February 12, 1982
Date of Creation:
Ye sons and daughters (II) : congregation with choral & instrumental descants / [setting, with descants] by Randall DeBruyn ; [words Jean Tisserand ; trans. by John M. Neale ; music O filii et filiae, chant, mode II].
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: harmonization & some music.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Portland, OR : Today's Missal, [c1982]
4 p.
Other Title:
O filii et filiae
Copyright Claimant:
Today's Missal
An Easter antiphon for congregation, choir, descant, flute, and organ.
Randall DeBruyn 1947-
Tisserand, Jean, 15th century
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Today's Missal (28 documents)
example document: Magnificat
Tisserand, Jean, 15th century
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Today's Missal (28 documents)
example document: Magnificat
Ye sons and daughters
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000151717 / 1982-04-29
Date of Publication:
February 9, 1981
Date of Creation:
Ye sons and daughters : SAB with organ / [music] by Randall DeBruyn ; [words Jean Tisserand, 15th cent., trans. by John M. Neale].
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: new arr. of hymn tune & some new music.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Portland, OR : Today's Missal, [c1981]
8 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Today's Missal
Randall DeBruyn 1947-
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Tisserand, Jean, 15th century
Today's Missal (28 documents)
example document: If you abide in Me
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Tisserand, Jean, 15th century
Today's Missal (28 documents)
example document: If you abide in Me
A Great and mighty wonder
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000174865 / 1983-06-03
Date of Publication:
May 26, 1983
Date of Creation:
A Great and mighty wonder / setting by Gwilym Beechey ; [words St. Germanus ; tr. John M. Neale ; music Es ist ein Ros, Alte Catholische Geistliche Kirchengesaeng].
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "setting."
St. Louis : Concordia, [c1983]
4 p.
Other Title:
Es ist ein Ros
Alte Catholische Geistliche Kirchengesaeng
Alte Catholische Geistliche Kirchengesaeng
Copyright Claimant:
Concordia Publishing House
Authorship on Application:
setting: Concordia Publishing House, employer for hire.
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Germanus I, Saint, Patriarch of Constantinople, d. ca. 733 (2 documents)
example document: Cantata on "Es ist ein Ros"
Concordia Publishing House (5247 documents)
example document: Bible puzzles for teens
Germanus I, Saint, Patriarch of Constantinople, d. ca. 733 (2 documents)
example document: Cantata on "Es ist ein Ros"
Concordia Publishing House (5247 documents)
example document: Bible puzzles for teens
Come and let us drink of that new river
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000195317 / 1983-12-23
Date of Publication:
December 7, 1983
Date of Creation:
Come and let us drink of that new river / [words] St. John Damascene ; tr. by John M. Neale, alt. ; [music] Raymond H. Haan.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "music."
Minneapolis : Art Masters Studios, [c1983]
6 p.
Copyright Claimant:
A. M. S. I., generally a.a.d. for Art Masters Studios, Inc.
Unison or 2-part.
Raymond H. Haan 1938-
John M. Neale 1818-1866
John, of Damascus, Saint (8 documents)
example document: Come ye faithful, raise the strain
John, Damascene, Saint
Art Masters Studios, Inc. (448 documents)
example document: Lord of my life
John M. Neale 1818-1866
John, of Damascus, Saint (8 documents)
example document: Come ye faithful, raise the strain
John, Damascene, Saint
Art Masters Studios, Inc. (448 documents)
example document: Lord of my life
Oh, what their joy
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000212119 / 1984-04-17
Date of Publication:
April 5, 1984
Date of Creation:
Oh, what their joy / setting by S. Drummond Wolff ; [words Peter Abelard ; tr. John M. Neale, alt. ; music O quanta qualia, Antiphoner, Paris, 1681].
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "setting."
Three memorial anthems ; 1
St. Louis : Concordia, [c1984]
8 p.
Other Title:
O quanta qualia
Three memorial anthems ; 1
Three memorial anthems ; 1
Copyright Claimant:
Concordia Publishing House
SATB & organ.
Authorship on Application:
setting: Concordia Publishing House, employer for hire.
S. Drummond Wolff (201 documents)
example document: Christians, sing out with exultation & 1 other title
Pierre Abailard 1079-1142
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Peter Abalard
Concordia Publishing House (5247 documents)
example document: A Study of Ecclesiastes, Lessons from life
example document: Christians, sing out with exultation & 1 other title
Pierre Abailard 1079-1142
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Peter Abalard
Concordia Publishing House (5247 documents)
example document: A Study of Ecclesiastes, Lessons from life
Christ, the sure foundation
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000212382 / 1984-05-07
Date of Publication:
December 31, 1983
Date of Creation:
Christ, the sure foundation / music by Douglas E. Wagner ; [words Latin hymn ; translated by John M. Neale (I Corinthians 3:9-11)].
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "music & arr. of words."
Delaware Water Gap, Pa. : H. Flammer, [c1983]
9 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Harold Flammer, Inc.
For S.A.T.B. voices with organ & optional brass acc.
Authorship on Application:
music & arr. of words: Douglas E. Wagner.
John M. Neale (52 documents)
example document: Good Christian friends, rejoice
Douglas E. Wagner 1952-
Harold Flammer, Inc. (1174 documents)
example document: A Song of praise
example document: Good Christian friends, rejoice
Douglas E. Wagner 1952-
Harold Flammer, Inc. (1174 documents)
example document: A Song of praise
Are you weary?
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000212495 / 1984-05-18
Date of Publication:
December 12, 1983
Date of Creation:
Are you weary? / Arr. by Johnie Dean ; [words from a Greek hymn by Stephen, the Sabaite ; freely translated by John M. Neale ; tune by Henry W. Baker].
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "arr."
Aiken, S. C. : Doxology Music, [c1983]
7 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Doxology Music
Johnie Dean (15 documents)
example document: Dies festus =
Henry W. Baker (18 documents)
example document: The king of love my shepherd is
Stephen, the Sabaite, 725-815
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Doxology Music (50 documents)
example document: Nearer, still nearer
example document: Dies festus =
Henry W. Baker (18 documents)
example document: The king of love my shepherd is
Stephen, the Sabaite, 725-815
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Doxology Music (50 documents)
example document: Nearer, still nearer
O Trinity of blessed light
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000225124 / 1984-09-17
Date of Publication:
July 18, 1979
Date of Creation:
O Trinity of blessed light / [words] St. Ambrose ; tr. John M. Neale ; [music] Vernon Taranto, Jr.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "music (tune & arr.)"
[s.l. : Augsburg Pub. House, c1979]
4 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Augsburg Publishing House
Authorship on Application:
music (tune & arr.): Vernon Taranto, Jr.
Ambrose, Saint, 340-397 (1 documents)
example document: Savior of the nations, come
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Taranto, Vernon, Jr.
Augsburg Publishing House (1395 documents)
example document: At the Cross her station keeping
example document: Savior of the nations, come
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Taranto, Vernon, Jr.
Augsburg Publishing House (1395 documents)
example document: At the Cross her station keeping
Good Christian friends, rejoice
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000232574 / 1984-12-04
Date of Publication:
November 8, 1984
Date of Creation:
Good Christian friends, rejoice : SATB / [words] Medieval Latin carol ; tr. John M. Neale, alt. ; [music] In dulci jubilo, German carol, 14th cent. ; setting by John Ferguson.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "arr./setting."
[St. Louis : Concordia, c1984]
4 p.
Other Title:
In dulci jubilo
Copyright Claimant:
Concordia Publishing House
Authorship on Application:
arr./setting: Concordia Publishing House, employer for hire.
John Ferguson (96 documents)
example document: Hymn preludes and free accompaniments 17
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Concordia Publishing House (5247 documents)
example document: The Human race fell into sin
example document: Hymn preludes and free accompaniments 17
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Concordia Publishing House (5247 documents)
example document: The Human race fell into sin
That Easter Day with joy was bright
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000247206 / 1985-05-20
Date of Publication:
March 12, 1985
Date of Creation:
That Easter Day with joy was bright / [words, Latin hymn, 4th or 5th cent. ; tr. John M. Neale, alt. ; music Robert Leaf].
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "tune, arr."
[s.l.] : Augsburg Pub. House, [c1985]
8 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Augsburg Publishing House
Authorship on Application:
tune & arr.: Robert Leaf.
John M. Neale (52 documents)
example document: O sons and daughters of the King
Robert Leaf (52 documents)
example document: Come, all saints, rejoice, rejoice
Augsburg Publishing House (1395 documents)
example document: Joy to the world
example document: O sons and daughters of the King
Robert Leaf (52 documents)
example document: Come, all saints, rejoice, rejoice
Augsburg Publishing House (1395 documents)
example document: Joy to the world
Draw nigh and take the body of the Lord
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000247372 / 1985-03-27
Date of Publication:
March 21, 1985
Date of Creation:
Date in Notice:
notice: 1983
Draw nigh and take the body of the Lord : for four-part chorus of mixed voices with organ acc. / [words] Latin hymn (7th century) ; trans. by John M. Neale ; [music] Arcangelo Corelli ; arr. by Henry Kihlken.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: arr.
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. : Music 70, [c1983]
7 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Music 70 Music Publishers
John M. Neale (52 documents)
example document: O come, O come, Emmanuel
Arcangelo Corelli 1653-1713
Henry Kihlken 1939-
Music 70 Music Publishers (253 documents)
example document: Gloria, glory, gloria
example document: O come, O come, Emmanuel
Arcangelo Corelli 1653-1713
Henry Kihlken 1939-
Music 70 Music Publishers (253 documents)
example document: Gloria, glory, gloria
Concertato on O wondrous type! O vision fair!
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000277848 / 1986-01-27
Date of Publication:
May 31, 1985
Date of Creation:
Concertato on O wondrous type! O vision fair! : for choir, congregation, organ, and handbells / by Carl Crosier ; [text, Sarum, 15th century ; tr. John M. Neale, altered ; tune English, 15th century Deo gratias].
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: arr.
Chicago : G.I.A. Publications, [c1985]
11 p.
Other Title:
Deo gratias
Oh wondrous type! oh vision fair!
O wondrous type! O vision fair!
Deo gratias
Oh wondrous type! oh vision fair!
O wondrous type! O vision fair!
Copyright Claimant:
G. I. A. Publications, Inc.
Title on caption: Oh wondrous type! oh vision fair!
Part for handbells on p. 10-11, part for congregation on back cover.
Part for handbells on p. 10-11, part for congregation on back cover.
Authorship on Application:
arr.: Carl Crosier.
Carl Crosier (18 documents)
example document: The Ionian Psalter
John M. Neale (52 documents)
example document: O come, O come, Emmanuel
G.I.A. Publications, Inc. (743 documents)
example document: Psalm 23
example document: The Ionian Psalter
John M. Neale (52 documents)
example document: O come, O come, Emmanuel
G.I.A. Publications, Inc. (743 documents)
example document: Psalm 23
O sons and daughters
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000301511 / 1986-04-07
Date of Publication:
June 17, 1958
Date of Creation:
O sons and daughters : hymn anthem for Easter : for S.A.T.B. chorus / [words] Jean Tisseraud ; translated by John M. Neale ; [music] French Easter carol ; arr. by Joyce Barthelson.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "arrangement for mixed chorus."
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Hymn anthem choral series
New York : Plymouth Music Co., [c1958]
7 p.
Other Title:
Hymn anthem choral series
Copyright Claimant:
Plymouth Music Company, Inc.
John M. Neale (52 documents)
example document: Good Christian men, rejoice
Joyce Barthelson (38 documents)
example document: Somebody's knockin' at your door. Arr. Joyce Barthelson
Tisseraud, Jean, -1494
Plymouth Music Company, Inc. (467 documents)
example document: Ave Maria
example document: Good Christian men, rejoice
Joyce Barthelson (38 documents)
example document: Somebody's knockin' at your door. Arr. Joyce Barthelson
Tisseraud, Jean, -1494
Plymouth Music Company, Inc. (467 documents)
example document: Ave Maria
Let us now our voices raise
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000311302 / 1986-12-02
Date of Publication:
June 20, 1986
Date of Creation:
Let us now our voices raise / [words] 9th century hymn ; tr. by John M. Neale, alt. ; [music] Theron Kirk.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "music."
Minneapolis : Art Masters Studios, [c1986]
7 p.
Copyright Claimant:
A. M. S. I., generally a.a.d. for Art Masters Studios, Inc.
SATB with keyboard acc.
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Theron Kirk 1919-
Art Masters Studios, Inc. (448 documents)
example document: Christ the Lord is risen again
Theron Kirk 1919-
Art Masters Studios, Inc. (448 documents)
example document: Christ the Lord is risen again
Palm Sunday processional on All glory, laud, and honor
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000339749 / 1987-09-08
Date of Publication:
February 2, 1987
Date of Creation:
Palm Sunday processional on All glory, laud, and honor / setting by S. Drummond Wolff ; [text] Theodulf of Orleans ; tr. John M. Neale ; [music] Valet will ich dir geben, Melchior Teschner.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "setting/arrangement."
St. Louis : Concordia, [c1987]
12 p.
Other Title:
Valet will ich dir geben
All glory, laud, and honor
All glory, laud, and honor
Copyright Claimant:
Concordia Publishing House
Authorship on Application:
Concordia Publishing House, employer for hire.
S. Drummond Wolff (201 documents)
example document: The Strife is o'er
Theodulph, Bishop of Orleans, d. 821 (11 documents)
example document: All glory, laud, and honor
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Melchior Teschner 1584-1635
Concordia Publishing House (5247 documents)
example document: God gives new life
Theodulf of Orleans.
example document: The Strife is o'er
Theodulph, Bishop of Orleans, d. 821 (11 documents)
example document: All glory, laud, and honor
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Melchior Teschner 1584-1635
Concordia Publishing House (5247 documents)
example document: God gives new life
Theodulf of Orleans.
All glory, laud, and honor
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000365423 / 1988-04-19
Date of Publication:
December 22, 1986
Date of Creation:
All glory, laud, and honor / [words] Theodulph of Orleans ; translation by John M. Neale, alt. ; [music] Gloria, laus et honor, mode I ; rhythmic reconstruction Schola Antiqua, Inc. ; optional percussion and keyboard part by Richard Proulx.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "music and music arrangement."
Chicago : G.I.A. Publications, [c1986]
3 p.
Other Title:
Gloria, laus et honor
Copyright Claimant:
G. I. A. Publications, Inc.
For voices with keyboard and percussion.
Authorship on Application:
music & arr.: Richard Proulx.
Richard Proulx (176 documents)
example document: Agnus Dei
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Theodulph, Bishop of Orleans, d. 821 (11 documents)
example document: The Singing bishop
Schola Antiqua, Inc. (1 documents)
example document: Rhythmic versions of chant hymns, sequences, and Mass ordinaries
G.I.A. Publications, Inc. (743 documents)
example document: Open your hearts to Christ
example document: Agnus Dei
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Theodulph, Bishop of Orleans, d. 821 (11 documents)
example document: The Singing bishop
Schola Antiqua, Inc. (1 documents)
example document: Rhythmic versions of chant hymns, sequences, and Mass ordinaries
G.I.A. Publications, Inc. (743 documents)
example document: Open your hearts to Christ
That Easter morn at break of day
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000366231 / 1988-04-19
Date of Publication:
December 3, 1986
Date of Creation:
That Easter morn at break of day / music by Robert Leaf ; [words] Jean Tisserand ; tr. by John M. Neale.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "music."
Minneapolis : AMSI, [c1986]
7 p.
Copyright Claimant:
A. M. S. I. generally a. a. d. for Art Masters Studios, Inc.
Jean Tisserand (9 documents)
example document: Ye sons and daughters = O filii et filiae
John M. Neale (52 documents)
example document: Good Christian friends, rejoice
Robert Leaf 1936-
Art Masters Studios, Inc. (448 documents)
example document: Hosanna in the highest!
example document: Ye sons and daughters = O filii et filiae
John M. Neale (52 documents)
example document: Good Christian friends, rejoice
Robert Leaf 1936-
Art Masters Studios, Inc. (448 documents)
example document: Hosanna in the highest!
Easter processional on Come, you faithful, raise the strain
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000381975 / 1988-09-19
Date of Publication:
August 29, 1988
Date of Creation:
Easter processional on Come, you faithful, raise the strain : for unison choir and/or congregation, two trumpets, two trombones, and organ / [words] John of Damascus ; tr. John M. Neale, alt. ; [music] Gaudeamus pariter, Johann Horn ; setting by S. Drummond Wolff.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: setting, arr.
St. Louis : Concordia, c1988.
12 p. + 2 parts.
Other Title:
Gaudeamus pariter
Come, you faithful, raise the strain
Come, you faithful, raise the strain
Copyright Claimant:
Concordia Publishing House
Authorship on Application:
Concordia Publishing House, employer for hire.
S. Drummond Wolff (201 documents)
example document: Sonata pian e forte
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Johann Horn ca. 1490-1547
John, of Damascus, Saint (8 documents)
example document: Thou hallowed chosen dawn of praise
Concordia Publishing House (5247 documents)
example document: A Study of the Augsburg confession
example document: Sonata pian e forte
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Johann Horn ca. 1490-1547
John, of Damascus, Saint (8 documents)
example document: Thou hallowed chosen dawn of praise
Concordia Publishing House (5247 documents)
example document: A Study of the Augsburg confession
All glory, laud, and honor
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000391691 / 1988-12-06
Date of Publication:
November 22, 1988
Date of Creation:
All glory, laud, and honor / [words] Theodulph of Orleans, tr., John M. Neale ; [music] Melchoir Teschner ; arr. by Robert Leaf.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: arr.
Minneapolis : AMSI, c1988.
11 p.
Copyright Claimant:
A. M. S. I. generally a.a.d. for Art Masters Studios, Inc.
SATB choir with organ, and optional trumpet.
Melchoir Teschner (3 documents)
example document: All glory, laud, and honor
Theodulph, Bishop of Orleans, d. 821 (11 documents)
example document: All glory, laud, and honor
Robert Leaf 1936-
John M. Neale (52 documents)
example document: Good Christian friends, rejoice
Art Masters Studios, Inc. (448 documents)
example document: Bread of life
example document: All glory, laud, and honor
Theodulph, Bishop of Orleans, d. 821 (11 documents)
example document: All glory, laud, and honor
Robert Leaf 1936-
John M. Neale (52 documents)
example document: Good Christian friends, rejoice
Art Masters Studios, Inc. (448 documents)
example document: Bread of life
The World itself keeps Easter day
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000409884 / 1989-03-08
Date of Publication:
December 2, 1988
Date of Creation:
The World itself keeps Easter day / [words] John M. Neale, alt. ; [music] Henry Kihlken.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "music."
Minneapolis : AMSI, [c1988]
4 p.
Copyright Claimant:
A. M. S. I., generally accepted alternative designation for Art Masters Studios, Inc.
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Henry Kihlken 1939-
Art Masters Studios, Inc. (448 documents)
example document: Three pieces for ceremony
Henry Kihlken 1939-
Art Masters Studios, Inc. (448 documents)
example document: Three pieces for ceremony
All glory, laud, and honor
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000443349 / 1989-11-14
Date of Publication:
November 6, 1989
Date of Creation:
All glory, laud, and honor : SATB, optional organ, brass, and percussion, and keyboard / [words] Theodulph of Orleans ; translated by John M. Neale ; [music] Melchior Teschner ; arr. by David Maddux.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "musical arrangement for SATB, optional organ, brass & percussion & keyboard."
Dayton : Triune Music, c1989.
14 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Triune Music, Inc.
David Maddux (65 documents)
example document: The Acapella project II
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Melchior Teschner 1584-1635
Triune Music, Inc. (270 documents)
example document: The Lord's prayer
Theodulph, Bishop of Orleans, d. 821 (1 documents)
example document: Hosanna, loud hosanna
example document: The Acapella project II
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Melchior Teschner 1584-1635
Triune Music, Inc. (270 documents)
example document: The Lord's prayer
Theodulph, Bishop of Orleans, d. 821 (1 documents)
example document: Hosanna, loud hosanna
Faithful cross
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000461635 / 1990-03-29
Date of Publication:
October 30, 1989
Date of Creation:
Faithful cross / [words] Venantius H. Fortunatus ; tr., John M. Neale ; [music] Henry Kihlken.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "music."
2 p.
Copyright Claimant:
AMSI (generally a.a.d. for Art Masters Studios, Inc.)
Henry Kihlken 1939-
Fortunatus, Venantius H., 530-609
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Art Masters Studios, Inc. (448 documents)
example document: I am thine, O Lord
Fortunatus, Venantius H., 530-609
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Art Masters Studios, Inc. (448 documents)
example document: I am thine, O Lord
The Day of resurrection
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000463022 / 1990-03-26
Date of Publication:
March 19, 1990
Date of Creation:
The Day of resurrection : SAB with obbligato for 2 B-flat trumpets (optional) / [words] St. John of Damascus ; trans. John Mason Neale ; [music] hymn tune from Nurenberg, 16th century ; arr. by Walter Ehret.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "musical arrangement."
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
7 p.
Other Title:
Saint John of Damascus
Copyright Claimant:
Tetra Music Corporation
John Mason Neale (56 documents)
example document: Good King Wenceslas
Walter Ehret (1314 documents)
example document: Noel benedictus
Tetra Music Corporation (28 documents)
example document: Holy is the Lord
example document: Good King Wenceslas
Walter Ehret (1314 documents)
example document: Noel benedictus
Tetra Music Corporation (28 documents)
example document: Holy is the Lord
O sons and daughters
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000605252 / 1993-03-03
Date of Publication:
August 6, 1992
Date of Creation:
O sons and daughters / [words] attr. to Jean Tisserand, -1494, tr. by John M. Neale, 1818-1866 ; [music] French, 15th cent. ; arr. by Delores Hruby, 1923-.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: musical arr.
7 p.
Copyright Claimant:
AMSI, generally a.a.d. for Art Masters Studios, Inc.
Unison choir with orff instruments.
Tisserand, Jean, -1494 (6 documents)
example document: O sons and daughters of the King
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Delores Hruby 1923-
AMSI (140 documents)
example document: A spring carol
Art Masters Studios, Inc. (448 documents)
example document: Doxology
example document: O sons and daughters of the King
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Delores Hruby 1923-
AMSI (140 documents)
example document: A spring carol
Art Masters Studios, Inc. (448 documents)
example document: Doxology
Draw near
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000794614 / 1996-04-25
Date of Publication:
November 15, 1995
Date of Creation:
Draw near / [words] Bangor Antiphoner ; tr. by John M. Neale ; [music] Theron Kirk.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: music.
4 p.
Other Title:
Bangor Antiphoner
Copyright Claimant:
AMSI (a.a.d.o. Art Masters Studios, Inc.)
For SAB choir with keyboard accompaniment.
John M. Neale 1818-1866
Theron Kirk 1919-
AMSI (140 documents)
example document: Rejoice and be merry
Art Masters Studios, Inc. (448 documents)
example document: Hosanna in the highest!
Theron Kirk 1919-
AMSI (140 documents)
example document: Rejoice and be merry
Art Masters Studios, Inc. (448 documents)
example document: Hosanna in the highest!
This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.