Operations profile data base for staffing and productivity & 2 other titles, Alleluia for joy
Operations profile data base for staffing and productivity & 2 other titles
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
July 29, 1994
Entire Copyright Document:
Date of Execution:
June 23, 1994
Operations profile data base for staffing and productivity & 2 other titles.
By Stephen Kramer & Stuart Schloss. Transfer of copyright.
Party 1 personal name:
Stephen Kramer
Stephen Kramer.
Stephen Kramer
McFaul & Lyons, Inc. (4 documents)
example document: Value analysis retreat workbook
Stephen Kramer
McFaul & Lyons, Inc. (4 documents)
example document: Value analysis retreat workbook
The dark zone: adventures of the black hole gang
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
April 26, 2001
Entire Copyright Document:
V3468 D418 P1
Date of Execution:
March 7, 2001
The dark zone: adventures of the black hole gang / By Stephen Kramer.
Assignment of rights. (Part 002 of 002)
Inc. McGraw-Hill Companies (675 documents)
example document: Introductory statistics
Stephen Kramer (8 documents)
example document: The new rules of college admissions
Stephen Kramer.
example document: Introductory statistics
Stephen Kramer (8 documents)
example document: The new rules of college admissions
Stephen Kramer.
Alleluia for joy
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000843206 / 1986-05-19
Date of Creation:
Alleluia for joy / composed and arr. by Stephen Kramer.
1 sound cassette + 1 v.
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen Patrick Kramer
Words & music.
Stephen Patrick Kramer 1965-
Tumble-down shack
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000078714 / 1979-01-19
Date of Creation:
Tumble-down shack / words and music by Stephen P. Kramer [i.e. Stephen Philip Kramer]
3 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen P. Kramer
Stephen Philip Kramer 1953-
The Last thespians
Type of Work:
Dramatic work and accompanying music
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000510265 / 1983-05-20
Date of Creation:
The Last thespians : a screenplay / by Michael McClinton.
41 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Michael McClinton & Stephen R. Kramer
Authorship on Application:
Michael McClinton & Stephen R. Kramer.
Michael McClinton 1961-
Stephen R. Kramer 1961-
Stephen R. Kramer 1961-
Methods of entry
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0001223068 / 2004-03-01
Date of Publication:
August 19, 2003
Date of Creation:
Methods of entry.
Videodisc (DVD)
Copyright Claimant:
Martin J. Wozniak
Authorship on Application:
visual images: Stephen J. Kramer.
Martin J. Wozniak
Stephen J. Kramer
Stephen J. Kramer
Getting oxygen
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001812657 / 1986-05-02
Date of Publication:
April 25, 1986
Date of Creation:
Getting oxygen : what do you do if you're cell twenty-two?
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen P. Kramer on entire text;
Cataloged from appl. only.
Authorship on Application:
entire text: Stephen P. Kramer.
Stephen P. Kramer 1953-
The Effects of two different music programs on third and fourth ...
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001863221 / 1986-05-16
Date of Publication:
March 14, 1986
Date of Creation:
Date in Notice:
notice: 1985
The Effects of two different music programs on third and fourth ... / Stephen John Kramer.
Ann Arbor : University Microfilms International, 1986.
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen John Kramer
Stephen John Kramer 1932-
The Chemistry teacher's test maker
Type of Work:
Machine-readable work or computer program
Registration Number / Date:
TX0002400986 / 1988-08-25
Date of Publication:
May 27, 1988
Date of Creation:
The Chemistry teacher's test maker.
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen Kramer d.b.a. Daedalus Scientific Software
Authorship on Application:
computer software: Stephen Kramer, whose pseud. is Daedalus Scientific Software.
Stephen Kramer 1946-.
Daedalus Scientific Software
Daedalus Scientific Software
The Physics teacher's test maker
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0002475881 / 1988-10-05
Date of Publication:
September 2, 1988
Date of Creation:
The Physics teacher's test maker.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
multiple volumes.
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen Kramer d.b.a. Daedalus Scientific Software
Authorship on Application:
Stephen Kramer.
Stephen Kramer 1946-
Daedalus Scientific Software
Daedalus Scientific Software
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003599108 / 1993-03-01
Date of Publication:
January 30, 1992
Date of Creation:
Avalanche / by Stephen Kramer ; photos. by Patrick Cone.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Minneapolis : Carolrhoda Books, c1992.
47 p.
Similar Title:
Copyright Claimant:
Carolrhoda Books, Inc. on text;
Patrick Cone (3 documents)
example document: Wildfire
Stephen P. Kramer
Carolrhoda Books, Inc. (269 documents)
example document: The Story of King Midas
example document: Wildfire
Stephen P. Kramer
Carolrhoda Books, Inc. (269 documents)
example document: The Story of King Midas
Nonlinear models of rivers and river networks
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003697452 / 1993-12-09
Date of Publication:
October 15, 1993
Date of Creation:
Nonlinear models of rivers and river networks.
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen Patrick Kramer, 1965-
Stephen Patrick Kramer 1965-
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003981634 / 1995-01-17
Date of Publication:
December 8, 1994
Date of Creation:
Caves / by Stephen Kramer ; photos by Kenrick L. Day.
Nature in action
Minneapolis : Carolrhoda Books, c1995.
48 p.
Copyright Claimant:
on entire text; Stephen Kramer
Geotechnical earthquake engineering
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004270114 / 1996-04-02
Date of Publication:
December 28, 1995
Date of Creation:
Geotechnical earthquake engineering / Steven L. Kramer.
Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, c1996.
653 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Prentice-Hall, Inc., Simon & Schuster/a Viacom Company
Steven L. Kramer
Stephen L. Kramer
Prentice-Hall, Inc. (10137 documents)
example document: Timeless voices, timeless themes
Simon & Schuster. Prentice-Hall, Inc. (1072 documents)
example document: Algebra for college students
Stephen L. Kramer
Prentice-Hall, Inc. (10137 documents)
example document: Timeless voices, timeless themes
Simon & Schuster. Prentice-Hall, Inc. (1072 documents)
example document: Algebra for college students
Type of Work:
Machine-readable work or computer program
Registration Number / Date:
TXu000352781 / 1988-12-29
Date of Creation:
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen Kramer d.b.a. Daedalus Scientific Software
Authorship on Application:
computer software: Stephen Kramer, whose pseud. is Daedalus Scientific Software.
Stephen Kramer 1946-.
Daedalus Scientific Software
Daedalus Scientific Software
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
VA0000580684 / 1993-03-01
Date of Publication:
June 11, 1992
Date of Creation:
Tornado / by Stephen Kramer.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Minneapolis : Carolrhoda Books, c1992.
48 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Carolrhoda Books, Inc. (employer for hire) on ill., except photos.;
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
VA0000580688 / 1993-03-01
Date of Publication:
January 1, 1992
Date of Creation:
Lightning / by Stephen Kramer ; photos. by Warren Faidley.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: photos.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Minneapolis : Carolrhoda Books, c1992.
48 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Carolrhoda Books, Inc.
Warren Faidley
Stephen P. Kramer
Carolrhoda Books, Inc. (269 documents)
example document: The Goose who wrote a book
Stephen P. Kramer
Carolrhoda Books, Inc. (269 documents)
example document: The Goose who wrote a book
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
VA0000580689 / 1993-03-01
Date of Publication:
January 1, 1992
Date of Creation:
Lightning / by Stephen Kramer ; photos. by Warren Faidley.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Minneapolis : Carolrhoda Books, c1992.
48 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Carolrhoda Books, Inc. (employer for hire of all ill.)
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
VA0000580690 / 1993-03-01
Date of Publication:
January 30, 1992
Date of Creation:
Avalanche / by Stephen Kramer ; photos. by Patrick Cone.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Minneapolis : Carolrhoda Books, c1992.
47 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Carolrhoda Books, Inc. (employer for hire of Darren Erickson) on ill.;
Patrick Cone
Darren Erickson (6 documents)
example document: Caterpillarology
Stephen P. Kramer
Carolrhoda Books, Inc. (269 documents)
example document: Letting off steam
Darren Erickson (6 documents)
example document: Caterpillarology
Stephen P. Kramer
Carolrhoda Books, Inc. (269 documents)
example document: Letting off steam
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
VA0000580691 / 1993-03-01
Date of Publication:
January 30, 1992
Date of Creation:
Avalanche / by Stephen Kramer ; photos. by Patrick Cone.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: photos.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Minneapolis : Carolrhoda Books, c1992.
47 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Carolrhoda Books, Inc.
Patrick Cone
Stephen P. Kramer
Carolrhoda Books, Inc. (269 documents)
example document: A Skyscraper story
Stephen P. Kramer
Carolrhoda Books, Inc. (269 documents)
example document: A Skyscraper story
Type of Work:
Art work
Registration Number / Date:
VA0000687932 / 1995-01-17
Date of Publication:
December 8, 1994
Date of Creation:
Caves / by Stephen Kramer ; photos by Kenrick L. Day.
Nature in action
Minneapolis : Carolrhoda Books, c1995.
48 p.
Copyright Claimant:
on artwork; Carolrhoda Books, Inc. (employer for hire)
Stephen Kramer
Kenrick L. Day
Carolrhoda Books, Inc. (269 documents)
example document: Go free or die
Kenrick L. Day
Carolrhoda Books, Inc. (269 documents)
example document: Go free or die
Type of Work:
Art work
Registration Number / Date:
VA0000687933 / 1995-01-17
Date of Publication:
December 8, 1994
Date of Creation:
Caves / by Stephen Kramer ; photos by Kenrick L. Day.
Nature in action
Minneapolis : Carolrhoda Books, c1995.
48 p.
Copyright Claimant:
on photos; Kenrick L. Day
Theodoric's rainbow
Type of Work:
Art work
Registration Number / Date:
VA0000753498 / 1996-01-16
Date of Publication:
August 28, 1995
Date of Creation:
Theodoric's rainbow / written by Stephen Kramer ; illustrated by Daniel Mark Duffy.
New York : Scientific American Books for Young Readers, c1995.
1 v.
Copyright Claimant:
on artwork; Daniel Mark Duffy
Stephen Kramer
Daniel Mark Duffy
Daniel Mark Duffy
Hidden worlds
Type of Work:
Art work
Registration Number / Date:
VA0001117512 / 2001-10-29
Date of Publication:
August 2, 2001
Date of Creation:
Hidden worlds : looking through a scientist's microscope / by Stephen Kramer ; photos by Dennis Kunkel.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: all new text.
Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 2001.
57 p.
Variant title:
Hidden worlds : looking through a scientist's microscope
Copyright Claimant:
Dennis Kunkel
Stephen Kramer
Dennis Kunkel
Dennis Kunkel
AUA update series
AUA update series / editor, Thomas P. Ball, Jr. ... [et al.].
Serial Publication Year:
[s.l. : s.n.]
print material.
Other Title:
Urologic aspects of athletic activity
Bladder exstrophy
Suture materials and wound healing
Augmentation cystoplasty
The Acute scrotum
Wilms' tumor 1984
Urinary tract problems in pregnancy
The Role of environmental factors in bladder carcinoma
New tests in the evaluation of male infertility
Fungi in the genitourinary system
Outpatient pediatric urologic surgery
Chronic pelvic pain of gynecologic origin
Percutaneous endourology
Laser technology in urology
Specialized surgical approaches to the kidney
The Evaluation of hematuria and proteinuria
Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis and gas forming infections of the urinary tract
Adjuvant therapy of bladder cancer
The Evaluation and treatment of psychosexual dysfunction in men
Drugs and male sexual dysfunction.
Urologic care of the spinal cord injured patient
Update on ureteroceles in children
Neurovascular mechanisms of penile erection
Lymphadenectomy in urologic cancers
New antibiotics
Microsurgery for the urologist
Indications for total prostatectomy
Evaluation and treatment of the abdominal mass in infancy and childhood
Renal functional development with an approach to the evaluation of the obstructed urinary tract
Introduction to endourology
Plan for management of complications after ileal conduit diversion
Suprapubic and retropubic prostatectomy
The Role of urodynamics in the office practice of urology
The Effect of drugs on urinary continence
Cost effective ambulatory procedures in urology
Bladder exstrophy
Suture materials and wound healing
Augmentation cystoplasty
The Acute scrotum
Wilms' tumor 1984
Urinary tract problems in pregnancy
The Role of environmental factors in bladder carcinoma
New tests in the evaluation of male infertility
Fungi in the genitourinary system
Outpatient pediatric urologic surgery
Chronic pelvic pain of gynecologic origin
Percutaneous endourology
Laser technology in urology
Specialized surgical approaches to the kidney
The Evaluation of hematuria and proteinuria
Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis and gas forming infections of the urinary tract
Adjuvant therapy of bladder cancer
The Evaluation and treatment of psychosexual dysfunction in men
Drugs and male sexual dysfunction.
Urologic care of the spinal cord injured patient
Update on ureteroceles in children
Neurovascular mechanisms of penile erection
Lymphadenectomy in urologic cancers
New antibiotics
Microsurgery for the urologist
Indications for total prostatectomy
Evaluation and treatment of the abdominal mass in infancy and childhood
Renal functional development with an approach to the evaluation of the obstructed urinary tract
Introduction to endourology
Plan for management of complications after ileal conduit diversion
Suprapubic and retropubic prostatectomy
The Role of urodynamics in the office practice of urology
The Effect of drugs on urinary continence
Cost effective ambulatory procedures in urology
Description based on:
Vol. 1, lesson 6.
Copyright Claimant:
American Urological Association, Office of Education.
Four issues a month.
Authorship on Application:
American Urological Association, Office of Education, employer for hire.
Earl F. Wendel
John W. Duckett
Anthony A. Caldamone
Boyd H. Winslow
Devine, Charles J., Jr.
Micheal W. Bickerton
Robert B. Smith (24 documents)
example document: An evaluation of Co-nects comprehensive school reform in Houston, Texas
Vordermark, Jonathan S., 2d
Stephen A. Kramer
Panayotis P. Kelalis
Joseph R. Drago
Philip M. Hanno
Joseph J. Seebode
G. Reza Najem
Marc Goldstein (2 documents)
example document: Severe
Gilbert J. Wise
J. Andrew Fantl
Joseph W. Segura
Terrence R. Malloy
Alan J. Wein
Riehle, Robert A., Jr.
Richard J. Glassock (4 documents)
example document: Massry & Glassock's Textbook of nephrology
Jack S. Elder (3 documents)
example document: Caring for children with primary vesicoureteral reflux
James E. Montie
Warren Jeffrey Jones
Robert H. Hackler
Mike B. Siroky (7 documents)
example document: Operative urology
John P. Donohue (2 documents)
example document: A.U.A. courses in urology
Ball, Thomas P., Jr.
Arnold M. Belker
William J. Catalona
David R. Kelley (2 documents)
example document: The Lullaby League
Edward S. Tank
Fred A. McCurdy
Arthur D. Smith (8 documents)
example document: Smith's textbook of endourology
Won J. Lee
Michael E. Mitchell
John A. Libertino (5 documents)
example document: Stones
Robert C. Eyre
John B. Nanninga
Donald M. Gleason
Selwyn Z. Freed
Joseph J. Kaufman
American Urological Association (12 documents)
example document: A.U.A. courses in urology
American Urological Association, Inc. Office of Education (34 documents)
example document: Testicular disorders of childhood
John W. Duckett
Anthony A. Caldamone
Boyd H. Winslow
Devine, Charles J., Jr.
Micheal W. Bickerton
Robert B. Smith (24 documents)
example document: An evaluation of Co-nects comprehensive school reform in Houston, Texas
Vordermark, Jonathan S., 2d
Stephen A. Kramer
Panayotis P. Kelalis
Joseph R. Drago
Philip M. Hanno
Joseph J. Seebode
G. Reza Najem
Marc Goldstein (2 documents)
example document: Severe
Gilbert J. Wise
J. Andrew Fantl
Joseph W. Segura
Terrence R. Malloy
Alan J. Wein
Riehle, Robert A., Jr.
Richard J. Glassock (4 documents)
example document: Massry & Glassock's Textbook of nephrology
Jack S. Elder (3 documents)
example document: Caring for children with primary vesicoureteral reflux
James E. Montie
Warren Jeffrey Jones
Robert H. Hackler
Mike B. Siroky (7 documents)
example document: Operative urology
John P. Donohue (2 documents)
example document: A.U.A. courses in urology
Ball, Thomas P., Jr.
Arnold M. Belker
William J. Catalona
David R. Kelley (2 documents)
example document: The Lullaby League
Edward S. Tank
Fred A. McCurdy
Arthur D. Smith (8 documents)
example document: Smith's textbook of endourology
Won J. Lee
Michael E. Mitchell
John A. Libertino (5 documents)
example document: Stones
Robert C. Eyre
John B. Nanninga
Donald M. Gleason
Selwyn Z. Freed
Joseph J. Kaufman
American Urological Association (12 documents)
example document: A.U.A. courses in urology
American Urological Association, Inc. Office of Education (34 documents)
example document: Testicular disorders of childhood
AUA update series
AUA update series / editor, Thomas P. Ball, Jr. ... [et al.].
Serial Publication Year:
[s.l. : s.n.]
print material.
Other Title:
Perspectives on cystectomy and diversion
Urologic manifestations of bowel disease
External radiation therapy for carcinoma of the prostate
Urinary incontinence in the elderly
Congenital anomalies into adulthood
Fluoroscopic safety for the urologist
Urologic applications of magnetic resonance imaging
Pitfalls of C T scanning
The Artificial urinary sphincter
Office-based ultrasound for urologists
Timing of elective pediatric urologic surgery
Sonography of pediatric urinary tract abnormalities
Pubectomy and use of omentum in urologic surgery
The Surgical technique of radical perineal prostatectomy
Urologic management of the myelodysplastic
Ultrasound for the practicing urologist
A Case for the IVP
Female urethral diverticula
Detection and management of bleeding disorders in the urologic patient
Radical prostatectomy with preservation of sexual function
Fournier's gangrene
What to do when they still leak
Disturbances of fluid and electrolyte balance
Unilateral testicular damage with bilateral testicular effect
Carcinoma in situ of the testis
The Dysfunctional voider (Hinman syndrome)
Vesicoureteral reflux in the adult
Creation of the urinary stoma
Complex hypospadias, an approach to management
Endourology update
Childhood genitourinary rhabdomyosarcoma
Prostatic carcinoma
Interpretation and evalution of the pathologic grade, stage, and margins ...
The Natural history of benign prostatic hyperplsia
Immunology in urology
Chemolysis of urinary calculi
Monoclonal antibodies
Diagnosis and management of hydronephrosis in utero
Benign diseases of the testicle and paratesticular tissues
Urologic manifestations of bowel disease
External radiation therapy for carcinoma of the prostate
Urinary incontinence in the elderly
Congenital anomalies into adulthood
Fluoroscopic safety for the urologist
Urologic applications of magnetic resonance imaging
Pitfalls of C T scanning
The Artificial urinary sphincter
Office-based ultrasound for urologists
Timing of elective pediatric urologic surgery
Sonography of pediatric urinary tract abnormalities
Pubectomy and use of omentum in urologic surgery
The Surgical technique of radical perineal prostatectomy
Urologic management of the myelodysplastic
Ultrasound for the practicing urologist
A Case for the IVP
Female urethral diverticula
Detection and management of bleeding disorders in the urologic patient
Radical prostatectomy with preservation of sexual function
Fournier's gangrene
What to do when they still leak
Disturbances of fluid and electrolyte balance
Unilateral testicular damage with bilateral testicular effect
Carcinoma in situ of the testis
The Dysfunctional voider (Hinman syndrome)
Vesicoureteral reflux in the adult
Creation of the urinary stoma
Complex hypospadias, an approach to management
Endourology update
Childhood genitourinary rhabdomyosarcoma
Prostatic carcinoma
Interpretation and evalution of the pathologic grade, stage, and margins ...
The Natural history of benign prostatic hyperplsia
Immunology in urology
Chemolysis of urinary calculi
Monoclonal antibodies
Diagnosis and management of hydronephrosis in utero
Benign diseases of the testicle and paratesticular tissues
Description based on:
Vol. 1, lesson 6.
Copyright Claimant:
American Urological Association, Office of Education.
Four issues a month.
Authorship on Application:
American Urological Association, Office of Education, employer for hire.
Ball, Thomas P., Jr.
William H. Bush
R. Ernest Sosa
Jeffry L. Huffman
Philip M. Hanno
Alan J. Wein
Martin N. Raber
George S. Benson
Patrick C. Walsh (9 documents)
example document: Campbell's urology
Marc S. Cohen
Katherine F. Jeter
W. Scott McDougal
Harris M. Nagler
Joergen G. Berthelsen
Niels E. Skakkebaek
John W. Duckett
Snyder, Howard McC., 3d.
Turner, W. Redd, Jr.
Mark J. Noble
Winston K. Mebust
Jonathan S. Vordermark
George E. Brannen
Bruce H. Broecker
Clarence V. Hodges
Jonathan I. Epstein
Joseph C. Eggleston
Russell K. Lawson
Gennaro A. Carpinito
Michael E. Osband
Robert J. Krane (7 documents)
example document: Manual of urology
Stephen P. Dretler
Neil H. Bander
Stephen A. Kramer
Steven M. Orland
Burton A. Schlecker
Randall G. Rowland
Michael E. Mitchell
Alvin L. Sago
John F. Stecker
Mark D. Hafermann
Robert P. Gibbons
Rohner, Thomas J., Jr. (1 documents)
example document: Impotence
Jessie F. Igou
C. R. J. Woodhouse
Glenn M. Preminger
Pat F. Fulgham
Thomas Curry (8 documents)
example document: Year of the monkey
Richard D. Williams
Robert A. Woolfitt
David M. Barrett (4 documents)
example document: Fastlane
Benad Goldwasser (1 documents)
example document: Reconstructive urology
Alan H. Angell
Martin I. Resnick
A. Barry Belman
Henrietta Kotlus Rosenberg
Richard G. Middleton (4 documents)
example document: The management of localized prostate cancer
David F. Paulson
Mark F. Bellinger
William H. Boyce
American Urological Association, Inc. (87 documents)
example document: The Management of complications of penile prostheses and the artificial urinary sphincter
American Urological Association, Inc. Office of Education (34 documents)
example document: [Sound slide series of the American Urological Association, Office of Education, VI]
William H. Bush
R. Ernest Sosa
Jeffry L. Huffman
Philip M. Hanno
Alan J. Wein
Martin N. Raber
George S. Benson
Patrick C. Walsh (9 documents)
example document: Campbell's urology
Marc S. Cohen
Katherine F. Jeter
W. Scott McDougal
Harris M. Nagler
Joergen G. Berthelsen
Niels E. Skakkebaek
John W. Duckett
Snyder, Howard McC., 3d.
Turner, W. Redd, Jr.
Mark J. Noble
Winston K. Mebust
Jonathan S. Vordermark
George E. Brannen
Bruce H. Broecker
Clarence V. Hodges
Jonathan I. Epstein
Joseph C. Eggleston
Russell K. Lawson
Gennaro A. Carpinito
Michael E. Osband
Robert J. Krane (7 documents)
example document: Manual of urology
Stephen P. Dretler
Neil H. Bander
Stephen A. Kramer
Steven M. Orland
Burton A. Schlecker
Randall G. Rowland
Michael E. Mitchell
Alvin L. Sago
John F. Stecker
Mark D. Hafermann
Robert P. Gibbons
Rohner, Thomas J., Jr. (1 documents)
example document: Impotence
Jessie F. Igou
C. R. J. Woodhouse
Glenn M. Preminger
Pat F. Fulgham
Thomas Curry (8 documents)
example document: Year of the monkey
Richard D. Williams
Robert A. Woolfitt
David M. Barrett (4 documents)
example document: Fastlane
Benad Goldwasser (1 documents)
example document: Reconstructive urology
Alan H. Angell
Martin I. Resnick
A. Barry Belman
Henrietta Kotlus Rosenberg
Richard G. Middleton (4 documents)
example document: The management of localized prostate cancer
David F. Paulson
Mark F. Bellinger
William H. Boyce
American Urological Association, Inc. (87 documents)
example document: The Management of complications of penile prostheses and the artificial urinary sphincter
American Urological Association, Inc. Office of Education (34 documents)
example document: [Sound slide series of the American Urological Association, Office of Education, VI]
This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.