Promise me & 9 other titles, Stronger than time, Point Venus
Stronger than time
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
March 24, 2004
Entire Copyright Document:
V3510 D109-211 P1-419
Stronger than time / By Lee Greenwood.
Title appears in Document:
Meteora & 27,009 other titles. (Part 003 of 102)
Stronger than time
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
July 11, 2003
Entire Copyright Document:
V3499 D838-981 P1-439
Stronger than time / Written by Ewing & Blazy.
Title appears in Document:
Oh pretty woman & 42,843 other titles; musical works. (Part 004 of 141)
Stronger than time
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
October 2, 2002
Entire Copyright Document:
V3491 D1-172 P1-4,298
Stronger than time / By Kent E. Blazy & Skip Ewing.
Title appears in Document:
A lot of things different & 19,595 other titles; songs. (Part 042 of 172)
Promise me & 9 other titles; musical compositions
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
March 3, 2003
Entire Copyright Document:
V3494 D911 P1-8
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1969
Promise me & 9 other titles; musical compositions.
Composed by Eric Benet Jordan p.k.a. Eric Benet & co-writers as noted. Assignment of copyright.
Party 1 personal name:
Eric Benet Jordan
Eric Benet Jordan p.k.a. Eric Benet d.b.a. India B. Music, by Songs of PolyGram Int., Inc. (Atty)
Eric Benet Jordan (24 documents)
example document: Something real
Universal-Songs of PolyGram Int., Inc. formerly known as Songs of PolyGram Int., Inc. & India B. Music.
Eric Benet (4 documents)
example document: Ghetto girl
India B. Music (19 documents)
example document: Hurricane
Universal-Songs of PolyGram Int., Inc. (19 documents)
example document: Once around the sun
Songs of PolyGram Int., Inc. (37 documents)
example document: Good luck
India B. Music.
Eric Benet Jordan (24 documents)
example document: Something real
Universal-Songs of PolyGram Int., Inc. formerly known as Songs of PolyGram Int., Inc. & India B. Music.
Eric Benet (4 documents)
example document: Ghetto girl
India B. Music (19 documents)
example document: Hurricane
Universal-Songs of PolyGram Int., Inc. (19 documents)
example document: Once around the sun
Songs of PolyGram Int., Inc. (37 documents)
example document: Good luck
India B. Music.
Point Venus
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
May 15, 2003
Entire Copyright Document:
V3497 D485 P1-2
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1969
Point Venus; musical composition / Composed by Eric Benet Jordan & Jeffrey H. Lorber. From the album entitled The very best of Jeff Lorber, recorded by Jeff Lorber.
Variant title:
Very best of Jeff Lorber
Assignment of copyright.
Party 1 personal name:
Eric Benet Jordan & Eric Benet
by Daniel Lopez (Atty) Eric Benet Jordan; p.k.a. Eric Benet d.b.a. India B. Music
Eric Benet Jordan (24 documents)
example document: That's just my way
Eric Benet (44 documents)
example document: Spend my life with you
Universal-Songs of PolyGram International, Inc. f.k.a. Songs of PolyGram International, Inc., & India B. Music.
India B. Music (19 documents)
example document: That's just my way
Universal-Songs of PolyGram International, Inc. (104 documents)
example document: Tired of dreaming
Songs of PolyGram International, Inc. (1427 documents)
example document: A six pack to go
India B. Music.
Eric Benet Jordan (24 documents)
example document: That's just my way
Eric Benet (44 documents)
example document: Spend my life with you
Universal-Songs of PolyGram International, Inc. f.k.a. Songs of PolyGram International, Inc., & India B. Music.
India B. Music (19 documents)
example document: That's just my way
Universal-Songs of PolyGram International, Inc. (104 documents)
example document: Tired of dreaming
Songs of PolyGram International, Inc. (1427 documents)
example document: A six pack to go
India B. Music.
Stronger than time
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
November 27, 2000
Entire Copyright Document:
V3461 D701 P1-2
Stronger than time / Co-writer: Kent Blazy.
Title appears in Document:
The way that she loves me & 4 other titles; musical compositions.
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
August 12, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3528 D822 P1-2
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1969
Hurricane : musical composition / by Eric Jordan & David Foster.
Assignment of copyright.
Party 1 personal name:
Eric Benet Jordan & Eric Benet
by Kara Hailele-Griffin (Atty) Eric Benet Jordan p.k.a. Eric Benet d.b.a. India B. Music
Eric Benet Jordan
Eric Benet (44 documents)
example document: It's all good
Universal - Songs of PolyGram International, Inc., formerly known as Songs of PolyGram International, Inc. & India B. Music.
India B. Music (19 documents)
example document: Hurricane
Universal - Songs of PolyGram International, Inc.
Songs of PolyGram International, Inc. (1427 documents)
example document: Carnival Cops & 8 other titles
India B. Music.
Eric Benet Jordan
Eric Benet (44 documents)
example document: It's all good
Universal - Songs of PolyGram International, Inc., formerly known as Songs of PolyGram International, Inc. & India B. Music.
India B. Music (19 documents)
example document: Hurricane
Universal - Songs of PolyGram International, Inc.
Songs of PolyGram International, Inc. (1427 documents)
example document: Carnival Cops & 8 other titles
India B. Music.
I might
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
December 11, 2006
Entire Copyright Document:
V3547 D650 P1-2
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1969
I might : musical composition / written by Eric Benet Jordan, Chalmers Alford, Vikter Duplaix et al.
Assignment of copyright.
Party 1 personal name:
Eric Benet Jordan
Kelly Edwards (Atty) o.b.o. Eric Benet Jordan.
Eric Benet Jordan
Universal-Songs of Polygram International, Inc. & India B. Music.
Universal-Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (159 documents)
example document: Give it all up
India B. Music (19 documents)
example document: It's all good
Eric Benet Jordan
Universal-Songs of Polygram International, Inc. & India B. Music.
Universal-Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (159 documents)
example document: Give it all up
India B. Music (19 documents)
example document: It's all good
Stronger than time
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001205253 / 1989-03-14
Date of Creation:
Stronger than time.
1 sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant:
Eric Jordan
Words & music.
Authorship on Application:
Eric Benet Jordan.
Eric Benet Jordan 1966-
I remember when
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001210221 / 1989-03-10
Date of Creation:
I remember when.
1 sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant:
Eric Benet Jordan
Words & music.
Authorship on Application:
Eric Benet Jordan.
Eric Benet Jordan 1966-
Call me
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001314207 / 1990-01-11
Date of Creation:
Call me.
1 sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant:
Gerard Entertainment Group, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
music & words: Jorge Nash, Jr. & Eric Benet Jordan, pseuds.
Nash, Jorge, Jr., pseud., 1958-
Jordan, Eric Benet, pseud., 1966-
Gerard Entertainment Group, Inc. (5 documents)
example document: Get to me
Jordan, Eric Benet, pseud., 1966-
Gerard Entertainment Group, Inc. (5 documents)
example document: Get to me
I want that girl
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001315212 / 1990-01-10
Date of Creation:
I want that girl.
1 sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant:
Gerard Ent. Group, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Eric Benet Jordan.
Nash, Jorge, Jr., 1958-
Eric Benet Jordan 1966-
Gerard Ent. Group, Inc.
Eric Benet Jordan 1966-
Gerard Ent. Group, Inc.
You got me hangin'
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001316073 / 1990-01-12
Date of Creation:
You got me hangin'.
1 sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant:
Gerard Entertainment Group, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Eric Benet Jordan & Jorge Nash, Jr., pseud.
Eric Benet Jordan 1966-
Nash, Jorge, Jr., pseud., 1958-
Gerard Entertainment Group, Inc. (5 documents)
example document: Get to me
Nash, Jorge, Jr., pseud., 1958-
Gerard Entertainment Group, Inc. (5 documents)
example document: Get to me
What's your phone number?
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001316074 / 1990-01-12
Date of Creation:
What's your phone number?
1 sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant:
Gerard Entertainment Group, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
music: Bob Angeli.
Eric Benet Jordan 1966-
Nash, Jorge, Jr., pseud, 1958-
Bob Angeli 1966-
Gerard Entertainment Group, Inc. (5 documents)
example document: Gone are those days
Nash, Jorge, Jr., pseud, 1958-
Bob Angeli 1966-
Gerard Entertainment Group, Inc. (5 documents)
example document: Gone are those days
Give it one more try
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001525836 / 1991-06-24
Date of Creation:
Give it one more try / G. Nash, Jr., E. Jordan.
Application Title:
Love is waiting.
Copyright Claimant:
Gerard Entertainment Grp., Inc.
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Jorge Nash, Jr. & Eric Benet Jordan.
Nash, Jorge, Jr., 1958-
Eric Benet Jordan 1966-
Gerard Entertainment Grp., Inc.
Eric Benet Jordan 1966-
Gerard Entertainment Grp., Inc.
We got it like that
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001955188 / 1995-02-13
Date of Creation:
We got it like that.
Sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant:
Larry Haugabook
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Larry Haugabook, 1954-.
Demonte Posey 1973-
Eric Benet Jordan 1977-
Larry Haugabook 1954-
Eric Benet Jordan 1977-
Larry Haugabook 1954-
Eric Benet collection
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002110862 / 1996-07-29
Date of Creation:
Eric Benet collection : no. 1.
Sound cassette.
Variant title:
Eric Benet collection : no. 1
Copyright Claimant:
George Nash, Jr., 1958-, & Eric Benet Jordan, 1966- (Eric Benet, pseud.)
Words & music.
Nash, George, Jr., 1958-
Eric Benet Jordan 1966-
pseud. Eric Benet
Eric Benet Jordan 1966-
pseud. Eric Benet
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002319251 / 1998-07-09
Date of Creation:
Sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant:
Songs of Polygram Int., Inc., India B. Music, Jajopo Music, BMG Music, Tracey Moore, Mercedes Martinez
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Eric Benet Jordan, p.k.a. Eric Benet, James Poyser, Richard Nichols, Amir Thompson, Tracey Moore, Mercedes Martinez.
Tracey Moore (17 documents)
example document: Hurricane
Mercedes Martinez (28 documents)
example document: How sad
Eric Benet Jordan (24 documents)
example document: Spend my life with you
Eric Benet (44 documents)
example document: Hurricane
James Poyser (75 documents)
example document: Been here before
Richard Nichols (5 documents)
example document: Otherside of the game
Amir Thompson (1 documents)
example document: Only God can judge me
Songs of Polygram Int., Inc. (142 documents)
example document: You make me laugh
India B. Music (19 documents)
example document: Pretty baby
Jajopo Music
BMG Music (3290 documents)
example document: Let's roll
example document: Hurricane
Mercedes Martinez (28 documents)
example document: How sad
Eric Benet Jordan (24 documents)
example document: Spend my life with you
Eric Benet (44 documents)
example document: Hurricane
James Poyser (75 documents)
example document: Been here before
Richard Nichols (5 documents)
example document: Otherside of the game
Amir Thompson (1 documents)
example document: Only God can judge me
Songs of Polygram Int., Inc. (142 documents)
example document: You make me laugh
India B. Music (19 documents)
example document: Pretty baby
Jajopo Music
BMG Music (3290 documents)
example document: Let's roll
Stronger than time
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002441272 / 1999-11-30
Date of Creation:
Stronger than time.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant:
Ian Lewis
Words & music.
Let's stay together
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000796806 / 1996-04-24
Date of Publication:
February 14, 1996
Date of Creation:
Let's stay together.
Sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant:
George Nash, Jr., Eric Benet Jordan & Demonte Posey
Authorship on Application:
music: Demonte Posey, 1972-.
Eric Benet Jordan 1966-
Nash, George Tyree, Jr., 1958-
Demonte Posey 1972-
Nash, George Tyree, Jr., 1958-
Demonte Posey 1972-
Let's stay together
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000818400 / 1996-09-19
Date of Publication:
June 11, 1996
Date of Creation:
Let's stay together : music from the motion picture A thin line between love and hate / Eric Benet, George Nash, Jr., Demonte Posey.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: additions & revisions.
Previous Registration:
Prev. reg. 1996, PA 796-806.
Sound cassette.
Other Title:
A thin line between love and hate
Copyright Claimant:
Eric Benet Jordan, 1966-, George T. Nash, Jr., Demonte Posey, 1972-, & Putty Tat Music
2 versions.
Authorship on Application:
music: Demonte Posey (Demonte, pseud.)
Performed by Eric Benet.
Eric Benet Jordan 1966-
Demonte Posey 1972-
pseud. Eric Benet
Nash, George Tyree, Jr., 1958-
Putty Tat Music
Demonte, pseud.
Eric Benet, pseud.
Demonte Posey 1972-
pseud. Eric Benet
Nash, George Tyree, Jr., 1958-
Putty Tat Music
Demonte, pseud.
Eric Benet, pseud.
True to myself
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000896055 / 1998-05-12
Date of Publication:
September 24, 1996
Date of Creation:
True to myself.
Publisher Number:
Warner Brothers 9 46270-2
Appears in:
True to myself. : Compact disc ; Warner Brothers 9 46270-2, c1996.
Copyright Claimant:
Songs of Polygram International, Inc., India B Music, Paradise Forever Music, Demontes Music, Putty Tat Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Eric Benet Jordan p.k.a. Eric Benet, George T. Nash, Jr.
Performed by Eric Benet.
Eric Benet Jordan (24 documents)
example document: That's just my way
Eric Benet (44 documents)
example document: Spend my life with you ; Love the hurt away ; My life with you (remix)
Nash, George T., Jr.
Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (2207 documents)
example document: I'm thinking of you
India B Music (13 documents)
example document: Love don't love me
Paradise Forever Music (15 documents)
example document: Spend my life with you
Demontes Music (10 documents)
example document: Spend my life with you
Putty Tat Music
example document: That's just my way
Eric Benet (44 documents)
example document: Spend my life with you ; Love the hurt away ; My life with you (remix)
Nash, George T., Jr.
Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (2207 documents)
example document: I'm thinking of you
India B Music (13 documents)
example document: Love don't love me
Paradise Forever Music (15 documents)
example document: Spend my life with you
Demontes Music (10 documents)
example document: Spend my life with you
Putty Tat Music
I'll be there
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000896056 / 1998-05-12
Date of Publication:
September 24, 1996
Date of Creation:
I'll be there.
Publisher Number:
Warner Brothers 9 46270-2
Appears in:
True to myself. : Compact disc ; Warner Brothers 9 46270-2, c1996.
Copyright Claimant:
Songs of Polygram International, Inc., India B Music, Paradise Forever Music, Demontes Music, Putty Tat Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Eric Benet Jordan p.k.a. Eric Benet, George T. Nash, Jr.
Performed by Eric Benet.
Eric Benet Jordan (24 documents)
example document: True to myself & 10 other titles
Eric Benet (44 documents)
example document: Heart of America
Nash, George T., Jr.
Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (2207 documents)
example document: I'll paint the town tonight
India B Music (13 documents)
example document: Love don't love me
Paradise Forever Music (15 documents)
example document: Why must it take so long? & 12 other titles
Demontes Music
Putty Tat Music
example document: True to myself & 10 other titles
Eric Benet (44 documents)
example document: Heart of America
Nash, George T., Jr.
Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (2207 documents)
example document: I'll paint the town tonight
India B Music (13 documents)
example document: Love don't love me
Paradise Forever Music (15 documents)
example document: Why must it take so long? & 12 other titles
Demontes Music
Putty Tat Music
Let's stay together
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000896057 / 1998-05-12
Date of Publication:
September 24, 1996
Date of Creation:
Let's stay together.
Publisher Number:
Warner Brothers 9 46270-2
Appears in:
True to myself. : Compact disc ; Warner Brothers 9 46270-2, c1996.
Copyright Claimant:
Songs of Polygram International, Inc., India B Music, Paradise Forever Music, Demontes Music, Oaktown Boy, Putty Tat Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Eric Benet Jordan p.k.a. Eric Benet, George T. Nash, Jr., Demonte, pseud.
Performed by Eric Benet.
Eric Benet Jordan (24 documents)
example document: Spend my life with you
Eric Benet (44 documents)
example document: True to myself
Nash, George T., Jr. (14 documents)
example document: Why must it take so long? & 12 other titles
Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (2207 documents)
example document: Don't try this at home & 9 other titles
India B Music (13 documents)
example document: Love don't love me
Paradise Forever Music (15 documents)
example document: Tell me you got it
Demontes Music
Oaktown Boy
Putty Tat Music (16 documents)
example document: That's just my way
Demonte, pseud. (7 documents)
example document: Eric Benet collection
example document: Spend my life with you
Eric Benet (44 documents)
example document: True to myself
Nash, George T., Jr. (14 documents)
example document: Why must it take so long? & 12 other titles
Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (2207 documents)
example document: Don't try this at home & 9 other titles
India B Music (13 documents)
example document: Love don't love me
Paradise Forever Music (15 documents)
example document: Tell me you got it
Demontes Music
Oaktown Boy
Putty Tat Music (16 documents)
example document: That's just my way
Demonte, pseud. (7 documents)
example document: Eric Benet collection
Just friends
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000896058 / 1998-05-12
Date of Publication:
September 24, 1996
Date of Creation:
Just friends.
Publisher Number:
Warner Brothers 9 46270-2
Appears in:
True to myself. : Compact disc ; Warner Brothers 9 46270-2, c1996.
Copyright Claimant:
Songs of Polygram International, Inc., India B Music, Paradise Forever Music, Demontes Music, Oaktown Boy, Putty Tat Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Eric Benet Jordan p.k.a. Eric Benet, George T. Nash, Jr., Demonte, pseud.
Performed by Eric Benet.
Eric Benet Jordan
Eric Benet (44 documents)
example document: Don't forget the love
Nash, George T., Jr.
Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (2207 documents)
example document: Morning after
India B Music (13 documents)
example document: Love don't love me
Paradise Forever Music (15 documents)
example document: Why must it take so long? & 12 other titles
Demontes Music
Oaktown Boy
Putty Tat Music (16 documents)
example document: That's just my way
Demonte, pseud.
Eric Benet (44 documents)
example document: Don't forget the love
Nash, George T., Jr.
Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (2207 documents)
example document: Morning after
India B Music (13 documents)
example document: Love don't love me
Paradise Forever Music (15 documents)
example document: Why must it take so long? & 12 other titles
Demontes Music
Oaktown Boy
Putty Tat Music (16 documents)
example document: That's just my way
Demonte, pseud.
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000896059 / 1998-05-12
Date of Publication:
September 24, 1996
Date of Creation:
Publisher Number:
Warner Brothers 9 46270-2
Appears in:
True to myself. : Compact disc ; Warner Brothers 9 46270-2, c1996.
Copyright Claimant:
Songs of Polygram International, Inc., India B Music, Kumi Na Tatu Music, Putty Tat Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Eric Benet Jordan p.k.a. Eric Benet, Christian Warren.
Performed by Eric Benet.
Eric Benet Jordan (24 documents)
example document: That's just my way
Eric Benet (44 documents)
example document: Something real
Christian Warren (11 documents)
example document: Process of elimination
Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (2207 documents)
example document: I'll paint the town tonight
India B Music
Kumi Na Tatu Music (4 documents)
example document: Mary go 'round
Putty Tat Music
example document: That's just my way
Eric Benet (44 documents)
example document: Something real
Christian Warren (11 documents)
example document: Process of elimination
Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (2207 documents)
example document: I'll paint the town tonight
India B Music
Kumi Na Tatu Music (4 documents)
example document: Mary go 'round
Putty Tat Music
While you were here
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000896060 / 1998-05-12
Date of Publication:
September 24, 1996
Date of Creation:
While you were here.
Publisher Number:
Warner Brothers 9 46270-2
Appears in:
True to myself. : Compact disc ; Warner Brothers 9 46270-2, c1996.
Copyright Claimant:
Songs of Polygram International, Inc., India B Music, Paradise Forever Music, Demontes Music, Oaktown Boy, Putty Tat Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Eric Benet Jordan p.k.a. Eric Benet, George T. Nash, Jr., Demonte, pseud.
Performed by Eric Benet.
Eric Benet Jordan
Eric Benet (44 documents)
example document: Something real
Nash, George T., Jr.
Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (2207 documents)
example document: The chosen one
India B Music
Paradise Forever Music (15 documents)
example document: Spend my life with you
Demontes Music
Oaktown Boy
Putty Tat Music (16 documents)
example document: Something real
Demonte, pseud.
Eric Benet (44 documents)
example document: Something real
Nash, George T., Jr.
Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (2207 documents)
example document: The chosen one
India B Music
Paradise Forever Music (15 documents)
example document: Spend my life with you
Demontes Music
Oaktown Boy
Putty Tat Music (16 documents)
example document: Something real
Demonte, pseud.
Spiritual thang
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000896061 / 1998-05-12
Date of Publication:
September 24, 1996
Date of Creation:
Spiritual thang.
Publisher Number:
Warner Brothers 9 46270-2
Appears in:
True to myself. : Compact disc ; Warner Brothers 9 46270-2, c1996.
Copyright Claimant:
Songs of Polygram International, Inc., India B Music, Paradise Forever Music, Demontes Music, Oaktown Boy, Putty Tat Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Eric Benet Jordan p.k.a. Eric Benet, George T. Nash, Jr., Demonte, pseud.
Performed by Eric Benet.
Eric Benet Jordan (24 documents)
example document: Ghetto girl
Eric Benet
Nash, George T., Jr.
Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (2207 documents)
example document: Pwazon rat & 9 other titles
India B Music (13 documents)
example document: Love don't love me
Paradise Forever Music (15 documents)
example document: Love inside of me & 13 other titles
Demontes Music
Oaktown Boy
Putty Tat Music (16 documents)
example document: What if we was cool
Demonte, pseud.
example document: Ghetto girl
Eric Benet
Nash, George T., Jr.
Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (2207 documents)
example document: Pwazon rat & 9 other titles
India B Music (13 documents)
example document: Love don't love me
Paradise Forever Music (15 documents)
example document: Love inside of me & 13 other titles
Demontes Music
Oaktown Boy
Putty Tat Music (16 documents)
example document: What if we was cool
Demonte, pseud.
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000896062 / 1998-05-12
Date of Publication:
September 24, 1996
Date of Creation:
Publisher Number:
Warner Brothers 9 46270-2
Appears in:
True to myself. : Compact disc ; Warner Brothers 9 46270-2, c1996.
Copyright Claimant:
Songs of Polygram International, Inc., India B Music, Paradise Forever Music, Demontes Music, Oaktown Boy, Putty Tat Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Eric Benet Jordan p.k.a. Eric Benet, George T. Nash, Jr., Demonte, pseud.
Performed by Eric Benet.
Eric Benet Jordan (24 documents)
example document: Don't forget the love
Eric Benet (44 documents)
example document: It's all good
Nash, George T., Jr.
Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (2207 documents)
example document: Tarantula
India B Music
Paradise Forever Music (15 documents)
example document: Spend my life with you
Demontes Music
Oaktown Boy
Putty Tat Music (16 documents)
example document: That's just my way
Demonte, pseud.
example document: Don't forget the love
Eric Benet (44 documents)
example document: It's all good
Nash, George T., Jr.
Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (2207 documents)
example document: Tarantula
India B Music
Paradise Forever Music (15 documents)
example document: Spend my life with you
Demontes Music
Oaktown Boy
Putty Tat Music (16 documents)
example document: That's just my way
Demonte, pseud.
All in the game
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000896063 / 1998-05-12
Date of Publication:
September 24, 1996
Date of Creation:
All in the game.
Publisher Number:
Warner Brothers 9 46270-2
Appears in:
True to myself. : Compact disc ; Warner Brothers 9 46270-2, c1996.
Copyright Claimant:
Songs of Polygram International, Inc., India B Music, Paradise Forever Music, Demontes Music, Oaktown Boy, Putty Tat Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Eric Benet Jordan p.k.a. Eric Benet, George T. Nash, Jr., Demonte, pseud.
Performed by Eric Benet.
Eric Benet Jordan (24 documents)
example document: Ghetto girl
Eric Benet (44 documents)
example document: I wanna be loved
Nash, George T., Jr. (14 documents)
example document: Spend my life with you & 2 other titles
Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (2207 documents)
example document: Wrong's what I do best
India B Music (13 documents)
example document: Don't forget the love
Paradise Forever Music (15 documents)
example document: Let's stay together
Demontes Music (10 documents)
example document: Ghetto girl
Oaktown Boy
Putty Tat Music
Demonte, pseud.
example document: Ghetto girl
Eric Benet (44 documents)
example document: I wanna be loved
Nash, George T., Jr. (14 documents)
example document: Spend my life with you & 2 other titles
Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (2207 documents)
example document: Wrong's what I do best
India B Music (13 documents)
example document: Don't forget the love
Paradise Forever Music (15 documents)
example document: Let's stay together
Demontes Music (10 documents)
example document: Ghetto girl
Oaktown Boy
Putty Tat Music
Demonte, pseud.
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