Pudding is not lumpy, but claim it's "great" is a matter of opinion, Aspirin is number 1, not Anacin

Ajax is fast, so is Comet

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000077658 / 1978-07-31
Date of Publication:
July 25, 1978
Date of Creation:
Ajax is fast, so is Comet / by Carolyn Nolte-Watts.
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg [Fla.] times, July 25, 1978
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Carolyn Nolte-Watts

Copyrights records by Nolte-Watts, Carolyn

Carolyn Nolte Watts (18 documents)
example document: Jeans claim not faded
The Times Publishing Company (31 documents)
example document: Bright idea

Copyrights records by The Times Publishing Company

Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times (108 documents)
example document: State tells insurance firm to lower rates

Copyrights records by Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times

Saint Petersburg Times.

Copyrights records by Saint Petersburg Times.

Diapers almost pass the test

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000169263 / 1979-01-02
Date of Publication:
December 26, 1978
Date of Creation:
Diapers almost pass the test / by Carolyn Nolte-Watts.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg [Fla.] times, Dec. 26, 1978
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Carolyn Nolte-Watts (23 documents)
example document: Jeans claim not faded
Carolyn Nolte Watts
The Times Publishing Company (31 documents)
example document: Bright idea
The Saint Petersburg Times

Copyrights records by The Saint Petersburg Times

The Eyes have it, or do they?

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000169807 / 1978-11-29
Date of Publication:
November 21, 1978
Date of Creation:
The Eyes have it, or do they? / By Carolyn Nolte-Watts.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg [Fla.] times, Nov. 21, 1978
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Copyright Notice:
notice: The Saint Petersburg Times
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Carolyn Nolte-Watts
Carolyn Nolte Watts
The Saint Petersburg Times
The Times Publishing Company (31 documents)
example document: Casino gambling is opposed in survey of Florida voters

When pressed, fiber plate holds up to claim

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000178262 / 1979-01-16
Date of Publication:
January 9, 1979
Date of Creation:
When pressed, fiber plate holds up to claim / by Carolyn Nolte-Watts.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg, [Fla.], times, Jan. 9, 1979
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Carolyn Nolte-Watts (23 documents)
example document: Jeans claim not faded
Carolyn Nolte Watts (18 documents)
example document: Jeans claim not faded
The Times Publishing Company (31 documents)
example document: Schools pay more than restaurants for produce ; Examples of produce prices paid by schools, restaurants
The Saint Petersburg Times

Wendy's fails to get juices flowing

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000181811 / 1979-01-23
Date of Publication:
January 16, 1979
Date of Creation:
Wendy's fails to get juices flowing / by Carolyn Nolte-Watts.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg [Fla.] times, Jan. 16, 1979
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Copyright Notice:
notice: The Saint Petersburg Times
Authorship on Application:
Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Carolyn Nolte-Watts (23 documents)
example document: Betty Crocker wins taste, spread tests
Carolyn Nolte Watts (18 documents)
example document: Jeans claim not faded
The Times Publishing Company (31 documents)
example document: But Ford would run tougher race against Democrats--Reagan tops G O P field in Florida poll
Saint Petersburg Times

Copyrights records by Saint Petersburg Times

Papermate test matches claim

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000183134 / 1978-12-28
Date of Publication:
December 19, 1978
Date of Creation:
Papermate test matches claim / by Carolyn Nolte-Watts.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg, [Fla.], times, Dec. 19, 1978
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Carolyn Nolte-Watts
Carolyn Nolte Watts
The Times Publishing Company (31 documents)
example document: Condemned inmate said execution wouldn't happen
The Saint Petersburg Times

Breck Clean Rinse clearly meets its claim

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000186204 / 1979-02-01
Date of Publication:
January 23, 1979
Date of Creation:
Breck Clean Rinse clearly meets its claim / by Carolyn Nolte-Watts.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg [Fla.] times, Jan. 23, 1979
Copyright Claimant:
Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Carolyn Nolte-Watts (23 documents)
example document: The Bath oil that sinks has a price at the top
Carolyn Nolte Watts (18 documents)
example document: Jeans claim not faded
Times Publishing Company (111 documents)
example document: Study hits energy official

Copyrights records by Times Publishing Company

Saint Petersburg Times

Express mail scores less in test

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000187477 / 1979-02-05
Date of Publication:
January 30, 1979
Date of Creation:
Express mail scores less in test / by Carolyn Nolte-Watts.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg [Fla.] times, Jan. 30, 1979
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Copyright Notice:
notice: The Saint Petersburg Times
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Carolyn Nolte-Watts (23 documents)
example document: Jeans claim not faded
Carolyn Nolte Watts (18 documents)
example document: Jeans claim not faded
The Times Publishing Company (31 documents)
example document: Family ties strengthened by H B O's cable
The Saint Petersburg Times

Super Arby doesn't measure up to ad

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000199163 / 1979-02-27
Date of Publication:
February 20, 1979
Date of Creation:
Super Arby doesn't measure up to ad / by Carolyn Nolte-Watts.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg [Fla.] times, Feb. 20, 1979
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Copyright Notice:
notice: The Saint Petersburg Times
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Carolyn Nolte-Watts (23 documents)
example document: Fasteeth ad claim has some bite
Carolyn Nolte Watts (18 documents)
example document: Hunt's spoon claim sticks
The Times Publishing Company (31 documents)
example document: But Ford would run tougher race against Democrats--Reagan tops G O P field in Florida poll
The Saint Petersburg Times

Rave hair spray passes the no-stiffness test

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000307881 / 1979-08-13
Date of Publication:
August 7, 1979
Date of Creation:
Rave hair spray passes the no-stiffness test / by Carolyn Nolte-Watts.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg [Fla.] times, Aug. 7, 1979
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Carolyn Nolte-Watts (23 documents)
example document: Competition scrambles to keep up with Freeman
Carolyn Nolte Watts
The Times Publishing Company (31 documents)
example document: But Ford would run tougher race against Democrats--Reagan tops G O P field in Florida poll
The Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times

Copyrights records by The Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times

The Saint Petersburg Times.

Gulf Lite charcoal starter matches its promise

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000326339 / 1979-09-10
Date of Publication:
September 4, 1979
Date of Creation:
Gulf Lite charcoal starter matches its promise / by Carolyn Nolte-Watts.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg [Fla.] times, Sept. 4, 1979
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Carolyn Nolte-Watts
Carolyn Nolte Watts
The Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times
The Saint Petersburg Times.

Aspirin is number 1, not Anacin

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000350453 / 1979-10-23
Date of Publication:
October 9, 1979
Date of Creation:
Aspirin is number 1, not Anacin / by Carolyn Nolte-Watts.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg, [Fla.], times, Oct. 9, 1979
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Carolyn Nolte-Watts
Carolyn Nolte Watts (18 documents)
example document: Fasteeth ad claim has some bite
The Times Publishing Company
Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times (108 documents)
example document: Drug program allegedly used coercive tactics to control clients
Saint Petersburg Times. (27 documents)
example document: Pinellas poll shows constitutional panel's proposals may be in trouble

Bucket handle passes tug test

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000352552 / 1979-10-25
Date of Publication:
October 16, 1979
Date of Creation:
Bucket handle passes tug test / by Carolyn Nolte-Watts.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg [Fla.] times, Oct. 16, 1979
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Carolyn Nolte-Watts
Carolyn Nolte Watts
The Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times
The Times Publishing Company (31 documents)
example document: Bright idea
The Saint Petersburg Times.

New Charmin is softer, as test claims

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000355540 / 1979-10-30
Date of Publication:
October 23, 1979
Date of Creation:
New Charmin is softer, as test claims / by Carolyn Nolte-Watts.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg [Fla.] times, Oct. 23, 1979
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Carolyn Nolte-Watts
Carolyn Nolte Watts (18 documents)
example document: Fasteeth ad claim has some bite
The Times Publishing Company (31 documents)
example document: A Mass murderer's mind, what makes twisted gears turn?
The Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times
The Saint Petersburg Times. (4 documents)
example document: 76% in poll endorse Governor Graham

Gluematic pen sticks to claim without clogging

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000360090 / 1979-11-05
Date of Publication:
October 30, 1979
Date of Creation:
Gluematic pen sticks to claim without clogging / by Carolyn Nolte-Watts.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg, [Fla.], times, Jan. 2, 1979
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Carolyn Nolte-Watts (23 documents)
example document: Family ties strengthened by H B O's cable
Carolyn Nolte Watts
The Times Publishing Company (31 documents)
example document: But Ford would run tougher race against Democrats--Reagan tops G O P field in Florida poll
Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times (108 documents)
example document: Heinz ketchup delivers "an-ti-ci-pay-yay-tion"
Saint Petersburg Times. (27 documents)
example document: Poll, Reagan leads Carter in Florida

Minute Maid juice fails "fresh-squeezed" test

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000391519 / 1980-01-09
Date of Publication:
January 1, 1980
Date of Creation:
Minute Maid juice fails "fresh-squeezed" test / by Judy Hill.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg [Fla.] times, Jan. 1, 1980
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Judy Hill (36 documents)
example document: Choco-bake is a no-mess alternative

Copyrights records by Hill, Judy

Times Publishing Company (111 documents)
example document: Lucky break led to capture of Gerald Stano
Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times (108 documents)
example document: The Floridian
Saint Petersburg Times. (27 documents)
example document: Bundy tells reporters in phone interview he expects hung jury

Batteries, alkaline outlasts carbon

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000395836 / 1980-01-16
Date of Publication:
January 8, 1980
Date of Creation:
Batteries, alkaline outlasts carbon / by Judy Hill.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg, [Fla.], times, Jan. 8, 1980
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Judy Hill (36 documents)
example document: Automatic lawn sprinkler delivers without wasting water or time
Times Publishing Company (111 documents)
example document: Governor holds wide lead in poll over G O P challenger
Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times (108 documents)
example document: But Ford would run tougher race against Democrats--Reagan tops G O P field in Florida poll
Saint Petersburg Times.

Cascade's claim appears spotless

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000399574 / 1980-01-21
Date of Publication:
January 15, 1980
Date of Creation:
Cascade's claim appears spotless / by Judy Hill.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg [Fla.] times, Jan. 15, 1980
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Judy Hill (36 documents)
example document: Hollandaise passes test
Times Publishing Company (111 documents)
example document: Extend kills rust, provides protection
Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times (108 documents)
example document: Automatic lawn sprinkler delivers without wasting water or time
Saint Petersburg Times.

Panel of mothers chooses Skippy over Jif

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000405079 / 1980-01-28
Date of Publication:
January 22, 1980
Date of Creation:
Panel of mothers chooses Skippy over Jif / by Judy Hill.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg [Fla.] times, Jan. 22, 1980
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Judy Hill (36 documents)
example document: Formby's finish remover does away with scraping
Times Publishing Company (111 documents)
example document: Campaign '78--poll shows voters favor tourist tax, S P J C levy
Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times (108 documents)
example document: Hard timnes tracking down the panther
Saint Petersburg Times. (27 documents)
example document: DOT official says consultant offered bribe

Plush cleans traffic areas, but not as well as ad claims

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000414679 / 1980-02-11
Date of Publication:
February 5, 1980
Date of Creation:
Plush cleans traffic areas, but not as well as ad claims / by Judy Hill.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg [Fla.] times, Feb. 5, 1980
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Judy Hill (36 documents)
example document: Automatic lawn sprinkler delivers without wasting water or time
Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times (108 documents)
example document: Congressmen ask for special prosecutor in Georgia gas case
Times Publishing Company (111 documents)
example document: Oscar winner? Foe says no!
Saint Petersburg Times.

"Wings of man" register 67% on delivery claim

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000415500 / 1978-08-14
Date of Publication:
August 8, 1978
Date of Creation:
"Wings of man" register 67% on delivery claim / by Carolyn Nolte-Watts.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg [Fla.], times, Aug. 8, 1978
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Carolyn Nolte-Watts (23 documents)
example document: Fasteeth ad claim has some bite
Carolyn Nolte Watts (18 documents)
example document: Jeans claim not faded
The Times Publishing Company
Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times (108 documents)
example document: [For Spenkelink, it's a job, being the closest man to execution, and there's so little time]
Saint Petersburg Times. (27 documents)
example document: Poll, Reagan leads Carter in Florida

Duncan Hines brownies stick to ad claim

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000419308 / 1980-02-19
Date of Publication:
February 12, 1980
Date of Creation:
Duncan Hines brownies stick to ad claim / by Judy Hill.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg, [Fla.], times, Feb. 12, 1980
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Judy Hill (36 documents)
example document: Formby's finish remover does away with scraping
Times Publishing Company (111 documents)
example document: Wining and dining the D O T
Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times (108 documents)
example document: Reagan scores high in state poll
Saint Petersburg Times. (27 documents)
example document: DOT official says consultant offered bribe

Mascara clings without a smudge

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000422605 / 1980-02-25
Date of Publication:
February 19, 1980
Date of Creation:
Mascara clings without a smudge / by Judy Hill.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg [Fla.] times, Feb. 19, 1980
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Judy Hill (36 documents)
example document: Automatic lawn sprinkler delivers without wasting water or time
Times Publishing Company (111 documents)
example document: Bright idea
Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times (108 documents)
example document: Sunlite no better than leading brand
Saint Petersburg Times. (27 documents)
example document: DOT official says consultant offered bribe

Johnson's swabs perform as claimed

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000434043 / 1980-03-17
Date of Publication:
March 11, 1980
Date of Creation:
Johnson's swabs perform as claimed / by Judy Hill.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg [Fla.] times, Mar. 11, 1980
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Judy Hill (36 documents)
example document: Shout lives up to its advertising
Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times (108 documents)
example document: Automatic lawn sprinkler delivers without wasting water or time
Times Publishing Company (111 documents)
example document: Wining and dining the D O T
Saint Petersburg Times. (27 documents)
example document: Bundy tells reporters in phone interview he expects hung jury

Nail polish survives a game of hard knocks

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000444976 / 1980-04-03
Date of Publication:
March 18, 1980
Date of Creation:
Nail polish survives a game of hard knocks / by Judy Hill.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg [Fla.] times, Mar. 18, 1980
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Judy Hill (36 documents)
example document: Sunlite no better than leading brand
Times Publishing Company (111 documents)
example document: Heinz ketchup delivers "an-ti-ci-pay-yay-tion"
Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times (108 documents)
example document: Couple
Saint Petersburg Times. (27 documents)
example document: Poll, Reagan leads Carter in Florida

Old English helps hide scratches as ad claims

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000446767 / 1980-04-04
Date of Publication:
April 1, 1980
Date of Creation:
Old English helps hide scratches as ad claims / by Judy Hill.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg, [Fla.], times, Apr. 1, 1980
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Judy Hill (36 documents)
example document: Automatic lawn sprinkler delivers without wasting water or time
Times Publishing Company (111 documents)
example document: State officials lied to cover up violation at beachfront motel
Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times (108 documents)
example document: Discount pioneer became a victim of his own system
Saint Petersburg Times. (27 documents)
example document: Pinellas poll shows constitutional panel's proposals may be in trouble

Tide takes the edge in degree of cleanliness

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000452443 / 1980-04-14
Date of Publication:
April 8, 1980
Date of Creation:
Tide takes the edge in degree of cleanliness / by Judy Hill.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg [Fla.] times, Apr. 8, 1980
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Judy Hill (36 documents)
example document: Formby's finish remover does away with scraping
Times Publishing Company (111 documents)
example document: Survey
Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times (108 documents)
example document: Drugs and crime lead Floridians' concerns
Saint Petersburg Times. (27 documents)
example document: Bundy tells reporters in phone interview he expects hung jury

Krakus ham fat-free, but not as smooth as in ad

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000456566 / 1980-04-21
Date of Publication:
April 15, 1980
Date of Creation:
Krakus ham fat-free, but not as smooth as in ad / by Judy Hill.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg [Fla.] times, Apr. 15, 1980
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Judy Hill
Times Publishing Company (111 documents)
example document: The write stuff
Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times (108 documents)
example document: Tampa Bay about to lose W B L franchise to Boston
Saint Petersburg Times. (27 documents)
example document: Governor holds wide lead in poll over G O P challenger

Power scrubber fails to clean as claimed

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000460776 / 1980-04-29
Date of Publication:
April 22, 1980
Date of Creation:
Power scrubber fails to clean as claimed / by Judy Hill.
Watch this space
Other Title:
The Saint Petersburg, [Fla.] times, Apr. 22, 1980
Copyright Claimant:
Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Judy Hill (36 documents)
example document: Teflon liner cuts down on baking clean-up chores
Times Publishing Company (111 documents)
example document: Fasteeth ad claim has some bite
Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times (108 documents)
example document: Couple
Saint Petersburg Times.

Elmer's glue test finds claims stick

Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000465605 / 1980-05-05
Date of Publication:
April 29, 1980
Date of Creation:
Elmer's glue test finds claims stick / by Judy Hill.
Watch this space
Other Title:
Saint Petersburg [Fla.] times, Apr. 29, l980
Copyright Claimant:
The Times Publishing Company
Authorship on Application:
The Saint Petersburg Times, employer for hire.
Judy Hill (36 documents)
example document: Pilot precise ball liner does precisely as claimed
Times Publishing Company (111 documents)
example document: Heinz ketchup delivers "an-ti-ci-pay-yay-tion"
Times Publishing Company. Saint Petersburg Times (108 documents)
example document: Survey of voters shows about half favor E R A, but support declining
Saint Petersburg Times. (27 documents)
example document: Poll, Reagan leads Carter in Florida

This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.