Thank you for the day we met and I love you ; I love you every minute of every day, my beautiful daughter
I want you to be happy
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000240091 / 1979-03-02
Date of Publication:
January 3, 1979
Date of Creation:
Date in Notice:
notice: 1973, 1974, 1978
I want you to be happy : selections from the songs and drawings of Hoyt Axton / edited by Susan Polis Schutz.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: compilation & new drawings on p. 8, 10-15, 29, 31, 42 & 48-49.
Boulder, Colo. : Blue Mountain Press, c1978.
63 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Hoyt Axton
Susan Polis Schutz (417 documents)
example document: The greatest gift of all is a daughter like you
Hoyt Axton 1940-
example document: The greatest gift of all is a daughter like you
Hoyt Axton 1940-
I want you to be happy
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000240092 / 1979-03-02
Date of Publication:
January 3, 1979
Date of Creation:
Date in Notice:
notice: 1978
I want you to be happy : selections from the songs and drawings of Hoyt Axton / edited by Susan Polis Schutz.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: compilation, revision, air brushing & color added to existing drawings.
Boulder, Colo. : Blue Mountain Press, c1978.
63 p.
Copyright Claimant:
SandPiper Studios, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
editorial revision and art design: SandPiper Studios, Inc., employer for hire.
Hoyt Axton (81 documents)
example document: An old greyhound. w & m Hoyt Axton & Nicolette Larson
Susan Polis Schutz (417 documents)
example document: Come into the mountains, dear friend
SandPiper Studios, Inc. (25 documents)
example document: With you there and me here
example document: An old greyhound. w & m Hoyt Axton & Nicolette Larson
Susan Polis Schutz (417 documents)
example document: Come into the mountains, dear friend
SandPiper Studios, Inc. (25 documents)
example document: With you there and me here
Expressing our love
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000481514 / 1979-12-10
Date of Publication:
May 14, 1979
Date of Creation:
Expressing our love : wedding poems for today's couples, including a section on personalizing your own wedding ceremony / edited by Susan Polis Schutz ; illustrated by SandPiper Studios.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: compilation, additional original text, artwork & photography.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Boulder, Colo. : Blue Mountain Press, c1979.
1 v.
Copyright Claimant:
SandPiper Studios
Authorship on Application:
SandPiper Studios, Inc., employer for hire of Doug Pagels (additional text on p. 66-79), Faith Hamilton (paper sculpture artwork) & Jim Turrentine (art photography)
Susan Polis Schutz (417 documents)
example document: Some people are always alone. No. NC107
Doug Pagels
Faith Hamilton (116 documents)
example document: When we are apart
Jim Turrentine
SandPiper Studios, Inc. (25 documents)
example document: 1978 calendar
example document: Some people are always alone. No. NC107
Doug Pagels
Faith Hamilton (116 documents)
example document: When we are apart
Jim Turrentine
SandPiper Studios, Inc. (25 documents)
example document: 1978 calendar
What a wonderful thing is a mother
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000697663 / 1980-09-12
Date of Publication:
April 9, 1980
Date of Creation:
Date in Notice:
notice: 1979
What a wonderful thing is a mother / edited by Susan Polis Schutz.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: compilation, revision, selection & all artwork.
Boulder : Blue Mountain Arts, c1979.
1 v.
Copyright Claimant:
Blue Mountain Arts, Inc.
Portions prev. appeared in Blue Mountain Arts publications.
Authorship on Application:
Blue Mountain Arts, Inc., employer for hire of Douglas Pagels (compilation & revision of poems) & Cliff Scott (artwork)
Susan Polis Schutz (417 documents)
example document: Last night I dreamed that. No. A101
Douglas Pagels (278 documents)
example document: I appreciate you so much and I just want to let you know ..
Cliff Scott
Blue Mountain Arts, Inc. (1915 documents)
example document: Sister, you are
example document: Last night I dreamed that. No. A101
Douglas Pagels (278 documents)
example document: I appreciate you so much and I just want to let you know ..
Cliff Scott
Blue Mountain Arts, Inc. (1915 documents)
example document: Sister, you are
Dear Mom, thanks
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000697664 / 1980-09-12
Date of Publication:
April 2, 1980
Date of Creation:
Date in Notice:
notice: 1979
Dear Mom, thanks / edited by Susan Polis Schutz.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: compilation & revision.
Boulder : Blue Mountain Arts, c1979.
1 v.
Copyright Claimant:
Blue Mountain Arts, Inc.
Portions prev. appeared in Blue Mountain Arts publications.
Authorship on Application:
compilation & revision of poems: Blue Mountain Arts, Inc., employer for hire of Susan Polis Schutz.
Susan Polis Schutz (417 documents)
example document: Todo saldra bien ... solo ten paciencia
Blue Mountain Arts, Inc. (1915 documents)
example document: An Easter promise to my fiance
example document: Todo saldra bien ... solo ten paciencia
Blue Mountain Arts, Inc. (1915 documents)
example document: An Easter promise to my fiance
A Birthday wish
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000697665 / 1980-09-12
Date of Publication:
April 9, 1980
Date of Creation:
A Birthday wish / edited by Susan Polis Schutz.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: compilation, selection, revision & artwork.
Boulder : Blue Mountain Arts, c1980.
1 v.
Copyright Claimant:
Blue Mountain Arts, Inc.
Portions prev. appeared in Blue Mountain Arts publications.
Authorship on Application:
Blue Mountain Arts, Inc., employer for hire of Douglas Pagels (selection, compilation & revision) & Lucy Hackett (artwork)
Susan Polis Schutz (417 documents)
example document: Thoughts of life notecards. No. NC226, NC231, NC232. Poetry: Susan Polis Schutz, ill.: Stephen Schutz
Douglas Pagels (278 documents)
example document: This card pretty much says it all. Getting through a tough time
Lucy Hackett (3 documents)
example document: Thank you for being my friend
Blue Mountain Arts, Inc. (1915 documents)
example document: I need to thank you for ...
example document: Thoughts of life notecards. No. NC226, NC231, NC232. Poetry: Susan Polis Schutz, ill.: Stephen Schutz
Douglas Pagels (278 documents)
example document: This card pretty much says it all. Getting through a tough time
Lucy Hackett (3 documents)
example document: Thank you for being my friend
Blue Mountain Arts, Inc. (1915 documents)
example document: I need to thank you for ...
Friends are
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000735624 / 1981-05-08
Date of Publication:
August 15, 1980
Date of Creation:
Friends are / Edith Schaffer Lederberg.
Application Title:
Friends are the kisses at hellos and goodbyes.
Other Title:
A Friend forever
Copyright Claimant:
Edith Schaffer Lederberg
Copyright Notice:
notice: Stephen Schutz and Susan Polls Schutz
Stephen Schutz (284 documents)
example document: From your son to you, Mom, on Mother's Day and always
Susan Polls Schutz
Edith Schaffer Lederberg 1929-
example document: From your son to you, Mom, on Mother's Day and always
Susan Polls Schutz
Edith Schaffer Lederberg 1929-
Thoughts of Life
Type of Work:
Two-dimensional art work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000886163 / 1982-02-26
Date of Publication:
August 15, 1980
Date of Creation:
Thoughts of Life : NC559 / Debra Colin-Cooke.
Application Title:
Thoughts of life notecard.
Other Title:
Thoughts of life notecard
Copyright Claimant:
Susan Polis Schutz
Authorship on Application:
Debra Colin-Cooke, pseud. for Susan Polis Schutz.
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
pseud. Debra Colin-Cooke
pseud. Debra Colin Cooke (2 documents)
example document: Celebrate Christmas with me
pseud. Debra Colin-Cooke
pseud. Debra Colin Cooke (2 documents)
example document: Celebrate Christmas with me
The Key to success is held in your hands
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001052434 / 1980-09-12
Date of Publication:
April 2, 1980
Date of Creation:
The Key to success is held in your hands / edited [i.e. compilation and revisions] by Susan Polis Schutz.
Application Title:
The Key to success is in your hands.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "editorial compilation & revisions; all artwork."
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Library Greetings ; [no.] 200LB31
1 v.
Other Title:
Library Greetings ; [no.] 200LB31
Copyright Claimant:
Continental Publications
A collection of poems.
Authorship on Application:
artwork: Continental Publications, employer for hire.
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Continental Publications (62 documents)
example document: I want to always be with you
Continental Publications (62 documents)
example document: I want to always be with you
Until we are together again to share our lives
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001052435 / 1980-09-12
Date of Publication:
April 2, 1980
Date of Creation:
Until we are together again to share our lives : a collection of poems / by Susan Polis Schutz.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "new poems, all artwork, editorial revisions & compilation."
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Library Greetings ; [no.] 200LB28
1 v.
Other Title:
Library Greetings ; [no.] 200LB28
Copyright Claimant:
Continental Publications
Authorship on Application:
ill. & artwork: Continental Publications, employer for hire.
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Continental Publications (62 documents)
example document: The Feeling of Christmas
Continental Publications (62 documents)
example document: The Feeling of Christmas
Reach out for your dreams
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001052437 / 1980-09-12
Date of Publication:
April 2, 1980
Date of Creation:
Reach out for your dreams : a collection of poems / edited [i.e. editorial compilation and revisions] by Susan Polis Schutz.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "compilation & editorial revisions of poems contained in the work; all ill."
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Boulder : Blue Mountain Press, c1980.
57 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Continental Publications
Authorship on Application:
ill. & artwork: Continental Publications, employer for hire of Faith Hamilton.
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Faith Hamilton (116 documents)
example document: You are a shining example
Continental Publications (62 documents)
example document: I haven't seen you in awhile
Faith Hamilton (116 documents)
example document: You are a shining example
Continental Publications (62 documents)
example document: I haven't seen you in awhile
Thoughts of Life
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001052439 / 1980-09-12
Date of Publication:
August 28, 1979
Date of Creation:
Thoughts of Life : [no.] 60NC522-[60NC526] / designed by SandPiper Studios.
Application Title:
1979 Thoughts of Life notecards.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Boulder : Blue Mountain Arts, c1979.
5 notepaper folders : col. ill.
Other Title:
1979 Thoughts of Life notecards
Copyright Claimant:
on poetry & editorial content; Continental Publications
Authorship on Application:
all poetry & editorial content: Susan Polis Schutz, who uses various pseuds.
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
SandPiper Studios. (3 documents)
example document: The Feeling of Christmas
Continental Publications (62 documents)
example document: Words of wisdom, words of praise
SandPiper Studios. (3 documents)
example document: The Feeling of Christmas
Continental Publications (62 documents)
example document: Words of wisdom, words of praise
1978 boxed Christmas cards
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001052440 / 1980-09-12
Date of Publication:
September 13, 1978
Date of Creation:
1978 boxed Christmas cards : no. H269-H281 / designed by SandPiper Studios.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Boulder : Blue Mountain Arts, c1979.
2 greeting card folders : col. ill.
Copyright Claimant:
on poetry & editorial content; Continental Publications
Authorship on Application:
poetry & editorial content: Susan Polis Schutz, who uses various pseuds.
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
SandPiper Studios (7 documents)
example document: Blue Mountain Arts 1979 calendars--a time and a season
Continental Publications (62 documents)
example document: I will understand you
SandPiper Studios (7 documents)
example document: Blue Mountain Arts 1979 calendars--a time and a season
Continental Publications (62 documents)
example document: I will understand you
1978 counter Christmas cards
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001052441 / 1980-09-12
Date of Publication:
September 10, 1979
Date of Creation:
1978 counter Christmas cards : [no.] 75J309 / designed by SandPiper Studios.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Boulder : Blue Mountain Arts, c1979.
1 greeting card folder : col. ill.
Copyright Claimant:
on poetry & editorial content; Continental Publications
Authorship on Application:
poetry & editorial content: Susan Polis Schutz, whose pseud. is Debra Colin-Cooke.
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
pseud. Debra Colin-Cooke
pseud. Debra Colin Cooke
SandPiper Studios. (3 documents)
example document: The Feeling of Christmas
Continental Publications (62 documents)
example document: The Feeling of Christmas
pseud. Debra Colin-Cooke
pseud. Debra Colin Cooke
SandPiper Studios. (3 documents)
example document: The Feeling of Christmas
Continental Publications (62 documents)
example document: The Feeling of Christmas
1978 counter Christmas cards
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001052443 / 1980-09-12
Date of Publication:
September 10, 1979
Date of Creation:
Date in Notice:
notice: 1978
1978 counter Christmas cards : [no.] 75J260, [75J275, 75J280, 75J306] ; designed by SandPiper Studios.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Boulder : Blue Mountain Arts, c1978.
4 greeting card folders : col. ill.
Copyright Claimant:
on poetry; Continental Publications
Authorship on Application:
poetry: Susan Polis Schutz, who uses various pseuds.
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
SandPiper Studios.
Continental Publications (62 documents)
example document: We ought to be together
SandPiper Studios.
Continental Publications (62 documents)
example document: We ought to be together
To my daughter
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001158885 / 1983-06-13
Date of Publication:
January 15, 1983
Date of Creation:
To my daughter / [poetry Susan Polis Schutz]
AireBrush Feelings ; D64
Greeting card folder.
Other Title:
AireBrush Feelings ; D64
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen Schutz and Susan Polis Schutz
Authorship on Application:
ill.: Stephen Schutz & Stephen Schutz, employer for hire of Cliff Scott, Faith Hamilton & Jody Kauflin.
Cliff Scott (105 documents)
example document: It isn't always easy, but always know that I care
Faith Hamilton (116 documents)
example document: Thoughts of Life
Jody Kauflin
Stephen Schutz 1944-
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
example document: It isn't always easy, but always know that I care
Faith Hamilton (116 documents)
example document: Thoughts of Life
Jody Kauflin
Stephen Schutz 1944-
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Don't ever give up your dreams
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001158894 / 1983-06-13
Date of Publication:
January 15, 1983
Date of Creation:
Don't ever give up your dreams : a collection of poems / edited [i.e. editorial revisions & compilation] by Susan Polis Schutz.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "editorial compilation and revisions; all artwork and ill."
Boulder : Blue Mountain Press, c1983.
61 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen Schutz and Susan Polis Schutz
Authorship on Application:
co-author of ill.: Stephen Schutz, employer for hire of Cliff Scott, Faith Hamilton & Jody Kauflin.
Cliff Scott
Faith Hamilton
Jody Kauflin (68 documents)
example document: A Lasting friendship
Stephen Schutz 1944-
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Faith Hamilton
Jody Kauflin (68 documents)
example document: A Lasting friendship
Stephen Schutz 1944-
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
You mean so much to me
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001158896 / 1983-06-13
Date of Publication:
January 15, 1983
Date of Creation:
You mean so much to me : a collection of poems on love / edited [i.e. editorial compilation & revisions] by Susan Polis Schutz.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "editorial compilation and revisions; all new artwork and ill."
Boulder : Blue Mountain Press, c1983.
53 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen Schutz and Susan Polis Schutz
Authorship on Application:
co-author of ill.: Stephen Schutz, employer for hire of Cliff Scott, Faith Hamilton & Jody Kauflin.
Cliff Scott
Faith Hamilton (116 documents)
example document: ColorBrush Volumes
Jody Kauflin
Stephen Schutz 1944-
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Faith Hamilton (116 documents)
example document: ColorBrush Volumes
Jody Kauflin
Stephen Schutz 1944-
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Love isn't always easy
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001158898 / 1983-06-13
Date of Publication:
January 15, 1983
Date of Creation:
Love isn't always easy : a collection of poems on love and making it work--because it's worth it / edited [i.e. editorial compilation & revisions] by Susan Polis Schutz.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "all editorial compilation and revisions; all artwork and ill."
Boulder : Blue Mountain Press, c1983.
89 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen Schutz and Susan Polis Schutz
Authorship on Application:
co-author of ill.: Stephen Schutz, employer for hire of Cliff Scott, Faith Hamilton & Jody Kauflin.
Cliff Scott (105 documents)
example document: Thoughts of Life
Faith Hamilton (116 documents)
example document: I know that lately you have been having problems
Jody Kauflin
Stephen Schutz 1944-
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
example document: Thoughts of Life
Faith Hamilton (116 documents)
example document: I know that lately you have been having problems
Jody Kauflin
Stephen Schutz 1944-
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Find happiness in everything you do
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001200032 / 1983-06-13
Date of Publication:
September 2, 1982
Date of Creation:
Find happiness in everything you do : a collection of poems on friendship, love, family, careers, and women's independence / Susan Polis Schutz ; designed and illustrated by Stephen Schutz.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "new poetry, all artwork and ill., compilation."
Boulder : Blue Mountain Press, c1982.
103 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen Schutz & Susan Polis Schutz
Stephen Schutz 1944-
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
The Love of a family
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001283636 / 1982-02-26
Date of Publication:
June 17, 1980
Date of Creation:
The Love of a family / by Susan Polis Schutz.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "all artwork & ill.; additional text."
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Library Greetings ; 200LB42
Boulder : Blue Mountain Arts, c1980.
1 v.
Other Title:
Library Greetings ; 200LB42
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen Schutz & Susan Polis Schutz
Authorship on Application:
ill.: Stephen Schutz, employer for hire of Faith Hamilton.
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Stephen Schutz 1944-
Faith Hamilton (116 documents)
example document: I will always remember you
Stephen Schutz 1944-
Faith Hamilton (116 documents)
example document: I will always remember you
WaterColor Feelings notecard
Type of Work:
Art work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001310391 / 1984-02-22
Date of Publication:
January 15, 1984
Date of Creation:
WaterColor Feelings notecard : W45.
Variant title:
WaterColor Feelings notecard : W45
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen Schutz and Susan Polis Schutz
Cataloged from appl.
Authorship on Application:
coauthor of ill.: Stephen Schutz, employer for hire of Cliff Scott, Jody Kauflin & Faith Hamilton.
Cliff Scott
Jody Kauflin
Faith Hamilton (116 documents)
example document: A Lasting friendship
Stephen Schutz 1944-
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Jody Kauflin
Faith Hamilton (116 documents)
example document: A Lasting friendship
Stephen Schutz 1944-
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Thoughts of Life notecard
Type of Work:
Art work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001310397 / 1984-02-22
Date of Publication:
January 15, 1984
Date of Creation:
Thoughts of Life notecard : NC652.
Variant title:
Thoughts of Life notecard : NC652
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen Schutz and Susan Polis Schutz
Cataloged from appl.
Authorship on Application:
coauthor of ill.: Stephen Schutz, employer for hire of Cliff Scott, Jody Kauflin & Faith Hamilton.
Cliff Scott (105 documents)
example document: ColorBrush Thoughts of Life
Jody Kauflin (68 documents)
example document: Special friend
Faith Hamilton (116 documents)
example document: A Friend forever
Stephen Schutz 1944-
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
example document: ColorBrush Thoughts of Life
Jody Kauflin (68 documents)
example document: Special friend
Faith Hamilton (116 documents)
example document: A Friend forever
Stephen Schutz 1944-
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Pastel Collector Series notecard
Type of Work:
Art work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001310401 / 1984-02-22
Date of Publication:
January 15, 1984
Date of Creation:
Pastel Collector Series notecard : C102.
Variant title:
Pastel Collector Series notecard : C102
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen Schutz and Susan Polis Schutz
Cataloged from appl.
Authorship on Application:
coauthor of ill.: Stephen Schutz, employer for hire of Cliff Scott, Jody Kauflin & Faith Hamilton.
Cliff Scott
Jody Kauflin
Faith Hamilton
Stephen Schutz 1944-
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Jody Kauflin
Faith Hamilton
Stephen Schutz 1944-
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Pastel Collector Series notecards C96, C98
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001350800 / 1983-09-06
Date of Publication:
July 15, 1983
Date of Creation:
Pastel Collector Series notecards C96, C98.
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen Schutz & Susan Polis Schutz
Cataloged from appl. only.
Authorship on Application:
co-author of ill.: Stephen Schutz, employer for hire of Cliff Scott, Faith Hamilton & Jody Kauflin.
Cliff Scott
Faith Hamilton (116 documents)
example document: My sister, my forever friend
Jody Kauflin
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Stephen Schutz 1944-
Faith Hamilton (116 documents)
example document: My sister, my forever friend
Jody Kauflin
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Stephen Schutz 1944-
WaterColor Feelings notecards W15, W16, W17, W19, W24, W28, W30, W37, W41
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001350805 / 1983-09-06
Date of Publication:
April 15, 1983
Date of Creation:
WaterColor Feelings notecards W15, W16, W17, W19, W24, W28, W30, W37, W41.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "new poetry; compilation & editorial revisions; all notecard artwork."
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen Schutz & Susan Polis Schutz
Cataloged from appl. only.
Authorship on Application:
co-author of ill.: Stephen Schutz, employer for hire of Cliff Scott, Jody Kauflin & Faith Hamilton.
Cliff Scott (105 documents)
example document: You are always my friend
Jody Kauflin
Faith Hamilton (116 documents)
example document: Thoughts of Life
Stephen Schutz 1944-
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
example document: You are always my friend
Jody Kauflin
Faith Hamilton (116 documents)
example document: Thoughts of Life
Stephen Schutz 1944-
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
I love you, dad
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001395207 / 1983-12-27
Date of Publication:
September 1, 1983
Date of Creation:
I love you, dad : a collection of poems / edited by Susan Polis Schutz.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "poetry and editorial compilation."
Boulder : Blue Mountain Press, c1983.
61 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen Schutz and Susan Polis Schutz
Authorship on Application:
coauthors of ill.: Stephen Schutz, employer for hire of Cliff Scott, Faith Hamilton & Jody Kauflin.
Cliff Scott (105 documents)
example document: Pastel Collector Series notecards C71, C76
Faith Hamilton
Jody Kauflin
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Stephen Schutz 1944-
example document: Pastel Collector Series notecards C71, C76
Faith Hamilton
Jody Kauflin
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Stephen Schutz 1944-
Warmed by love, dust jacket
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001395209 / 1983-12-27
Date of Publication:
September 1, 1983
Date of Creation:
Warmed by love, dust jacket.
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen Schutz and Susan Polis Schutz
Cataloged from appl.
Authorship on Application:
photography & artwork: Stephen Schutz.
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Stephen Schutz 1944-
Stephen Schutz 1944-
Seasons of friendship
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001395210 / 1983-12-27
Date of Publication:
April 15, 1983
Date of Creation:
Seasons of friendship : 1984 calendar / edited by Susan Polis Schutz.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "editorial compilation; new poetry."
Boulder : Blue Mountain Arts, c1983.
8 calendars + 1 v.
Other Title:
You mean so much to me
Follow your dreams
Reach out for your dreams
Follow your dreams
Reach out for your dreams
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen Schutz and Susan Polis Schutz
Reg. includes You mean so much to me, Follow your dreams, Reach out for your dreams, et al.
Authorship on Application:
coauthors of ill.: Stephen Schutz, employer for hire of Cliff Scott, Faith Hamilton & Jody Kauflin.
Cliff Scott (105 documents)
example document: A Brother like you
Faith Hamilton
Jody Kauflin (68 documents)
example document: Thoughts of Life
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Stephen Schutz 1944-
example document: A Brother like you
Faith Hamilton
Jody Kauflin (68 documents)
example document: Thoughts of Life
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Stephen Schutz 1944-
I keep falling in love with you
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0001398309 / 1983-12-27
Date of Publication:
September 1, 1983
Date of Creation:
I keep falling in love with you.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "editorial compilation & poetry."
Copyright Claimant:
Stephen Schutz & Susan Polis Schutz
Cataloged from appl. only.
Authorship on Application:
co-author of ill.: Stephen Schutz, employer for hire of Cliff Scott, Faith Hamilton & Jody Kauflin.
Cliff Scott (105 documents)
example document: Library Greetings from Blue Mountain Arts
Faith Hamilton (116 documents)
example document: Thoughts of Life
Jody Kauflin
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Stephen Schutz 1944-
example document: Library Greetings from Blue Mountain Arts
Faith Hamilton (116 documents)
example document: Thoughts of Life
Jody Kauflin
Susan Polis Schutz 1944-
Stephen Schutz 1944-
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