The collective works of Totianna B. Martinez, Gina D. O'Neal, Angelo L. Hill, Sharrie C. Martinez, Cruz Martinez, Jr part 2
Oh, Carol
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001378541 / 1990-06-04
Date of Creation:
Oh, Carol / author, Javier Oliva.
Copyright Claimant:
Tomas Javier Oliva Martinez
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Tomas Javier Oliva Martinez.
Tomas Javier Oliva Martinez 1959-
Tomas Javier Oliva Martinez
Javier Oliva (1 documents)
example document: Esta cancion
Tomas Javier Oliva Martinez
Javier Oliva (1 documents)
example document: Esta cancion
La Coneccion de China
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001543443 / 1991-07-16
Date of Creation:
La Coneccion de China.
Application Title:
China connecion.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: Spanish language soundtrack; compilation, editing.
Previous Registration:
Footage of Bruce Lee.
motion picture.
Copyright Claimant:
Tomas Martinez
Cataloged from appl.
Authorship on Application:
Tomas Martinez.
Tomas Martinez 1942-
Bruce Lee (9 documents)
example document: Skankin Pickle
Bruce Lee (9 documents)
example document: Skankin Pickle
Evita; screenplay
Type of Work:
Dramatic work and accompanying music
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001560680 / 1991-10-02
Date of Creation:
Evita; screenplay.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "screen play adaptation, dialogue, dramatic structure."
Variant title:
Other Title:
The story of Evita
Copyright Claimant:
Initial Groupe
Based on The story of Evita by Tomas Eloy Martinez.
Authorship on Application:
co-authors: Jorge Goldenberg & Roberto Scheuer, employers of a work made for hire.
Tomas Eloy Martinez (2 documents)
example document: The Peron novel
Jorge Goldenberg
Roberto Scheuer
Initial Groupe (16 documents)
example document: Dining in France
example document: The Peron novel
Jorge Goldenberg
Roberto Scheuer
Initial Groupe (16 documents)
example document: Dining in France
Yo te amo
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001585734 / 1991-12-26
Date of Creation:
Yo te amo.
Copyright Claimant:
Tomas Javier Oliva Martinez, 1959-
Words & music.
Tomas Javier Oliva Martinez 1959-
Tomas Javier Oliva Martinez
Tomas Javier Oliva Martinez
Ghost tango
Type of Work:
Dramatic work and accompanying music
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001630768 / 1992-04-20
Date of Creation:
Ghost tango : screenplay.
Other Title:
The story of Evita
Copyright Claimant:
Initial Groupe (employer for hire of Norman Snider)
Based on The story of Evita, a motion picture treatment by Tomas Ely Martinez.
Tomas Ely Martinez
Norman Snider
Initial Groupe (16 documents)
example document: Troisgros--king of Chambertin
Norman Snider
Initial Groupe (16 documents)
example document: Troisgros--king of Chambertin
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001708517 / 1992-10-30
Date of Creation:
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: musical background & special editing.
Previous Registration:
Extensive footage preexisting.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Copyright Claimant:
Tomas M. Martinez, 1942-
Tomas M. Martinez 1942-
Procreation in the wild
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001797198 / 1993-09-02
Date of Creation:
Procreation in the wild : vol. 1-3.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: editing and musical background for extensive pieces of preexisting footage.
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Variant title:
Procreation in the wild : vol. 1-3.
Copyright Claimant:
Tomas Martinez
Authorship on Application:
editing, musical soundtrack: Tomas Martinez & Phil Green.
Tomas Martinez
Phil Green
Phil Green
Hope she's doing me right
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002264117 / 1997-12-24
Date of Creation:
Hope she's doing me right.
Application Title:
I hope she's doing me right.
Sound cassette + lyrics sheet.
Copyright Claimant:
Jon W. Buck, 1963-
Authorship on Application:
music, lyrics & arr.: Jon W. Buck & Tom Martinez, 1952-.
Tom Martinez 1952-.
Jon W. Buck 1963-
Jon W. Buck 1963-
The collective works of Totianna B. Martinez, Gina D. O'Neal, Angelo L. Hill, Sharrie C. Martinez, Cruz Martinez, Jr
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002534878 / 2000-08-28
Date of Creation:
The collective works of Totianna B. Martinez, Gina D. O'Neal, Angelo L. Hill, Sharrie C. Martinez, Cruz Martinez, Jr.
Application Title:
The collective works of Cruz Martinez, Sharrie Martinez, Totianna Martinez, Gina O'Neal, Angelo Hill, vol. 1.
1 v.
Copyright Claimant:
Angelo Hill, 1970-, Gina O'Neal, 1973-, Cruz Martinez, 1952-, Sharrie Martinez, 1961-, & Totianna Martinez, 1987-
Song lyrics.
Vol. 1.
Vol. 1.
Angelo Hill 1970-
Gina O'Neal 1973-
Cruz Martinez 1952-
Sharrie Martinez 1961-
Totianna Martinez 1987-
Gina O'Neal 1973-
Cruz Martinez 1952-
Sharrie Martinez 1961-
Totianna Martinez 1987-
The collective works of Totianna B. Martinez
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002802018 / 2003-08-05
Date of Creation:
The collective works of Totianna B. Martinez : vol. 2.
1 v.
Variant title:
The collective works of Totianna B. Martinez : vol. 2
Copyright Claimant:
Totianna B. Martinez, 1987-
Song lyrics.
Totianna B. Martinez 1987-
Tommy's lyrics
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002926008 / 2005-01-03
Date of Creation:
Tommy's lyrics.
Copyright Claimant:
Tommy David Martinez, 1986-
Tommy David Martinez 1986-
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000254585 / 1985-06-19
Date of Publication:
July 2, 1984
Date of Creation:
Ruling / Yolanda Castilla, T. Alfonso, R. Rauet.
[Barcelona : Southern Music Espanola, c1984]
2 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Southern Music Espanola, S.A., Ediciones Musicales Antena & Ediciones Musicales Hispavox, S.A.
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Yolanda Castilla, T. Alfonso (a.k.a. Tomas Alfonso Martinez) & R. Rauet (a.k.a. Ricardo Rauet Guinau)
Yolanda Castilla
Tomas Alfonso Martinez
Ricardo Rauet Guinau
T. Alfonso
Tomas Alfonso Martinez
R. Rauet
Ricardo Rauet Guinau
Southern Music Espanola, S.A. (126 documents)
example document: Dime que vuelves = Tell me you're coming back
Antena, Ediciones Musicales
Hispavox, S.A., Ediciones Musicales (120 documents)
example document: Hablemos de algo
Tomas Alfonso Martinez
Ricardo Rauet Guinau
T. Alfonso
Tomas Alfonso Martinez
R. Rauet
Ricardo Rauet Guinau
Southern Music Espanola, S.A. (126 documents)
example document: Dime que vuelves = Tell me you're coming back
Antena, Ediciones Musicales
Hispavox, S.A., Ediciones Musicales (120 documents)
example document: Hablemos de algo
Tony's song book
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000692504 / 1994-04-11
Date of Publication:
March 30, 1994
Date of Creation:
Tony's song book.
Sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant:
Tony Martinez, 1946-
Words & music.
Tony Martinez 1946-
My silent world
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000779869 / 1996-01-29
Date of Publication:
March 1, 1993
Date of Creation:
My silent world.
Sound cassette + lyrics sheet.
Copyright Claimant:
Tony Joseph Martinez 2nd, 1968-
Words & music.
Tony Joseph 2nd Martinez 1968-
Cyberpunks from the galactic core
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000781584 / 1996-01-23
Date of Publication:
February 1, 1996
Date of Creation:
Cyberpunks from the galactic core.
Application Title:
Sound cassette + lyrics sheet.
Copyright Claimant:
Tom Shannon & Tony Martinez
Authorship on Application:
music: Tony J. Martinez 2nd, 1968-.
Performed by Death & Taxes.
Thomas P. Shannon 1966-
Tony J. 2nd Martinez 1968-
Death & Taxes
Tony J. 2nd Martinez 1968-
Death & Taxes
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000925849 / 1998-12-17
Date of Publication:
September 22, 1998
Date of Creation:
Publisher Number:
Elektra 62262-2
Appears in:
Still in the game. : Compact disc ; Elektra 62262-2, c1998.
Copyright Claimant:
EMI April Music, Inc., Twisted Publishing, Zomba Music Publishing
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Keith Sweat, Tonyatta Martinez, Gazner Hughes, David MacPhearson.
Performed by Keith Sweat.
David MacPhearson
Keith Sweat (124 documents)
example document: Twisted
Tonyatta Martinez (21 documents)
example document: Testify
Gazner Hughes
EMI April Music, Inc. (7946 documents)
example document: Around the world & 19 other titles. Composed by Nikka Costa & co-composers as noted
Twisted Publishing (39 documents)
example document: Let a playa get his freak on
Zomba Music Publishing (38 documents)
example document: Faithful to you
Keith Sweat (124 documents)
example document: Twisted
Tonyatta Martinez (21 documents)
example document: Testify
Gazner Hughes
EMI April Music, Inc. (7946 documents)
example document: Around the world & 19 other titles. Composed by Nikka Costa & co-composers as noted
Twisted Publishing (39 documents)
example document: Let a playa get his freak on
Zomba Music Publishing (38 documents)
example document: Faithful to you
Johnny Modern
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000951536 / 1999-04-15
Date of Publication:
October 12, 1989
Date of Creation:
Johnny Modern.
Sound cassette + lyrics sheet.
Copyright Claimant:
Jon Wellington Buck, Jr.
Authorship on Application:
arr.: Tom Martinez.
Buck, Jon Wellington, Jr., 1963-
Tom Martinez
Tom Martinez
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000954878 / 1999-08-03
Date of Publication:
September 22, 1998
Date of Creation:
Publisher Number:
Elektra 62262-2
Appears in:
Still in the game. : Compact disc ; Elektra 62262-2, c1998.
Copyright Claimant:
Zomba Enterprises, Inc., Tonyatta Martinez & Gasner Hughes (collectively d.b.a. Food Stamp Muzik), EMI April Music, Inc., Twisted Publishing & Sony/ATV Songs, LLC
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Tonyatta Martinez & Gasner Hughes (both are members of the group Night and Day), Keith Sweat & David McPherson.
Performed by Keith Sweat.
Tonyatta Martinez
Gasner Hughes (21 documents)
example document: Can you feel it?
Keith Sweat (124 documents)
example document: Does he do it good?
David McPherson (4 documents)
example document: Faster the chase
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: Steppin' in doo doo
Food Stamp Muzik (21 documents)
example document: Dante's girl
EMI April Music, Inc. (7946 documents)
example document: One night at a time
Twisted Publishing (39 documents)
example document: Caught up
Sony/ATV Songs, LLC (1784 documents)
example document: Long gone day ; I'm above
Night and Day
Gasner Hughes (21 documents)
example document: Can you feel it?
Keith Sweat (124 documents)
example document: Does he do it good?
David McPherson (4 documents)
example document: Faster the chase
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: Steppin' in doo doo
Food Stamp Muzik (21 documents)
example document: Dante's girl
EMI April Music, Inc. (7946 documents)
example document: One night at a time
Twisted Publishing (39 documents)
example document: Caught up
Sony/ATV Songs, LLC (1784 documents)
example document: Long gone day ; I'm above
Night and Day
I got you faded
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0001004854 / 2000-04-04
Date of Publication:
March 9, 1999
Date of Creation:
I got you faded.
Other Title:
The corruptor
Publisher Number:
Jive 01241-41671-2
Appears in:
The corruptor, the soundtrack. : Compact disc ; Jive 01241-41671-2, c1999.
Copyright Claimant:
Zomba Enterprises, Inc., Tonyatta Martinez & Gasner Hughes (collectively d.b.a. Food Stamp Muzik)
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Tonyatta Martinez, Gasner Hughes (members of the group, Night & Day)
Performed by Night & Day.
Tonyatta Martinez
Gasner Hughes
Night & Day (14 documents)
example document: Dante's girl
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: Steady and cool
Food Stamp Muzik (21 documents)
example document: Ghetto child featuring Shaggy
Gasner Hughes
Night & Day (14 documents)
example document: Dante's girl
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: Steady and cool
Food Stamp Muzik (21 documents)
example document: Ghetto child featuring Shaggy
What the deal be?
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0001006972 / 2000-03-14
Date of Publication:
March 7, 2000
Date of Creation:
What the deal be? : Baby's daddy.
Other Title:
Baby's daddy
Publisher Number:
Jive 01241-41668-2
Appears in:
Night & Day. : Compact disc & lyrics sheet ; Jive 01241-41668-2, c2000.
Copyright Claimant:
Zomba Enterprises, Inc., Tonyatta Martinez & Gasner Hughes, collectively d.b.a. Food Stamp Muzik
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Gasner Hughes & Tonyatta Martinez (members of group, Night & Day)
Performed by Night & Day.
Gasner Hughes (21 documents)
example document: Can you feel it?
Tonyatta Martinez (21 documents)
example document: Testify
Night & Day (14 documents)
example document: Can you feel it?
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: Countdown
Food Stamp Muzik
example document: Can you feel it?
Tonyatta Martinez (21 documents)
example document: Testify
Night & Day (14 documents)
example document: Can you feel it?
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: Countdown
Food Stamp Muzik
Sex me the way you dance
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0001006973 / 2000-03-14
Date of Publication:
March 7, 2000
Date of Creation:
Sex me the way you dance.
Publisher Number:
Jive 01241-41668-2
Appears in:
Night & Day. : Compact disc & lyrics sheet ; Jive 01241-41668-2, c2000.
Copyright Claimant:
Zomba Enterprises, Inc., Tonyatta Martinez, Gasner Hughes, collectively d.b.a. Food Stamp Muzik, Zomba Songs, Inc. & Todd Shaw
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Gasner Hughes, Tonyatta Martinez (members of group, Night & Day) & Todd Shaw p.k.a. Too Short.
Performed by Night & Day, featuring Too Short.
Gasner Hughes
Tonyatta Martinez (21 documents)
example document: Dante's girl
Todd Shaw (152 documents)
example document: Pimp council
Night & Day (14 documents)
example document: Dante's girl
Too Short (111 documents)
example document: The dangerous crew
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: How deep is your love?
Food Stamp Muzik (21 documents)
example document: Testify
Zomba Songs, Inc. (2281 documents)
example document: Time to move on
Tonyatta Martinez (21 documents)
example document: Dante's girl
Todd Shaw (152 documents)
example document: Pimp council
Night & Day (14 documents)
example document: Dante's girl
Too Short (111 documents)
example document: The dangerous crew
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: How deep is your love?
Food Stamp Muzik (21 documents)
example document: Testify
Zomba Songs, Inc. (2281 documents)
example document: Time to move on
The birth (interlude)
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0001006974 / 2000-03-14
Date of Publication:
March 7, 2000
Date of Creation:
The birth (interlude)
Publisher Number:
Jive 01241-41668-2
Appears in:
Night & Day. : Compact disc & lyrics sheet ; Jive 01241-41668-2, c2000.
Copyright Claimant:
Zomba Enterprises, Inc., Tonyatta Martinez, Gasner Hughes, collectively d.b.a. Food Stamp Muzik
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Gasner Hughes, Tonyatta Martinez (members of group, Night & Day)
Performed by Night & Day.
Gasner Hughes
Tonyatta Martinez (21 documents)
example document: No. 1 fan.
Night & Day
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: Girlschool & 8 other titles
Food Stamp Muzik (21 documents)
example document: No. 1 fan.
Tonyatta Martinez (21 documents)
example document: No. 1 fan.
Night & Day
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: Girlschool & 8 other titles
Food Stamp Muzik (21 documents)
example document: No. 1 fan.
Is U is
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0001006975 / 2000-03-14
Date of Publication:
March 7, 2000
Date of Creation:
Is U is.
Publisher Number:
Jive 01241-41668-2
Appears in:
Night & Day. : Compact disc & lyrics sheet ; Jive 01241-41668-2, c2000.
Copyright Claimant:
Zomba Enterprises, Inc., Tonyatta Martinez, Gasner Hughes, collectively d.b.a. Food Stamp Muzik
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Gasner Hughes, Tonyatta Martinez (members of group, Night & Day)
Performed by Night & Day.
Gasner Hughes (21 documents)
example document: Dante's girl
Tonyatta Martinez (21 documents)
example document: No. 1 fan.
Night & Day (14 documents)
example document: Dante's girl
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: How deep is your love?
Food Stamp Muzik (21 documents)
example document: No. 1 fan.
example document: Dante's girl
Tonyatta Martinez (21 documents)
example document: No. 1 fan.
Night & Day (14 documents)
example document: Dante's girl
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: How deep is your love?
Food Stamp Muzik (21 documents)
example document: No. 1 fan.
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0001006976 / 2000-03-14
Date of Publication:
March 7, 2000
Date of Creation:
Publisher Number:
Jive 01241-41668-2
Appears in:
Night & Day. : Compact disc & lyrics sheet ; Jive 01241-41668-2, c2000.
Copyright Claimant:
Zomba Enterprises, Inc., Tonyatta Martinez, Gasner Hughes, collectively d.b.a. Food Stamp Muzik
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Gasner Hughes, Tonyatta Martinez (members of group, Night & Day)
Performed by Night & Day.
Gasner Hughes
Tonyatta Martinez (21 documents)
example document: Love letter
Night & Day
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: No hook
Food Stamp Muzik
Tonyatta Martinez (21 documents)
example document: Love letter
Night & Day
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: No hook
Food Stamp Muzik
I'll make you say oh
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0001006977 / 2000-03-14
Date of Publication:
March 7, 2000
Date of Creation:
I'll make you say oh.
Publisher Number:
Jive 01241-41668-2
Appears in:
Night & Day. : Compact disc & lyrics sheet ; Jive 01241-41668-2, c2000.
Copyright Claimant:
Zomba Enterprises, Inc., Tonyatta Martinez, Gasner Hughes, collectively d.b.a. Food Stamp Muzik
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Gasner Hughes, Tonyatta Martinez (members of group, Night & Day)
Performed by Night & Day.
Gasner Hughes
Tonyatta Martinez
Night & Day
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: Break it down
Food Stamp Muzik (21 documents)
example document: No. 1 fan.
Tonyatta Martinez
Night & Day
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: Break it down
Food Stamp Muzik (21 documents)
example document: No. 1 fan.
You pulled me out the game
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0001006979 / 2000-03-14
Date of Publication:
March 7, 2000
Date of Creation:
You pulled me out the game.
Publisher Number:
Jive 01241-41668-2
Appears in:
Night & Day. : Compact disc & lyrics sheet ; Jive 01241-41668-2, c2000.
Copyright Claimant:
Zomba Enterprises, Inc., Tonyatta Martinez, Gasner Hughes, collectively d.b.a. Food Stamp Muzik
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Gasner Hughes, Tonyatta Martinez (members of group, Night & Day)
Performed by Night & Day.
Gasner Hughes
Tonyatta Martinez
Night & Day (14 documents)
example document: Dante's girl
Food Stamp Muzik (21 documents)
example document: Love letter
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: Wreckx-N-Effect
Tonyatta Martinez
Night & Day (14 documents)
example document: Dante's girl
Food Stamp Muzik (21 documents)
example document: Love letter
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: Wreckx-N-Effect
Game recognize game
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0001006981 / 2000-03-14
Date of Publication:
March 7, 2000
Date of Creation:
Game recognize game.
Publisher Number:
Jive 01241-41668-2
Appears in:
Night & Day. : Compact disc & lyrics sheet ; Jive 01241-41668-2, c2000.
Copyright Claimant:
Zomba Enterprises, Inc., Tonyatta Martinez, Gasner Hughes, collectively d.b.a. Food Stamp Muzik
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Gasner Hughes, Tonyatta Martinez (members of group, Night & Day)
Performed by Night & Day.
Gasner Hughes
Tonyatta Martinez
Night & Day (14 documents)
example document: Testify
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: Wake up call & 18 other titles; songs
Food Stamp Muzik (21 documents)
example document: Can you feel it?
Tonyatta Martinez
Night & Day (14 documents)
example document: Testify
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: Wake up call & 18 other titles; songs
Food Stamp Muzik (21 documents)
example document: Can you feel it?
Say hello to goodbye
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0001006982 / 2000-03-14
Date of Publication:
March 7, 2000
Date of Creation:
Say hello to goodbye.
Publisher Number:
Jive 01241-41668-2
Appears in:
Night & Day. : Compact disc & lyrics sheet ; Jive 01241-41668-2, c2000.
Copyright Claimant:
Zomba Enterprises, Inc., Tonyatta Martinez, Gasner Hughes, collectively d.b.a. Food Stamp Muzik
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Gasner Hughes, Tonyatta Martinez (members of group, Night & Day)
Performed by Night & Day.
Gasner Hughes (21 documents)
example document: Ghetto child featuring Shaggy
Tonyatta Martinez (21 documents)
example document: No. 1 fan.
Night & Day (14 documents)
example document: Dante's girl
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: Steppin' in doo doo
Food Stamp Muzik
example document: Ghetto child featuring Shaggy
Tonyatta Martinez (21 documents)
example document: No. 1 fan.
Night & Day (14 documents)
example document: Dante's girl
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: Steppin' in doo doo
Food Stamp Muzik
Girl, wear this ring
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0001006983 / 2000-03-14
Date of Publication:
March 7, 2000
Date of Creation:
Girl, wear this ring.
Publisher Number:
Jive 01241-41668-2
Appears in:
Night & Day. : Compact disc & lyrics sheet ; Jive 01241-41668-2, c2000.
Copyright Claimant:
Zomba Enterprises, Inc., Tonyatta Martinez, Gasner Hughes, collectively d.b.a. Food Stamp Muzik
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Gasner Hughes, Tonyatta Martinez (members of group, Night & Day)
Performed by Night & Day.
Gasner Hughes (21 documents)
example document: Keep talkin'
Tonyatta Martinez (21 documents)
example document: Love letter
Night & Day
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: Money maker
Food Stamp Muzik (21 documents)
example document: Keep talkin'
example document: Keep talkin'
Tonyatta Martinez (21 documents)
example document: Love letter
Night & Day
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: Money maker
Food Stamp Muzik (21 documents)
example document: Keep talkin'
Shout out
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0001022491 / 2000-11-06
Date of Publication:
August 22, 2000
Date of Creation:
Shout out.
Application Title:
Send some love out.
Publisher Number:
Epic EK 69719
Appears in:
Love crimes. : Compact disc ; Epic EK 69719, c2000.
Copyright Claimant:
Zomba Enterprises, Inc., Tonyatta Martinez, Gasner Hughes (collectively d.b.a. Food Stamp Muzik)
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Gasner Hughes, Tonyatta Martinez.
Performed by Ruffendz.
Tonyatta Martinez
Gasner Hughes (21 documents)
example document: No. 1 fan.
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: Tic tocs
Food Stamp Muzik (21 documents)
example document: No. 1 fan.
Gasner Hughes (21 documents)
example document: No. 1 fan.
Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (3826 documents)
example document: Tic tocs
Food Stamp Muzik (21 documents)
example document: No. 1 fan.
This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.