The contract drafting guidebook: a guide to the practical application of the principles of contract law
The contract
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
October 14, 1994
Entire Copyright Document:
V3044 P408-803
The contract.
Title appears in Document:
Across 110th Street & 6,650 other titles. (Part 008 of 033)
The contract on Alex Cordeen
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
December 30, 2004
Entire Copyright Document:
V3518 D774-873 P1-489
Registration Number Not Verified:
LP45184 (1974)
The contract on Alex Cordeen / (Toma) LP45184 (1974)
Variant title:
Title appears in Document:
Batteries not included & 20,025 other titles. (Part 077 of 100)
The contract. (The untouchables, episode no. 085) RE 477-289
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
September 1, 2006
Entire Copyright Document:
V3542 D309-316 P1-59
Registration Number Not Verified:
RE 477-289.
The contract. (The untouchables, episode no. 085) RE 477-289.
Variant title:
Untouchables, episode no. 085
Title appears in Document:
Alcatraz Express & 1893 other titles (part 007 of 008)
The contract bond book
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
March 2, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3521 D522 P1-15
The contract bond book / by Albert Remmen.
Title appears in Document:
Tax facts 1 (2003) & 115 other titles.
The contract
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
August 22, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3528 D932 P1-5
Date of Execution:
August 9, 2005
The contract : motion picture / written by John Darrouzet & Stephen Katz. Directed by Bruce Beresford.
Instrument of transfer. Schedule D-1 recorded at request of sender.
Inc. Nu Image (113 documents)
example document: Belly of the beast
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Inc. (198 documents)
example document: Marilyn Hotchkiss' ballroom dancing & charm school
example document: Belly of the beast
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Inc. (198 documents)
example document: Marilyn Hotchkiss' ballroom dancing & charm school
The contract
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
March 8, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3522 D59 P1-12
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1969
The contract; motion picture / Writing services by J. D. Zeik, employee of Jumpcat Productions, Inc., as a work made-for-hire for Double Life Productions, Inc.
Writing services agreement.
Inc. Jumpcat Productions
Double Life Productions, Inc. (55 documents)
example document: Day of the dead
Double Life Productions, Inc. (55 documents)
example document: Day of the dead
The contract. PA 339-807
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
August 11, 2006
Entire Copyright Document:
V3542 D041-042 P1-8
Registration Number Not Verified:
PA 339-807.
The contract. PA 339-807.
Title appears in Document:
Affectionately yours & 304 other titles (part 001 of 002)
The contract
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000643327 / 1993-02-10
EU0000913615 / 1965-11-18
EU0000913615 / 1965-11-18
The contract.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Copyright Claimant:
Windsor King (A)
Words & music.
Windsor King (22 documents)
example document: That's what they put erasers on pencils for
example document: That's what they put erasers on pencils for
The contract
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
November 4, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3530 D097-109 P1-54
The contract : a.k.a. Katz & Carasso.
Variant title:
Katz & Carasso
Title appears in Document:
1900 & 2344 other titles (part 010 of 013)
The contractor's edge
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
August 31, 2006
Entire Copyright Document:
V3542 D649 P1-5
Registration Number Not Verified:
TXu 166-315 (1984)
The contractor's edge : an integrated system for the construction industry. TXu 166-315 (1984)
Title appears in Document:
Starviewer, version 4.2.XX & 111 other titles.
The contract
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
June 21, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3526 D761 P1-86
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1969
The contract : feature length motion picture / screenplay by Steven Katz, John Darrouzet & J. D. Zeik, directed by Bruce Beresford.
Motion picture distribution agreement.
Film & Entertainment VIP Medienfonds 4 GmbH & Co. KG.
Millennium Films, Inc.
Film & Entertainment VIP Medienfonds 4 GmbH & Co. KG (3 documents)
example document: Perfume
Millennium Films, Inc.
Film & Entertainment VIP Medienfonds 4 GmbH & Co. KG (3 documents)
example document: Perfume
The contract
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
June 21, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3526 D762 P1-48
Date of Execution:
November 23, 2004
The contract : motion picture / screenplay Steven Katz, John Darrouzet, & J. D. Zeik, directed by Bruce Beresford.
Master agreement.
Film & Entertainment VIP Medienfonds 4 Gmbh & Co. KG, Contract Productions, Inc., Martien Holding, AVV, Millennium Films, Inc. & Double Life Productions, Inc.
Film & Entertainment VIP Medienfonds 4 Gmbh & Co. KG
Contract Productions, Inc.
Martien Holding, AVV (49 documents)
example document: Undisputed 2
Millennium Films, Inc. (46 documents)
example document: Undisputed
Double Life Productions, Inc. (55 documents)
example document: Blonde ambition
Film & Entertainment VIP Medienfonds 4 Gmbh & Co. KG
Contract Productions, Inc.
Martien Holding, AVV (49 documents)
example document: Undisputed 2
Millennium Films, Inc. (46 documents)
example document: Undisputed
Double Life Productions, Inc. (55 documents)
example document: Blonde ambition
The contract
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
June 21, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3526 D763 P1-4
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1969
The contract : motion picture.
Amendment to the master agreement.
Contract Productions, Inc., Reservoir Films, Inc., Millennium Films, Inc., Double Life Productions, Inc., Film & Entertainment VIP Medienfonds 4 GmbH & Co. KG. & Martien Holding, AVV.
Contract Productions, Inc.
Reservoir Films, Inc. (3 documents)
example document: Megasnake
Millennium Films, Inc. (46 documents)
example document: Undisputed
Double Life Productions, Inc. (55 documents)
example document: Homeland security
Film & Entertainment VIP Medienfonds 4 GmbH & Co. KG.
Martien Holding, AVV.
Contract Productions, Inc.
Reservoir Films, Inc. (3 documents)
example document: Megasnake
Millennium Films, Inc. (46 documents)
example document: Undisputed
Double Life Productions, Inc. (55 documents)
example document: Homeland security
Film & Entertainment VIP Medienfonds 4 GmbH & Co. KG.
Martien Holding, AVV.
The contract
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
June 21, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3526 D765 P1-20
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1969
The contract : screenplay / written by Steven Katz, John Darrouzet & J. D. Zeik.
Purchase and assignment of literary rights agreement.
Inc. Double Life Productions (13 documents)
example document: The code
Film & Entertainment VIP Medienfonds 4, GmbH & Co. KG. (2 documents)
example document: Black water transit
Film & Entertainment VIP Medienfonds 4, GmbH & Co. KG (1 documents)
example document: In the tunnel
example document: The code
Film & Entertainment VIP Medienfonds 4, GmbH & Co. KG. (2 documents)
example document: Black water transit
Film & Entertainment VIP Medienfonds 4, GmbH & Co. KG (1 documents)
example document: In the tunnel
The contractor's edge (computer software) & 1 other title
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
August 31, 2006
Entire Copyright Document:
V3542 D335 P1-3
Date of Execution:
July 27, 2006
The contractor's edge (computer software) & 1 other title.
Statement in connection with termination of security interest. Document refers to V3477 P78, recorded December 10, 2001.
Extensity, Inc. (formerly k.a. Geac Enterprise Solutions, Inc.)
Extensity, Inc. (2 documents)
example document: Accounts payable & 70 other titles
Geac Enterprise Solutions, Inc. (3 documents)
example document: Software shop construction system & 2 other titles
Extensity, Inc. (2 documents)
example document: Accounts payable & 70 other titles
Geac Enterprise Solutions, Inc. (3 documents)
example document: Software shop construction system & 2 other titles
The contractor's edge (computer software) TXu 171-147 (1984)
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
August 31, 2006
Entire Copyright Document:
V3542 D335 P1-3
Registration Number Not Verified:
TXu 171-147 (1984)
The contractor's edge (computer software) TXu 171-147 (1984)
Title appears in Document:
The contractor's edge (computer software) & 1 other title.
The contractor's edge: an integrated system for the construction industry. TXu 166-315 (1984)
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
August 31, 2006
Entire Copyright Document:
V3542 D335 P1-3
Registration Number Not Verified:
TXu 166-315 (1984)
The contractor's edge: an integrated system for the construction industry. TXu 166-315 (1984)
Title appears in Document:
The contractor's edge (computer software) & 1 other title.
The contract on Alex Cordeen. By Universal City Studios, Inc
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
RE0000868042 / 2002-06-28
LP0000045184 / 1974-03-08
LP0000045184 / 1974-03-08
The contract on Alex Cordeen. By Universal City Studios, Inc.
Variant title:
The contract on Alex Cordeen.
Copyright Claimant:
Universal City Studios, LLLP (PWH)
Motion picture.
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: Fievel saves the day
Universal City Studios, LLLP (357 documents)
example document: Welcome home, Jaime. Pt. 1. By Universal City Studios, Inc
example document: Fievel saves the day
Universal City Studios, LLLP (357 documents)
example document: Welcome home, Jaime. Pt. 1. By Universal City Studios, Inc
The contract
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
July 20, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3528 D773 P1-2
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1969
The contract : film.
Assignment of security agreement & mortgage of copyright.
Inc. Contract Distribution
Comerica Bank. (346 documents)
example document: Dungeons and dragons--the sequel
Comerica Bank. (346 documents)
example document: Dungeons and dragons--the sequel
The contract
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
July 20, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3528 D774 P1-12
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1969
The contract : motion picture / screenplay written by Stephen Katz & John Darrouzet.
Security agreement & mortgage of copyright.
GmbH & Co.KG. Film & Entertainment VIP Medienfonds 4
Contract Distribution, Inc.
Contract Distribution, Inc.
The contract
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
July 21, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3528 D775 P1-5
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1969
The contract : motion picture.
Assignment agreement.
Inc. Millennium Films (8 documents)
example document: The wicker man
Contract Distribution, Inc.
Reservoir Films, Inc. (3 documents)
example document: Megasnake
Film & Entertainment VIP Medienfonds 4, GmbH & KG.
example document: The wicker man
Contract Distribution, Inc.
Reservoir Films, Inc. (3 documents)
example document: Megasnake
Film & Entertainment VIP Medienfonds 4, GmbH & KG.
The contract
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
July 19, 2006
Entire Copyright Document:
V3542 D287-290 P1-23
The contract.
Title appears in Document:
12 days of Christmas Eve & 673 other titles (part 001 of 004)
The contract. By United States Borax & Chemical Corporation
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
RE0000766981 / 1997-12-12
LP0000038957 / 1970-04-18 (in notice: 1969)
LP0000038957 / 1970-04-18 (in notice: 1969)
The contract. By United States Borax & Chemical Corporation
Death Valley days, no. 861
Variant title:
The contract
Copyright Claimant:
US Borax, Inc. (PWH)
United States Borax & Chemical Corporation (57 documents)
example document: Fifty years a mystery. By McCann Erickson, Inc
US Borax, Inc. (26 documents)
example document: The Captain Dick Mine. By United States Borax & Chemical Corporation
example document: Fifty years a mystery. By McCann Erickson, Inc
US Borax, Inc. (26 documents)
example document: The Captain Dick Mine. By United States Borax & Chemical Corporation
The contractor's edge: an integrated system for the construction industry. TXu 166-315
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
April 13, 2006
Entire Copyright Document:
V3536 D311 P1-14
Registration Number Not Verified:
TXu 166-315.
The contractor's edge: an integrated system for the construction industry. TXu 166-315.
Title appears in Document:
StarViewer, version 4.2.XX & 171 other titles.
The contract
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
RE0000810935 / 1999-06-28
LP0000040929 / 1971-03-14
LP0000040929 / 1971-03-14
The contract.
Marcus Welby, MD
Copyright Claimant:
Universal City Studios, Inc. (PWH)
Motion picture.
Universal City Studios, Inc. (5019 documents)
example document: Universal Studio Monsters presents the Mummy
example document: Universal Studio Monsters presents the Mummy
The contractor's edge (computer software) TXu 171-147 (1984)
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
February 28, 2006
Entire Copyright Document:
V3535 D511 P1-4
Registration Number Not Verified:
TXu 171-147 (1984)
The contractor's edge (computer software) TXu 171-147 (1984)
Title appears in Document:
Starviewer, version 4.2xx & 28 other titles.
The contractor's edge
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
February 28, 2006
Entire Copyright Document:
V3535 D511 P1-4
Registration Number Not Verified:
TXu 166-315 (1984)
The contractor's edge : an integrated system for the construction industry. TXu 166-315 (1984)
Title appears in Document:
Starviewer, version 4.2xx & 28 other titles.
The contract
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
June 27, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3526 D875 P1-8
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1969
The contract : motion picture / screenplay written by Steven Katz and John Darrouzet. Rewrite written by J.D. Zeik.
Writing services agreement.
Party 1 personal name:
Tim Prager
Tim Prager.
Tim Prager (2 documents)
example document: The contract
Double Life Productions.
Double Life Productions
Tim Prager (2 documents)
example document: The contract
Double Life Productions.
Double Life Productions
The contract
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
December 30, 2004
Entire Copyright Document:
V3518 D774-873 P1-489
Registration Number Not Verified:
LP40929 (1971)
The contract / (Marcus Welby, M.D.) LP40929 (1971)
Variant title:
Marcus Welby, M.D.
Title appears in Document:
Batteries not included & 20,025 other titles. (Part 054 of 100)
The contract
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
July 8, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3526 D689 P1
Date of Execution:
December 31, 1969
The contract : screenplay/motion picture.
Copyright mortgage and assignment.
4 GmbH & Co. KG. Film & Entertainment VIP Medienfonds
Film Finances, Inc. (868 documents)
example document: If Lucy fell
Film Finances, Inc. (868 documents)
example document: If Lucy fell
This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.