The defense rests. (Judge Roy Bean), Civil War journal, The real West
The defense rests
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
August 3, 1992
Entire Copyright Document:
V2791 P334-372
The defense rests.
Title appears in Document:
Agostino & 1,483 other titles; motion pictures. (Part 002 of 007)
The defense rests. (Judge Roy Bean)
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
August 15, 2006
Entire Copyright Document:
V3541 D691-701 P1-85
The defense rests. (Judge Roy Bean)
Variant title:
Judge Roy Bean
Title appears in Document:
Daybomber & 2196 other titles (part 007 of 011)
The defense rests. (Judge Roy Bean)
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
March 17, 2005
Entire Copyright Document:
V3524 D689-700 P1-88
The defense rests. (Judge Roy Bean)
Variant title:
Judge Roy Bean
Title appears in Document:
Daybomber & 2195 other titles (part 008 of 012)
Civil War journal
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000620829 / 1993-09-17
Date of Publication:
September 3, 1993
Date of Creation:
Civil War journal : Stonewall Jackson / a Greystone production ; director, Donna E. Lusitana.
Application Title:
Civil War journal : General Stonewall Jackson.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: editing, narration, music & some new footage.
Previous Registration:
Some footage & photos prev. pub.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Variant title:
Civil War journal : Stonewall Jackson
Other Title:
Civil War journal : General Stonewall Jackson
Copyright Claimant:
Hearst/NBC/ABC d.b.a. Arts & Entertainment Network
Authorship on Application:
Greystone Communications, Inc., employer for hire.
Donna E. Lusitana
Arts & Entertainment Network (27 documents)
example document: Mysteries of the Bible
Greystone Communications, Inc. (31 documents)
example document: Angels
Arts & Entertainment Network (27 documents)
example document: Mysteries of the Bible
Greystone Communications, Inc. (31 documents)
example document: Angels
The real West
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000620831 / 1993-09-17
Date of Publication:
September 1, 1992
Date of Creation:
The real West : westward ho! the wagon train / a Greystone production ; director, Donna E. Lusitana.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: editing, narration, music & some new footage.
Previous Registration:
Some footage & photos prev. pub.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Variant title:
The real West : westward ho! the wagon train
Copyright Claimant:
Hearst/ABC/NBC d.b.a. Arts & Entertainment Network
Authorship on Application:
Greystone Communications, Inc., employer for hire.
Donna E. Lusitana
Hearst/ABC/NBC (7 documents)
example document: Massacre at Malmedy
Arts & Entertainment Network (27 documents)
example document: Biography
Greystone Communications, Inc.
Hearst/ABC/NBC (7 documents)
example document: Massacre at Malmedy
Arts & Entertainment Network (27 documents)
example document: Biography
Greystone Communications, Inc.
The defense rests
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000682597 / 1993-11-05
Date of Publication:
October 22, 1993
Date of Creation:
The defense rests : a tribute to Raymond Burr / written & directed by Craig Haffner, Donna E. Lusitana.
Previous Registration:
Some photos and footage preexisting.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Videoreel ; 1 in.
Variant title:
The defense rests : a tribute to Raymond Burr
Copyright Claimant:
National Broadcasting Company, Inc. (employer for hire)
Donna E. Lusitana
Craig Haffner
National Broadcasting Company, Inc. (2299 documents)
example document: NBC nightly news, Tuesday, November 22, 1977
Craig Haffner
National Broadcasting Company, Inc. (2299 documents)
example document: NBC nightly news, Tuesday, November 22, 1977
Custer and the 7th Cavalry
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000699295 / 1994-10-06
Date of Publication:
October 16, 1992
Date of Creation:
Custer and the 7th Cavalry / a co-production of Greystone Communications and the Arts & Entertainment Network ; director, Craig Haffner.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: editing, narration, music, footage.
Previous Registration:
Some footage & photos prev. pub.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
The real West
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Copyright Claimant:
A&E Television Networks and Greystone Communications, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
Greystone Communications, Inc., employer for hire.
Craig Haffner
Arts & Entertainment Network (27 documents)
example document: Massacre at Malmedy
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: Biography
Greystone Communications, Inc. (31 documents)
example document: Haunted homes
Arts & Entertainment Network (27 documents)
example document: Massacre at Malmedy
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: Biography
Greystone Communications, Inc. (31 documents)
example document: Haunted homes
Women at war
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000699296 / 1994-10-06
Date of Publication:
April 22, 1994
Date of Creation:
Women at war / a Greystone production ; director, Donna E. Lusitana.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: editing, narration, music, footage.
Previous Registration:
Some footage & photos prev. pub.
Civil War journal
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Copyright Claimant:
A&E Television Networks
Authorship on Application:
Greystone Communications, Inc., employer for hire.
Donna E. Lusitana
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: Biography
Greystone Communications, Inc.
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: Biography
Greystone Communications, Inc.
The law from behind the tin star
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000699301 / 1994-10-06
Date of Publication:
October 5, 1992
Date of Creation:
The law from behind the tin star / a Greystone production ; a co-production of Greystone Communications and the Arts & Entertainment Network ; director, Craig Haffner.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: editing, narration, music, footage.
Previous Registration:
Some footage & photos prev. pub.
The real West
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Copyright Claimant:
A&E Television Networks and Greystone Communications, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
Greystone Communications, Inc., employer for hire.
Craig Haffner
Arts & Entertainment Network
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: 100 Centre Street
Greystone Communications, Inc.
Arts & Entertainment Network
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: 100 Centre Street
Greystone Communications, Inc.
The US Civil War out west
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000699314 / 1994-10-06
Date of Publication:
May 7, 1993
Date of Creation:
The US Civil War out west / a Greystone production ; a co-production of Greystone Commnications and the Arts & Entertainment Network ; director, Craig Haffner.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: editing, narration, music, footage.
Previous Registration:
Some footage & photos prev. pub.
The real West
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Copyright Claimant:
A&E Television Networks and Greystone Communications, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
Greystone Communications, Inc., employer for hire.
Craig Haffner
Arts & Entertainment Network (27 documents)
example document: Romeo & Juliet
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: Biography
Greystone Communications, Inc.
Arts & Entertainment Network (27 documents)
example document: Romeo & Juliet
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: Biography
Greystone Communications, Inc.
Pickett's charge
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000699316 / 1994-10-06
Date of Publication:
November 5, 1993
Date of Creation:
Pickett's charge / a Greystone production ; director, Craig Haffner.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: editing, narration, music, footage.
Previous Registration:
Some footage & photos prev. pub.
Civil War journal
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Copyright Claimant:
A&E Television Networks
Authorship on Application:
Greystone Communications, Inc., employer for hire.
Mountain Meadows Massacre
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000699319 / 1994-10-06
Date of Publication:
February 19, 1993
Date of Creation:
Mountain Meadows Massacre / a Greystone production ; a co-production of Greystone Communications and the Arts & Entertainment Network ; director, Donna E. Lusitana.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: editing, narration, music, footage.
Previous Registration:
Some footage & photos prev. pub.
The real West
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Copyright Claimant:
A&E Television Networks and Greystone Communications, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
Greystone Communications, Inc., employer for hire.
Donna E. Lusitana
Arts & Entertainment Network (27 documents)
example document: Romeo & Juliet
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: George Washington
Greystone Communications, Inc.
Arts & Entertainment Network (27 documents)
example document: Romeo & Juliet
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: George Washington
Greystone Communications, Inc.
Battle of Fredericksburg
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000699321 / 1994-10-06
Date of Publication:
March 25, 1994
Date of Creation:
Battle of Fredericksburg / a Greystone production ; director, Donna E. Lusitana.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: editing, narration, music, footage.
Previous Registration:
Some footage & photos prev. pub.
Civil War journal
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Copyright Claimant:
A&E Television Networks
Authorship on Application:
Greystone Communications, Inc., employer for hire.
Donna E. Lusitana
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: Biography
Greystone Communications, Inc.
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: Biography
Greystone Communications, Inc.
The Donner party
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000699322 / 1994-10-06
Date of Publication:
November 1, 1993
Date of Creation:
The Donner party / a Greystone production ; a co-production of Greystone Communications and the Arts & Entertainment Network ; director, Donna E. Lusitana.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: editing, narration, music, footage.
Previous Registration:
Some footage & photos prev. pub.
The real West
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Copyright Claimant:
A&E Television Networks and Greystone Communications, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
Greystone Communications, Inc., employer for hire.
Donna E. Lusitana
Arts & Entertainment Network (27 documents)
example document: Romeo & Juliet
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: 100 Centre Street
Greystone Communications, Inc. (31 documents)
example document: Biography
Arts & Entertainment Network (27 documents)
example document: Romeo & Juliet
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: 100 Centre Street
Greystone Communications, Inc. (31 documents)
example document: Biography
The real West
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000699531 / 1994-10-06
Date of Publication:
November 30, 1992
Date of Creation:
The real West : episode ti., The guns that tamed the West / a Greystone production ; director, Craig Haffner.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: editing, narration, music, & new footage.
Previous Registration:
Some footage & photos prev. pub.
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Other Title:
The guns that tamed the West
Copyright Claimant:
A&E Television Networks and Greystone Communications, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
Greystone Communications, Inc., employer for hire.
Craig Haffner
Greystone Communications, Inc.
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: Biography
Greystone Communications, Inc.
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: Biography
Angels II, beyond the light
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000736086 / 1994-12-08
Date of Publication:
October 30, 1994
Date of Creation:
Angels II, beyond the light / directed by Rex Hauck, Robert Kirk, Donna E. Lusitana.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: all other cinematographic material.
Previous Registration:
Preexisting material: unpublished version; some artwork and photos; some footage.
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Copyright Claimant:
Greystone Communications, Inc.
Closing director credits include: Melissa O. Peltier, Laura Verklan, Joe Tobin.
Authorship on Application:
all other cinematographic material: Greystone Communications, Inc., employer for hire.
Robert Kirk (7 documents)
example document: Shadow of death
Donna E. Lusitana
Melissa O. Peltier
Laura Verklan
Joe Tobin
Rex Hauck 1951-
Greystone Communications, Inc.
example document: Shadow of death
Donna E. Lusitana
Melissa O. Peltier
Laura Verklan
Joe Tobin
Rex Hauck 1951-
Greystone Communications, Inc.
Civil War journal
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000772190 / 1994-10-21
Date of Publication:
September 30, 1993
Date of Creation:
Civil War journal : no. 11322, The 54th Massachusetts / a Greystone production ; director, Craig Haffner.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: editing, narration, music, footage.
Previous Registration:
Some footage & photos prev. pub.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Variant title:
Civil War journal : no. 11322
Other Title:
The 54th Massachusetts
Copyright Claimant:
A&E Television Networks
Authorship on Application:
Greystone Communications, Inc., employer for hire.
Civil War journal
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000772191 / 1994-10-21
Date of Publication:
November 11, 1993
Date of Creation:
Civil War journal : no. 11369, Banners of glory / a Greystone production ; director, Craig Haffner.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: editing, narration, music, footage.
Previous Registration:
Some footage & photos prev. pub.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Variant title:
Civil War journal : no. 11369
Other Title:
Banners of glory
Copyright Claimant:
A&E Television Networks
Authorship on Application:
Greystone Communications, Inc., employer for hire.
Civil War journal
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000772192 / 1994-10-21
Date of Publication:
October 28, 1993
Date of Creation:
Civil War journal : no. 11415, The battle of 1st Bull Run / a Greystone production ; director, Donna E. Lusitana.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: editing, narration, music, footage.
Previous Registration:
Some footage & photos prev. pub.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Variant title:
Civil War journal : no. 11415
Other Title:
The battle of 1st Bull Run
Copyright Claimant:
A&E Television Networks
Authorship on Application:
Greystone Communications, Inc., employer for hire.
Civil War journal
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000772193 / 1994-10-21
Date of Publication:
May 6, 1994
Date of Creation:
Civil War journal : no. 12420, The battle of Franklin & Nashville / a Greystone production ; director, Donna E. Lusitana.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: editing, narration, music, footage.
Previous Registration:
Some footage & photos prev. pub.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Variant title:
Civil War journal : no. 12420
Other Title:
The battle of Franklin & Nashville
Copyright Claimant:
A&E Television Networks
Authorship on Application:
Greystone Communications, Inc., employer for hire.
Donna E. Lusitana (12 documents)
example document: Angels
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: Women in prison
Greystone Communications, Inc.
example document: Angels
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: Women in prison
Greystone Communications, Inc.
Civil War journal
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000772194 / 1994-10-21
Date of Publication:
February 17, 1994
Date of Creation:
Civil War journal : no. 11871, Sherman and the march to the sea / a Greystone production ; director, Donna E. Lusitana.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: editing, narration, music, footage.
Previous Registration:
Some footage & photos prev. pub.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Variant title:
Civil War journal : no. 11871
Other Title:
Sherman and the march to the sea
Copyright Claimant:
A&E Television Networks
Authorship on Application:
Greystone Communications, Inc., employer for hire.
Donna E. Lusitana
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: Nero Wolfe
Greystone Communications, Inc.
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: Nero Wolfe
Greystone Communications, Inc.
Civil War journal
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000772195 / 1994-10-21
Date of Publication:
June 3, 1994
Date of Creation:
Civil War journal : no. 12478, Zouaves! / a Greystone production ; director, Craig Haffner.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: editing, narration, music, footage.
Previous Registration:
Some footage & photos prev. pub.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Variant title:
Civil War journal : no. 12478
Other Title:
Copyright Claimant:
A&E Television Networks
Authorship on Application:
Greystone Communications, Inc., employer for hire.
Craig Haffner
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: Time machine
Greystone Communications, Inc. (31 documents)
example document: Biography
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: Time machine
Greystone Communications, Inc. (31 documents)
example document: Biography
Civil War journal
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000772196 / 1994-10-21
Date of Publication:
February 14, 1994
Date of Creation:
Civil War journal : no. 11857, Robert E. Lee / a Greystone production ; director, Craig Haffner.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: editing, narration, music, footage.
Previous Registration:
Some footage & photos prev. pub.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Variant title:
Civil War journal : no. 11857
Other Title:
Robert E. Lee
Copyright Claimant:
A&E Television Networks
Authorship on Application:
Greystone Communications, Inc., employer for hire.
Craig Haffner
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: Biography
Greystone Communications, Inc.
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: Biography
Greystone Communications, Inc.
The real West
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000772200 / 1994-10-21
Date of Publication:
September 4, 1992
Date of Creation:
The real West : no. 10251, Buffalo Bill & his wild West / a Greystone production ; a co-production of Greystone Communications and the Arts & Entertainment Network ; director, Donna E. Lusitana.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: editing, narration, music & footage.
Previous Registration:
Some footage & photos prev. pub.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Variant title:
The real West : no. 10251
Other Title:
Buffalo Bill & his wild West
Copyright Claimant:
A&E Television Networks, Greystone Communications, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
Greystone Communications, Inc., employer for hire.
Donna E. Lusitana (12 documents)
example document: Angels
Arts & Entertainment Network (27 documents)
example document: Romeo & Juliet
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: Nero Wolfe
Greystone Communications, Inc.
example document: Angels
Arts & Entertainment Network (27 documents)
example document: Romeo & Juliet
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: Nero Wolfe
Greystone Communications, Inc.
The real West
Type of Work:
Motion picture or filmstrip
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000772201 / 1994-10-21
Date of Publication:
November 19, 1993
Date of Creation:
The real West : no. 11459, Crazy Horse / a Greystone production ; a co-production of Greystone Communications and the Arts & Entertainment Network ; director, Craig Haffner.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: editing, narration, music & footage.
Previous Registration:
Some footage & photos prev. pub.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Videocassette ; 1/2 in.
Variant title:
The real West : no. 11459
Other Title:
Crazy Horse
Copyright Claimant:
A&E Television Networks, Greystone Communications, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
Greystone Communications, Inc., employer for hire.
Craig Haffner
Greystone (4 documents)
example document: Knives on ice
Arts & Entertainment Network (27 documents)
example document: Ronald Reagan
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: Biography
Greystone Communications, Inc.
Greystone (4 documents)
example document: Knives on ice
Arts & Entertainment Network (27 documents)
example document: Ronald Reagan
A&E Television Networks (165 documents)
example document: Biography
Greystone Communications, Inc.
This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.