The new nineteenth-century European paintings and sculpture galleries, The private collection of Edgar Degas
Painting in eighteenth-century France
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0000831628 / 1981-12-10
Date of Publication:
October 30, 1981
Date of Creation:
Painting in eighteenth-century France / Philip Conisbee.
Previous Registration:
Nation of publication stated on appl.: Great Britain.
Ithaca, N. Y. : Cornell University Press, 1981.
223 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Phaidon Press, Ltd.
Philip Conisbee (12 documents)
example document: Provence memories
Phaidon Press, Ltd. (41 documents)
example document: VanDyck
example document: Provence memories
Phaidon Press, Ltd. (41 documents)
example document: VanDyck
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0002396025 / 1988-08-04
Date of Publication:
December 15, 1987
Date of Creation:
The Metropolitan Museum of Art : modern Europe / introd. by Gary Tinterow.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
New York : Metropolitan Museum of Art, c1987.
158 p.
Variant title:
The Metropolitan Museum of Art : modern Europe
Copyright Claimant:
the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Authorship on Application:
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, employer for hire.
Gary Tinterow
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (205 documents)
example document: Eighteenth century Italian drawings
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (205 documents)
example document: Eighteenth century Italian drawings
The Romantic child
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0002638283 / 1989-09-05
Date of Publication:
February 6, 1989
Date of Creation:
Date in Notice:
notice: 1988
The Romantic child : from Runge to Sendak / Robert Rosenblum.
London : Thames and Hudson, c1988.
64 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Rosenblum
Authorship on Application:
text & compilation of ill.: Robert Rosenblum.
Robert Rosenblum
Alan Sonfist, 1969-1989
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0002836309 / 1990-05-21
Date of Publication:
May 10, 1990
Date of Creation:
Alan Sonfist, 1969-1989.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
1 v.
Copyright Claimant:
Hillwood Art Museum
Authorship on Application:
editing: Hillwood Art Museum, employer for hire of Judy Collischan VanWagner.
Alan Sonfist 1946-
Judy Collischan VanWagner 1940-
Robert Rosenblum (17 documents)
example document: How to paint a Vermeer
Hillwood Art Museum, Brookville, N. Y.
Judy Collischan VanWagner 1940-
Robert Rosenblum (17 documents)
example document: How to paint a Vermeer
Hillwood Art Museum, Brookville, N. Y.
Soap bubbles
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0002980715 / 1990-12-21
Date of Publication:
October 18, 1990
Date of Creation:
Soap bubbles / by Jean-Simeon Chardin ; essay by Philip Conisbee ; with a note on materials and techniques by Joseph Fronek.
Masterpiece in focus
1 v.
Copyright Claimant:
Museum Associates, Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Authorship on Application:
Museum Associates, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, employer for hire.
Joseph Fronek
Jean-Simeon Chardin
Philip Conisbee (12 documents)
example document: In the light of Italy
Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Museum Associates (32 documents)
example document: Masterpieces from the Shin'enkan collection
Museum Associates, Los Angeles County Museum of Art. (20 documents)
example document: German expressionism
Jean-Simeon Chardin
Philip Conisbee (12 documents)
example document: In the light of Italy
Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Museum Associates (32 documents)
example document: Masterpieces from the Shin'enkan collection
Museum Associates, Los Angeles County Museum of Art. (20 documents)
example document: German expressionism
The Romantic vision of Caspar David Friedrich
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0002992015 / 1991-01-11
Date of Publication:
January 1, 1991
Date of Creation:
The Romantic vision of Caspar David Friedrich : paintings and drawings from the USSR / essays by Robert Rosenblum and Boris I. Asvarishch ; edited by Sabine Rewald.
Copyright Claimant:
the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Authorship on Application:
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, employer for hire.
Robert Rosenblum (17 documents)
example document: Loving touches
Boris I. Asvarishch
Sabine Rewald
Caspar David Friedrich 1774-1840
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (205 documents)
example document: The Metropolitan Museum of Art bulletin. Vol. 22, no. 3, Nov. 1963
example document: Loving touches
Boris I. Asvarishch
Sabine Rewald
Caspar David Friedrich 1774-1840
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (205 documents)
example document: The Metropolitan Museum of Art bulletin. Vol. 22, no. 3, Nov. 1963
The Ahmanson gifts
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003189916 / 1991-11-08
Date of Publication:
October 21, 1991
Date of Creation:
The Ahmanson gifts / Philip Conisbee, Mary L. Levkoff, Richard Rand.
1 v.
Copyright Claimant:
Museum Associates, Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Authorship on Application:
text: Museum Associates, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, employer for hire.
Philip Conisbee (12 documents)
example document: In the light of Italy
Mary L. Levkoff
Richard Rand (16 documents)
example document: Mountains and water. By Christopher Rand
Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Museum Associates
example document: In the light of Italy
Mary L. Levkoff
Richard Rand (16 documents)
example document: Mountains and water. By Christopher Rand
Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Museum Associates
Splendid legacy
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003542695 / 1993-04-28
Date of Publication:
March 15, 1993
Date of Creation:
Splendid legacy : the Havemeyer Collection / Alice Cooney Frelinghuysen, Gary Tinterow, Susan Alyson Stein ... [et al.]
New York : Metropolitan Museum of Art, c1993.
415 p.
Variant title:
Splendid legacy : the Havemeyer Collection
Copyright Claimant:
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (employer for hire)
Alice Cooney Frelinghuysen (2 documents)
example document: American art pottery
Gary Tinterow
Susan Alyson Stein (4 documents)
example document: The lure of the exotic
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (205 documents)
example document: The Metropolitan Museum of Art bulletin. Vol. 22, no. 2, Oct. 1963
example document: American art pottery
Gary Tinterow
Susan Alyson Stein (4 documents)
example document: The lure of the exotic
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (205 documents)
example document: The Metropolitan Museum of Art bulletin. Vol. 22, no. 2, Oct. 1963
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003551006 / 1993-05-18
Date of Publication:
March 1, 1993
Date of Creation:
Sensations / by Jessica March.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
New York : Onyx, c1993.
496 p.
Similar Title:
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Rosenblum (Jessica March, pseud.)
The new nineteenth-century European paintings and sculpture galleries
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003677598 / 1993-11-10
Date of Publication:
September 28, 1993
Date of Creation:
The new nineteenth-century European paintings and sculpture galleries / by Gary Tinterow ; compiled with Susan Alyson Stein and Barbara Burn ; foreword by Philippe DeMontebello.
New York : Metropolitan Museum of Art, c1993.
88 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York) (employer for hire)
Gary Tinterow
Susan Alyson Stein (4 documents)
example document: The lure of the exotic
Barbara Burn (6 documents)
example document: The Life of Christ
Philippe DeMontebello
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Susan Alyson Stein (4 documents)
example document: The lure of the exotic
Barbara Burn (6 documents)
example document: The Life of Christ
Philippe DeMontebello
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Origins of impressionism
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0003922411 / 1994-10-18
Date of Publication:
October 1, 1994
Date of Creation:
Origins of impressionism / Gary Tinterow and Henri Loyrette.
New York : Metropolitan Museum of Art, c1994.
486 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York) (employer for hire)
Gary Tinterow
Henri Loyrette
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Henri Loyrette
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
The legacy of la rue Ferou
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004272375 / 1996-06-21
Date of Publication:
May 15, 1996
Date of Creation:
The legacy of la rue Ferou : "livres d'artiste" created for Teriade by Rouault, Bonnard, Matisse, Leger, Le Corbusier, Chagall, Giacometti, and Miro.
Variant title:
The legacy of la rue Ferou : "livres d'artiste" created for Teriade by Rouault, Bonnard, Matisse
Copyright Claimant:
Rebecca A. Rabinow
Rebecca A. Rabinow
Georges de La Tour and his world
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004422771 / 1996-10-22
Date of Publication:
September 25, 1996
Date of Creation:
Georges de La Tour and his world / Philip Conisbee.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: text and compilation of ill.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Washington, DC : National Gallery of Art, c1996.
319 p.
Copyright Claimant:
National Gallery of Art. Board of Trustees (employer for hire)
Philip Conisbee (12 documents)
example document: Provence memories
National Gallery of Art. Board of Trustees (142 documents)
example document: Raphael and the American collector
example document: Provence memories
National Gallery of Art. Board of Trustees (142 documents)
example document: Raphael and the American collector
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004463396 / 1996-08-09
Date of Publication:
July 17, 1996
Date of Creation:
Corot / Gary Tinterow, Michael Pantazzi, Vincent Pomarede.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
New York : Metropolitan Museum of Art, c1996.
479 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Metropolitan Museum of Art, National Gallery of Art & Reunion des Musees Nationaux
Authorship on Application:
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York) (English ed.), National Gallery of Canada (Ottawa) (English ed.) & Reunion des Musees Nationaux (Paris) (French ed.), employers for hire.
Gary Tinterow
Michael Pantazzi
Vincent Pomarede (1 documents)
example document: Theodore Chasseriau (1819-1856)
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York) (122 documents)
example document: Textiles of late antiquity
National Gallery of Art (Ottawa)
National Gallery of Canada (Ottawa)
Reunion des Musees Nationaux (Paris) (1 documents)
example document: Playing with fire
Michael Pantazzi
Vincent Pomarede (1 documents)
example document: Theodore Chasseriau (1819-1856)
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York) (122 documents)
example document: Textiles of late antiquity
National Gallery of Art (Ottawa)
National Gallery of Canada (Ottawa)
Reunion des Musees Nationaux (Paris) (1 documents)
example document: Playing with fire
Rodin and Michelangelo
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004583511 / 1997-05-19
Date of Publication:
March 20, 1997
Date of Creation:
Rodin and Michelangelo : a study in artistic inspiration / Flavio Fergonzi, Maria Minita Lamberti, Pina Ragionieri, Christopher Riopelle.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: revisions, English translation, new foreword & additions.
Previous Registration:
Michelangelo nell'Ottocento: Rodin e Michelangelo, prev. pub. in 1996.
Philadelphia : Philadelphia Museum of Art, c1997.
235 p.
Other Title:
Michelangelo nell'Ottocento: Rodin e Michelangelo
Copyright Claimant:
Philadelphia Museum of Art (employer for hire)
Flavio Fergonzi
Maria Minita Lamberti
Pina Ragionieri
Christopher Riopelle
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Maria Minita Lamberti
Pina Ragionieri
Christopher Riopelle
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Investment company determination under the 1940 act
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004623880 / 1997-07-21
Date of Publication:
May 28, 1997
Date of Creation:
Investment company determination under the 1940 act : exemptions and exceptions / Robert H. Rosenblum.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: additions & revisions.
New York : Aspen Law & Business, c1997.
1 v.
Variant title:
Investment company determination under the 1940 act : exemptions and exceptions
Copyright Claimant:
Aspen Law & Business
Robert H. Rosenblum 1961-
Aspen Law & Business (176 documents)
example document: Valuing professional practices and licenses
Aspen Law & Business (176 documents)
example document: Valuing professional practices and licenses
Invitation to a wedding
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004653442 / 1997-10-29
Date of Publication:
May 19, 1997
Date of Creation:
Invitation to a wedding / Angelica Moon.
1st ed.
New York : Ballantine Books, 1997.
375 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Rosenblum (Angelica Moon, pseud.)
The private collection of Edgar Degas
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004702422 / 1997-12-29
Date of Publication:
December 1, 1997
Date of Creation:
The private collection of Edgar Degas : a summary catalogue / compiled by Colta Ives, Susan Alyson Stein, and Julie A. Steiner, with Ann Dumas, Rebecca A. Rabinow, and Gary Tinterow.
New York : Metropolitan Museum of Art, c1997.
142 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Pub. in conjunction with the exhibition of the same title held at the Museum from Oct. 1, 1997-Jan. 11, 1998.
Julie A. Steiner
Ann Dumas
Rebecca A. Rabinow
Colta Ives
Susan Alyson Stein (4 documents)
example document: The lure of the exotic
Gary Tinterow
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Ann Dumas
Rebecca A. Rabinow
Colta Ives
Susan Alyson Stein (4 documents)
example document: The lure of the exotic
Gary Tinterow
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Portraits by Ingres
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0004990656 / 1999-05-05
Date of Publication:
January 15, 1999
Date of Creation:
Portraits by Ingres : image of an epoch / edited by Gary Tinterow and Philip Conisbee ; drawings entries by Hans Naef ; with contributions by Philip Conisbee, Rebecca A. Rabinow, Christopher Riopelle, Robert Rosenblum, Andrew Carrington Shelton, Gary Tinterow, Georges Vigne.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: English translation of excerpts by Hans Naef, additional original entries.
New York : Metropolitan Museum of Art, c1999.
596 p.
Variant title:
Portraits by Ingres : image of an epoch
Copyright Claimant:
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), National Gallery (London) & National Gallery of Art (employers for hire)
Gary Tinterow
Philip Conisbee (12 documents)
example document: In the light of Italy
Rebecca A. Rabinow
Christopher Riopelle
Robert Rosenblum (17 documents)
example document: Andy Warhol
Andrew Carrington Shelton
Georges Vigne
Hans Naef
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York) (122 documents)
example document: Walker Evans
National Gallery (London)
National Gallery of Art (25 documents)
example document: The prints of Roy Lichtenstein
Philip Conisbee (12 documents)
example document: In the light of Italy
Rebecca A. Rabinow
Christopher Riopelle
Robert Rosenblum (17 documents)
example document: Andy Warhol
Andrew Carrington Shelton
Georges Vigne
Hans Naef
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York) (122 documents)
example document: Walker Evans
National Gallery (London)
National Gallery of Art (25 documents)
example document: The prints of Roy Lichtenstein
A brush with nature
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0005219497 / 1999-09-14
Date of Publication:
September 6, 1999
Date of Creation:
A brush with nature : the Gere collection of landscape oil sketches / Christopher Riopelle, Xavier Bray ; with an essay by Charlotte Gere.
London : National Gallery Publications, c1999.
176 p.
Copyright Claimant:
National Gallery Publications, Ltd. (employer for hire)
Christopher Riopelle
Xavier Bray (1 documents)
example document: El Greco
Charlotte Gere (2 documents)
example document: The Art collections of Great Britain and Ireland
National Gallery Publications, Ltd.
Xavier Bray (1 documents)
example document: El Greco
Charlotte Gere (2 documents)
example document: The Art collections of Great Britain and Ireland
National Gallery Publications, Ltd.
Spirit of an age
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0005457263 / 2001-09-28
Date of Publication:
June 1, 2001
Date of Creation:
Spirit of an age : nineteenth-century paintings from the Nationalgalerie, Berlin / Francoise Forster-Hahn, Claude Keisch, Peter-Klaus Schuster, Angelika Wesenberg; with contributions by Christopher Riopelle, Birgit Verweibe.
London : National Gallery Co., 2001.
192 p.
Variant title:
Spirit of an age : nineteenth-century paintings from the Nationalgalerie, Berlin
Copyright Claimant:
National Gallery Company, Ltd., (employer for hire)
This book was pub. to accompany an exhibition at the National Gallery, London, 8 Mar.-13 May 2001 and at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC 10 June-3 Sept. 2001.
Francoise Forster-Hahn
Claude Keisch (2 documents)
example document: Adolph Menzel, 1815-1905
Peter-Klaus Schuster (1 documents)
example document: The romantic spirit in German art, 1790-1990
Angelika Wesenberg
Christopher Riopelle
Birgit Verweibe
Francoise Forster Hahn
National Gallery Company, Ltd. (5 documents)
example document: Fabric of vision
Claude Keisch (2 documents)
example document: Adolph Menzel, 1815-1905
Peter-Klaus Schuster (1 documents)
example document: The romantic spirit in German art, 1790-1990
Angelika Wesenberg
Christopher Riopelle
Birgit Verweibe
Francoise Forster Hahn
National Gallery Company, Ltd. (5 documents)
example document: Fabric of vision
Guest shot
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0005471910 / 2002-01-11
Date of Publication:
December 1, 2001
Date of Creation:
Guest shot / David Locke.
New York : Jove Books, c2001.
422 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Rosenblum (David Locke, pseud.)
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0005718628 / 2003-05-02
Date of Publication:
April 1, 2003
Date of Creation:
Manet/Velazquez : the French taste for Spanish painting / Gary Tinterow and Genevieve Lacambre, with Deborah L. Roldan and Juliet Wilson-Bareau ... [et al.].
New York : Metropolitan Museum of Art, c2003.
592 p.
Variant title:
Manet/Velazquez : the French taste for Spanish painting
Copyright Claimant:
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York) (employer for hire)
Gary Tinterow
Genevieve Lacambre (4 documents)
example document: Impressionist and post-Impressionist masterpieces at the Musee d'Orsay
Deborah L. Roldan
Juliet Wilson-Bareau
Juliet Wilson Bareau
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Genevieve Lacambre (4 documents)
example document: Impressionist and post-Impressionist masterpieces at the Musee d'Orsay
Deborah L. Roldan
Juliet Wilson-Bareau
Juliet Wilson Bareau
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0005739419 / 2003-06-13
Date of Publication:
March 4, 2003
Date of Creation:
Manet/Velazques : the French taste for Spanish painting / Gary Tinterow and Genevieve Lacambre with Deborah L. Roldain and Juliet Wilson-Bareau.
New Haven : Yale University Press, c2003.
592 p.
Variant title:
Manet/Velazques : the French taste for Spanish painting
Copyright Claimant:
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York (City)) (employer for hire)
Gary Tinterow
Genevieve Lacambre (4 documents)
example document: Impressionist and post-Impressionist masterpieces at the Musee d'Orsay
Deborah L. Roldain
Juliet Wilson Bareau
Juliet Wilson-Bareau
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York (City)) (3 documents)
example document: John Singer Sargent
Genevieve Lacambre (4 documents)
example document: Impressionist and post-Impressionist masterpieces at the Musee d'Orsay
Deborah L. Roldain
Juliet Wilson Bareau
Juliet Wilson-Bareau
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York (City)) (3 documents)
example document: John Singer Sargent
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0005745265 / 2003-05-13
Date of Publication:
March 1, 2003
Date of Creation:
Afterlove : a novel / Robert Rosenblum.
New York : New American Library, c2003.
311 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Rosenblum
Thomas Jones (1742-1803)
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0005757153 / 2003-07-14
Date of Publication:
July 1, 2003
Date of Creation:
Thomas Jones (1742-1803) : an artist rediscovered / edited by Ann Sumner and Greg Smith ; with contributions by Christopher Riopelle, Charles Nugent, Peter Bower ... [et al.]
New Haven : Yale University Press, 2003.
287 p.
Variant title:
Thomas Jones (1742-1803) : an artist rediscovered
Copyright Claimant:
National Museum of Wales (Cardiff) (employer for hire)
Ann Sumner
Christopher Riopelle
Charles Nugent
Peter Bower (1 documents)
example document: We're breaking up again
Greg Smith 1958-
National Museum of Wales (Cardiff)
Christopher Riopelle
Charles Nugent
Peter Bower (1 documents)
example document: We're breaking up again
Greg Smith 1958-
National Museum of Wales (Cardiff)
The age of Watteau, Chardin and Fragonard
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0005856240 / 2003-11-19
Date of Publication:
September 1, 2003
Date of Creation:
The age of Watteau, Chardin and Fragonard : masterpieces of French genre painting / Colin B. Bailey, Philip Conisbee, Thomas W. Gaehtgens ; edited by Colin B. Bailey.
New Haven : Yale University Press, c2003.
412 p.
Variant title:
The age of Watteau, Chardin and Fragonard : masterpieces of French genre painting
Copyright Claimant:
the National Gallery of Canada (Ottowa) (employer for hire)
Colin B. Bailey (5 documents)
example document: Masterpieces of Impressionism & Post-Impressionism
Philip Conisbee (12 documents)
example document: In the light of Italy
Thomas W. Gaehtgens
National Gallery of Canada (Ottowa)
example document: Masterpieces of Impressionism & Post-Impressionism
Philip Conisbee (12 documents)
example document: In the light of Italy
Thomas W. Gaehtgens
National Gallery of Canada (Ottowa)
Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg, 1783-1853
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0005904061 / 2003-11-18
Date of Publication:
October 15, 2003
Date of Creation:
Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg, 1783-1853 / Philip Conisbee, Kasper Monrad, Lene Bogh Ronberg.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: text and compilation of prints.
Washington, DC : National Gallery of Art, c2003.
174 p.
Copyright Claimant:
National Gallery of Art. Board of Trustees
Lene Bogh Ronberg
Philip Conisbee (12 documents)
example document: In the light of Italy
Kasper Monrad (1 documents)
example document: The golden age of Danish painting
National Gallery of Art. Board of Trustees (142 documents)
example document: Alfred Stieglitz
Philip Conisbee (12 documents)
example document: In the light of Italy
Kasper Monrad (1 documents)
example document: The golden age of Danish painting
National Gallery of Art. Board of Trustees (142 documents)
example document: Alfred Stieglitz
A night as clear as day
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TX0005991000 / 2004-06-23
Date of Publication:
June 1, 2004
Date of Creation:
A night as clear as day / R. J. Rosenblum.
New York : New American Library, c2004.
305 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Robert J. Rosenblum
Robert J. Rosenblum
Talk show
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
TXu000901122 / 1999-04-23
Date of Creation:
Talk show : a novel.
Application Title:
Stalk show.
512 p.
Variant title:
Talk show : a novel.
Other Title:
Stalk show
Copyright Claimant:
Robert Jay Rosenblum, 1938-
Robert Jay Rosenblum 1938-
This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.