The queen is in the parlor. For chorus of mixed voices with mezzo-soprano solo & piano. w Ogden Nash, m Arthur Frackenpohl
Four animal songs
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
November 20, 1990
Entire Copyright Document:
V2595P027 (Single page document)
Date of Execution:
January 1, 1989
Four animal songs; musical composition / By Gene Koskey & Ogden Nash.
Variant title:
Animal songs
Party 1 personal name:
Ogden Nash & Gene Koskey
by Cathy Nolan (Atty) Gene Koskey & Ogden Nash
Ogden Nash
Gene Koskey
Warner Brothers, Inc. (7643 documents)
example document: Nutcracker
Ogden Nash
Gene Koskey
Warner Brothers, Inc. (7643 documents)
example document: Nutcracker
Mr. Peachy's predicament; or, no more parades & 19 other titles musical compositions
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
October 5, 1998
Entire Copyright Document:
V3423 D644 P1-4
Mr. Peachy's predicament; or, no more parades & 19 other titles musical compositions.
By Ogden Nash. Notice of termination grant under 17 USC sec. 304; date and manner of service of the notice: August 11, 1998, by certified mail, return receipt requested.
Party 1 personal name:
Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Nash Eberstadt & Ogden Nash
Reuben & Alter, acting on behalf of Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Nash Eberstadt, children of the deceased author, Ogden Nash.
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: How much I love you. From One touch of Venus. Words by Ogden Nash, music by Kurt Weill
Isabel Nash Eberstadt
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: Out on a limerick. By Ogden Nash
Little, Brown & Company.
Reuben & Alter (9 documents)
example document: It's better with a union man & 36 other titles
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: How much I love you. From One touch of Venus. Words by Ogden Nash, music by Kurt Weill
Isabel Nash Eberstadt
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: Out on a limerick. By Ogden Nash
Little, Brown & Company.
Reuben & Alter (9 documents)
example document: It's better with a union man & 36 other titles
A goat among sheep & 6 other titles
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
May 20, 1997
Entire Copyright Document:
A goat among sheep & 6 other titles.
By Ogden Nash. Notice of termination of grant under 17 USC sec. 304; date & manner of service of the notice: May 16, 1997, by certified mail, return receipt requested. Termination effective 16May99.
Party 1 personal name:
Lisa Alter & Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Nash Eberstadt & Ogden Nash
Lisa Alter, acting on behalf of Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Nash Eberstadt, children of Ogden Nash.
Lisa Alter (69 documents)
example document: Blowing the blues away & 5 other titles
Linell Nash Smith
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: Marriage lines; notes of a student husband. By Ogden Nash
Ogden Nash
Little, Brown and Company. (9 documents)
example document: A perfect day for bananafish & 5 other titles; stories
Lisa Alter (69 documents)
example document: Blowing the blues away & 5 other titles
Linell Nash Smith
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: Marriage lines; notes of a student husband. By Ogden Nash
Ogden Nash
Little, Brown and Company. (9 documents)
example document: A perfect day for bananafish & 5 other titles; stories
Catch hatch & 11 other titles
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
March 7, 1997
Entire Copyright Document:
Catch hatch & 11 other titles.
By Ogden Nash. Notice of termination of grant under 17 USC sec. 304; date and manner of service of the notice: February 4, 1997, by certified mail, return receipt requested.
Party 1 personal name:
Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Nash Eberstadt & Ogden Nash
Reuben, Cera & Alter, acting on behalf of Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Nash Eberstadt, children of the author, Ogden Nash.
Linell Nash Smith
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: [Posies from a second childhood; or, Hark, how gaffer do chaffer!] By Ogden Nash
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: [Everybody wants to get into the baedeker, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Chappell & Company & Warner Chappell.
Reuben, Cera & Alter (4 documents)
example document: The attitude of doing right
Chappell & Company (314 documents)
example document: Sea sea rider
Warner Chappell. (3 documents)
example document: Wind city & 1 other titles; musical composition
Linell Nash Smith
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: [Posies from a second childhood; or, Hark, how gaffer do chaffer!] By Ogden Nash
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: [Everybody wants to get into the baedeker, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Chappell & Company & Warner Chappell.
Reuben, Cera & Alter (4 documents)
example document: The attitude of doing right
Chappell & Company (314 documents)
example document: Sea sea rider
Warner Chappell. (3 documents)
example document: Wind city & 1 other titles; musical composition
An old fashioned tune & 7 other titles
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
March 7, 1997
Entire Copyright Document:
An old fashioned tune & 7 other titles.
By Ogden Nash. Notice of termination of grant under 17 USC sec. 304; date and manner of service of the notice: March 3, 1997, by certified mail, return receipt requested.
Party 1 personal name:
Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Nash Eberstadt & Ogden Nash
Reuben, Cera & Alter, acting on behalf of Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Nash Eberstadt, children of the author, Ogden Nash.
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: The Nutcracker suite and other innocent verses. By Ogden Nash, ill. by Ivan Chermayeff
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: Reflection on hospital hospitality. By Ogden Nash
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: How much I love you. From One touch of Venus. Words by Ogden Nash, music by Kurt Weill
Warner Chappell, successor in interest to Harms, Inc. Remick Music Corporation & Warner Brothers.
Reuben, Cera & Alter (4 documents)
example document: When the frost is on the punkin
Warner Chappell (151 documents)
example document: [Minute man]
Harms, Inc. (617 documents)
example document: Stouthearted men
Remick Music Corporation (485 documents)
example document: That South Car'Lina jazz dance
Warner Brothers. (54 documents)
example document: Same old blues & 3 other titles
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: The Nutcracker suite and other innocent verses. By Ogden Nash, ill. by Ivan Chermayeff
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: Reflection on hospital hospitality. By Ogden Nash
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: How much I love you. From One touch of Venus. Words by Ogden Nash, music by Kurt Weill
Warner Chappell, successor in interest to Harms, Inc. Remick Music Corporation & Warner Brothers.
Reuben, Cera & Alter (4 documents)
example document: When the frost is on the punkin
Warner Chappell (151 documents)
example document: [Minute man]
Harms, Inc. (617 documents)
example document: Stouthearted men
Remick Music Corporation (485 documents)
example document: That South Car'Lina jazz dance
Warner Brothers. (54 documents)
example document: Same old blues & 3 other titles
Taboo to boot & 1 other title
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
May 13, 1997
Entire Copyright Document:
Taboo to boot & 1 other title.
By Ogden Nash. Notice of termination of grant under 17 USC sec. 304; date & manner of service of the notice: May 7, 1997, by certified mail, return receipt requested.
Party 1 personal name:
Lisa Alter & Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Nash Eberstadt & Ogden Nash
Lisa Alter, acting on behalf of Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Nash Eberstadt, children of Ogden Nash.
Lisa Alter (69 documents)
example document: Get a horse & 7 other titles
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: Born too late. w Ogden Nash, m Vernon Duke
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: The Nutcracker suite and other innocent verses. By Ogden Nash, ill. by Ivan Chermayeff
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: Natural History Museum, and other contributions. By Ogden Nash
Ronald Broude
Ronald Broude, Broude Bros.
Broude Bros.
Lisa Alter (69 documents)
example document: Get a horse & 7 other titles
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: Born too late. w Ogden Nash, m Vernon Duke
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: The Nutcracker suite and other innocent verses. By Ogden Nash, ill. by Ivan Chermayeff
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: Natural History Museum, and other contributions. By Ogden Nash
Ronald Broude
Ronald Broude, Broude Bros.
Broude Bros.
The lama
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
May 13, 1997
Entire Copyright Document:
Registration Number Not Verified:
B120462 (1948) Termination effective: February 4, 2004.
The lama : a.k.a. I will arise and go now / By Ogden Nash. B120462 (1948) Termination effective: February 4, 2004.
Variant title:
I will arise and go now.
Notice of termination of grant under 17 USC sec. 304; date & manner of service of the notice: May 7, 1997, by certified mail, return receipt requested.
Party 1 personal name:
Lisa Alter & Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Nash Eberstadt & Ogden Nash
Lisa Alter, acting on behalf of Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Nash Eberstadt, children of Ogden Nash.
Lisa Alter (69 documents)
example document: It better be good
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: Calypso that touch the hit parade shall never touch mine. By Ogden Nash
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: [The Spoon ran away with the dish, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Ogden Nash
Bourne Company. (1229 documents)
example document: Arabiana & 11 other titles
Lisa Alter (69 documents)
example document: It better be good
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: Calypso that touch the hit parade shall never touch mine. By Ogden Nash
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: [The Spoon ran away with the dish, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Ogden Nash
Bourne Company. (1229 documents)
example document: Arabiana & 11 other titles
The duck & 22 other titles
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
May 13, 1997
Entire Copyright Document:
The duck & 22 other titles.
By Ogden Nash. Notice of termination of grant under 17 USC sec. 304; date & manner of service of the notice: May 7, 1997, by certified mail, return receipt requested.
Party 1 personal name:
Lisa Alter & Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Nash Eberstadt & Ogden Nash
Lisa Alter, acting on behalf of Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Nash Eberstadt, children of Ogden Nash.
Lisa Alter (69 documents)
example document: Lakeshore Drive & 25 other titles
Linell Nash Smith
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: [The Visit, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: With my own eyes. By Ogden Nash
Lisa Alter (69 documents)
example document: Lakeshore Drive & 25 other titles
Linell Nash Smith
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: [The Visit, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: With my own eyes. By Ogden Nash
A brief guide to New York & 27 other titles
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
May 13, 1997
Entire Copyright Document:
A brief guide to New York & 27 other titles.
By Ogden Nash. Notice of termination of grant under 17 USC sec. 304; date & manner of service of the notice: May 7, 1997, by certified mail, return receipt requested.
Party 1 personal name:
Lisa Alter & Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Nash Eberstadt & Ogden Nash
Lisa Alter, acting on behalf of Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Nash Eberstadt, children of Ogden Nash.
Lisa Alter
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: Paperback, who made thee? Dost thou know who made thee? By Ogden Nash
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: To America with love, and other contributions. By Ogden Nash
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: ASCAP party for Rudolph Friml on his 90th birthday, and other contributions. By Ogden Nash
Fieldstone House Publication Company.
Lisa Alter
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: Paperback, who made thee? Dost thou know who made thee? By Ogden Nash
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: To America with love, and other contributions. By Ogden Nash
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: ASCAP party for Rudolph Friml on his 90th birthday, and other contributions. By Ogden Nash
Fieldstone House Publication Company.
The aquarium & 27 other titles
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
May 13, 1997
Entire Copyright Document:
The aquarium & 27 other titles.
By Ogden Nash. Notice of termination of grant under 17 USC sec. 304; date & manner of service of the notice: May 7, 1997, by certified mail, return receipt requested.
Party 1 personal name:
Lisa Alter & Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Nash Eberstadt & Ogden Nash
Lisa Alter, acting on behalf of Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Nash Eberstadt, children of Ogden Nash.
Lisa Alter (69 documents)
example document: Ain't you, baby & 13 other titles
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: [I'm glad you asked that question because it shows you in your true colors, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: Santa go home: a case history for parents. By Ogden Nash
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: Take off with books. Text: Ogden Nash
Beekman Music, Inc., Durand et Cie, Elkan Vogel, Inc., Music Press, Inc., Theodore Presser Company.
Beekman Music, Inc. (6 documents)
example document: Echoes of gladness
Durand et Cie
Elkan Vogel, Inc. (9 documents)
example document: Quintet no. 2
Music Press, Inc.
Theodore Presser Company. (124 documents)
example document: Send out Thy light
Lisa Alter (69 documents)
example document: Ain't you, baby & 13 other titles
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: [I'm glad you asked that question because it shows you in your true colors, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: Santa go home: a case history for parents. By Ogden Nash
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: Take off with books. Text: Ogden Nash
Beekman Music, Inc., Durand et Cie, Elkan Vogel, Inc., Music Press, Inc., Theodore Presser Company.
Beekman Music, Inc. (6 documents)
example document: Echoes of gladness
Durand et Cie
Elkan Vogel, Inc. (9 documents)
example document: Quintet no. 2
Music Press, Inc.
Theodore Presser Company. (124 documents)
example document: Send out Thy light
To my valentine & 2 other titles
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
December 22, 1998
Entire Copyright Document:
V3427 D160 P1-3
To my valentine & 2 other titles.
By Ogden Nash. Notice of termination of grant under 17 U.S.C. sec. 304; date and manner of service of the notice: December 7, 1998, by certified mail, return receipt requested.
Party 1 personal name:
Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Nash Eberstadt & Ogden Nash & Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Nash Eberstadt
Reuben & Alter, acting on behalf of Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Nash Eberstadt, children of author Ogden Nash.
Linell Nash Smith
Isabel Nash Eberstadt
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: Custard and company
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: [A Brief guide to rhyming, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: A Boy and his room. By Ogden Nash
Carl Fischer, Inc. (1206 documents)
example document: Summer
Reuben & Alter (9 documents)
example document: Song of Spain & 6 other titles
Linell Nash Smith
Isabel Nash Eberstadt
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: Custard and company
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: [A Brief guide to rhyming, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: A Boy and his room. By Ogden Nash
Carl Fischer, Inc. (1206 documents)
example document: Summer
Reuben & Alter (9 documents)
example document: Song of Spain & 6 other titles
[You are old, Father Bertrand, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
RE0000714004 / 1995-10-10
[You are old, Father Bertrand, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash.
Copyright Claimant:
Linell Nash Smith, & Isabel Nash Eberstadt (C)
Appears in:
You are old, Father Bertrand. Pub. 1967-01-05; (In The reporter, Jan. 12, 1967) B00000312511.
Never wasI born to set them right. Pub. 1967-04-18; (In The Saturday review, Apr. 22, 1967) B00000033833.
Words to fit the music. Pub. 1967-04-09; (In Family weekly, Apr. 9, 1967) B00000346919.
Own your share of colonial business. Pub. 1967-05-01; (In Exchangite magazine, May 1967) B00000350865.
Everybody's full of carbonaceous material. Pub. 1967-02-06; (In Look magazine, Feb. 21, 1967) B00000341318.
My mind is reeling. Pub. 1967-08-01; (In Holiday, Aug. 1967) B00000361958.
Never wasI born to set them right. Pub. 1967-04-18; (In The Saturday review, Apr. 22, 1967) B00000033833.
Words to fit the music. Pub. 1967-04-09; (In Family weekly, Apr. 9, 1967) B00000346919.
Own your share of colonial business. Pub. 1967-05-01; (In Exchangite magazine, May 1967) B00000350865.
Everybody's full of carbonaceous material. Pub. 1967-02-06; (In Look magazine, Feb. 21, 1967) B00000341318.
My mind is reeling. Pub. 1967-08-01; (In Holiday, Aug. 1967) B00000361958.
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: [The girl from Latvia, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: Bicker song. w Ogden Nash, m Paul Weston
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: How to be married without a spouse, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
example document: [The girl from Latvia, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: Bicker song. w Ogden Nash, m Paul Weston
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: How to be married without a spouse, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Taste buds, en garde; poem. By Ogden Nash
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000714008 / 1996-01-25
B00000309150 / 1966-12-29
B00000309150 / 1966-12-29
Taste buds, en garde; poem. By Ogden Nash.
Variant title:
Taste buds, en garde
Copyright Claimant:
Linell Nash Smith, & Isabel Nash Eberstadt (C)
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: Very, very, very. From One touch of Venus. w Ogden Nash, m Kurt Weill
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: Just like a man. From the musical revue Two's company. Lyrics by Ogden Nash, music by Vernon Duke (pseud.)
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: [Master of ceremonies; or, I love me on T.V., and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
example document: Very, very, very. From One touch of Venus. w Ogden Nash, m Kurt Weill
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: Just like a man. From the musical revue Two's company. Lyrics by Ogden Nash, music by Vernon Duke (pseud.)
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: [Master of ceremonies; or, I love me on T.V., and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Kind of an ode to duty. For a capella chorus of mixed voices. w Ogden Nash, m James Cohn
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000611072 / 1993-01-06
EP0000200654 / 1965-03-12
EP0000200654 / 1965-03-12
Kind of an ode to duty. For a capella chorus of mixed voices. w Ogden Nash, m James Cohn.
Variant title:
Kind of an ode to duty
Copyright Claimant:
Frances Nash (W), Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Eberstadt (C of Ogden Nash)
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: The queen is in the parlor. For chorus of mixed voices with mezzo-soprano solo & piano. w Ogden Nash, m Arthur Frackenpohl
James Cohn
Frances Nash (114 documents)
example document: The Adventures of Isabel. Text: Ogden Nash, ill.: Walter Lorraine
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: [The quack frown sox lumps over the ..., and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Isabel Eberstadt (36 documents)
example document: Bicker song. w Ogden Nash, m Paul Weston
example document: The queen is in the parlor. For chorus of mixed voices with mezzo-soprano solo & piano. w Ogden Nash, m Arthur Frackenpohl
James Cohn
Frances Nash (114 documents)
example document: The Adventures of Isabel. Text: Ogden Nash, ill.: Walter Lorraine
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: [The quack frown sox lumps over the ..., and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Isabel Eberstadt (36 documents)
example document: Bicker song. w Ogden Nash, m Paul Weston
Four animal songs. S.A.T.B., a cappella. w Ogden Nash, m Gene Koskey
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000421977 / 1989-01-17
EP0000157156 / 1961-09-05
EP0000157156 / 1961-09-05
Four animal songs. S.A.T.B., a cappella. w Ogden Nash, m Gene Koskey.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: musical adaptation.
Variant title:
Four animal songs
Copyright Claimant:
Frances Nash (W)
Gene Koskey (2 documents)
example document: Precious Jesus
Ogden Nash 1902-1971
Frances Nash (114 documents)
example document: [I'm glad you asked that question because it shows you in your true colors, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
example document: Precious Jesus
Ogden Nash 1902-1971
Frances Nash (114 documents)
example document: [I'm glad you asked that question because it shows you in your true colors, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
A Lady from near Rising Sun. By Ogden Nash
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000038355 / 1979-11-26
B00000335375 / 1951-12-27
B00000335375 / 1951-12-27
A Lady from near Rising Sun. By Ogden Nash.
Variant title:
A Lady from near Rising Sun
Copyright Claimant:
Frances Nash (W), Isabelle [i.e. Isabel] Nash Eberstadt & Linell Nash Smith (C)
Ogden Nash
Frances Nash (114 documents)
example document: [Anybody for money?; or, Just bring your own basket, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: Calypso that touch the hit parade shall never touch mine. By Ogden Nash
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: [The Snark was a boojum was a prawn, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Frances Nash (114 documents)
example document: [Anybody for money?; or, Just bring your own basket, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: Calypso that touch the hit parade shall never touch mine. By Ogden Nash
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: [The Snark was a boojum was a prawn, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Just press the button, the button-hole is really a deep-freeze. By Ogden Nash
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000038356 / 1979-11-26
B00000280179 / 1951-01-02
B00000280179 / 1951-01-02
Just press the button, the button-hole is really a deep-freeze. By Ogden Nash.
Variant title:
Just press the button, the button-hole is really a deep-freeze
Copyright Claimant:
Frances Nash (W), Isabelle [i.e. Isabel] Nash Eberstadt & Linell Nash Smith (C)
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: Flying Dutchman
Frances Nash (114 documents)
example document: [Thoughts thought while resting comfortably, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash, 1902-1971
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: [Contributions by Ogden Nash]
Isabel Nash Eberstadt
example document: Flying Dutchman
Frances Nash (114 documents)
example document: [Thoughts thought while resting comfortably, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash, 1902-1971
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: [Contributions by Ogden Nash]
Isabel Nash Eberstadt
The Davis Cup. By Ogden Nash
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000763749 / 1997-10-30
B00000494041 / 1968-12-17
B00000494041 / 1968-12-17
The Davis Cup. By Ogden Nash.
Variant title:
The Davis Cup
Copyright Claimant:
Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Nash Eberstadt (C)
Ogden Nash
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: Very, very, very. From One touch of Venus. w Ogden Nash, m Kurt Weill
Isabel Nash Eberstadt
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: Very, very, very. From One touch of Venus. w Ogden Nash, m Kurt Weill
Isabel Nash Eberstadt
[Contributions by Ogden Nash]
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
RE0000660342 / 1993-12-08
[Contributions by Ogden Nash]
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Other Title:
The pioneer.
Copyright Claimant:
Frances Nash (W), Isabel Nash Eberstadt & Linell Nash Smith (C)
Appears in:
The pioneer. Pub. 1965-11-23; (In Saturday review, Nov. 27, 1965) B00000247389.
Through the glass, temporarily. Pub. 1965-08-29; (In Sunday herald tribune, Aug. 29, 1965) B00000209656.
Through the glass, temporarily. Pub. 1965-08-29; (In Sunday herald tribune, Aug. 29, 1965) B00000209656.
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: [There's a law, isn't there? or, I can call you names, but don't call me names, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Frances Nash (114 documents)
example document: Out of the clear blue sky. From the musical revue Two's company. Lyrics by Ogden Nash, music by Vernon Duke (pseud.)
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: The darkest half hour, and other contributions. By Ogden Nash
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: Saint Valentine spelled backwards is nature's way. By Ogden Nash
example document: [There's a law, isn't there? or, I can call you names, but don't call me names, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Frances Nash (114 documents)
example document: Out of the clear blue sky. From the musical revue Two's company. Lyrics by Ogden Nash, music by Vernon Duke (pseud.)
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: The darkest half hour, and other contributions. By Ogden Nash
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: Saint Valentine spelled backwards is nature's way. By Ogden Nash
Poem by the father of a bride, aged 19. By Ogden Nash
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000040840 / 1979-12-12
B00000326897 / 1951-10-26
B00000326897 / 1951-10-26
Poem by the father of a bride, aged 19. By Ogden Nash.
Variant title:
Poem by the father of a bride, aged 19.
Copyright Claimant:
Frances Nash (W), Isabelle [i.e. Isabel] Nash Eberstadt & Linell Nash Smith (C)
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: [Exit, pursued by a bear, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Frances Nash (114 documents)
example document: [Good night, sweet mind, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Linell Nash Smith
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: [I don't understand women and I'm glad of it, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash, 1902-1971
example document: [Exit, pursued by a bear, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Frances Nash (114 documents)
example document: [Good night, sweet mind, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Linell Nash Smith
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: [I don't understand women and I'm glad of it, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash, 1902-1971
The lama. w Ogden Nash, arr. James Cohn
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000820122 / 2000-01-05
EP0000307271 / 1972-11-30
EP0000307271 / 1972-11-30
The lama. w Ogden Nash, arr. James Cohn.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: arr.
Variant title:
The lama.
Copyright Claimant:
James Cohn (A)
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: Very, very, very. From One touch of Venus. w Ogden Nash, m Kurt Weill
James Cohn (10 documents)
example document: Spring rain
example document: Very, very, very. From One touch of Venus. w Ogden Nash, m Kurt Weill
James Cohn (10 documents)
example document: Spring rain
As the world boggles, and other contributions. By Ogden Nash
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
RE0000824649 / 1999-11-29
As the world boggles, and other contributions. By Ogden Nash.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
As the world boggles
Other Title:
He didn't dare look
The puzzling uniqueness of Mr. Saltbody's meekness.
What do you want? A meaningful dialogue or a satisfactory talk?
The Entomorphics, pix sheets, top Keats feats.
Earthly creatures, no. 2
Which the chicken, which the egg?
The hyena
I wonder what they brought from Ghent to Aix
Men's lib ad lib, Political
Earthly creatures no. 3
The bird lover
Yes-and-no man.
The hog.
The reward
Bet you a nickle my unhappiness can lick your unhappiness.
Table talk, no. 1
The coelacanth; a goose for the suace.
Earthly creatures, no. 4
The scallop; the moping minstrel.
Table talk no. 2
The filibuster, the ferry, the sad case of the expatriate socialite
It's never in the cards
The puzzling uniqueness of Mr. Saltbody's meekness.
What do you want? A meaningful dialogue or a satisfactory talk?
The Entomorphics, pix sheets, top Keats feats.
Earthly creatures, no. 2
Which the chicken, which the egg?
The hyena
I wonder what they brought from Ghent to Aix
Men's lib ad lib, Political
Earthly creatures no. 3
The bird lover
Yes-and-no man.
The hog.
The reward
Bet you a nickle my unhappiness can lick your unhappiness.
Table talk, no. 1
The coelacanth; a goose for the suace.
Earthly creatures, no. 4
The scallop; the moping minstrel.
Table talk no. 2
The filibuster, the ferry, the sad case of the expatriate socialite
It's never in the cards
Copyright Claimant:
Isabel Nash Eberstadt & Linell Nash Smith (C)
Appears in:
From and [sic] antique land. Pub. 1971-01-22; (In Clipper, PanAm World Airways, Feb. 1971) B00000654210.
Max Schling, Max Schling, lend me your green thumb. Pub. 1971-03-24; (In The New Yorker, Mar. 27, 1971) B00000656258.
Wouldn't that be blubberly? Pub. 1971-05-10; (In Venture magazine, June 1971) B00000671259.
He didn't dare look; or The puzzling uniqueness of Mr. Saltbody's meekness. Pub. 1971-05-13; (In Look magazine, June 1, 1971) B00000732063.
High, low the comedy; a last winter's tale. Pub. 1971-05-04; (In The Satuday review, May 8, 1971) B00000674803.
Sexual politics farewell. Pub. 1971-04-20; (In Redbook, May 1971) B00000663204.
Issue Feb71. What do you want? A meaningful dialogue or a satisfactory talk? (As the world boggles) The Entomorphics, pix sheets, top Keats feats. (Earthly creatures, no. 2) Pub. 1971-01-25; (In Signature magazine) BB0000038629.
Issue Mar71. Which the chicken, which the egg? (As the world boggles) The hyena. I wonder what they brought from Ghent to Aix. Men's lib ad lib, Political. (Earthly creatures no. 3) Pub. 1971-02-26; (In Signature magazine) BB0000038885.
Issue 85.71. The bird lover. Yes-and-no man. (As the world boggles) The hog. The reward. Bet you a nickle my unhappiness can lick your unhappiness. (Table talk, no. 1) Pub. 1971-03-24; (In Signature magazine) BB0000038884.
Issue May71. (As the world boggles) The coelacanth; a goose for the suace. (Earthly creatures, no. 4) The scallop; the moping minstrel. (Table talk no. 2) Pub. 1971-04-20; (In Signature magazine) BB0000038987.
Issue Jun71. The filibuster, the ferry, the sad case of the expatriate socialite; or It's never in the cards Pub. 1971-05-18; (In Signature magazine) BB0000039134.
Max Schling, Max Schling, lend me your green thumb. Pub. 1971-03-24; (In The New Yorker, Mar. 27, 1971) B00000656258.
Wouldn't that be blubberly? Pub. 1971-05-10; (In Venture magazine, June 1971) B00000671259.
He didn't dare look; or The puzzling uniqueness of Mr. Saltbody's meekness. Pub. 1971-05-13; (In Look magazine, June 1, 1971) B00000732063.
High, low the comedy; a last winter's tale. Pub. 1971-05-04; (In The Satuday review, May 8, 1971) B00000674803.
Sexual politics farewell. Pub. 1971-04-20; (In Redbook, May 1971) B00000663204.
Issue Feb71. What do you want? A meaningful dialogue or a satisfactory talk? (As the world boggles) The Entomorphics, pix sheets, top Keats feats. (Earthly creatures, no. 2) Pub. 1971-01-25; (In Signature magazine) BB0000038629.
Issue Mar71. Which the chicken, which the egg? (As the world boggles) The hyena. I wonder what they brought from Ghent to Aix. Men's lib ad lib, Political. (Earthly creatures no. 3) Pub. 1971-02-26; (In Signature magazine) BB0000038885.
Issue 85.71. The bird lover. Yes-and-no man. (As the world boggles) The hog. The reward. Bet you a nickle my unhappiness can lick your unhappiness. (Table talk, no. 1) Pub. 1971-03-24; (In Signature magazine) BB0000038884.
Issue May71. (As the world boggles) The coelacanth; a goose for the suace. (Earthly creatures, no. 4) The scallop; the moping minstrel. (Table talk no. 2) Pub. 1971-04-20; (In Signature magazine) BB0000038987.
Issue Jun71. The filibuster, the ferry, the sad case of the expatriate socialite; or It's never in the cards Pub. 1971-05-18; (In Signature magazine) BB0000039134.
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: Out on a limerick. By Ogden Nash
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: [My dear Santa Claus had I but known, and other contributions. By Ogden Nash
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: Ring out the old, ring in the new, but don't get caught in between; 1st & 2d chimes. By Ogden Nash
example document: Out on a limerick. By Ogden Nash
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: [My dear Santa Claus had I but known, and other contributions. By Ogden Nash
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: Ring out the old, ring in the new, but don't get caught in between; 1st & 2d chimes. By Ogden Nash
As the world boggles, and other contributions. By Ogden Nash
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
RE0000824650 / 2000-10-10
As the world boggles, and other contributions. By Ogden Nash.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
As the world boggles
Other Title:
The calf, the warning, the maverick, the Lorlei, but I could not love the, Ann, so much, loved I not honore more.
Copyright Claimant:
Isabel Nash Eberstadt & Linell Nash Smith (C)
Appears in:
The calf, the warning, the maverick, the Lorlei, but I could not love the, Ann, so much, loved I not honore more. (As the world boggles) Pub. 1971-06-18; (In Signature magazine, July 1971) BB0000039626.
Guess what I'd rather be than a tender apple blossom? Pub. 1971-06-07; (In Venture, July 1971) B00000711839.
Speak to me only with thine eyes, and please not too fast. Pub. 1971-09-16; (In Look, Oct. 5, 1971) B00000732069.
You steer and I'll toot. Pub. 1971-05-26; (In The New Yorker, May 29, 1971) B00000672542.
Guess what I'd rather be than a tender apple blossom? Pub. 1971-06-07; (In Venture, July 1971) B00000711839.
Speak to me only with thine eyes, and please not too fast. Pub. 1971-09-16; (In Look, Oct. 5, 1971) B00000732069.
You steer and I'll toot. Pub. 1971-05-26; (In The New Yorker, May 29, 1971) B00000672542.
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: [A clean platter, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: The Private dining room and other new verses. By Ogden Nash
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: Second Avenue and 12th Street rag. From The Littlest revue. w Ogden Nash, m Vernon Duke
example document: [A clean platter, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: The Private dining room and other new verses. By Ogden Nash
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: Second Avenue and 12th Street rag. From The Littlest revue. w Ogden Nash, m Vernon Duke
A Bunch of bananas. w Ogden Nash, m Dick Manning
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000120341 / 1982-02-10
EP0000081100 / 1954-06-08
EP0000081100 / 1954-06-08
A Bunch of bananas. w Ogden Nash, m Dick Manning.
Variant title:
A Bunch of bananas
Copyright Claimant:
Frances Nash (W), Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Eberstadt (C of Ogden Nash)
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: [Contributions by Ogden Nash]
Dick Manning (597 documents)
example document: Who will it be after me? w & m Al Hoffman & Dick Manning
Frances Nash (114 documents)
example document: A Little love, a little money. w Ogden Nash, m Vernon Duke
Linell Nash Smith
Isabel Eberstadt (36 documents)
example document: Ogden Nash food
example document: [Contributions by Ogden Nash]
Dick Manning (597 documents)
example document: Who will it be after me? w & m Al Hoffman & Dick Manning
Frances Nash (114 documents)
example document: A Little love, a little money. w Ogden Nash, m Vernon Duke
Linell Nash Smith
Isabel Eberstadt (36 documents)
example document: Ogden Nash food
Almost. w Isabel Nash & Ogden Nash, m Fred Spielman, piano arr. M. Witmark & Sons, employer for hire of Helmy Kresse
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000120342 / 1982-02-16
EP0000081101 / 1954-06-04
EP0000081101 / 1954-06-04
Almost. w Isabel Nash & Ogden Nash, m Fred Spielman, piano arr. M. Witmark & Sons, employer for hire of Helmy Kresse.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "music for verse, words & piano arr."
Variant title:
Copyright Claimant:
Fred Spielman (A)
Isabel Nash (2 documents)
example document: Father knows best. By Isabel Nash (Isabel Nash Eberstadt)
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: [Leaves from a grandfather's summer journals, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Fred Spielman (161 documents)
example document: Don't make a liar out of me, darlin'. w Milton Drake, m Fred Spielman
Helmy Kresse
M. Witmark & Sons (577 documents)
example document: Search for paradise. From Search for paradise. w M. Witmark & Sons, employer for hire of Ned Washington & Lowell Thomas, m M. Witmark & Sons, employer for hire of Dimitri Tiomkin
example document: Father knows best. By Isabel Nash (Isabel Nash Eberstadt)
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: [Leaves from a grandfather's summer journals, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Fred Spielman (161 documents)
example document: Don't make a liar out of me, darlin'. w Milton Drake, m Fred Spielman
Helmy Kresse
M. Witmark & Sons (577 documents)
example document: Search for paradise. From Search for paradise. w M. Witmark & Sons, employer for hire of Ned Washington & Lowell Thomas, m M. Witmark & Sons, employer for hire of Dimitri Tiomkin
Almost. w Isabel Nash & Ogden Nash, m Fred Spielman, piano arr. M. Witmark & Sons, employer for hire of Helmy Kresse
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000120343 / 1982-02-10
EP0000081101 / 1954-06-04
EP0000081101 / 1954-06-04
Almost. w Isabel Nash & Ogden Nash, m Fred Spielman, piano arr. M. Witmark & Sons, employer for hire of Helmy Kresse.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "music for verse, words & piano arr."
Variant title:
Copyright Claimant:
Frances Nash (W), Linell Nash Smith & Isabel Eberstadt (C of Ogden Nash)
Isabel Nash (2 documents)
example document: Father knows best. By Isabel Nash (Isabel Nash Eberstadt)
Ogden Nash
Fred Spielman (161 documents)
example document: Never tell a river (you won't drink its water) w Janice Torre, m Fred Spielman
Helmy Kresse
Frances Nash (114 documents)
example document: Girls are silly. Author: Ogden Nash, artist: Lawrence Beall Smith
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: A Boy is a boy; the fun of being a boy. By Ogden Nash, Arthur Shilstone
Isabel Eberstadt (36 documents)
example document: Blame it all on mother. w Ogden Nash, m Vernon Duke
M. Witmark & Sons (577 documents)
example document: All that I know of love, I learned from you
example document: Father knows best. By Isabel Nash (Isabel Nash Eberstadt)
Ogden Nash
Fred Spielman (161 documents)
example document: Never tell a river (you won't drink its water) w Janice Torre, m Fred Spielman
Helmy Kresse
Frances Nash (114 documents)
example document: Girls are silly. Author: Ogden Nash, artist: Lawrence Beall Smith
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: A Boy is a boy; the fun of being a boy. By Ogden Nash, Arthur Shilstone
Isabel Eberstadt (36 documents)
example document: Blame it all on mother. w Ogden Nash, m Vernon Duke
M. Witmark & Sons (577 documents)
example document: All that I know of love, I learned from you
The theatre is a lady. w & m Ogden Nash & Vernon Duke
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000840753 / 2001-06-18
EU0000429141 / 1973-08-22
EU0000429141 / 1973-08-22
The theatre is a lady. w & m Ogden Nash & Vernon Duke.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
The theatre is a lady
Copyright Claimant:
Linell Nash Smith, Isabel Nash Eberstadt (C)
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: [Contributions by Ogden Nash]
Vernon Duke (182 documents)
example document: Autumn in New York. w & m Vernon Duke, band arr.: Harms, Inc., employer for hire of John Krance
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: [Contributions by Ogden Nash]
Isabel Nash Eberstadt
example document: [Contributions by Ogden Nash]
Vernon Duke (182 documents)
example document: Autumn in New York. w & m Vernon Duke, band arr.: Harms, Inc., employer for hire of John Krance
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: [Contributions by Ogden Nash]
Isabel Nash Eberstadt
The theatre is a lady. w & m Ogden Nash & Vernon Duke
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000840754 / 2001-06-18
EU0000429141 / 1973-08-22
EU0000429141 / 1973-08-22
The theatre is a lady. w & m Ogden Nash & Vernon Duke.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
Variant title:
The theatre is a lady
Copyright Claimant:
Kay McCraken Duke (W)
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: The darkest half hour, and other contributions. By Ogden Nash
Vernon Duke (182 documents)
example document: April in Paris. Made easy for accordion. Music: Vernon Duke, words: E. Y. Harburg, accordion arr. Harms, Inc., employer for hire of Frank Gaviani
Kay McCraken Duke (3 documents)
example document: She hasn't a thing except me. w Ira Gershwin, m Vernon Duke
example document: The darkest half hour, and other contributions. By Ogden Nash
Vernon Duke (182 documents)
example document: April in Paris. Made easy for accordion. Music: Vernon Duke, words: E. Y. Harburg, accordion arr. Harms, Inc., employer for hire of Frank Gaviani
Kay McCraken Duke (3 documents)
example document: She hasn't a thing except me. w Ira Gershwin, m Vernon Duke
The mysterious ouphe. By Ogden Nash
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000642365 / 1993-11-12
A00000943464 / 1965-07-11
A00000943464 / 1965-07-11
The mysterious ouphe. By Ogden Nash.
Variant title:
The mysterious ouphe.
Copyright Claimant:
Frances Nash (W), Isabel Nash Eberstadt & Linell Nash Smith (C)
Ogden Nash (90 documents)
example document: The seven spiritual ages of Mrs. Marmaduke Moore
Frances Nash (114 documents)
example document: Verses from 1929 on. By Ogden Nash
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: [A Brief guide to rhyming, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Linell Nash Smith
example document: The seven spiritual ages of Mrs. Marmaduke Moore
Frances Nash (114 documents)
example document: Verses from 1929 on. By Ogden Nash
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: [A Brief guide to rhyming, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Linell Nash Smith
[Change here for Wichita Falls, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
RE0000039145 / 1979-12-03
[Change here for Wichita Falls, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash.
Variant title:
Change here for Wichita Falls
Other Title:
Has anybody seen my wanderlust?
An Elderly bride of Port Jervis.
Three limericks.
An Elderly bride of Port Jervis.
Three limericks.
Copyright Claimant:
Frances Nash (W), Isabelle [i.e. Isabel] Nash Eberstadt & Linell Nash Smith (C)
Appears in:
Issue 3Feb51. Change here for Wichita Falls; or, Has anybody seen my wanderlust? Pub. 1951-01-31; B00000285783.
Issue 1Dec51. An Elderly bride of Port Jervis. Pub. 1951-11-28; B00000332152.
Issue 15Dec51. There wasa young lady of Guam. Pub. 1951-12-12; B00000333520.
Issue 1Dec51. An Elderly bride of Port Jervis. Pub. 1951-11-28; B00000332152.
Issue 15Dec51. There wasa young lady of Guam. Pub. 1951-12-12; B00000333520.
Ogden Nash
Frances Nash (114 documents)
example document: [Your lead, partner, I hope we've read the same book, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: [Contributions by Ogden Nash]
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: [I know exactly who dropped the overalls in Mrs. Murphy's chowder, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Frances Nash (114 documents)
example document: [Your lead, partner, I hope we've read the same book, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
Linell Nash Smith (157 documents)
example document: [Contributions by Ogden Nash]
Isabel Nash Eberstadt (126 documents)
example document: [I know exactly who dropped the overalls in Mrs. Murphy's chowder, and other contributions] By Ogden Nash
This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.