What were you donin' [sic] in my dreams last night? By Hunter Moore and Paula Breedlove
More nights
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
November 16, 1988
Entire Copyright Document:
More nights / By Paula Breedlove & Bob Morrison.
Title appears in Document:
Ain't this the lovin' end & 188 other titles; musical compositions.
More nights
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
July 18, 1988
Entire Copyright Document:
V2388P377 (Single page document)
More nights / By Golde & Lambert.
Title appears in Document:
Safe & 5 other titles; musical compositions.
More nights
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
June 15, 1982
Entire Copyright Document:
V1913P322 (Single page document)
Date of Execution:
June 5, 1981
More nights; musical composition / By Paula Breedlove & Bob Morrison Music, Inc.
Instrument of transfer.
Party 1 personal name:
Paula Breedlove
Inc. Paula Breedlove & Bob Morrison Music
Paula Breedlove (12 documents)
example document: One less lonely night
Southern Nights Music. (45 documents)
example document: One-night fever
Bob Morrison Music, Inc. (19 documents)
example document: Lovin' you (is always on my mind) Musical composition
Southern Nights Music (99 documents)
example document: No room (to fall in love again)
Paula Breedlove (12 documents)
example document: One less lonely night
Southern Nights Music. (45 documents)
example document: One-night fever
Bob Morrison Music, Inc. (19 documents)
example document: Lovin' you (is always on my mind) Musical composition
Southern Nights Music (99 documents)
example document: No room (to fall in love again)
More nights
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
December 26, 1990
Entire Copyright Document:
More nights / By Dennis Lambert & Franne Golde.
Title appears in Document:
After midnight & 34 other titles; musical compositions.
More nights
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
December 27, 1989
Entire Copyright Document:
V2562 P358-405
More nights / By Paula Breedlove & Bob Morrison.
Title appears in Document:
Life in the good ol' USA & 558 other titles; musical compositions. (Part 002 of 003)
More nights
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
June 6, 1989
Entire Copyright Document:
V2471 P161-291
More nights / By Paula Breedlove & Bob Morrison.
Title appears in Document:
Sunday mornin' comin' down & 1,601 titles; musical compositions. (Part 006 of 008)
More nights
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
February 1, 1990
Entire Copyright Document:
Registration Number Not Verified:
PA 143-952.
More nights / PA 143-952.
Title appears in Document:
Are you on the road to loving me again? & 48 other titles.
More nights
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
February 5, 1996
Entire Copyright Document:
V3200 P94-124
More nights / By Dennis Lambert & Franne Golde.
Title appears in Document:
The Academy of Country Music's greatest & 334 other titles; songs. (Part 002 of 002)
More nights
Document number:
Date of Recordation:
November 15, 1996
Entire Copyright Document:
More nights / Co-writer, Dennis Lambert.
Title appears in Document:
A Little bit wrong, a little bit right & 21 other titles; musical compositions.
Lyrics for future dreams
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000197819 / 1980-05-09
Date of Creation:
Lyrics for future dreams / [Paula Breedlove]
1 v.
Copyright Claimant:
Paula Marie Breedlove
Song lyrics.
Paula Marie Breedlove 1949-
Start forever tomorrow
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000076938 / 1979-01-12
Date of Creation:
Start forever tomorrow / words & music by Paula Breedlove.
1 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Paula Breedlove
Paula Breedlove 1949-
The Last endangered species
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001226919 / 1989-05-24
Date of Creation:
The Last endangered species / by Jason Breedlove & Paula Breedlove.
1 sound cassette + lyrics sheet.
Copyright Claimant:
Paulajon Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Paula Marie Breedlove & Jason Eric Breedlove.
Paula Marie Breedlove 1949-
Jason Eric Breedlove 1972-
Paulajon Music
Jason Eric Breedlove 1972-
Paulajon Music
Jason Breedlove & Paula Breedlove collection I
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001593226 / 1992-02-05
Date of Creation:
Jason Breedlove & Paula Breedlove collection I.
Copyright Claimant:
Jason Eric Breedlove, 1972-, & Paula Marie Breedlove, 1949-
Words & music.
Jason Eric Breedlove 1972-
Paula Marie Breedlove 1949-
Paula Marie Breedlove 1949-
I think I could love you (better than he did)
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000081203 / 1980-08-29
Date of Publication:
August 22, 1980
Date of Creation:
I think I could love you (better than he did) / by Bob Morrison and Debbie Hupp.
[Nashville : Southern Nights Music], c1980.
3 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Southern Nights Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Debbie Hupp & Robert E. (Bob) Morrison.
Debbie Hupp 1948-
Robert E. Morrison 1942-
Southern Nights Music (99 documents)
example document: Midnight notions
Robert E. Morrison 1942-
Southern Nights Music (99 documents)
example document: Midnight notions
You better be right by your woman
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000105465 / 1981-03-02
Date of Publication:
February 20, 1981
Date of Creation:
You better be right by your woman / by Bill Zerface, Jim Zerface, and Bob Morrison.
[Nashville : Combine Music Corp.], c1981.
4 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Music City Music, Inc. & Combine Music Corporation
Authorship on Application:
words & music: William (Bill) Zerface, James (Jim) Zerface & Robert E. (Bob) Morrison.
William Zerface 1937-
James Zerface 1940-
Robert E. Morrison 1942-
Music City Music, Inc. (308 documents)
example document: The Last show & 1 other title
Combine Music Corporation (287 documents)
example document: Perfect man
James Zerface 1940-
Robert E. Morrison 1942-
Music City Music, Inc. (308 documents)
example document: The Last show & 1 other title
Combine Music Corporation (287 documents)
example document: Perfect man
I ought to feel guilty
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000110804 / 1981-04-10
Date of Publication:
March 30, 1981
Date of Creation:
I ought to feel guilty / by Bill Zerface, Jim Zerface, and Bob Morrison.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
[s.l. : Southern Nights Music, c1981]
3 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Southern Nights Music & Combine Music Corporation
Authorship on Application:
words & music: William (Bill) Zerface, James (Jim) Zerface & Robert E. (Bob) Morrison.
William Zerface 1937-
James Zerface 1940-
Robert E. Morrison 1942-
Bill Zerface (10 documents)
example document: The Last word in Jesus is us
Jim Zerface (16 documents)
example document: Let it be me tonight
Southern Nights Music (99 documents)
example document: We'll be together
Combine Music Corporation (287 documents)
example document: Blue as the blue in your eyes
James Zerface 1940-
Robert E. Morrison 1942-
Bill Zerface (10 documents)
example document: The Last word in Jesus is us
Jim Zerface (16 documents)
example document: Let it be me tonight
Southern Nights Music (99 documents)
example document: We'll be together
Combine Music Corporation (287 documents)
example document: Blue as the blue in your eyes
Ease the fever
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000110806 / 1981-04-10
Date of Publication:
March 30, 1981
Date of Creation:
Ease the fever / by Bob Morrison, Bill Zerface, and Jim Zerface.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
[s.l. : Southern Nights Music, c1981]
3 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Southern Nights Music & Combine Music Corporation
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Robert E. (Bob) Morrison, William (Bill) Zerface & James (Jim) Zerface.
William Zerface 1937-
James Zerface 1940-
Robert E. Morrison 1942-
Southern Nights Music (99 documents)
example document: Don't say goodnight, say goodmorning
Combine Music Corporation (287 documents)
example document: My baby's gone
James Zerface 1940-
Robert E. Morrison 1942-
Southern Nights Music (99 documents)
example document: Don't say goodnight, say goodmorning
Combine Music Corporation (287 documents)
example document: My baby's gone
More nights
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000143952 / 1982-06-15
Date of Publication:
June 1, 1982
Date of Creation:
More nights / by Paula Breedlove and Bob Morrison.
2 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Southern Nights Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Paula Breedlove & Robert E. (Bob) Morrison.
Robert E. Morrison 1942-
Paula Breedlove 1949-
Southern Nights Music (99 documents)
example document: We'll waltz in love tonight
Paula Breedlove 1949-
Southern Nights Music (99 documents)
example document: We'll waltz in love tonight
(I used to want to be a) cowboy
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000144938 / 1982-07-19
Date of Publication:
July 8, 1982
Date of Creation:
(I used to want to be a) cowboy / by J. Whitworth and Bob Morrison.
4 p.
Other Title:
Copyright Claimant:
Music City Music, Inc.
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Robert E. (Bob) Morrison & James Whitworth.
James Whitworth
Robert E. Morrison 1942-
Music City Music, Inc. (308 documents)
example document: Rock-a-bye baby, blue
Robert E. Morrison 1942-
Music City Music, Inc. (308 documents)
example document: Rock-a-bye baby, blue
What were you doin' in my dreams last night?
Type of Work:
Musical work
PA0000169159 / 1983-03-28
PA0000199070 / 1983-11-15
PA0000199070 / 1983-11-15
Date of Publication:
March 21, 1983
Date of Creation:
What were you doin' in my dreams last night? / By Hunter Moore and Paula Breedlove.
Copyright Note:
See also What were you donin' [sic] in my dreams last night?; Reg. 15Nov83; PA 199-070
Santa Monica, CA : Hall-Clement Publications, c1983.
2 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Hall-Clement Publications, Hardscuffle Music & Bibo Music Publishers
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Hunter Moore & Paula Breedlove.
Hunter Moore (53 documents)
example document: Bristol Road
Paula Breedlove (12 documents)
example document: One less lonely night
Hall-Clement Publications (787 documents)
example document: The Wall
Hardscuffle Music (24 documents)
example document: You love me through it all
Bibo Music Publishers (565 documents)
example document: The Voices of rejoicing love)
example document: Bristol Road
Paula Breedlove (12 documents)
example document: One less lonely night
Hall-Clement Publications (787 documents)
example document: The Wall
Hardscuffle Music (24 documents)
example document: You love me through it all
Bibo Music Publishers (565 documents)
example document: The Voices of rejoicing love)
Just by fallin' in love
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000169162 / 1983-03-28
Date of Publication:
March 21, 1983
Date of Creation:
Just by fallin' in love / by Hunter Moore and Paula Breedlove.
Santa Monica, CA : Hall-Clement Publications, c1983.
2 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Hall-Clement Publications, Hardscuflle [i.e. Hardscuffle] Music & Bibo Music Publishers
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Hunter Moore & Paul [i.e. Paula] Breedlove.
Paula Breedlove (12 documents)
example document: What were you doin' in my dreams last night? Musical composition
Hunter Moore (53 documents)
example document: Bristol Road
Paul Breedlove
Hall-Clement Publications (787 documents)
example document: Rocking in Rosalee's boat. w & m Bob McDill, arr. Hall-Clement Publications, a div. of Vogue Music, Inc., employer for hire
Bibo Music Publishers (565 documents)
example document: You're the best break this old heart ever had
Hardscuffle Music (24 documents)
example document: I dream you back
Hardscuflle Music.
example document: What were you doin' in my dreams last night? Musical composition
Hunter Moore (53 documents)
example document: Bristol Road
Paul Breedlove
Hall-Clement Publications (787 documents)
example document: Rocking in Rosalee's boat. w & m Bob McDill, arr. Hall-Clement Publications, a div. of Vogue Music, Inc., employer for hire
Bibo Music Publishers (565 documents)
example document: You're the best break this old heart ever had
Hardscuffle Music (24 documents)
example document: I dream you back
Hardscuflle Music.
I dream you back
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000169164 / 1983-03-28
Date of Publication:
March 21, 1983
Date of Creation:
I dream you back / by Hunter Moore and Paula Breedlove.
Santa Monica, CA : Hall-Clement Publications, c1983.
1 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Hall-Clement Publications, Hardscuffle Music & Bibo Music Publishers
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Hunter Moore & Paula Breedlove.
Hunter Moore (53 documents)
example document: You've got a soft place to fall
Paula Breedlove
Hall-Clement Publications (787 documents)
example document: I can do it all by myself
Hardscuffle Music (24 documents)
example document: You love me through it all
Bibo Music Publishers (565 documents)
example document: Take a little time
example document: You've got a soft place to fall
Paula Breedlove
Hall-Clement Publications (787 documents)
example document: I can do it all by myself
Hardscuffle Music (24 documents)
example document: You love me through it all
Bibo Music Publishers (565 documents)
example document: Take a little time
What were you donin' [sic] in my dreams last night? By Hunter Moore and Paula Breedlove
Type of Work:
Musical work
PA0000199070 / 1983-11-15
PA0000169159 / 1983
PA0000169159 / 1983
What were you donin' [sic] in my dreams last night? By Hunter Moore and Paula Breedlove.
Application Title:
What were you doin' in my dreams last night? (on original appl.: What were you donin' [sic] in my dreams last night?)
Supplement to Registration:
PA 169-159, 1983
Variant title:
What were you donin' [sic] in my dreams last night?
Other Title:
What were you doin' in my dreams last night?
Copyright Claimant:
Hall-Clement Publications, Hardscuffle Music & Bibo Music Publishers
Hunter Moore (53 documents)
example document: It's time for love
Paula Breedlove (12 documents)
example document: Someone must be missin' you tonight
Hall-Clement Publications (787 documents)
example document: Seven ways from sundown
Hardscuffle Music (24 documents)
example document: When the Carpenter came
Bibo Music Publishers (565 documents)
example document: The Wayward wind
example document: It's time for love
Paula Breedlove (12 documents)
example document: Someone must be missin' you tonight
Hall-Clement Publications (787 documents)
example document: Seven ways from sundown
Hardscuffle Music (24 documents)
example document: When the Carpenter came
Bibo Music Publishers (565 documents)
example document: The Wayward wind
Our love goes on
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000273062 / 1985-12-04
Date of Publication:
July 9, 1985
Date of Creation:
Our love goes on / by Len Chera & Bob Morrison.
[Nashville : Southern Nights Music, c1985]
4 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Southern Nights Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Len Chera, Robert E. (Bob) Morrison.
Len Chera 1941-
Robert E. Morrison 1942-
Bob Morrison (152 documents)
example document: What do you know about heartache?
Southern Nights Music (99 documents)
example document: Are you on the road to lovin' me again?
Robert E. Morrison 1942-
Bob Morrison (152 documents)
example document: What do you know about heartache?
Southern Nights Music (99 documents)
example document: Are you on the road to lovin' me again?
Good thing
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000290173 / 1986-04-03
Date of Publication:
March 20, 1986
Date of Creation:
Good thing / by Len Chera and Bob Morrison.
[Nashville : Music City Music, c1986]
3 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Music City Music, Inc., Southern Nights Music
Authorship on Application:
words & music: Len Chera & Robert E. (Bob) Morrison.
Robert E. Morrison 1942-
Len Chera 1941-
Bob Morrison (152 documents)
example document: We'll be together
Music City Music, Inc. (308 documents)
example document: Weekend country cowboy
Southern Nights Music (99 documents)
example document: What you gonna do with that beautiful body?
Len Chera 1941-
Bob Morrison (152 documents)
example document: We'll be together
Music City Music, Inc. (308 documents)
example document: Weekend country cowboy
Southern Nights Music (99 documents)
example document: What you gonna do with that beautiful body?
This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.