Fuente ovejuna and La Dama boba. By Lope Felix DeVega Carpio, introd. and notes by Dell Publishing Company, Inc., as employer in a work made for hire of Everett W. Hesse
Seis villancicos de Lope De Vega. m Juan Llongueras Badia, w Lope DeVega
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000501485 / 1990-12-03
EFO000091837 / 1962-11-30
EFO000091837 / 1962-11-30
Seis villancicos de Lope De Vega. m Juan Llongueras Badia, w Lope DeVega.
Variant title:
Seis villancicos de Lope De Vega
Copyright Claimant:
Jose Llongueras Gali (C)
For piano & words.
Juan Llongueras Badia
Jose Llongueras Gali
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
Jose Llongueras Gali
Juan Llongueras Badia
Jose Llongueras Gali
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
Jose Llongueras Gali
Juan Llongueras Badia
Lope DeVega's Fuenteovejuna. Simplified version of bk.: Albert Romo
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000528301 / 1991-04-29
A00000669069 / 1963-11-25
A00000669069 / 1963-11-25
Lope DeVega's Fuenteovejuna. Simplified version of bk.: Albert Romo.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: simplified version of bk. with vocabulary range & new exercises.
Variant title:
Lope DeVega's Fuenteovejuna
Other Title:
Copyright Claimant:
Albert Roma (A)
Albert Romo
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
Lope Felix DeVega Carpio (2 documents)
example document: The Duchess of Amalfi's steward
Lope Felix D Vega Carpio
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
Lope Felix DeVega Carpio (2 documents)
example document: The Duchess of Amalfi's steward
Lope Felix D Vega Carpio
Cinco canciones para canto y piano. m M. Carol, pseud. of Mercedes Garcia Lopez, some w Lope De Vega
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000598324 / 1992-05-20
EFO000106524 / 1964-11-28
EFO000106524 / 1964-11-28
Cinco canciones para canto y piano. m M. Carol, pseud. of Mercedes Garcia Lopez, some w Lope De Vega.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: music.
Variant title:
Cinco canciones para canto y piano
Copyright Claimant:
Mercedes Garcia Lopez (A)
Mercedes Garcia Lopez (1 documents)
example document: Seguidillas murcianas. Para canto y piano. By Maria Carol, pseud. of Mercedes Garcia Lopez
Mercedes Garcia Lopez (1 documents)
example document: Seguidillas murcianas. Para canto y piano. By Maria Carol, pseud. of Mercedes Garcia Lopez
pseud. M. Carol
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
example document: Seguidillas murcianas. Para canto y piano. By Maria Carol, pseud. of Mercedes Garcia Lopez
Mercedes Garcia Lopez (1 documents)
example document: Seguidillas murcianas. Para canto y piano. By Maria Carol, pseud. of Mercedes Garcia Lopez
pseud. M. Carol
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
The Green house of Doctor Bacamarte
Type of Work:
Dramatic work and accompanying music
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000077080 / 1978-11-20
Date of Creation:
The Green house of Doctor Bacamarte : based upon a story by Machado DeAssis / by William I. Oliver.
Application Title:
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: adaptation, translation & some new material.
120 p.
Other Title:
O alienista
Copyright Claimant:
William I. Oliver
Drama, based on the short story O alienista.
William I. Oliver 1926-
Machado DeAssis (1 documents)
example document: Missa do Peru
Machado D Assis (1 documents)
example document: Missa do Peru
Machado DeAssis
Machado DeAssis (1 documents)
example document: Missa do Peru
Machado D Assis (1 documents)
example document: Missa do Peru
Machado DeAssis
The Guilty mother
Type of Work:
Dramatic work and accompanying music
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000503997 / 1983-04-29
Date of Creation:
The Guilty mother / by Beaumarchais ; translated by William I. Oliver.
Application Title:
The Second Tartuffe.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: translation of Beaumarchais' La Mere culpable.
85 p.
Other Title:
La Mere culpable
Copyright Claimant:
William I. Oliver
A play.
William I. Oliver 1926-
Pierre Augustin Caron D Beaumarchais 1732-1799
Pierre Augustin Caron DeBeaumarchais (7 documents)
example document: The Marriage of Figaro
Pierre Augustin Caron D Beaumarchais 1732-1799
Pierre Augustin Caron DeBeaumarchais (7 documents)
example document: The Marriage of Figaro
5 plays. By Lope DeVega, editor & introd.: R. D. F. Pring-Mill, translator: Jill Booty
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
A00000486959 / 1961-02-16
RE0000440084 / 1989-07-05
RE0000440084 / 1989-07-05
5 plays. By Lope DeVega, editor & introd.: R. D. F. Pring-Mill, translator: Jill Booty.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: introd. & English translation.
Variant title:
5 plays.
Copyright Claimant:
Hill and Wang, Inc. (PWH)
R. D. F. Pring-Mill
Jill Booty
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
R. D. F. Pring Mill
Lope DeVega (17 documents)
example document: Los Autos sacramentales de Lope DeVega
Hill and Wang, Inc. (10 documents)
example document: Hemingway and his critics: an international anthology. Introd. & compilation: Carlos Baker
Jill Booty
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
R. D. F. Pring Mill
Lope DeVega (17 documents)
example document: Los Autos sacramentales de Lope DeVega
Hill and Wang, Inc. (10 documents)
example document: Hemingway and his critics: an international anthology. Introd. & compilation: Carlos Baker
Le Chevalier d'Olmedo. By Lope DeVega, translation: Albert Camus
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000236283 / 1985-01-18
AFO000023144 / 1957-06-17
AFO000023144 / 1957-06-17
Le Chevalier d'Olmedo. By Lope DeVega, translation: Albert Camus.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "translation."
Variant title:
Le Chevalier d'Olmedo.
Copyright Claimant:
Jean Camus & Catherine Camus (C)
Albert Camus 1913-1960
Jean Camus (10 documents)
example document: Actuelles III
Catherine Camus (12 documents)
example document: L'Envers et l'endroit. By Albert Camus
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
Lope DeVega (17 documents)
example document: Hold back the branches. w Lope DeVega, m Carly Simon
Jean Camus (10 documents)
example document: Actuelles III
Catherine Camus (12 documents)
example document: L'Envers et l'endroit. By Albert Camus
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
Lope DeVega (17 documents)
example document: Hold back the branches. w Lope DeVega, m Carly Simon
Fuente ovejuna and La Dama boba. By Lope Felix DeVega Carpio, introd. and notes by Dell Publishing Company, Inc., as employer in a work made for hire of Everett W. Hesse
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
RE0000590647 / 1992-08-17
A00000722562 / 1964-09-22
A00000722562 / 1964-09-22
Fuente ovejuna and La Dama boba. By Lope Felix DeVega Carpio, introd. and notes by Dell Publishing Company, Inc., as employer in a work made for hire of Everett W. Hesse.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: introd. and notes.
Variant title:
Fuente ovejuna
Other Title:
La Dama boba.
Copyright Claimant:
Dell Publishing, a division of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc. (PWH)
Everett W. Hesse (2 documents)
example document: Studies in honor of William C. McCrary
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
Lope Felix D Vega Carpio
Lope Felix DeVega Carpio
Lope Felix DeVega Carpio
Dell Publishing Company, Inc. (470 documents)
example document: The Champ
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc. Dell Publishing.
example document: Studies in honor of William C. McCrary
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
Lope Felix D Vega Carpio
Lope Felix DeVega Carpio
Lope Felix DeVega Carpio
Dell Publishing Company, Inc. (470 documents)
example document: The Champ
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc. Dell Publishing.
Tres cantos de Navidad. Canto & piano. Words by Lope Felix DeVega Carpio, music: Roberto Caamano, English translation: Jorge Cesar Romero
Type of Work:
Musical work
RE0000129462 / 1982-05-24
EFO000041243 / 1955-09-06 (in notice: 1954)
EFO000041243 / 1955-09-06 (in notice: 1954)
Tres cantos de Navidad. Canto & piano. Words by Lope Felix DeVega Carpio, music: Roberto Caamano, English translation: Jorge Cesar Romero.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "music & English translation."
Variant title:
Tres cantos de Navidad.
Other Title:
Cantos de Navidad
Copyright Claimant:
Roberto Caamano (A)
Roberto Caamano
Jorge Cesar Romero
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
Lope Felix DeVega Carpio (2 documents)
example document: The Duchess of Amalfi's steward
Lope Velix DeVega Carpio
Jorge Cesar Romero
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
Lope Felix DeVega Carpio (2 documents)
example document: The Duchess of Amalfi's steward
Lope Velix DeVega Carpio
Going potty
Type of Work:
Dramatic work and accompanying music
Registration Number / Date:
PAu000548742 / 1983-09-28
Date of Creation:
Going potty / by G. Feydeau ; translated William I. Oliver.
English version of the play, On purge bebe.
61 p.
Other Title:
On purge bebe
Copyright Claimant:
William I. Oliver
William I. Oliver 1926-
G. Feydeau
G. Feydeau
The Lady nit-wit = La Dama boba
Type of Work:
Dramatic work and accompanying music
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001249352 / 1989-07-03
Date of Creation:
The Lady nit-wit = La Dama boba / by Lope DeVega Carpio ; translated by William I. Oliver.
English only.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "revised translation throughout."
Previous Registration:
Prev. reg. 12Dec57, DU460271.
86 p.
Variant title:
The Lady nit-wit
Other Title:
La Dama boba
Copyright Claimant:
William I. Oliver
A play.
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
William I. Oliver 1926-
William I. Oliver 1926-
The Knight of Olmedo
Type of Work:
Dramatic work and accompanying music
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001273868 / 1989-08-14
Date of Creation:
The Knight of Olmedo / Lope DeVega Felix y Carpio ; translated by Kenneth A. Stackhouse.
Application Title:
El Caballero de Olmedo.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: translation.
Previous Registration:
Prev. reg. 1972.
106 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Kenneth A. Stackhouse
A play.
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
Kenneth A. Stackhouse 1944-
Lope DeVega Felix Carpio
Kenneth A. Stackhouse 1944-
Lope DeVega Felix Carpio
Ned the grunger
Type of Work:
Dramatic work and accompanying music
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001348939 / 1990-04-05
Date of Creation:
Ned the grunger / by T. Hugo.
Other Title:
Copyright Claimant:
T. Hugo
A play.
Incorporates material from Fueteovejuna by Lope DeVega.
Incorporates material from Fueteovejuna by Lope DeVega.
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
T. Hugo
T. Hugo
Almeida (danzon)
Type of Work:
Non-dramatic literary work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu001683823 / 1992-11-02
Date of Creation:
Almeida (danzon) / by Luisa Josefina Hernandez ; translated by William I. Oliver.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: translation.
Copyright Claimant:
William I. Oliver, 1926-
Luisa Josefina Hernandez (2 documents)
example document: City shepherds = Pastores de la ciudad
William I. Oliver 1926-
example document: City shepherds = Pastores de la ciudad
William I. Oliver 1926-
There was a maiden
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002000709 / 1995-07-25
Date of Creation:
There was a maiden : wedding ballad.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: music.
2 p.
Other Title:
Fuente ovejuna
Copyright Claimant:
Lisa Taillaco, 1954- (Elizabeth Taillaco)
Words & music.
Text adapted from Fuente ovejuna by Lope DeVega, 1562-1635.
Text adapted from Fuente ovejuna by Lope DeVega, 1562-1635.
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
Lisa Taillaco 1954-
Elizabeth Taillaco
Lisa Taillaco 1954-
Elizabeth Taillaco
Wit's end
Type of Work:
Dramatic work and accompanying music
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002234992 / 1997-10-02
Date of Creation:
Wit's end.
1 v.
Other Title:
La dama boba (the lady simpleton)
Copyright Claimant:
Edward H. Friedman, 1948-
Adaptation of La dama boba (the lady simpleton) by Lope DeVega.
Adaptation of La dama boba (the lady simpleton) by Lope DeVega.
Lope DeVega (17 documents)
example document: Pastorcito santo. Voice and guitar. w Lope DeVega, English translation: Oliver Nigel Glendinning, m Joaquin Rodrigo
Edward H. Friedman 1948-
Lope D Vega (11 documents)
example document: Millennial poets in (new) verse (!)
example document: Pastorcito santo. Voice and guitar. w Lope DeVega, English translation: Oliver Nigel Glendinning, m Joaquin Rodrigo
Edward H. Friedman 1948-
Lope D Vega (11 documents)
example document: Millennial poets in (new) verse (!)
El Arauco domado
Type of Work:
Dramatic work and accompanying music
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002515204 / 2000-09-18
Date of Creation:
El Arauco domado : por El Excelentisimo Senor D. Garcia Hurtado DeMendoz : tragicomedia famosa = The conquest of Araucania : by The Most Excellent Don Garcia Hurtado de Mendoza : a famous tragicomedy / de Lope DeVega Carpio, 1562-1635 ; Kenneth A. Stackhouse, ed. and trans.
Original Spanish by Lope DeVega & English translation.
376 p.
Variant title:
El Arauco domado : por El Excelentisimo Senor D. Garcia Hurtado DeMendoz
Other Title:
The conquest of Araucania : by The Most Excellent Don Garcia Hurtado de Mendoza
Copyright Claimant:
Kenneth A. Stackhouse, 1944-
Lope D Vega Carpio 1562-1635
Lope D Vega (11 documents)
example document: Hold back the branches. w Lope DeVega, m Carly Simon
Kenneth A. Stackhouse 1944-
Lope DeVega Carpio (3 documents)
example document: The Foolish lady, and selected poetry of Lope DeVega Carpio
Lope DeVega Carpio (3 documents)
example document: The Foolish lady, and selected poetry of Lope DeVega Carpio
Lope D Vega (11 documents)
example document: Hold back the branches. w Lope DeVega, m Carly Simon
Kenneth A. Stackhouse 1944-
Lope DeVega Carpio (3 documents)
example document: The Foolish lady, and selected poetry of Lope DeVega Carpio
Lope DeVega Carpio (3 documents)
example document: The Foolish lady, and selected poetry of Lope DeVega Carpio
The famous drama of the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus = La famosa comedia del Nuevo Mundo descubierto por Cristobal Colon
Type of Work:
Dramatic work and accompanying music
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002515226 / 2000-09-18
Date of Creation:
The famous drama of the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus = La famosa comedia del Nuevo Mundo descubierto por Cristobal Colon / Lope DeVega Carpio, 1562-1635 ; Kenneth A. Stackhouse, ed. and trans.
Application Title:
The discovery of the New World.
Original Spanish by Lope DeVega with English translation.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: annotations to Spanish text.
Previous Registration:
Translation prev. reg. ca. 1992, PAu 1-518-583.
180 p.
Variant title:
The famous drama of the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus
Other Title:
La famosa comedia del Nuevo Mundo descubierto por Cristobal Colon
Copyright Claimant:
Kenneth A. Stackhouse, 1944-
Kenneth A. Stackhouse 1944-
Lope DeVega Carpio
Lope DeVega Carpio (3 documents)
example document: The Foolish lady, and selected poetry of Lope DeVega Carpio
Lope D Vega Carpio 1562-1635
Lope D Vega (11 documents)
example document: Villancicos. No. 1, Pastoricito santo. Voice & guitar. w Lope DeVega, m Joaquin Rodrigo (a.k.a. Joaquin Rodrigo Vidre), English translation: Nigel Glendinning
Lope DeVega Carpio
Lope DeVega Carpio (3 documents)
example document: The Foolish lady, and selected poetry of Lope DeVega Carpio
Lope D Vega Carpio 1562-1635
Lope D Vega (11 documents)
example document: Villancicos. No. 1, Pastoricito santo. Voice & guitar. w Lope DeVega, m Joaquin Rodrigo (a.k.a. Joaquin Rodrigo Vidre), English translation: Nigel Glendinning
El Brasil restituido
Type of Work:
Dramatic work and accompanying music
Registration Number / Date:
PAu002515230 / 2000-09-18
Date of Creation:
El Brasil restituido : comedia inedita / de Lope DeVega Carpio, 1562-1635.
Application Title:
Brazil restored.
Original Spanish-English translation.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: editing, annotations, translation into English iambic pentameter verse.
522 p.
Other Title:
Brazil restored.
Copyright Claimant:
Kenneth A. Stackhouse, 1944-
Authorship on Application:
editing, annotations & translation: Kenneth A. Stackhouse.
Lope D Vega Carpio 1562-1635
Kenneth A. Stackhouse 1944-
Lope DeVega Carpio (3 documents)
example document: The Foolish lady, and selected poetry of Lope DeVega Carpio
Lope D Vega (11 documents)
example document: Millennial poets in (new) verse (!)
Lope DeVega Carpio (3 documents)
example document: The Foolish lady, and selected poetry of Lope DeVega Carpio
Kenneth A. Stackhouse 1944-
Lope DeVega Carpio (3 documents)
example document: The Foolish lady, and selected poetry of Lope DeVega Carpio
Lope D Vega (11 documents)
example document: Millennial poets in (new) verse (!)
Lope DeVega Carpio (3 documents)
example document: The Foolish lady, and selected poetry of Lope DeVega Carpio
Wiegenlied der Mutter Gottes
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000007760 / 1978-05-30
Date of Publication:
December 31, 1977
Date of Creation:
Wiegenlied der Mutter Gottes : fuer einstimmigen Knabenchor oder hohe Solostimme und neun Solo-Instrumente / Text Lope DeVega ; Uebersetzung Artur Altschul ; [music] Hans Werner Henze.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: music & German translation.
Mainz : B. Schott's Soehne, c1977.
14 p.
Copyright Claimant:
B. Schott's Soehne
Artur Altschul
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
Hans Werner Henze 1926-
Lope DeVega (17 documents)
example document: Los Autos sacramentales de Lope DeVega
B. Schott's Soehne (1007 documents)
example document: Le Roi Berenger
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
Hans Werner Henze 1926-
Lope DeVega (17 documents)
example document: Los Autos sacramentales de Lope DeVega
B. Schott's Soehne (1007 documents)
example document: Le Roi Berenger
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000011481 / 1978-03-20
Date of Publication:
April 10, 1977
Date of Creation:
Tomorrow : SATB a cappella / [music] Nick Strimple ; [text by Lope DeVega ; translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow].
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: musical setting.
Champaign, IL : sole selling agent, M. Foster Music Co., c1977.
8 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Fostco Music Press
Nick Strimple (4 documents)
example document: Nativities
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1807-1882
Fostco Music Press (572 documents)
example document: These are the days when birds come back
example document: Nativities
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1807-1882
Fostco Music Press (572 documents)
example document: These are the days when birds come back
Spanische Szenen
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000063714 / 1980-01-07
Date of Publication:
November 27, 1979
Date of Creation:
Spanische Szenen : lyrische Kantate nach Lope DeVega : fuer gemischten Chor, zwei Klaviere, Pauken und Schlagzeug, op. 45 / Philipp Mohler.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: "music by Philipp Mohler."
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
New York : Schott, c1979.
127 p.
Copyright Claimant:
B. Schott's Soehne
Philipp Mohler 1908-
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
Lope DeVega (17 documents)
example document: Pastorcito santo. Voice and piano. w Lope DeVega, English translation: Oliver Nigel Glendinning, m Joaquin Rodrigo
B. Schott's Soehne (1007 documents)
example document: Klavier Konzert
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
Lope DeVega (17 documents)
example document: Pastorcito santo. Voice and piano. w Lope DeVega, English translation: Oliver Nigel Glendinning, m Joaquin Rodrigo
B. Schott's Soehne (1007 documents)
example document: Klavier Konzert
Two songs
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000367471 / 1988-04-20
Date of Publication:
December 21, 1960
Date of Creation:
Two songs : op. 91 : for contralto and piano (with viola or cello) / Brahms ; [English translations by Waldo Lyman].
German with English translations.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: translations.
Copyright Note:
C.O. correspondence.
New York : International Music Co., [c1960]
16 p. + 2 parts.
Variant title:
Two songs : op. 91 : for contralto and piano
Copyright Claimant:
International Music Company
Texts by Friedrich Rueckert & Lope DeVega.
Authorship on Application:
International Music Company, employer for hire of Waldo Lyman.
Waldo Lyman (157 documents)
example document: 40 French songs for voice and piano. Vol. 2. Selection, editing & English translations: Sergius Kagen, Waldo Lyman & Edith Braun
Friedrich Rueckert 1788-1866
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
Johannes Brahms 1833-1897
International Music Company (2648 documents)
example document: Serenata Napoletana. Op. 24, no. 2. For cello & piano. By Sgambati, editing: Leonard Rose
example document: 40 French songs for voice and piano. Vol. 2. Selection, editing & English translations: Sergius Kagen, Waldo Lyman & Edith Braun
Friedrich Rueckert 1788-1866
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
Johannes Brahms 1833-1897
International Music Company (2648 documents)
example document: Serenata Napoletana. Op. 24, no. 2. For cello & piano. By Sgambati, editing: Leonard Rose
The Man with the cut throat = El Entremes del degollado
Type of Work:
Dramatic work and accompanying music
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000432963 / 1989-08-24
Date of Publication:
June 1, 1987
Date of Creation:
The Man with the cut throat = El Entremes del degollado / by Lope DeVega ; translated and adapted by Raul Moncada.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: translation & adaptation.
9 p.
Variant title:
The Man with the cut throat
Other Title:
El Entremes del degollado
Copyright Claimant:
Raul Moncada
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
Raul Moncada 1945-
Raul Moncada 1945-
Fuente ovejuna = Lost in a mirror ; It serves them right
Type of Work:
Dramatic work and accompanying music
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000478254 / 1990-05-31
Date of Publication:
July 1, 1989
Date of Creation:
Fuente ovejuna = Lost in a mirror ; It serves them right : two plays / by Lope DeVega ; in new version by Adrian Mitchell ; introd. by Nicholas Dromgoole.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: English translations.
176 p.
Variant title:
Fuente ovejuna
Other Title:
Lost in a mirror
It serves them right
It serves them right
Copyright Claimant:
Adrian Mitchell
Authorship on Application:
English translations: Adrian Mitchell.
Adrian Mitchell (15 documents)
example document: George Orwell's Animal farm
Nicholas Dromgoole
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
example document: George Orwell's Animal farm
Nicholas Dromgoole
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
A la clavelina
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000727343 / 1994-08-22
Date of Publication:
January 4, 1994
Date of Creation:
A la clavelina : der duftenden Nelke, Villancico / [words] Lope DeVega ; Deutsche Textubertragung: Victoria Kamhi ; [music] Joaquin Rodrigo.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: music & German translation.
1 p.
Copyright Claimant:
B. Schott's Sohne GmbH & Co., KG
Lope DeVega (17 documents)
example document: Los Autos sacramentales de Lope DeVega
Victoria Kamhi (23 documents)
example document: Cantos de amor y de guerra. Reduccion para canto y piano por Vincente Asencio, rev. Victoria Kamhi, w & m Joaquin Rodrigo
Lope D Vega
Joaquin Rodrigo 1901-
B. Schott's Sohne GmbH & Co., KG (10 documents)
example document: Sonate
example document: Los Autos sacramentales de Lope DeVega
Victoria Kamhi (23 documents)
example document: Cantos de amor y de guerra. Reduccion para canto y piano por Vincente Asencio, rev. Victoria Kamhi, w & m Joaquin Rodrigo
Lope D Vega
Joaquin Rodrigo 1901-
B. Schott's Sohne GmbH & Co., KG (10 documents)
example document: Sonate
Geistliches Wiegenlied = Sacred lullaby
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000770940 / 1996-01-11
Date of Publication:
November 10, 1995
Date of Creation:
Geistliches Wiegenlied = Sacred lullaby : for three-part chorus of treble voices with piano and viola acc. / [text] Lope DeVega, adapted by E. Geibel, English text by Helene Koenig & C.S. ; [music] Johannes Brahms, op. 91, arr. Carl Sitton.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: arr. & English translation of text.
16 p.
Variant title:
Geistliches Wiegenlied
Other Title:
Sacred lullaby
Copyright Claimant:
Lawson-Gould Music Publishers, Inc.
Lope D Vega (11 documents)
example document: Millennial poets in (new) verse (!)
E. Geibel (1 documents)
example document: Geistliches wiengenlied = Sacred lullaby
Helene Koenig
Johannes Brahms (161 documents)
example document: Psalm 51
Carl Sitton 1928-
Lawson-Gould Music Publishers, Inc. (629 documents)
example document: Three scenes from the Old Testament
example document: Millennial poets in (new) verse (!)
E. Geibel (1 documents)
example document: Geistliches wiengenlied = Sacred lullaby
Helene Koenig
Johannes Brahms (161 documents)
example document: Psalm 51
Carl Sitton 1928-
Lawson-Gould Music Publishers, Inc. (629 documents)
example document: Three scenes from the Old Testament
Coplas del pastor enamorado
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000837047 / 1995-04-24
Date of Publication:
May 10, 1986
Date of Creation:
Coplas del pastor enamorado : para soprano y guitarra / poema de Lope DeVega ; [music] by Joaquin Rodrigo.
7 p.
Copyright Claimant:
B. Schott's Sohne, GmbH & Co., KG
Lope DeVega (17 documents)
example document: Hold back the branches. w Lope DeVega, m Carly Simon
Joaquin Rodrigo 1901-
Vega, Lope D, -1635
B. Schott's Sohne, GmbH & Co., KG (39 documents)
example document: 17 Tage und 4 Minuten; burleske Oper in 3 Akten nach Calderon. m & libretto Werner Egk
example document: Hold back the branches. w Lope DeVega, m Carly Simon
Joaquin Rodrigo 1901-
Vega, Lope D, -1635
B. Schott's Sohne, GmbH & Co., KG (39 documents)
example document: 17 Tage und 4 Minuten; burleske Oper in 3 Akten nach Calderon. m & libretto Werner Egk
There was a maiden
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0000889975 / 1998-04-13
Date of Publication:
July 16, 1997
Date of Creation:
There was a maiden : Wedding ballad : for 2-part and piano / text adapted from Fuente ovejuna by Lope DeVega ; music by Lisa Taillacq.
4 p.
Other Title:
Wedding ballad
Fuente ovejuna
Fuente ovejuna
Copyright Claimant:
on music; Hal Leonard Corporation
Lisa Taillacq (2 documents)
example document: Moscow nights
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
Lope DeVega
Hal Leonard Corporation (1967 documents)
example document: Guitar soloing
example document: Moscow nights
Lope D Vega 1562-1635
Lope DeVega
Hal Leonard Corporation (1967 documents)
example document: Guitar soloing
Song of May
Type of Work:
Musical work
Registration Number / Date:
PA0001033789 / 2001-01-16
Date of Publication:
August 19, 1998
Date of Creation:
not given on appl.
Song of May : TTBB, flt., mar., per., pno. / by James McCray.
Basis of Claim:
New Matter: music & English text.
Previous Registration:
Preexisting material: text by Lope DeVega.
10 p.
Copyright Claimant:
Fostco Music Press
Authorship on Application:
English text: Fostco Music Press, employer for hire of Leonard Rumery & David Bohn.
James McCray (20 documents)
example document: Alas! and did my Savior bleed?
Leonard Rumery
David Bohn
Lope D Vega (11 documents)
example document: Millennial poets in (new) verse (!)
Fostco Music Press (572 documents)
example document: O Susannah!
example document: Alas! and did my Savior bleed?
Leonard Rumery
David Bohn
Lope D Vega (11 documents)
example document: Millennial poets in (new) verse (!)
Fostco Music Press (572 documents)
example document: O Susannah!
This website is not affiliated with document authors or copyright owners. This page is provided for informational purposes only. Unintentional errors are possible. Multiple persons can share the same name.